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zippeay 05-19-2014 11:34 PM

Re: My own build thread
So... It runs great! But... It's leaking from one of the freeze plugs... >:(.

I'm kind of bummed but hopefully it isn't a giant project to fix this. I am really please with how nice it runs other than one of the carbs is leaking fuel. Hopefully we can fix those things quickly so I can get the exhaust done this week.

zippeay 05-21-2014 11:21 AM

Re: My own build thread
We took the plug out and found out why it was leaking... There is a deep gouge in the plug seat....
Not too happy that the engine builder didn't mention that. I talked to one of my friends that works for Cummings and he said they used JB weld "yes, seriously they do" things like that. He said they even use it to fill gouges on the heads sometimes. Sounded pretty redneck to me but I don't have any other solutions.
So... That's what I did, now I just hope it works.
Hopefully we can get the kinks worked out and get the exhaust done this week "the story of my life"... Haha!

zippeay 05-26-2014 10:03 PM

Re: My own build thread
The plug worked out well until we started seeing an oil leak. It's coming out by the where the the fly wheel mounts up to the motor. We were hoping that it would just be an oil pan seal but we changed that today and it's still leaking. It must be the rear main seal... So now I get to change that too... I'm trying to keep going but this thing is not making it easy... I think almost everything that could go wrong has so far... I'll get it, I'm just sick of fixing things. I want to drive this damn thing!

McMurphy 05-27-2014 02:33 AM

Re: My own build thread
Hang in there buddy, I know how demotivating these unexpected hang ups can be.

Deep Breathe, and hang in there !!
Summer is only starting..... Plenty of cruise nights left still !! :metal:

zippeay 05-27-2014 09:43 AM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks! I'm hanging in there! I've just been saying "this weekend" for so long it's become disheartening.
Ive always heard the saying "good things aren't cheap and cheap things aren't good". Well... I'm starting to believe that. The really upsetting thing is that this motor sounds and runs great!
I think if we can solve this oil leak we should hopefully be good. I just really hope we don't have to pull the motor again...
Oh ya... And I also found this in the bottom of the oil pan... Not sure how it got there because the only place it could come from is the crank or the cam and I checked them. I also looked all over the crank and there aren't any marks from it that I could see. The only thing I could think of is the guy misplaced it and used another one???
Doesn't exactly make you feel confident in the rest of the motor though...

Jeff La 05-27-2014 10:30 AM

Re: My own build thread
Well the positive side is it's not damaged so neither should anything in the engine. Looks like alot of fun driving is in the near future, congrats.

McMurphy 05-27-2014 11:40 AM

Re: My own build thread
What an odd piece you have found, I wonder what it is...

KJSR 05-27-2014 06:14 PM

Re: My own build thread
I just sent you a text. It looks like a crankshaft woodruff key.....

zippeay 05-28-2014 10:47 AM

Re: My own build thread
Sorry I didnt text you back last night, I worked late and didn't want to text you too late.
I have my fingers crossed, we replaced the rear main and I ran it for about 10-15 mins and it looks good so far, I think think the problem was the guy that built the motor didn't offset the seals like the book said to, at least that's what I hope.

Hopefully that fixed it! When I get home tonight I'm going to run it some more to double check and if it looks good I'll throw the seat in and take it for a spin!
Ive heard horror stories about the rear main seal but honestly it was pretty easy. I'm sure that's because it's a newly rebuilt motor but it went very easy. I just hope this fixes this and we don't have any more major issues.
As far as the woodruff key goes, if it was missing from somewhere I would assume something bad would have already happened. We've ran the motor for probably about an hour total and I couldn't imagine something not coming apart yet. I just don't see how that key would have made its way through the motor from either the crank or the cam and not tore something up.
The guy must have left it in the pan "which I'm still not happy about" but at least we found it before it did any damage. There isn't any metal in the oil either so it should be ok.

CRGRS 66 05-28-2014 11:54 AM

Re: My own build thread
sure hope this is all of the whoopsie Daisies that the builder has in store for you...

just a thought, would it be worth making sure that the woodruff key is in place on your balancer? Scared to think of the mess that would make of your engine if that was the key that ended up in the pan...

Better safe than sorry... my Mom always said that, even to this day I sometimes wish I would listen to that advice.

Chin up buddy

zippeay 05-28-2014 12:47 PM

Re: My own build thread
I took the bolt out of the balancer and my Dad checked and he said he could see the key in place. I wanted to pull the balancer but he insisted it was there. I'm with you, I like to make sure of things like that but he said he could see it and he's taught me most of what I know.

