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68GMCCustom 06-03-2012 07:52 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
dropped the 200-4r comes the hard work to get the new 4L85e trans in place.

ItsRandy 06-04-2012 12:55 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by 88fordf150 (Post 5415047)
What kind of paint did you use? It looks wet in the picture, is it?

No...the fender was dry to the touch in the picture (about 2 hours after painting), even looks better today out in the sun. Nason (DuPont) and Transtar clear, 2 heavy coats of each. Finally learned to adjust the HVLP gun.

ItsRandy 06-04-2012 01:07 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Got a lot done today. Washed the wife's car, got the wife's car smog tested (passed), bought and mounted a new bench vise, made a piece of shift linkage with the new vise, modified the rest of the shift linkage using the new vise and the big thing I did today...(drum roll)...(here it comes)...(are you ready)...My truck moved under it's own power for the first time today after 1.5 years of work!!!! I still have a lot to do before it can leave the driveway but you start it up and put it in "D" and it moves forward, then you put it in "R" and it goes backward. The best thing is when you step on the stops!!!

VWNate1 06-04-2012 08:36 AM

Yay Randy ! .

Keep up the hard works ! .

Clrussell 06-05-2012 10:36 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
2 Attachment(s)
last night got my front spring hangers welded in and the front portion of the frame 90% boxed.. got the 60 sitting under the truck finally with tires on it. nothing left to do but finish up

6772owner 06-05-2012 12:42 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
That is sweet, I still want to have a nice, tall truck someday! :waah:

Clrussell 06-05-2012 05:16 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
if your talkin about mine thanks, i wanted something super tall that everyone stares at when im driving down the road... but got over the super tall and decided i want it average height with huge tires and functionality.. still a very long ways off from a dream truck. but seeing im "young" i have time hopefully 06-05-2012 10:06 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Clrussel, your truck is looking like a real nice build, fitting togeher well.:ito:

ItsRandy 06-05-2012 11:42 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
1 Attachment(s)
This is what I did...just call it spot.

RexDodge 06-06-2012 02:10 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
2 Attachment(s)
I have a daughter getting married next month so my "to do list" has alot of other things on it lately. It's really tuff to sqeaze in a little time in the garage these days. And just when I am getting so close...
I did get a little done today. I am nearing completion of the bed welding. Remember this girl has had a long hard life working in a landscape business. I still have the licensing sticker on the wing window and I intend to leave it there as proof! Anyway on to the pictures. I have all the stake pockets filled in and the multitude of holes drilled over the years for who know what/why. I really need a new floor and wheel wells but that is not in the budget right now. I left the middle stake pocket lower but modified it because I wanted the support in case some big ol dude decides to rest on the bed rail. I intend to do a spray in liner. I think if I am crafty with that it will hide lots of "flaws".

PAWS 72 06-06-2012 02:31 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by RexDodge (Post 5419706)
I have a daughter getting married next month so my "to do list" has alot of other things on it lately. It's really tuff to sqeaze in a little time in the garage these days. And just when I am getting so close...
I did get a little done today. I am nearing completion of the bed welding. Remember this girl has had a long hard life working in a landscape business. I still have the licensing sticker on the wing window and I intend to leave it there as proof! Anyway on to the pictures. I have all the stake pockets filled in and the multitude of holes drilled over the years for who know what/why. I really need a new floor and wheel wells but that is not in the budget right now. I left the middle stake pocket lower but modified it because I wanted the support in case some big ol dude decides to rest on the bed rail. I intend to do a spray in liner. I think if I am crafty with that it will hide lots of "flaws".

Congrats on the new in law.don't be so hard on him at first.After the first couple weeks put him to helping out in the shop for making that list bigger than it was.

RexDodge 06-06-2012 02:47 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by PAWS 72 (Post 5419716)
Congrats on the new in law.don't be so hard on him at first.After the first couple weeks put him to helping out in the shop for making that list bigger than it was.

Paypack! LOL, I like it!

