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dr69burb 10-16-2012 06:58 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
trucks looking good man. glad to see it still being put to work.

losthope 10-16-2012 10:24 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by CRGRS 66 (Post 5649436)
losthope, your truck looks awesome, it's wrinkles give it some character

:metal: LOL :lol: Everybody asks when im going to body work it and repaint it, but i buiilt it to be my daily driver work truck and I agree with you that the dings and dents and scraps and scratches look just fine to me....I of course will address and fix them here and there as i go but for now she looks beautiful in my eyes...and not scared to scratch it:smoke:


Originally Posted by piratexpress1369a (Post 5650073)
bet that felt great to drive it around again

Feels great! Dog also loves riding in it, girls smile and yell at me at stop lights, little kids point and say "look at that" ,and people wave and give me thumbs up!! all and all it feels great and is a load of fun!!


Originally Posted by dr69burb (Post 5650839)
trucks looking good man. glad to see it still being put to work.

Thanks buddy! thats what i built it for and shes holding up fine so far!


Pallets , my stash of clean aluminum,couple motor ballasts , and plastic drums filled with bottles and cans:

CRGRS 66 10-16-2012 10:59 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by losthope (Post 5651275)
Dog loves riding in it, girls smile and yell at me at stop lights, little kids point and say "look at that" ,and people wave and give me thumbs up!! all and all it feels great and is a load of fun!!

I think I speak for most of us when I say... I know exactly how you feel!!!!

losthope 10-18-2012 09:53 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
Did a garage clean out today and pulled two loads of scrap metal out of it and got to keep alot of good stuff like, wagner hand held paint sprayer, hand tools, bottles jacks , 2 tackle boxs full of fishing gear....etc....etc....rides great with a load and air bags!

She sure is a working truck!:

losthope 10-25-2012 07:48 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
No up dates just working the hell out of it using it as a scrapper truck:

McMurphy 11-04-2012 02:39 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
Hey man, just to let you know I got the box yesterday!
Thank you VERY much for the thought, I super appreciate it!
However, I am finishing up my domelight mod (hopefully today) and I went a total different direction.
I will hold on to this in case I come across someone that needs it, or for my next build !!

Again, thank you very much.
Another reason why this board and the people here rock !!!!!! :metal:

chemlab 11-06-2012 09:59 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Hey CHEMLAB! Glad to see you still coming around these parts! hows your truck coming along?
ya someone has to check on you from time to time :D my truck is pretty much done (minus the bags) and just waiting on my title. started working on my '50 fastback again.

look at you in those pics man, like a modern day Fred Sanford! :lol:

losthope 11-07-2012 11:24 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by McMurphy (Post 5685021)
Again, thank you very much.
Another reason why this board and the people here rock !!!!!! :metal:

No problem mcmurphy! Ill keep your address just incase I have some more stuff for later down the road!


Originally Posted by chemlab (Post 5689479)
started working on my '50 fastback again.

look at you in those pics man, like a modern day Fred Sanford! :lol:

LOL I get that alot lately :lol: haha i dont mind its keeping money in my pocket besides my ebay selling and side construction work jobs! and im just glad to be back working and moving compared to last year in a cast and wheel chair!

I would love to see a build thread on the 50 fast back? glad to hear your getting back on it!

chemlab 11-08-2012 11:00 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by losthope (Post 5691305)
I would love to see a build thread on the 50 fast back? glad to hear your getting back on it!

ya i might start one on that other forum page from where im at now... basically from here on is minor body work and paint (going john deere blitz black with it too) and interior.

losthope 11-23-2012 10:33 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
Just been busy with hauling metal and and going out of town for Thanks Giving but I did recently pick up a trailer and a tow hitch setup from a couple different friends for free! Trailer is needs some work and going to be used for scrap metal and hauling whatever I need it for , so Ill have a update hopefully with the way I mount the tow hitch behind the flip up license plate idea I have, and besides that I developed so noisy exhaust leaks and a sweating powersteering hose so today was just doing some maintenance on the truck:

losthope 11-29-2012 12:36 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
Its raining cats and dogs here, so i took a little ride to richies garage and after playing video games for a couple hours, hanging X-mas lights between a break in the storm, we got busy cutting down and rewelding the tow hitch to fit in between the frame rails so itll bolt in and be behind the license plate in the rear grill/roll pan:

the new unit!:

Next up date should be with it bolted in and with a flip up license plate if theres ever a break in the rain thats supposed to last all week!

