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5150 01-19-2008 09:52 PM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
Congrats on at least SOME good news.

Longhorn Man 01-20-2008 07:34 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
I would demand that money, AND keeping the old truck. You said it was worth about 15K right?
I would also keep beating on the city, but instead of trying to get fundage, just try to get that law reversed... maybe enough funds to cover your expenses on the legal stuff and to cover your deductables on all your claims.

Longhorn Man 01-20-2008 07:34 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
however... this is still AWESOME news!

Boog 01-21-2008 01:46 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
It's great to hear your insurance is coming up with some $ for you. It's not nearly enough but it will help. The thing that burns me up is your insurance shouldn't have to be paying out on this claim. It should be the city and the van driver. Knowing the driver most likely don't have any money or own anything of value at best you could win a judgement against him and stand to collect something. The city and the club on the other hand need to be held liable here also.
In the end you may elect to take what your insurance company gives you and absorb the rest of the loss and count yourself lucky and feel the trouble of pressing the city just isn't worth it. Your call.
It's just the principal of this whole deal that burns me up. That "sovereign immunity" label they are hiding behind just sucks! It's a legal manuever to protect the city government and funds even when a city employee or department clearly has made mistakes affecting a tax paying citizen of that city. They think they have made themselves untouchable.
Looking at the possibilities even further, what if he had run over and killed or mamed someone or used a gun to kill someone? The officer had the opportunity to prevent this from happening and did not. Would the police dept or city still not be liable to some degree? That falls under the "Protect" part of "Protect and Serve" committment.
Further back in these posts someone said the pd is liable for the people of the community but not to any individual person or property. Aren't these one in the same? " To Protect and Serve" don't mean all that much in situations like this one, does it?
The chief said they were able to keep this officer since he had high marks in training. Fresh out of cop school the laws and what to look for during a stop should come easy to him so he should not have made this mistake and let the guy off and allowed to drive on. I feel bad for the officer being the one but if he is going to make these kinds of mistakes right out of school he is not the right guy for the job. He has to go. The officer gave this guy a break and you are having to pay for it. Unbelievable!
I hope this story is remaining in the news down in your area as an ongoing ordeal with the city. This is wrong and everyone needs to know.

PanelDeland 01-21-2008 11:31 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
I would also file in small claims court against all of the involved parties.Use each vehicle as a seperate claim and the fence eetc. also.Since there is a limit to the amount of such claims I would suggest you keep them under that limit but file everything you can think of and some that are suggested by others.Any that don't come close to that limit ask for "Pain and suffering".Make them spend so much time in court dealing with it that it would be better and cheaper to pay. Just another thought if you need to find more of the $$$ you are out.

Longhorn Man 02-02-2008 12:44 PM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
any updates?

mvpco 02-03-2008 03:27 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
yes, alittle update.....

My INS said I can buy it back for $225, SO>>>I said YES SIR!.
They are waiting to get the title re-issued as a salvage title then they will send the $$ to me, minus the $500 DED & $225 Buy back.

I have not decided to part out or find a 72 rolling chassis(Truck) and swap stuff over.

I had not heard from the City INS, so I sent them an email, and next day they sent this reply.......WOW!

Mr. Smith,
Due to the complexity of this matter, many levels of personnel here are
Please be patient. I'll contact you as soon as I have ANY news for you.

Thank you.
Sue Bard
Claims Examiner
Miscellaneous Professional Liability
866-402-4215 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Smith MVP []
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:53 PM
To: Jeffrey Smith MVP;; John Mathis; John Fogg;

Subject: Re: City of Pensacola Police Blunder claim # 030-252080
INS Letter

Suzanne Bard:

I have not heard from you since I sent the email
below. I would like an update please

Jeff Smith

--- Jeffrey Smith MVP <> wrote:

> Suzanne Bard:
> I received your letter(pic attached) letting me know
> that: since you "do not insure the person
> responsible
> for the damages, Mr. Fletcher, you will not be able
> to
> assist me in this matter."

So maybe something might happen .....OR NOT!! I am not holding my breath.

Kixwy2 02-03-2008 03:37 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI

That means you found a loophole and now they are scrambling...

Good luck! I have been following this thread since it appeared on the main page and even though I don't post on this end much I wanted to wish you luck in getting this settled. Keep the news stations updated too.

Whatever happened to the drunkard? Can you take him to court and put a lein on his funds/paycheck/house/whatever to recoup some money?

502tripower 02-03-2008 04:45 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
Jeff, I just read this tread and feel for your loss. In April of 93' I unknowingly walked in on a burglary in my home. I was shot, 7 hits with a 9mm, and left for dead by the intruders. The culprits were caught and sentenced. There were three of them but only one shooter. Two of them were 17 and the third, the shooter, was 21. The two 17year olds were sentenced to 15 years and the 21 year old shooter was sentenced to 42 years all with no possibility of parole. I was 36 years old at the time. The two younger boys were release last year 2007. One in April and one in Oct. Part of the courts requirements was the offenders pay restitution. I was out of work for a year with hospital and doctor bills in the hundreds of thousands. I did have insurance and they payed in full. In Dec. 2007 I had two surgery's both related to the gun shot wounds I took during the burglary. Here it is fifteen years later and I am still dealing with this issue. This incident has cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars out of pocket and will continue to cost me the rest of my life. I have not seen a dime nor do I expect to. It is a terrible injustice. The criminals have all the rights and no responsibilities...

mvpco 02-03-2008 05:17 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
WOW! I am glad you are still with us. You are right, Criminals have all the rights. I am still amazed that this is 2008 and this sh** happens. I feel it is cut and dry...but thats just to easy to think that.