TobyArnot 06-06-2012 07:08 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
I finally got around to a headlight upgrade. used this HELLA kit from: Susquehanna Motorsports
I opted for the 100/55W H4 halogen bulbs. Made up a relay kit from stuff left over from other projects. Made an unbelievable difference in night driving, especially the high beams. Kept them aimed kind of low in deference to oncoming traffic, but on the freeway, those 100W high beams really get the job done.

chopnchaneled 06-06-2012 09:00 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Toby,,, What size alt. are you using or did you have to change with these bulbs?

TobyArnot 06-06-2012 09:26 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Hey Joe,
Right now , I running a 65 amp (external regulated) which the PO was using. An upgrade is definitely in the works, but my project list is long and my pockets are shallow. I also have an aftermarket A/C, so the system is pretty well tapped-out. As long as I'm above 1200 r.p.m., it's O.K. - for now.
As a side note, I've relied on Mark Hamilton at for direction. His site has a whole bunch of super electrical tech articles and if you can get him on the phone (he stays busy as h*ll), he's a wealth of help and info for all things electrical.

MrSchaeferPants 06-06-2012 10:04 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by TobyArnot (Post 5419948)
As a side note, I've relied on Mark Hamilton at for direction. His site has a whole bunch of super electrical tech articles and if you can get him on the phone (he stays busy as h*ll), he's a wealth of help and info for all things electrical.[/SIZE]

That's where I learned to wire up alterntors :)

Haven't done much lately. Sanding and priming. I ran outa topcoat :D

dmw319 06-06-2012 11:01 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Yesterday I drove it 12 hours home from Indianna with no problems what so ever!!

Today I drove it to work for the first time!

Clrussell 06-06-2012 11:18 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Thanks for the compliment! I'm thinking about starting a build thread but the truck stays driveable 90% of the time and it wouldn't really be a build thread.. More like and upgrades along the way thread
Posted via Mobile Device

Rob H. 06-06-2012 09:45 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
I was smelling gas pretty strong the last couple times I drove the truck, I popped the hood when I got home from running to the store today, about 3 miles round trip. The truck had been running bad. I looked down and saw gas standing on the front of the crossmember. The new pump I'd put on 2 years ago was spraying gas out the weep holes. I pulled one off my 69 GMC parts truck and all is good now. Took it out for a little test drive, barked the tires in 4th for the first time. I guess the pump had been getting weak for a while!

magwakeenercew2jh 06-06-2012 10:14 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
3 Attachment(s)
There was no electricity in the shop when I got there. So I mixed a 50/50 concoction of distilled water and Prestone to fill the radiator for the first time.
I was going to wait until I found the front brake line leaks before I put in any more fluids. But with nothing else to do without "juice", and with the fact that
I figured I better be able to discern coolant from brake fluid by this time in my life, I went for it.

Two quarts first.

Two quarts on the floor. The stuff passed right by an errant hose clamp on the lower rad. The clamp "read" tight. But there was a "dimple" in
the hose I couldn't see. with both tranny cooler lines, move the hot feed to the starter, and various other crap.

Never got it right today. Spent the rest of the time grinding off $50 worth of handles on the pass. side 'cause the clips were blocked by some really lame
door panel protectors.

Moved the hood back into the shop because the dog pulled one of the four panels of Dynamat insulation off of the inside while it was outside on saw-horses.

Next stop, electric windows on the pass. side. After I get done redoing everything else for the fifth time, that is.
Not my best day with the truck. At this rate, I should be ready to fire her off around December....... Of 2026!

ItsRandy 06-07-2012 01:26 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Finished up a little more wiring, got my head lights back in the truck and working with the relay up-grade. One more thing to cross off of the list.

Mike Bradbury 06-08-2012 03:06 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by ItsRandy (Post 5421506)
Finished up a little more wiring, got my head lights back in the truck and working with the relay up-grade. One more thing to cross off of the list.

Are you making the Brothers trip this year?

VWNate1 06-08-2012 10:03 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
I walked out to it , got in and drove off ~

As it's a tool it's time to go to work .

To - day will be light hauling , wheels to the Powder Coater and seats to the Auto Trimmer , both for my Metrpolitan Nash FHC .

ItsRandy 06-08-2012 08:15 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by Mike Bradbury (Post 5423237)
Are you making the Brothers trip this year?

My truck probably won't be done but I'll be there.

