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RootBeer 6117 07-28-2013 08:13 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
2 Attachment(s)
Insured, Licensed, Brought it home Cruised with the wife(honey can I keep it I promise I'll take care of it) exhaust shop, car show, now re fix the wipers and figure out why the speedometer doesn't work (Really Honey I promise I'll do all the work and clean up any messes).

mknittle 07-28-2013 09:49 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

Originally Posted by RootBeer 6117 (Post 6193279)
Insured, Licensed, Brought it home Cruised with the wife(honey can I keep it I promise I'll take care of it) exhaust shop, car show, now re fix the wipers and figure out why the speedometer doesn't work (Really Honey I promise I'll do all the work and clean up any messes).

Cool!! I like it!

fabguy 07-28-2013 11:34 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
installed roller rockers in heads. Started bending up my battery box.

Russell Ashley 07-28-2013 05:34 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
1 Attachment(s)
I had some good luck and some not so good luck. I have an appointment Monday to get a new windshield installed so I removed the old one to check the condition of the mounting flange and surface. The surface is perfect with no rust, and it also revealed the original shade of blue that my truck came with. With the windshield out I had my son come over to help me install my new visor that I had ordered a month ago. I've been advised that I need the windshield out to install it, so I was going to mount it, then remove it for the windshield install, then re-install it. It's a Taiwan made visor and when we tried to fit it up it was obvious that there was no way to make it fit. Bummer. My friend, a forum member here who installed a similar visor on his 57 TF, said he didn't think that it is possible to mount it with the windshield in as you have to drill holes along the inside edge of the roof above the windshield. So now my truck isn't drivable for a week or two until I get another visor from a different source.

pvienneau 07-28-2013 07:42 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
We cruised in the running 49 around town, we also did some painting on the axels and frame on the restore 49.

vince921 07-28-2013 08:15 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
tore the truck down for a few big changess!!

OrrieG 07-28-2013 09:14 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
blocked the grill and bumpers and did a little door repair I had missed.

youngrodder 07-28-2013 09:23 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
I finished gutting the interior and power washing inside and out. I think that I can still smell rat/mouse crap and that was after a shower. Nasty stuff.

mechanixman 07-28-2013 10:30 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
3 Attachment(s)
Marc it looks like a great start.
My dad is insanely jealous. Ever since I got my truck, he's been looking at what it would take to put a burb on a 4X4 s10 frame.

I welded on piece, two nuts for the access panel, and ground a lot of stuff down. Bolted in the panel in for the first time after putting the new kick panel in

dubie 07-29-2013 09:15 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
hung the hood on the 56 and unwrapped a box full of Magnaflow goodies

hsdropout 07-29-2013 10:48 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
ahhhhh..........magna flow......
Dubie, looking good man; your windshield sure is clean!
Did you have any issues with the back of hood not setting down tight to cowl? I got my hinges bottomed out in slots but back of hood wants to pop up (or not suck down) when closed. Otherwise it fits pretty well.
I guess I'll jus' keep jackin' it around some more 'till it works.

Dan in Pasadena 07-29-2013 11:16 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

Originally Posted by hsdropout (Post 6196004)
ahhhhh..........magna flow......
Dubie, looking good man; your windshield sure is clean!
Did you have any issues with the back of hood not setting down tight to cowl? I got my hinges bottomed out in slots but back of hood wants to pop up (or not suck down) when closed. Otherwise it fits pretty well.
I guess I'll jus' keep jackin' it around some more 'till it works.

dropout, if you check my thread you'll read that I JUST fixed the same hood problem on my truck today.

I met "Fabguy" (Mike) at a local cruise night and he told me to put the body shims under the lower hinge mounting hole on the firewall. I had mine on the upper mounting hole. Once I did that (two shims ea. side, all I had) it pulled right down. My driver's side is still sticking up SLIGHTLY...but I think I didn't make sure to mount the hinge as low in the slotted hole as possible.

I'd already put my tools away and was sweating like a pig, or I'd have done it today. Hope this helps. I didn't think to take a Before pic so an After pic doesn't show anything.

