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vegaschevy 12-27-2009 08:32 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Not much has been going on lately but I have installed one new part in the last month. :lol:
Between working, and the new year and our expansion I have had no time to do anything! and I am dying to get my suspension on and installed to make a better handling and driving truck.

I have been driving around with only a peep mirror for well, since I got the truck running. I finally got a mirror ( well my girl bought me one) for my truck.

Came from Summit, white box mirror, and great quality. Possibly a billet specialties unit! $44 bucks shipped to the door

VA72C10 12-27-2009 08:41 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Nice...keeping the Ford in the rearview :lol:

highperf4x4 12-28-2009 12:46 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
That my friend is a sweet mirror and you have officially done more in the last month now than I have! :lol:

vegaschevy 01-07-2010 10:19 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Decided to get down to actually working on the truck yesterday. I only have one day off work this week and well, I mentioned to my buddy that hey I got a whole day of relaxation.

Next thing you know, the truck looked like this.

and this was out behind it :metal:


my67chevytruck 01-07-2010 11:52 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

vegaschevy 01-07-2010 11:55 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by my67chevytruck (Post 3716271)

should be done by tonight with the rear!!! :metal::chevy:

big_al_71 01-07-2010 12:09 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
looking forward to updated picts.....

bigguy69 01-07-2010 06:08 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
looking forwaard to seeing your rear! (that didnt sound right!) :lol:

sleepertruck72 01-07-2010 07:28 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Thats funny, I have that same mirror. I bought it at the Turlock Swap Meet about 1 yr ago, and still havent installed it. Damn I am slow :lol: You keep up the good work !

VA72C10 01-07-2010 08:58 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Keep at it....can't wait to see the suspension installed!!!!

vegaschevy 01-08-2010 01:33 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Today was problem after problem. I got them all worked out and should be on track to get her done tomorrow.
I started by removing rivets EVERYWHERE!!!

It all started with knowing I need a new transmission main seal and a new "horseshoe" style carrier bearing. Mine was trashed which is probably why my transmission main seal was leaking too LOL

So in case anyone is wondering there is about 7-8 different carrier bearings use on these trucks. the two different styles and a few different sizes of each. I finally got the right one for my driveshaft, the horseshoe style so it works on the porterbuilt cross member and the 1.181 I think inside diameter for my "non" slip yoke 2 piece driveshaft.

heres the part number if your needing one. FYI NO ONE listed this part on the website of all the popular auto chains except Auto Zone. Here is the Timken part number now though so you can pretty much go anywhere to get it.

Once the tranny seal was installed and the carrier bearing located I got the rear end out and started washing, and scrubbing, and washing and scrubbing and then painted it with some spray paint for now. Made it look 100 times better :metal:

vegaschevy 01-08-2010 01:35 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Then I mounted up the lower shock mounts, and trailing arms from Porterbuilt.

After that I started cutting the frame for the C notch. Of course remember measure once, twice, and mock and go ahead and eyeball and measure some more HAHAHA

Il have to wait to finish it up as I need some more C clamps from the auto parts store in the morning to get it all tighten up.

On a side note here is a flat purple Subaru WRX that my buddy painted today along with the owner. She is 19 and REALLY REALLY helpful and eager to learn. Oh, and yes.... its VERY fast.

ripdog28 01-08-2010 06:49 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Flat purple, wow looks good. Those cars are fast from the factory and with simple mods are wicked. Nice progress on your frame man. The longest time spent on my frame was removing those damn rivets. Drilling, grinding, gnawing with my teets. Some of them were real pains where they were located.

vegaschevy 01-08-2010 09:07 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by ripdog28 (Post 3717916)
Flat purple, wow looks good. Those cars are fast from the factory and with simple mods are wicked. Nice progress on your frame man. The longest time spent on my frame was removing those damn rivets. Drilling, grinding, gnawing with my teets. Some of them were real pains where they were located.

Air hammers with a chisel bit are the cats a$$ when removing rivets. Takes about 10 seconds per rivet and then just punch them out. Very Very easy!!!

gcburdic 01-08-2010 09:34 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Love to see progress....just a friendly reminder....WEAR YOUR SAFETY GLASSES!!!!!:D

VA72C10 01-08-2010 11:18 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
:agree: It's looking good. But you won't be able to see it with metal in your eye. Jason, the guy helping me has had two metal pieces in his eye over the last few months. I've has some close calls and even one that stuck into the safety glasses right in the middle so I know that one would have been a painful one...

chevy_mike 01-08-2010 01:10 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Purple looks cool but if she is really eager to learn, have her learn how to use the proper safety equipment, like at least a resperator. Toxic fumes will get to her eventually, if she keeps that up. There are some really screwed up ex-painters out there... at least the ones that haven't died yet.

Keep up the good work on the truck!!!

vegaschevy 01-08-2010 08:48 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by VA72C10 (Post 3718126)
:agree: It's looking good. But you won't be able to see it with metal in your eye. Jason, the guy helping me has had two metal pieces in his eye over the last few months. I've has some close calls and even one that stuck into the safety glasses right in the middle so I know that one would have been a painful one...

Ya I try to grab the glasses when grinding and suck but Ill take them off and then put them on and then sweat a bit and take them off. LOL

made some more progress today. Got one notch completed and boleted in and the other cut and c clamped and ready to be bolted in.

I have to say though I am AMAZED!!! I put the crossmember in and dropped the bolts right in all 8 holes through the frame. Porterbuilts designs, cutting, and fab work is SPOT on!!!

Ill update with pics tomorrow.

vegaschevy 01-09-2010 01:14 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Got a little more done yesterday before having to head off to bed. heres some up dated pics

big_al_71 01-09-2010 02:50 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
I really like those control arms...When we did my truck those rivets were not an issue to an air chisel we got them out in no time. It does get loud as heck when using the air chisel.
Looking pretty good keep the picts coming.

67cheby 01-09-2010 05:30 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
nice progress

oldblue1968chevy 01-09-2010 08:51 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
what did u end up using to clean the frame up for paint?

how did you go about your painting progress?

vegaschevy 01-09-2010 09:46 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by big_al_71 (Post 3720301)
I really like those control arms...When we did my truck those rivets were not an issue to an air chisel we got them out in no time. It does get loud as heck when using the air chisel.
Looking pretty good keep the picts coming.

Ya, the air chisel was not that bad. My weapon of choice when doing rivets


Originally Posted by 67cheby (Post 3720536)
nice progress

Thank you, Many many plans but seen as how it is the daily driver right now It is planned out plans.


Originally Posted by oldblue1968chevy (Post 3720817)
what did u end up using to clean the frame up for paint?

how did you go about your painting progress?

Oven cleaner and pressuer washer. Seemed to work OK, Still have a final scrubbing to do of under the bed before it goes back on.

I did make progress today but had a couple of steps back too. My bearing was seized on the driveshaft so in the process of taking it out it screwed the threads up for the coupler. So I got a longer bolt, ran a tap through but no dice, pulled the threads out. So I have not tapped it out to a 9/16" course thread and will pick up a bolt tomorrow.

Everything else is installed, shocks, springs, everything , minus the driveshaft. So tomorrow it should be back on the wheels. and lowrider in the rear only till the front gets done next week.

oldblue1968chevy 01-09-2010 10:03 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
get pics your lucky its warm where you are lol

highperf4x4 01-09-2010 11:06 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Lookin great brother!

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