Modges'66 05-28-2014 08:00 PM

Re: My own build thread
Nice find!...But I doubt that anything would have happened, unless your oil pump pickup doesn't have a screen.
I am pretty sure that the only thing that has a woodruff key on a small block is the harmonic balancer, and I can see how it would be very easy for it to fall of during installation, and make it's way directly to the oil-pan
But nonetheless, I am sure that finding this is not comforting to you!
I can relate, because the PO had built the engine in my truck, but never started it, and at several points in my build I had noticed things that made me shake my head in amazement, but not in a good way....
It is tough to not be in control of everything and need to re-visit items that you assumed were handled correctly.
I would like to bet that this is just a coincidence, and that there is no need for worry.
The truck looks awesome by the way!
I cannot wait to be at the driving stage!

zippeay 06-01-2014 01:37 PM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks Modges! I've made a lot of progress this weekend. I got the Air Ride to hold air like it should, still no oil leaks. However, the heads started leaking a little coolant last night... This has been a nightmare... I'm going to try and torque the heads down and see if that fixes it...

superflysteiny 06-02-2014 11:42 AM

Re: My own build thread
I am sorry about your engine. I have experienced this many times with small blocks and big blocks. you fix one oil leak only to have another one pop up a few weeks later. I have stopped using small blocks and gone to ls engines for his reason. They just don't leak. I hope you get it worked out. The truck is amazing

zippeay 06-02-2014 01:47 PM

Re: My own build thread
It's all good, hey I took a gamble on a motor built by someone I didn't know and I'm having issues because of it. Sometimes those gambles work out and some times they don't. Hopefully the rest of the motor holds together. I didn't get a chance to torque the heads yesterday but I'll do that today and pray that fixes it.
If not I'll be doing head gaskets this week... Lol, good times!
Thanks for all the positivity!
Anyone have some spare temp/fuel/battery gauges they don't need?

zippeay 06-03-2014 12:02 PM

Re: My own build thread
Dropped her off at the exhaust shop this morning. I re-torqued the heads but they are still leaking... One of my friends said he thinks they will seal after i drive it a few times. I sure hope he's right or I'll be doing head gaskets this weekend...
I loaded it up last night and my wife took this pic.

Jeff La 06-03-2014 03:38 PM

Re: My own build thread
Years ago we used to spray head gaskets with a couple of coats of aluminum paint to help them seal. might look into that for the next set

zippeay 06-04-2014 08:43 AM

Re: My own build thread
Took her out for a spin yesterday. The heads are still leaking but it's staying about 200 degs.
Here is the video

Ta2Don 06-04-2014 09:19 AM

Re: My own build thread
Nice to see you in the Driver's seat...:uhmk: and it sounds sweet...:metal:

1963c-10 06-04-2014 09:27 AM

Re: My own build thread
Sounds awesome......great looking ride!!!

zippeay 06-04-2014 10:30 AM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by Ta2Don (Post 6706150)
Nice to see you in the Driver's seat...:uhmk: and it sounds sweet...:metal:

I was sitting on a 5 gallon bucket... Hahaha!

Thanks guys! I have some bugs to work out but it is fun, has a lot more power than I thought it would. I can't get it to shift into 3rd, hopefully I can figure that out. It's so nice to finally have it on the road.
I put magna flows on it, I really like the sound of them! The exhaust wasn't cheap but it does sound good!

zippeay 06-08-2014 04:03 PM

Re: My own build thread
I figured out the trans problem. I didn't hook it up to the correct vacuum port but it shifts fine now. I did make it to my first car show!
Unfortunately the head gaskets are done... As soon as I parked it for the car show it started dumping coolant all over the ground :(. However it did drive nicely and lots of people seemed to really like it and that makes this all worth it.
Today I'm goin to take the heads off and put on some new head gaskets, hopefully these ones don't have any issues... Good times!

KJSR 06-09-2014 09:33 AM

Re: My own build thread
I would use the fel pro blue stripe gaskets and make sure you you use the fel pro head bolt sealant on the threads!

Dinos63 06-09-2014 06:39 PM

Re: My own build thread
first drives are always the best congrats!!

Bomp 06-09-2014 08:39 PM

Re: My own build thread
Congrats, Musta been nice having the nicest truck there.

McMurphy 06-10-2014 03:21 PM

Re: My own build thread
Man that is a cool video dude!! So happy you finally got to put it on the road. When the video started I was all jazzed for you, then the thought occured...."Man, I hope this doesnt end with a tow truck...."

Sorry to hear about the head gaskets, I hope those are not warped on you. Seems you are having all the challenges with that engine.

I hope to maiden voyage mine in the next week or so too !!

Good luck with the gasket swap !! :metal:

1963c-10 06-10-2014 03:43 PM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by dinos63 (Post 6713273)
first drives are always the best congrats!!


zippeay 06-14-2014 03:06 AM

Re: My own build thread
I swear this truck is cursed! Or maybe it's me, either way it isn't fun. The heads need rebuilt and they are stock crappy truck heads. I spent 2 days looking for new heads and bought some only to realize I didn't check to make sure they had accessory holes drilled and they don't :(.