piratexpress1369a 11-29-2012 10:46 AM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by losthope (Post 5729254)
Its raining cats and dogs here, so i took a little ride to richies garage and after playing video games for a couple hours, hanging X-mas lights between a break in the storm, we got busy cutting down and rewelding the tow hitch to fit in between the frame rails so itll bolt in and be behind the license plate in the rear grill/roll pan:

the new unit!:

Next up date should be with it bolted in and with a flip up license plate if theres ever a break in the rain thats supposed to last all week!

is your flip plate going to have springs on it or just a locking bar to keep it up

losthope 11-29-2012 06:24 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by piratexpress1369a (Post 5729750)
is your flip plate going to have springs on it or just a locking bar to keep it up

Havent figured out exactly what i want to do yet on that, I have to figure out how to make the whole thing flip up easily with the wires for the LED license plate bolts, Ill most likely make a frame the plate bolts to that is held by a pin in the back and when you pull the pin from the rear of the roll pan the frame will flip up from springs in the hinge...

piratexpress1369a 11-30-2012 02:32 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by losthope (Post 5730462)
Havent figured out exactly what i want to do yet on that, I have to figure out how to make the whole thing flip up easily with the wires for the LED license plate bolts, Ill most likely make a frame the plate bolts to that is held by a pin in the back and when you pull the pin from the rear of the roll pan the frame will flip up from springs in the hinge...

can't wait to see it

McMurphy 12-01-2012 03:46 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by losthope (Post 5730462)
Havent figured out exactly what i want to do yet on that, I have to figure out how to make the whole thing flip up easily with the wires for the LED license plate bolts, Ill most likely make a frame the plate bolts to that is held by a pin in the back and when you pull the pin from the rear of the roll pan the frame will flip up from springs in the hinge...

If you want to make it spring loaded, I have a non-keyed glove box push button that is a spare. You could easily rig it so that pushing the button would release it from the striker plate or flange, and flip up or down for your application.
Let me know if you want it, can have it in the mail to you Monday !!

losthope 12-19-2012 08:24 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by McMurphy (Post 5733885)
If you want to make it spring loaded, I have a non-keyed glove box push button that is a spare. You could easily rig it so that pushing the button would release it from the striker plate or flange, and flip up or down for your application.
Let me know if you want it, can have it in the mail to you Monday !!

thanks mcmurphy!
I think ill find something thall work got a couple ideas already but ill let you know if I need it!

Still havent found the motivation between working out of town and the raining to install the tow hitch, but did get a clear day today! I sell alot of random items on ebay its one of my many part time jobs working for myself, and with some of the extra funds i accumulated in my paypal I decided since its my daily and always parked outside to install the car alarm i won for cheap on ebay, nothing fancy just a 1-way alarm to keep the honest people honest:

the install!:

modified a dash light socket o fit the red alarm light into the empty "tandum-lock" light hole in the gauge cluster:

Pretty stoked! was pretty easy to install! need to buy a couple more trigger switchs to set the alarm off, for the hood and pass. door , have it all wired in so the front and rear lights blink when armed and dis-armed, vibration modulate, starter solenoid cut out wired in, only thing i didnt hook up yet is the dome light circuit that flashes, think im going to hook it up to the interior dash/gauge lights instead because on these trucks the dome lights controlled by turning the headlight switch, and Id rather have all the gauge lights flashing instead of just the dome light!

losthope 01-26-2013 09:57 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
Hello fellow truckers! I know its been awhile since i posted anything on my truck, truthfully nothing much lately on the truck but using it as a scrap metal truck picking up and hauling loads to the scrap yard...I did make it out to the coffee shop gathering that a few fellows put on every saturday , where a bunch of folks bring there rides and drink coffee and shot the sh!t for a few hours, kinda like a free mini car show every sat:

but i have been busy......we ended up buying a 20' fifth wheel as each others xmas gift that the ol' lady and i decided to move into on the side of the inlaws house rent and bill free for a year or so, to save money because we decided to make a goal to move and try somewhere new and decided to move to Chico ca where i have some family and get out of the big city where we have both lived all of our lifes and the 5th wheel move will help us save money and have a little nest egg when we get there and get to our goal faster then trying to rent and save for a move...I lost my driveway way that i work on my rides ,and my shed space and backyard for storing my scrap metal loads, but now have a storage rented for my car and work tools and storing scrap metal, and can use my in laws driveway to do some work on my rides...