RexDodge 06-09-2012 11:00 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Prepped the back sides of the welds (and panels) on my swb (cut down lwb) for a layer of reinforcing fiberglass. I'll lay that on today. Next week I'll finish and paint the back side of my bed panels. Then the bed is done, done, done...and ready for the bed liner anyway. Crap, things are never done are they.

54belair 06-09-2012 06:31 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Today I had to time to get back to work on it.

First thing I did was weld up the trim holes in the front edge of the hood, ground, sanded and ready for a skim coat of glazing.
Then I got back to working on the bed--- I have it sanded, stake pockets filled and smoothed. Today I started to work on the tail gate latches and the cables to hold the gate when down.
I have seen many guys ask how to add hidden latches (on a step bed) and how to handle the tail gate link issue. I am taking several pics as I weld, cut and finish the project and will add it to my project build before too long.
Tomorrow Ill remove the straps on the bedside where the chain ends go and finish grinding, sanding etc..

Andy4639 06-09-2012 06:36 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

I like your door panel's. They remind me of someones. I'm thinking about trying some regular leather on them next.

hgs_notes 06-09-2012 09:54 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
I finished sanding and polishing wheel #2 of 4, put it on and drove around. Took the wife to the next town down the road for some shopping. 30 mile round trip with no problems. I need to rack up some more miles to work the kinks out. I need it to prove its reliability so I can take a road trip.

Before pic of that wheel...

ItsRandy 06-10-2012 11:09 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
1 Attachment(s)
I now have twins (I painted my other fender).

Tmwoodall 06-10-2012 11:13 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by ItsRandy (Post 5427898)
I now have twins (I painted my other fender).

Looks great, were you able to paint just out in the open of your garage like that, or did you have a booth?

ItsRandy 06-10-2012 11:19 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by Tmwoodall (Post 5427906)
Looks great, were you able to paint just out in the open of your garage like that, or did you have a booth?

I have plastic sheeting stapled to the roof framing, wet down the floor and spray away.

RexDodge 06-11-2012 12:54 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
2 Attachment(s)
Started fabbing up the cover for the fuel filler inside the bed. I am using some scraps I have laying around. I should finish that tomorrow. I also hooked the filler and vent to the gas tank. Closer every day!

dukcaln 06-11-2012 01:35 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
my son got his lic and is driving the 72 now so we added a clarion deck, alpine sub and alpine 6x9 some mids too..... just got to fab a box....... also added a new door hand ans fixed the roll down window........ darn 16 year old kid....

Andy4639 06-11-2012 03:17 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
:chevy:Going home yesterday morning. Took these with my Iphone. I drove the truck all week this past week.;)

Tmwoodall 06-11-2012 10:07 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by ItsRandy (Post 5427926)
I have plastic sheeting stapled to the roof framing, wet down the floor and spray away.

Well, it looks great. I had all kinds of trouble getting a trash free coat in my garage even with sealed walls and ceiling of plastic, with wet down floor which is why I asked. Nice work.

VWNate1 06-11-2012 05:44 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Friday morning @ 0-Dark:30 , I fired it up and drove to Torrance where I scored one of those $275.00 un cloggable Kohler toilets for FREEEE !!!!

Hey , I know this isn't sext but it's a my SHOP TRUCK dig ? .

Besides , I currently suffer greatly with some 35 year old toilet that ises 35 gallon per flush and usually need two or three go 'round before the bowl is clear...

Old men , we have different priorities :metal: .

69 gmc 06-11-2012 06:56 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
3 Attachment(s)
Had a SafeLite professional come over to help me remove the glass, it paid off because the glass isn't broken. I do have to find a new windshield gasket with the chrome trim groove though.
Attachment 940086
Attachment 940085
Attachment 940084 06-11-2012 07:09 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Just got my new tires and rims today. Pitbull Rockers 35/14.50/15" and MT ClassicII 12" rims, just need the flame job done tomorrow then I can install them, oh ya.
Truck is going to rock.

ItsRandy 06-11-2012 07:58 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by Tmwoodall (Post 5428395)
Well, it looks great. I had all kinds of trouble getting a trash free coat in my garage even with sealed walls and ceiling of plastic, with wet down floor which is why I asked. Nice work.

There's a little dust in the clear, nothing a little 2000 grit won't take care of.

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