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Ta2Don 10-23-2013 07:46 AM

Re: My own build thread
Amazing Work! Well worth the :jdp: Factor!:metal:

zippeay 10-23-2013 11:04 AM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks guys! Ya, Dino I would love to make it down there but I really doubt it will happen. I still need a windshield/driveshaft/exhaust manifolds/exhaust/wiring/air lines/finish the brakes, as well as put everything else together. It's just me working on it, my old man helped with the body work and paint but that's a lot of work especially for just me. I will try and get it together by then but with how long it's taken to get here I highly doubt it.

I wish I could make it, I'd love to see your trucks as well as many other board members rides. If I don't make it this year I will definitely try to make it next year unless I end up selling this. I have a 54 Buick 2 dr, I've had for 5 years that I need to build and that one is going to be crazy expensive to build....

Dinos63 10-23-2013 03:21 PM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by zippeay (Post 6329113)
Thanks guys! Ya, Dino I would love to make it down there but I really doubt it will happen. I still need a windshield/driveshaft/exhaust manifolds/exhaust/wiring/air lines/finish the brakes, as well as put everything else together. It's just me working on it, my old man helped with the body work and paint but that's a lot of work especially for just me. I will try and get it together by then but with how long it's taken to get here I highly doubt it.

I wish I could make it, I'd love to see your trucks as well as many other board members rides. If I don't make it this year I will definitely try to make it next year unless I end up selling this. I have a 54 Buick 2 dr, I've had for 5 years that I need to build and that one is going to be crazy expensive to build....

Brotha I get that list been lol well truck looks sick and I want to send ya a event shirt , I will keep ya posted when there in

zippeay 10-23-2013 04:17 PM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks Dino! All the positive comments are really humbling and it's particularly nice to see someone as accomplished as you saying you like it.

Thank you! I'd love a shirt, let me know how much they are and I can PayPal you.

Dinos63 10-23-2013 08:56 PM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by zippeay (Post 6329577)
Thanks Dino! All the positive comments are really humbling and it's particularly nice to see someone as accomplished as you saying you like it.

Thank you! I'd love a shirt, let me know how much they are and I can PayPal you.

very cool thanks! tees on me :metal:

zippeay 10-24-2013 11:11 AM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by Dinos63 (Post 6330041)
very cool thanks! tees on me :metal:

Thanks Dino! You're the man!

Jmorales3181 10-24-2013 11:14 AM

Re: My own build thread
Looks beautiful!!!

zippeay 10-28-2013 10:23 AM

Re: My own build thread
Got a few things done this weekend. Got the tail gate on, tail lights in, rear bumper mounted. I had a hell of a time getting the tail gate on without scratching the paint. Got a few paint chips but I can't touch them up. I ended up having the shave some of the tailgate brackets down just to get them in but it all worked out. Wish I would have done that before we painted but it all worked out I guess. Man I want to drive this thing.

66-PMD-GMC 10-29-2013 10:03 AM

Re: My own build thread
Nice build...:metal:
Not sure if I just missed it but what tail lights are those?


zippeay 10-29-2013 10:58 AM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks! They are 50 Pontiac lights that I frenched in with buckets.

Ta2Don 10-29-2013 11:38 AM

Re: My own build thread
Wow, I was :jdp: over the paint and all the work involved to get there that I completely missed the taillight...:banghead:
Those are SWEET!!!:metal:

zippeay 10-29-2013 12:10 PM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks! I wish I would have thought of them myself but I actually stole the idea from another board member. These were actually pretty difficult to do. They barely fit in the panel and there wasn't a real good place to put an access hole to mount them and the hole I cut is pretty small and very difficult to install the nuts that hold the lights on.
It took me almost 2 hours to put the nuts on to finish mounting them... Good thing my hands are a little small... "The only time that has ever been a positive for small hands... Haha". One of my hands doesn't work very well so I had to tape the nut on a wrench to get it started. It wasn't fun at all...
The good thing is they are all mounted and the light bulb part comes out pretty easily so I hopefully won't ever have to take the lights back out again.

zippeay 10-31-2013 11:45 AM

Re: My own build thread
A little update.
I got the rest of the truck color sanded and buffed but I still have to do the tailgate. That shouldn't take me too long.

I have some good news. One of my friends rebuilt a nice 300 hp SBC 350 and he's moving so he's selling me his motor!!! So I will have a new motor like I originally wanted. Pretty excited about that but the bad news is I have to pull the motor I just put in... Oh well at least the motor I'm pulling out isn't all hooked up yet. I just have to unbolt it from the Trans and the motor mounts and it should come right out "I hope".

Other than that I've just been slowly putting things together. I got the steering column in and a few other things. Once I'm finished buffing everything I will start jammin on this to get on the road.

LVPhotos 11-03-2013 11:22 AM

Re: My own build thread
What rear bumper is that?

zippeay 11-03-2013 11:32 AM

Re: My own build thread
A ford style side bumper, I believe its a around 67? I can't remember for sure.

McMurphy 11-03-2013 02:06 PM

Re: My own build thread
Your build just gets better and better at every turn!
Very nicely done, and I totally hear you about working yourself into a corner with the clearance issues you had with the tail lights !!
I have upped the difficuly level on myself a few times already in order to achieve a desired effect or goal on my build.

Keep it up, your work is outstanding !! :metal:

zippeay 11-03-2013 02:14 PM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks! I really didn't have the money for this motor but a fully rebuilt 300 hp chevy 350 for 1100 bucks I just couldn't pass up. I also got some original finned Calcustoms valve covers and some ram horn exhaust manifolds with it. I was going to buy those things anyway so it actually saved me even more money. Can't really complain at all. My engine builder wanted 3800 to built my Sbc 400 with the same amount if hp. I really don't want to pull the old motor out already but this is a very good excuse.

zippeay 11-04-2013 12:56 AM

Re: My own build thread
Finally finished color sanding. This was no fun, I was really afraid that I would burn through the clear on this but I didn't, thankfully.


Ta2Don 11-04-2013 09:11 AM

Re: My own build thread
Very Nice!!!:metal::metal::metal: The end result is Worth ALL the Time and Effort!!!

zippeay 11-04-2013 09:36 AM

Re: My own build thread
Yes sir! I'm retired Air Force also! I just noticed your signature.

zippeay 11-13-2013 12:19 PM

Re: My own build thread
Ok, I've been trying to get things done but every time I start something I realize I need to order something else. So... I hope I finally have all the seals to rebuild the vent windows etc. I started taking the vents apart an realized I didn't have everything I needed. Hopefully those parts get here soon so I can finish those and get the rest of the doors put together.

I did pull out the motor and trans last night and I'm hopefully going to put the new motor in this week some time.
I got the intake manifold and ignition parts in this week and this is my new motor. I still have to clean up the valve covers and install them tonight.

Motor is out again..

Here's the new motor!

superflysteiny 11-18-2013 05:50 PM

Re: My own build thread
Wow a lot of work was done here. I love the color this is a very cool build.

zippeay 11-25-2013 09:55 AM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks Superfly, sorry I haven't been updating much lately. Just been busy putting things together. Going a lot slower than Id like but it's coming together. I've been putting the motor together so I can stuff it back in.
Here's a few pics.

Still need a few things but it's almost there.

pdxhall 11-25-2013 10:22 AM

Re: My own build thread
Great work, man. There's nothing like 3 deuces to get the heart a pumpin'

KJSR 11-25-2013 05:47 PM

Re: My own build thread
Making progress man! You going to be doing much to it over Thanksgiving? I'm itching to drive somewhere....

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