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Captainfab 11-15-2014 12:38 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
What all does the service tool kit consist of?

sdwolff98 11-15-2014 03:11 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
lets see I looked it all up there is a crank snout protection tool for when your removing the balancer, balancer install tool, front and rear seal install tools, rear main seal removal tool, and a valve seal installer. and the "SPECIAL" gm service tool self tapping screws lol they list them for 55 bucks for 10 screws through kent moore rotflmao lol


sdwolff98 11-23-2014 09:32 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Well finally got back out in the garage and started working on a few more projects. got the tap shift rewired with some longer length wires and put the firewall bulkhead plate together. Tonight going to attempt removing the tap shift resistors so I can change them over to the correct ones.


sdwolff98 11-23-2014 09:34 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
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also today got the terrain console wired up and started reassembling it to mock up in the truck so I can get the mount holes drilled and prep it for install :D


sdwolff98 12-17-2014 10:24 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
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lately have not had as much time as I would like to work on my toy but have managed to get a few things done lol. First off after 45 minutes of painstaking tediousness soldering was able to change the tap shift button resistors in the gmc terrain console to match the values the Allison 6 speed requires to use the manual shift mode!! Yaaaayyyy me the dammed resistors are the side of a pin head almost but go it done. Also got a high mount passenger side air conditioning alternator compressor bracket from a Kodiak truck courteous of a junkyard in Idaho the things are freaking expensive if bought new from GM. along with that a guy on one of my facebook 8.1 engine groups supplied me with a power steering and alternator Silverado bracket assembly just this last week :D. also started wiring up the firewall engine compartment bulkhead assembly still got a lil more to go on it but coming out good at this point. Also got frustrated and scrapped the rebuild on the painless fuse box there just was not enough circuits to go around so shooting off in another direction with a modular assembly I found in an oldsmobile aurora car see last picture :D

More to come on engine progress in the next post

sdwolff98 12-17-2014 10:36 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
4 Attachment(s)
also been getting a few more things done on the engine to get it ready to reinstall in the engine bay :D. oil pump is officially changed, oil cooler lines plugged and changing the timing chain up next. come to find out this engine had 3 different timing chains and cover setups so if you ever get one of these be ware the different setups and covers do not interchange at all they are as follows: 2001-2002, 2003-2004 and 2005 up. I am waiting on a parts order from gm parts direct that has the 2006 timing chain cover and I got the cloyes 2006 timing chain as well since they no longer make the 01-02 timing sensor.
also since at this time I am not going to use and engine oil cooler found a way to plug the factory oil cooler line holes lol the only American threaded parts on the entire block I have found are the cooler line fittings they are a 1/2" 14 thread setup so couple of pipe plugs and done for now :D

Captainfab 12-18-2014 01:56 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
I always enjoy your updates. You certainly go to great lengths to make things work as they should and do a nice job while doing so. This is one of my favorite builds.

sdwolff98 12-18-2014 10:30 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Hey Capon fab
Thanks yeah very detail oriented lol. But them I have done a lot of half arsed **** over the years lol. Do it once do it right the first time :-)
Will be throwing up some more engine pics come January when I get it parked back in its new home.

sdwolff98 01-10-2015 10:33 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
3 Attachment(s)
well been busy last few weeks taking care of other peoples electrical gremlins and nightmare wiring projects but did get a few things done on my truck in last few days and some last week. First off finally got the bottom end of the engine back together with the new oil pump, new 2006 timing chain and cover and seals all around. Will be tackling the rear main before I put it back into the truck and get it changed before I bolt it up the transmission. I also got the HD balancer put into place and cranked down to spec for the eventual brackets to match up to. more to come on the brackets after its back in the truck :D


sdwolff98 01-10-2015 10:38 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
And got a center ac vent assembly from Corvettejim1968 the other night and as I thought the gmc does not have enough lip on the upper part of the dash to mount it properly so I got to thinking where else I could make it work, DUUUHHH staring at me the whole time is what to do with the space between the dash and the top of the forward center console *chuckles* well whipped out the handy dandy dremel tool and got to experimenting a weee bit lol but I think when I get it finalized will be a nice clean transition from console to dash and have the benefit of ac vents there as well. The center vent I am going to seal up and may place my cruise buttons there not quite sure on it yet but looking at the idea closely. Found some nifty ac vents from vintage air that I like and will see how well they fit in the stock panel setup. Later tonight will be cutting out and making the side panels out of some scrap abs I have in the garage and get some more pictures when done.


sdwolff98 01-20-2015 02:12 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
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Started on a few more projects while other things are cooking on the back burners. Soon will have the engine stands power coated and ready to reinstall. Once that happens the engine and transmission are going back in the ole pig :D. Started to work on one project in progress and started a whole other new one for the interior setups.
I got to looking at my vent pockets since having an ac unit wont be using them much so started working on turning them into a set of speaker pockets for some kenwood components I have laying around my garage. Here are some pics of what I have done so far. Trying to a find a second vent pocket one of mine got lost in the move :/
For the speaker Grills I had stashed unused and saved from a cancered up truck a pair of 60-61 vent grills from one of the trucks with the old cable control setups.