I dont know if any of you guys are interested but im going to post some pictures of whats been taking up my time and it is sort of vehicle related:

1982 20' kit fifth wheel ,payed $1200 everything works and only had a few window leaks i had to seal up:

Since it was outdated looking and we plan on living in it for a year or so here in sacramento and most likely transport it to chico and live in it there for awhile (where a trailer space is $330 a month at a park:metal:) i decided i needed to do some minor changes to make it liveable for us, and only a few $100 into the remodel that i used the cleaning deposit from the rental house
to fund.....

first i started by stripping all the fake wood vinyl covering on all the drawers and doors, and kills primering all the wall paneling with multiple coats, then painted them white:

then i painted certain walls, and all the drawer faces and doors blue:

then i ripped out the mess of a carpet and installed laminate flooring:

then i had the tv and electronics crammed at the foot of the bed and decided i needed to build a entertainment stand(before and after pics):


then i built a shelve in the kitchen area:

thats it for now , next up is wallpaper counter top treatment new faucet and finish ripping out the carpet on the stair area and then onto the bathroom, so it might be awhile before i post anything on my truck again but wanted to say hello and that im still here checking in on you guys , and if any body is interested ill continue to post progress pictures on the 5th wheel ,and if not no big ! happy trucking!!

Bomp 01-27-2013 12:10 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
I remember seeing your grill modification way back when. Even before I started writing my own thread.
Wishing the best on saving moola for the next year. I had to move me and my ex in with my mom yrs back to pay off bills and get a nest egg together. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Will wait patiently for any new news.:metal:

coulter 01-27-2013 12:49 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
sounds like a good plan getting the fifth wheel!! u got it looking pretty good already

piratexpress1369a 01-27-2013 12:04 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
are you going to use your truck to pull the fifth wheel ..nice job on the inside it turned out great .it brightened it up big time

CRGRS 66 01-27-2013 12:09 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
so.... if the house is a rockin' don't botha knockin.....
good luck with the plan...
BTW, maybe a pair of helper springs for that beauty truck of yours might be a good idea with those heavy loads

losthope 01-27-2013 01:09 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by Bomp (Post 5846236)
I remember seeing your grill modification way back when. Even before I started writing my own thread.
Wishing the best on saving moola for the next year. I had to move me and my ex in with my mom yrs back to pay off bills and get a nest egg together. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
Will wait patiently for any new news.:metal:

Ya i really dont mind living in a trailer ive done it for a few years back and not to bad living next to the inlaws we get along great, but for sure some downfalls living here as far as being able to work on my rides, but it for sure will help getting on our feet .....Good news is my buddy richie and his shop are about 6 houses down and around the corner so I can use his shop for working on bigger projects on my rides!:metal:


Originally Posted by coulter (Post 5846354)
sounds like a good plan getting the fifth wheel!! u got it looking pretty good already

Thanks Coulter i think its coming around nicely!


Originally Posted by piratexpress1369a (Post 5847126)
are you going to use your truck to pull the fifth wheel ..nice job on the inside it turned out great .it brightened it up big time

thanks! It has a gooseneck attachment(which is good because i dont have to install a 5th wheel kingpin with the tracks across the bed or remove the tailgate to tow) so im thinking of installing the metal reinforcment plate under the wood bed to the frame and having just small enough holes to bolt the ball and chain hooks in the bed when needed to be able to hook it up and tow short distances here and there around town if need be, for the move to chico ill most likely just pay a transporter to tow it to its new home when the time comes!


Originally Posted by CRGRS 66 (Post 5847137)
so.... if the house is a rockin' don't botha knockin.....
good luck with the plan...
BTW, maybe a pair of helper springs for that beauty truck of yours might be a good idea with those heavy loads

Oh hell other women are more then welcome to come a knockin if its rockin......:lol:

it seems to be doing ok so far with heavy loads with just the bags so far ,levels out pretty nice with a decent size load, and to tell you the truth it rides like a dream with some weight in there, your really notice how bumpy the truck rides with airbags after you leave the scrap yard with a empty truck..

Thanks everyone ill try and get something done on the truck sooner or later, but untill then hold down the fort and ill be checkin in!

McMurphy 01-27-2013 04:34 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
We got a small 1978 camper to stay in when we take our leave every year, and parked it on blocks on our 14 acres. It is probably half the size what you have there.
Living with another person in that small a space, you get into a rythm real quick.
We live in ours for only 30 days a year, but we love it, and I have made so many mods to it the wife teases me that we should have gotten a small camper trailer instead.....

Your set up looks really nice man, you certainly are no slouch when it comes to getting work done !!!

likaroc13 01-27-2013 11:31 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
man, you're really transforming that camper...looks much better! sounds like a great plan for saving $$$ as well

derail 01-28-2013 12:10 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
Chico is 80 miles south of me. Let me know if you ever need anything and I'll help if I can. Or if you're up my way and want to bullshoot about trucks, let me know.

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