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tantrumpipeline 06-11-2012 02:16 PM

Re: slamburban
glad to hear the rocovery is better than expected, still a shame about the truck but like mentionede before could been a lot worse for you and the burb, steel can be repaired

fredscarryall 07-06-2012 10:35 PM

Re: slamburban
4 Attachment(s)
the body shop told me it would be a month. they werent kidding.i think this is the first bodyshop i have ever used that stayed true to the finish date. should get it next week. then it goes back to charleys drop shop to get the garbage air ride system removed.i descided to switch to the ride tech system.then he will fab up sway bars front and rear

jmedero 07-06-2012 11:09 PM

Re: slamburban
Glad to see your doing better man. Truck is looking
Good. Good call on the better air ride system.
Posted via Mobile Device

oldman3 07-06-2012 11:27 PM

Re: slamburban
Glad to see it coming together for you....Jim

xpickup 07-07-2012 02:44 PM

Re: slamburban
Glad you are doing better and the truck is getting fixed. I bought the 3 point belts for my panel after taking your advice on what you said about the 2 point belts up front.

Posted via Mobile Device

fredscarryall 07-07-2012 11:13 PM

Re: slamburban
i hope alot more people convert to 3 point seat belts. i was really suprised that hitting someone at 35 mph made my arms useless, like wet noodles.

OrrieG 07-08-2012 12:40 AM

Re: slamburban
Glad to see progress on the truck and hope your are healing well. Since your accident my daughter and granddaughter were in one similar, but not as bad. Stopped at a light go hit from behind, pushed into the car stopped in front orher, then bounced back into first one that hit her again. One in back was going 20, did not hit the brakes. Much to our surprise the air bags did not deploy and I drove the Kia home. Her and daughter were wearing 3 point belts, but both sustained neck, shoulder, back and arm injuries that kept them out of work and going to doctors for 3 weeks now. Just wanted to share, most accidents occur under 20 mph.

mknittle 07-08-2012 10:59 AM

Re: slamburban

Originally Posted by OrrieG (Post 5474331)
Glad to see progress on the truck and hope your are healing well. Since your accident my daughter and granddaughter were in one similar, but not as bad. Stopped at a light go hit from behind, pushed into the car stopped in front orher, then bounced back into first one that hit her again. One in back was going 20, did not hit the brakes. Much to our surprise the air bags did not deploy and I drove the Kia home. Her and daughter were wearing 3 point belts, but both sustained neck, shoulder, back and arm injuries that kept them out of work and going to doctors for 3 weeks now. Just wanted to share, most accidents occur under 20 mph.

yeah, and the things people do while driving is scary.I was a truck driver and saw a lot.

ET56 07-08-2012 09:03 PM

Re: slamburban
So glad you are doing good. This is a great project to follow along on. I was wondering what engine pulley system you are using(year and model) it looks like it would work great on my 56 for what I want to to. Thanks for any info you have.

99 to Life 07-09-2012 05:11 PM

Re: slamburban
So glad to see this thing back on track. So was it better to have others do it and have it paid for, or do you think it would have been better to take the cash and do it yourself? Just curious. I hope your health is doing better too.

I'm just curious on how they value this stuff, did they get you aftermarket fenders etc? What insurance covered you?

can't wait to see this beauty back on the road.

tantrumpipeline 07-09-2012 05:46 PM

Re: slamburban
glad to hear you're doing better and the trucks being repaired, this build really created a desire for one of these rigs one day

fredscarryall 07-10-2012 01:30 AM

Re: slamburban
3 Attachment(s)
i got the serpentine system off a 1993 caprice classic for $125 from a wrecking yard. when you get one make sure you get everything including the water pump (because its a reverse flow) make sure you also know the fan blade is reverse but still pulls air in the right direction so get that. get the smog pump,a/c pump and alternator(because it a 4 year design only),power steering pump and lines.if you want to pull the power steering pulley you will need a special puller you can get at harbor freight because you cant get to the powersteering pump off till you remove the pulley. just to let you know all the bolts are metric and i used american bolts to bolt it to the block. you will need to buy a smog pump bypass pulley at summit for $30, if you dont want a/c summit also makes a a/c bypass pulley for $30.if you want a/c vintage air makes a bracket to convert the ugle R4 compessor to a sanden 508 for $60. here are some pictures of the bypass pulleys. its alot of work and will cost you a few hundred to get it to work. hope this helps you descide if its right for you.

fredscarryall 07-10-2012 01:51 AM

Re: slamburban
as far as damage its come to $21,000 so far. just 40 hours alone went into replacing the side cowl, pulling the cowl out on the frame rack, repairing the sheet metal and repainting the firewall.but,i had know way of pulling the cowl myself.i could have saved myself about $2000 if i did the rest myself,but it would have taken me about 6 more months to finish it. my wife told me to take care of myself, recover from the accident and left someone else do the work.

ET56 07-10-2012 10:39 AM

Re: slamburban
Thanks for the reply on the pully system. This just might work for me. Take care.

fredscarryall 07-17-2012 09:33 PM

Re: slamburban
5 Attachment(s)
i got the suburban back and put about 40 miles on it. decided to go with a chrome latch plate and installed a polished a/c compressor

xpickup 07-17-2012 09:43 PM

Re: slamburban
fredscarryall, looks great and glad it is fixed again. I also hope you are recovering well.


fredscarryall 07-17-2012 09:54 PM

Re: slamburban
4 Attachment(s)
i also got some 3 point seat belts from brother truck parts.they where for the 47 to 54 trucks but installed just fine.i had a local saftey company put them in. it took them 4 hours to install all 4 and they said it was real easy.they are kinda expensive but i diffently recommend them if your going to install 3 points.the instuctions are easy to understand and it come with all the mounting hardware.they even have a youtube video on how to install them

fredscarryall 07-17-2012 09:57 PM

Re: slamburban
1 Attachment(s)
tomorrow i going to have my electric exhaust kick outs installed.

99 to Life 07-17-2012 10:03 PM

Re: slamburban
21k goood gracious I'm sure your insurance company was pissed. So glad it is back to normal. Looks great.

parkwood 07-17-2012 10:05 PM

Re: slamburban
So glad to see you are back on the road, both with your health and with the suburban.. It looks great..

OrrieG 07-18-2012 12:18 AM

Re: slamburban

Originally Posted by 99 to Life (Post 5491860)
21k goood gracious I'm sure your insurance company was pissed. So glad it is back to normal. Looks great.

Yeah and that does not include the medical bills, continued care for who knows how long, possibly loss of income depending on the situation. Expensive indeed but if you ever need it the premium costs start to look pretty inexpensive. Good to see the truck back in the stable and the upgrades.

fredscarryall 07-18-2012 10:54 PM

Re: slamburban
1 Attachment(s)
had the exhaust kickouts welded in today. one of the next projects is making the oil pan a little shorter.tomorrow i'm putting in the radio

STOUTE 07-26-2012 12:01 PM

Re: slamburban
Man just read every page very nice bulid. and sorry to see the damange

Ratpin 07-26-2012 12:23 PM

Re: slamburban
Man, I just saw this about the accident. That is scary stuff. If nothing else I think your unfortunate experience has raised the awareness for the necessity of adequate safety restraints. Question though, Is there any added reinforcement there where the 3rd point of the seatbelt attaches to the roof? I would be worried it would just rip out if it's only mounted to sheet metal.

Let me know if you ever need any help with anything. I'm pretty local and would live to check out your burb sometime.

tantrumpipeline 07-26-2012 01:56 PM

Re: slamburban
Glad to see it back in action and looking sweet!! some pretty trick handy work for sure

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