So... I spent $50 bucks "I actually got a good deal on them thankfully" but I still can't use them.
Hopefully I can find some slightly better heads and get them rebuilt. I really wish people would just be honest about things "referring to all the problems with the motor" This is beyond ridiculous...

I've learned I will most likely never buy a "rebuilt" motor again. I've never built a whole motor but I'm sure that I couldn't screw it up any worse than this guy did...
Alright I'll stop complaining, if I can get my heads back this week hopefully it goes together and I can drive it for more than 10 miles!

Thanks everyone, I sure wish I was out enjoying it right now but it will have to wait a little longer. I just hope this fixes everything and I can have fun for at least a few weeks "or more".

Modges'66 06-14-2014 07:17 AM

Re: My own build thread
Oh Dude!
I feel bad that you are having all of the difficulties with your motor!
On the brighter side, you are probably learning a lot in a short amount of time...
But it must feel like trying to take a sip of water from a fire-hose!!!!
Things WILL get better!

zippeay 06-14-2014 05:46 PM

Re: My own build thread
Midges66, thank you. Ya, that is how I'm looking at it. I'm actually kicking myself for not building the motor myself. I haven't built a motor but after doing all this I'm pretty confident that I could do a decent job.

Oh well, next time I will do it all myself but for now hopefully once this issue is resolved i won't have any more issue.

I found a decent set of heads today and they are fully rebuilt and the guy bought the other heads Or what I paid for them, I really lucked out there! Nothing super nice just some 993's with Z28 springs and .194 valves but for my mild build it should work fine. I also ordered a 268 comp cam and some ARP bolts and all nice felpro gaskets.

I was told this was a 300 hp motor but there's no way with stock truck heads and a stock grind cam... Hopefully the cam and these heads wake this thing up a little! It won't win any land speed records but hopefully it has a little power. I figured if I've gone this far I may as well make some minor improvements.

Hopefully I can get everything together by next weekend "the story of my life... Haha"

zippeay 06-19-2014 11:22 AM

Re: My own build thread
Here's what I've been doing
Put the new cam in, new heads, intake, replaced all the seals and head gasket with Felpro gaskets. This better work or this motor is going to be used for target practice...

Hopefully tonight I can get the rest buttoned up and I'll try firing it up tomorrow and pray to the hot rod gods everything works out... Haha! Oh man building cars is fun...

Modges'66 06-19-2014 12:04 PM

Re: My own build thread
Good Luck!
Crossing my fingers for you!

79azc10 06-19-2014 12:25 PM

Re: My own build thread
Looks good. , love the old school triple carb set up

Captainfab 06-20-2014 01:11 AM

Re: My own build thread
Just be sure to use a good breakin additive and follow the cam breakin procedure to the 'tee', no comprimises. And you will want to use either a flat tappet cam compatable oil or regular oil with a ZDDP additive thereafter. Otherwise you will be using that engine for target practice.

Ta2Don 06-20-2014 09:11 AM

Re: My own build thread
Looking Great!!! :metal:

I too dig the 3 deuces...:metal::metal::metal:

zippeay 06-20-2014 01:21 PM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks everyone!
Captainfab - thank you for the advice! I have friends that build cars a lot and they told me about the additive as well. I used the Lucas stuff when I first fires this up and have more for when I put oil back in it.
I'm about 95% done putting everything back together. I just have to add fluids and bolt the exhaust to the manifolds.
Hopefully within the next few hours can get everything finished and try to fire this up and pray everything works correctly... I'm pretty nervous to say the least...

1963c-10 06-20-2014 01:35 PM

Re: My own build thread
Engine looks the tri carb set up and really considering it for my 348 build.

McMurphy 06-20-2014 02:31 PM

Re: My own build thread
Dude, after the surprisingly non-issues identified maiden voyage of my truck I have been on the edge of the seat waiting to see what happens with yours !! I am sorry you had so much trouble with that motor, but it looks like you rebounded with exceptional determination from it.

I may be in the envy zone again here real soon if this turns out the way I think it is going to for you !!

Thanks for stopping by my build, your encouragement means a lot :metal:

siggyfreud 06-20-2014 03:43 PM

Re: My own build thread
Cam break-ins are my least favorite thing :). Have some fans ready to keep that thing cool, as the break-in will likely have you running a few RPMs without the benefit of wind speed helping to cool the motor.

zippeay 06-24-2014 01:41 PM

Re: My own build thread
I got everything back together and took it to a show for Vets with PTSD, pretty neat show!

Unfortunately now the motor runs way too hot... It ran about 200 and slow crept up to 230-240... I've home through absolutely everything on the cooling system and either replaced it or flushed it out and nothing is helping... I'm so frustrated... I even reset the timing to make sure that wasn't the issue, no matter how much we retard or advance the timing it still gets hot. Nothing leaks but it won't stay cool.
The only thing I can come up with is that something may be wrong with the new head gaskets... I really hope that isn't the issue but We've done everything else.
Here are some pics of the show

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