Good luck and hope things get more comfortable


slammed1 02-03-2008 07:22 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
502Tripower,that story makes the hair on my arms stand up. Im glad your here to tell the tale as un-ruly as it is. Things in this society need to change is a bad bad way.

mvpco,I am glad your getting this ironed out.

I know it doesnt seem possible but in the right hands your truck could be fixed......Ive seen alot worse and with the right amount of time and resources I would look into rebuilding myself as tough as it may seem.

ryan913 02-03-2008 09:13 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
Really sorry to see that. This just happened to my cousin last year. I hope you come out better than he did. He got screwed bad! Good luck.

PanelDeland 02-03-2008 11:55 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
I would be calling Mrs. Baird and asking for a rental car.At the price of a rental it would up the cost considerably over a couple weeks.Usually getting in their pocket speeds things up ;)

Longhorn Man 02-03-2008 01:59 PM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
the rental has to be a big SUV too... like the one that got totaled.

Boog 02-05-2008 07:46 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
quote: My INS said I can buy it back for $225, SO>>>I said YES SIR!.
They are waiting to get the title re-issued as a salvage title then they will send the $$ to me, minus the $500 DED & $225 Buy back.

I have not decided to part out or find a 72 rolling chassis(Truck) and swap stuff over.

So now the truck will have a "salvage" title. Even if you rebuilt it that stamp will remain? It does in some states. In others the vehicle has to be inspected after repair to get a new clean title. At least that was the case a few years ago.

watahyahknow 02-05-2008 10:17 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
over here in the netherlands salvage title basicly means unfit for road use and total loss .
with that title you can never have a running car again and if you do make it perfect again and have another accident the company whont pay even if it wasnt youre fault cause the car is writen of before basicly you can't use the title no more .
over here they done it to prevent people from buying the wrecks steal a simulair car and use the identity of the wreck to give it a clean title , wat they allso did was steal a car and strip it bare and leave the chassis to be found bij the police then they would buy the chassis from the insurance company and use the parts that came of the vehicle to rebuild it like new

wat you can do is buy a truck with title that is cheap and rusted and use parts from the totaled one to get it in good order again

Longhorn Man 02-05-2008 12:13 PM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
it depends on the state here. I know in ohio you can buy, sell, and drive a car with a salvage title. You have to go through a little red tape to get the car back on the road, but you can do it.
I think all he wanted the buy back for was the parts anyways.

502tripower 02-05-2008 01:50 PM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man (Post 2562888)
it depends on the state here. I know in ohio you can buy, sell, and drive a car with a salvage title. You have to go through a little red tape to get the car back on the road, but you can do it.
I think all he wanted the buy back for was the parts anyways.

In Washington State if a vehical is totaled and is repaired it must go through state inspection at which time it is issued a "SALVAGE" title and a new vin #. I have done a number of these. I have never had a issue with insuring but again I have never had a claim. Don't know how that would play out. I have sold vehicles with salvage titles out of state but, don't know if the salvage titles stay with the vehicle. My experiences have all been H-D motorcycles.

berencam 02-05-2008 02:40 PM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI

Originally Posted by mvpco (Post 2536668)
Just got word form my INS and they have come up with a new value for the Burb $9640. So I said finally! They are calling today to finish the claim

about time

so what was the initial value the insurance company gave you on the burb? how did you go about getting it readjusted. Im still dealing with the insurance company and they want to offer me 2779 for my 90% restored truck. have reciepts for 8 grand worth of parts not including my labor.:waah: lol

djracer 02-05-2008 09:09 PM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
tell the insurance company to find you a comperable truck in the same condition!

mvpco 02-05-2008 09:42 PM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
"so what was the initial value the insurance company gave you on the burb? how did you go about getting it readjusted. Im still dealing with the insurance company and they want to offer me 2779 for my 90% restored truck. have reciepts for 8 grand worth of parts not including my labor"

What I did, (Thianks to Board Members Advice). They 1st offered $3900, I said no cant be, I want an appraiser ON SITE to check it out, They said ok, when he arrived 4 days later, I showed receipts etc. (He also was a car nut, but that did'nt help). 1 month later they adjusted by the info I submitted to $4500 WOW $600 increase....DOH. I said no again, they sent it up the ladder to the manager. He reveiwed it with more info(He said he could not find a comparable priced vehicle, I said do you want me to guide you where to look? He laughed and said yes, I told him there is plenty on and I have the 2008 Price Collector, investor, Insurance Guide to Antique vehicles. He then(2 weeks later) Quoted me a value of $9760, I said OK, I want to buy the vehicle back, He then setup an Virtual On-Line Auction to see what the Salvage Scrap would be and after that, told me $225, I said fine I want it back for parts only to do another one in the future.

so that is where I am today, I am waiting on the Salvage Title, then they will issue be the $$$$$

to be continued........

andrewt2 02-05-2008 09:51 PM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI

Originally Posted by mvpco (Post 2563309)
to be continued........

This to be continued really needs to be followed up with you building a crew cab truck now!:-D:chevy:

screwballl 02-06-2008 06:07 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
good to hear at least some things are working in your favor... if I remember right, according to FL laws, once a vehicle has a salvage title, it cannot be put back on the road so if you do find another burb, I have heard of cases where they use the parts and VIN from the other one to make it legal and roadworthy...

either way, good luck from a hour east of Pcola (Niceville, FL)

also out of all this thread, there are only 2 working links and the rest are dead

Also the news story on the front page of the site are bad as well so Liz may want to look into modifying that story.

stonewall618 02-09-2008 08:29 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
YOUR NEIGHBOR?!? WOW... i would KICK HIS A@# up and down my street if some one hit my baby like that.

kevinr1970 02-17-2008 03:37 AM

Re: Its Gone!!! hit by a DUI
1 Attachment(s)
Funny in a ironic way, but these are the links at the top of the screen for the thread Liz posted to find my way here:

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