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55ChevyPU 06-22-2006 02:08 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by 55 on bags
what front suspension is on your truck cause I have a 69 nova subframe and I want to know if it wood bee good for my 55

I believe its a 79 camaro front clip just like mine.

CAL 58 GMC 06-22-2006 10:34 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by 72Chevrolet
Sweet truck! you really know what your doing, awesome work.

Thanks, I appreciate the complement! Your 72 is look's great too!

CAL 58 GMC 06-22-2006 10:37 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by 55 on bags
what front suspension is on your truck cause I have a 69 nova subframe and I want to know if it wood bee good for my 55

55Chevy is right, it's a 79 Camaro clip. I know some of the Nova's subframes were the same as the Camaro's, but I am not sure what years that would be. It would be worth looking into though.

Apache 06-28-2006 11:24 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
wow that radiator and support looks awesome! I love that color btw.

CAL 58 GMC 07-01-2006 09:28 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Thanks Apache!

Frizzle Fry 07-02-2006 12:37 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by CAL 58 GMC
I had my radiator support powder coated what they called chrome, but it looks more like aluminum. I mounted it and the radiator. Here's a pic.

Now that is clean:metal: I'm going to powdercoat my rad support too, but I don't want it to catch your eye behind the grille so I'm thinking satin black. Yours sure looks sweet though.

CAL 58 GMC 07-02-2006 04:22 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by Frizzle Fry
Now that is clean:metal: I'm going to powdercoat my rad support too, but I don't want it to catch your eye behind the grille so I'm thinking satin black. Yours sure looks sweet though.

Thanks Frizzle Fry! Black looks cool too.:metal: 07-07-2006 10:42 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Hey man,

I'm fixing to put a '79 camero front clip on my '58. I would like to see a couple of pics of your front clip with the front end supports off the og frame welded back on. I need to know what to put back so everything will go back on right. Please send me a couple of pics showing what you did if you don't mind. E-mial is This is the best site for trucks going that I have found. I really get pumped up by reading all the threads about others progects.

Latr, B.Sharp

CAL 58 GMC 07-07-2006 06:50 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
4 Attachment(s)

I am not sure if this is what your talking about but here's a few pictures of the front part of the origanal frame were it was welded on the Camaro sub frame.

CAL 58 GMC 07-08-2006 04:58 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
2 Attachment(s)
I went to the body shop today to pick up my rear fenders. When I showed up he had just finished painting the bottom of the cab. I had him spray under coating on the bottom and then paint over the top to give it color. Here's a few pics.

55ChevyPU 07-08-2006 06:50 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project

CAL 58 GMC 07-08-2006 07:15 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by 55ChevyPU

Thanks 55ChevyPu!

dwcsr 07-08-2006 07:37 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
I was wondering how your truck was coming along. It looks good in the pics.

Igotachevyor2 07-08-2006 07:37 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
sweeeet man its coming along looks like you might actually have a cab before long

CAL 58 GMC 07-08-2006 08:26 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by Igotachevyor2
sweeeet man its coming along looks like you might actually have a cab before long

Yeah, your right. I finaly will have my cab in just a few more weeks!

CAL 58 GMC 07-09-2006 03:11 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by dwcsr
I was wondering how your truck was coming along. It looks good in the pics.

Thanks man!

bronx 07-09-2006 06:22 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Nice! That color is awesome.:metal:
Did you make the flip dolly yourself?

CAL 58 GMC 07-09-2006 04:38 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by bronx
Nice! That color is awesome.:metal:
Did you make the flip dolly yourself?

Thanks bronx! The dolly belongs to the guy doing the body & paint.

Jebb1978 07-09-2006 07:17 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Lookin good buddy! I can't wait to get my cab off and out! Thanks for the kick in the a$$ to get me moving again.

CAL 58 GMC 07-09-2006 09:33 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Originally Posted by Jebb1978
Lookin good buddy! I can't wait to get my cab off and out! Thanks for the kick in the a$$ to get me moving again.

Your welcome:lol: 07-10-2006 09:07 AM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Hello again,

Yes, this does help. What is the bracket at the end of the frame for? I assume you cut the front part of the subframe off to put the og frame pieces back on. I have seen a couple of threads about the other bracket you welded on. What does this bracket attach to on the doghouse? Sorry for asking so many questions but I'm fixing to do this soon and theres no better teacher than experience. It appears to me buy your pics that I need to cut the subframe in front and in the rear. I don't know that I need those front brackets, if there for the bumper, my bumper bolts to the frame in the bottom. I appreciate the help.

By the way, your truck looks great. I hope to see mine that way some day.

Thanks again,

CAL 58 GMC 07-10-2006 08:05 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project

Just to let you know, I was not the person who installed the sub frame. It was already done when I bought the truck. I don't know how much to cut off the front of the sub frame before you weld the front part of the original frame back on. The brackets on the front are for the bumper and the ones on top are for the radiator support.

68c10owner 07-11-2006 01:20 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
awsome truck. I`m picking up a 55 smallwindow in the next couple weeks. It`s already disassembled so it should be pretty easy to get going on it. Your thread and 55chevypu`s thread has me wanting to get going on it asap. Do you have any shots of the fiberglass firewall cover installed?

Kabwe 07-11-2006 02:58 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
Hey man its looking good. Did you go to the Brothers truck show? I was there. If you did go sorry I missed meeting you. Anyway I've been very busy on the truck lately. Rust repair and body work ya know. It looks like you are going to have a really nice truck.

CAL 58 GMC 07-12-2006 12:23 PM

Re: 58 GMC Project
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by 68c10owner
awsome truck. I`m picking up a 55 smallwindow in the next couple weeks. It`s already disassembled so it should be pretty easy to get going on it. Your thread and 55chevypu`s thread has me wanting to get going on it asap. Do you have any shots of the fiberglass firewall cover installed?

Thanks 68c10owner! When you get your truck post some pictures. Here'e a picture with the firewall installed.

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