sdwolff98 01-20-2015 02:25 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
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The other thing I started working to finish is the center console. I finally got all the measurements done on the cab and have it centered in the middle of the cab. I am currently working on the front filler panels and the front mount brackets for it. Should all tie in nicely when done. Once its bolted down going to glue the ac vent side panels to the filler panels and make a mounting setup for them still coggerating on that one at the moment but will come up with a solution lol.
To mount the front of the console since the terrain mount is not easily attainable using some aluminum l bar to make the mounts.
The last picture is the filler panels I am working on to close in the vent mount that I am redesigning using the panels Corvette Jim is making he does some really nice work :D He is going to take a look at my mods to mine and see if he can make me a new one that fits where I am putting it at. Main thing to remove from it is the center vent setup since the ac vents I am using wont require it :D


sdwolff98 01-23-2015 01:18 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Well today got quite a bit done on the center console in the truck. the front brackets are now made and mounted in place the rear holes are drilled and it is completely mounted at this time. In between automotive electrical wiring jobs my friend are pestering me about trying to get as much done as I can on this one lol :D I told them I am taking February and march off from any fuel injection or chassis wiring work to concentrate on my truck lol they started whining immediately about who was gonna fix their electrical issues rotflmao. Chuckles told em they would A have to wait or B come over and help on my project and I can give em some direction on what to check and where to look for their problems. Ok onto the console went to ace hardware and found some 1/4 20 j nuts that worked perfectly on the back mounts after a little grinder trimming with some thick body washer under the cab. the front mounts did the same thing with some j nuts and 1/4 20 bolts. interestingly enouch the center console is centered in the truck dead on but it is off from the dash a slight bit kinda odd but I will be happy when its complete and ready to go. I still have left to finish the filler panel mounts and the shifter cable install. The shifter cable install will come a bit later when I am hooking up the transmission under the truck. Once I get all the mounting brackets set for the filler panels will be covering them in some dark grey or black vinyl material from hancock fabrics. I have the stuff for the back cab covers but not quite enough left over for the front fillers.


sdwolff98 01-23-2015 01:20 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
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Also another little niggling issue I have been working on has been how to get 4g and 8 cables through the firewall without rubber grommets. Well found a neat lil solution from a Germany industrial company. They have a small foot print wiring gland that are pretty cheap that have 2 sealing orings in them to seal the wire when the keeper nut is tightened down. Got four of the little bugger for about 40$ here in the states. Here is a picture of them


sdwolff98 01-30-2015 12:17 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
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been tinkering and working with the console and a few things have happened recently lol. That little vent mount panels decided to break on me so going back to the drawing board and working on one out of the 1/4 inch abs that I have laying around in the shop. I got the front passenger and driver side filler panels completed and in the truck just need to find a few pieces of different hardware to hole them in so it stays uniform both sides. Started redoing the AC vent panel as well as you will see in the pictures. The braces and mounts are all in place under the dash and its turning out nice almost time to break out the vinyl black covering material I have picked out for it to finish them out.
Once I get my tax money in going to have the axle rehabbed with a donor since the spindle was badly damaged from the bearing not being lubed and get that all finished and get the seats and carpet in hand for the truck.


sdwolff98 02-02-2015 09:49 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
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well after huffing and puffing the engine and trans is back in the truck will be putting the intake back on later in the week and get it snugged back down :D
Going to cinch down the trans mount tomorrow afternoon and make sure it is square in the bay looks like it so far but going to double check everything before full bolt down.


sdwolff98 02-02-2015 10:08 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
1 Attachment(s)
while digging through parts schematics on the Kodiak model vehicles with the 8.1 Allison combo stumbled across a lil switch in the dash to disable the over drive for towing. got it in today and storing it away till I have time to research it more. the 2006 truck had it is the shifter handle but the daggum thing routes through the stupid body control module which cant be setup for stand alone running very easily. On the c5500 up trucks the switch is wired directly into the transmission computer so I may be chasing some coding on this here in the near future when I get hp tuners in hand for the reprogramming. Tonight I will be looking at where to drop the computers in the engine compartment since the underdash real estate is well taken up with things lol :D. thinking passenger side fenderwell honestly.


xx_ED_xx 02-03-2015 06:36 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Ha, figured i would post :P

I like the vortec 454's as well but glad you went 8.1

sdwolff98 02-03-2015 07:19 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Hi Ed,
I was going to go the cop 454 route but tge 8.1 came available not requiring a rebuild so I got it instead lol.


sdwolff98 02-07-2015 01:44 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
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well today speedhut sent me pics of the completed gauge package for the truck should have them in another week or two they are in their quality testing department right now :D so happy one of the big spendy things are out of the way lol.


Captainfab 02-08-2015 01:15 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Those are really nice. Are those totally custom built for you?

sdwolff98 02-08-2015 12:01 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
They I do believe are to a degree the face is completely custom. The gauge itself I believe they have blanks that are ready to go. Last I checked they are in the quality check department at the company.


sdwolff98 02-19-2015 11:12 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
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Well got my gauges in finally :D and very happy with the quality and the alil additions they put in them. all of the gauges except the speedometer have warning lights that are programmable setup in them: low fuel, low oil etc. the gauges are about 3 inches deep which is nice for clearance for the ac vent hoses coming through the area. Also started sorting out and labeling my harness connectors and have the wire in for the complete chassis wiring harness I am building here in the next month :D Here pretty quick going to start ordering the stereo components in and the cab will be finished and done by time summer rolls around. Then onto engine trans brakes and fuel systems.


Angryman117 02-19-2015 10:48 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Nice gauges!

sdwolff98 03-02-2015 10:20 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
4 Attachment(s)
well been busy the last few weeks got a killer paycheck last week so started junkyard and new parts shopping lol. Got a killer deal on some bmw convertible seats from a 2004 330c1 model 10 way heat and power lumbar. They are a dammed near perfect fit other than being a slight bit short lol. Will be placing some 1 inch spacers underneath the rails and go from there but the rails are perfectly flat and fit nicely on the floorboards of the truck. Also got an OE ac heater panel from a friend of mine that fits much better than the ols air panel that came with my kit going to marry the two together and get it worked out here soon. Also got my vintage air ac vents in as well :D

Here are some pictures

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