Oh and P.S. I put new hood springs on my truck thinking that would fix it - it didn't! But my springs were so worn I could put them on BY HAND!! So they were shot. I'd recommend you put new ones in too if you have the lightest question about yours.

mechanixman 07-29-2013 11:31 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
I wonder if that can solve the hood problem with AD's also...
I made a cab dolley today, I'll post pics tomorrow

hsdropout 07-29-2013 11:35 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
Dan, I was gonna try that....shims under bottom mount holes since you mentioned it last week..............thanks twice. I'm gonna check your thread too (I think I been missing out lately, busy with other less important stuff)
I think my sprinks are ok...........they are a real beotch to get on.............need three arms sometimes eh.......

Dan in Pasadena 07-30-2013 12:00 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
I mentioned it last week? Man, memory is the SECOND thing to go, they say!

Since I'd never replaced the springs before I had no idea how stiff they were supposed to pulling them by hand I thought, " THIS right?" Then when I got the new ones, WOW! WHAAT a pain in the ass that was. I used the "floor jack stretch & wrenches-between-the-spring-coils" trick but I still had to be careful not to pinch the hell out of my hands.

dubie 07-30-2013 07:04 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
The passenger side comes up at the hinge but I haven't done any adjusting to it yet. I'm hoping to get back in the shop tonight and get that straightened out. The drivers side fits like a glove
Posted via Mobile Device

Russell Ashley 07-31-2013 09:14 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena (Post 6196058)
dropout, if you check my thread you'll read that I JUST fixed the same hood problem on my truck today.

I met "Fabguy" (Mike) at a local cruise night and he told me to put the body shims under the lower hinge mounting hole on the firewall. I had mine on the upper mounting hole. Once I did that (two shims ea. side, all I had) it pulled right down. My driver's side is still sticking up SLIGHTLY...but I think I didn't make sure to mount the hinge as low in the slotted hole as possible.

My last truck was a 69 Dodge and the trick with those was to put shims under the front hood mounting bolt. I've been thinking about trying that with my Chevy but now I guess I'll follow this tip and put the shims under the hinge mount. Makes sense to me as either way you are causing the hinge to close farther.

Iceman_70 07-31-2013 09:25 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
Trying to smooth the firewall ...
Also reviewed some posts on how to pass cables/tubes. I think I will go for the ‘behind the inner fenders’ setup …

crossfire84 07-31-2013 06:42 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
put 3rd coat of stain on bed wood today (all 6 sides plus down the bolt holes).

Clarance J 08-01-2013 03:02 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
3 Attachment(s)
Carpet and kick panel install. Using what I had left over from the porch carpet. Its new, clean and not expensive and lays flat and is easy to work with. Plus I like the color. Maybe 30.00 for everything including floor plate. Now time cost, that's a different story. The kick panel is just covered in vinyl.

Highsider 08-01-2013 10:07 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
I installed new Steele rear door rubber.

The entire job went smoothly, especially after
removing the old, non-stock item and the crumbly yellow gorilla snot.
Very nice fit and they sold me a tube of black 3M super adhesive which made it easy.

I will leave the doors shut through the weekend, then probably have to do a bit of door adjustment.

Speedbumpauto 08-01-2013 10:21 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
1 Attachment(s)
My total wiring experience continues. Just finished installing the AC vents and the Vintage Air electronic control for the gen 2 mini system I used and everything well as it can without a running engine. Fan has all speeds and the heat servo moves when I move the dial and I can hear the AC clutch click when I move the cold knob. Also installed the tach/shift light and when I turn the key to "on" a 0 shows up. This all makes me happy so it's Miller time.

mechanixman 08-02-2013 12:48 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
1 Attachment(s)
I got the 327 looking pretty

arturo7 08-02-2013 01:34 AM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
Installed the flywheel, clutch, and bell on the motor.

Daze57 08-02-2013 12:27 PM

Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
runnin trans cooler lines and the cooler for the 700R4

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