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8man 07-29-2019 10:57 AM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Matt, good work. Test the switch with your vom to see which prongs on the switch do what. Then test the wires you ran to the switch to see if they are power or ground. Then you will know for sure it’s hooked up right.

Matt_50 07-29-2019 10:39 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Got it running for a few minutes until water temp rose and dropped. Fan came on like it's supposed too and I'm very happy with how quiet it is and how much air it pulled.

Headlights work but I need to check on driver side turn signal.

Used old oil sender with new gauge. I guess it's not compatible because it maxes out. Unless there's another problem. With how close I am to firewall, I'm not sure how to reach in and change it. Is there another spot I could use for the sender?

dsraven 07-30-2019 11:00 AM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
on the horn, the wire is simply "ground to operate". usually, if it worked correctly before a steering wheel or column change, then the problem is in the column. if it blows with the steering wheel off then it could be a pinched wire under the signal switch or inside the column since you say the sig switch is new. if you simply unplug the column and turn the key on and find the horn doesn't blow anymore then the problem would seem to be in the column somewhere. since the wiring to the column is unplugged at that point you could do the continuity test on the horn wire right then to see if the wire has continuity to the column or not. if it does, pull the screws on the signal switch and pull the switch out a bit, retry the continuity test. sometimes the wire gets pinched under the switch. if the problem is in the column just keep bulldogging it until you find the short to ground. if the problem is NOT in the column,
you could:
check the relay, the contacts could be welded or stuck together inside the relay or you simply have a faulty relay. use a light in place of the horns so you know the horn draw isn't gonna weld the contacts together again if there is a horn problem, plus it is less annoying to have a light come on instead of the horn blowing. make sure to test the light to ensure it works so you have trusty testing. first do the wire tests on the relay to ensure you have the circuits correct, power,load, signal. the signal wire is the one that goes to the column. leave the column connector unplugged and see if that wire has continuity to ground when disconnected from the relay. if it does then it has a short to ground somewhere between the relay and the column. pinched or stripped of insulation on a sharp edge during install or rubbed through someplace.
on the oil pressure sender, you could plug the hole on the block behind the intake manifold and use the threaded hole just above the oil filter if you have room. gauges have ohm ratings so the sender has to match the gauge. if you unplug the sender the gauge should go either all the way up or all the way down. then, if the sender wire is grounded, the gauge should go all the way in the opposite direction. a good ground to the gauge and to the engine is a must, of course, as is the correct rating of sender. also, some senders are simple on/off switches so if you have a gauge that reads pressure you will need the sender that also allows a variable ground voltage based on oil pressure instead of the simple on/off style switch.

Matt_50 07-30-2019 12:21 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
1 Attachment(s)
I thought I'd check for a grounding issue on the oil sending wire. I unplugged it from the sender and no ground. Engine is still running and I look at the gauge. It is still maxed out but I noticed it doesn't jump anymore. The needle moved back and forth maybe an 1/8 of an inch before.

So I pulled my little cluster out to see if maybe something touches when it's running. There are three posts on the gauge. B, T, GROUND. Just like in this picture.

From a good ground to the sender wire, T, I do not have continuity.

Ground to ground I do.

From B, to T nothing.

From B to ground. I also have continuity. Is that right? B to the gauge case and B to a good ground or to the ground post beeps at me.

dsraven 07-30-2019 04:11 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
unless they started building gauges differently these days I am pretty sure you need some continuity between the B and the T.
there are 2 coils inside the gauge making a magnetic field. one coil is a constant and it's field will move the needle all the way over to zero. the other coil has a varied by the amount of ground given by the sending unit. that field varies so the needle will more easily pull toward the zero mark by the stronger constant magnetic field on the other side of the needle. should the oil pressure spike then the needle would, of course, be drawn over to the high end of the gauge. it would make sense, then, that there should be some continuity between B and T. the internal coil would ground through the ground connection on the back of the gauge. since you have the gauge out you could easily test it on the bench with a battery and some test leads with alligator clips on the ends of the leads. connect batt neg to the ground, batt pos to the B and then see what the gauge does. it should spike to the zero end of the gauge. now ground the T connection with another test lead and the gauge should go to max oil pressure.
we are talking about some pretty small coils here so a continuity test may result in some pretty high ohms. sometimes best to simply test it manually with the old battery trick. you can also connect the oil pressure sensor to the air line if you have a compressor and use a pressure regulator to control the air pressure (with a gauge so you know what pressure you are feeding the sensor). the oil pressure gauge should react like normal. if it has nothing then suddenly as you increase the air pressure the oil gauge goes to full pressure you possibly have a sensor for an idiot light that is actually an on/off switch instead of a variable resistance sensor.

Matt_50 07-30-2019 06:19 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Ok, pulled it out and tested it on the battery.

Ground wire to ground.

B wire to positive.

Gauge then maxed out to 80.

I then added T to ground and it went to 0.

Matt_50 07-30-2019 06:21 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Not sure if it makes a difference but with ground wire to ground and positive taken off... I put the T wire to positive and it maxed out too.

Matt_50 07-30-2019 06:32 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
3 Attachment(s)
And sincevwe are talking about the oil pressure gauge. Can someone help me verify what these three things are. The one behind distributor is my sender right? But I have a two prong thing above oil filter and I have some other thing on passenger side above pan. Has a funny plug but the single wire just hangs.

57tailgater 07-31-2019 11:28 AM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
If you're talking about a SBC, the one by the distributor would be your oil pressure. The one by the filter looks like it may be for a low oil pressure warning light with the two connections. Not sure what the other one is - may be an oil temp but not sure what gets monitored at that port? Can't see the connection well enough.

dsraven 07-31-2019 12:14 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
distributor fitting-oil pressure sender
above oil filter fitting-also oil pressure port
fitting ahead of starter-knock sensor-goes right into water jacket and pre-electronic spark timing engines simply had a block drain or a pipe plug in that spot-used on engines with electronic spark timing modules. some shops would simply remove the est distributor and install a regular distributor to eliminate the module when problems arose.

use the port by the oil filter for oil pressure gauge if that has enough room and not gonna fry the sender or wiring with exhaust heat. you can then simply leave the old sender in the top port as a plug. run the wire a bit longer and connect to the new location. lots of older vehicles, especially trucks, used that lower location for an oil pressure sender.

Matt_50 08-01-2019 12:23 AM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Thanks guys. I'll need to find an adapter or extension for the oil filter spot. Make it stick out a bit to put the sender on.

Matt_50 08-01-2019 12:26 AM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Turns out I can't get a custom braided steel brake line made here in town. Went all over town. I'll have to call around tomorrow to online places.

Did get driveshaft dropped off to be shortened. Also ordered a column shifter kit.

Matt_50 08-01-2019 07:30 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Got a brake line coming from Off-road Design. If I had routed the hard line differently this might have been easier, but oh well.

After some searches on the web I got a swaging tool from home depot to do the parking cable. Got lucky, 30 dollar tool. Hard to find and when the lady who was helping me did find it she knocked half price off because it was a bit scratched up. Lol I wanted was a sku number and she marked it down.

Matt_50 08-02-2019 03:22 AM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Just double checking... but to block off oil or coolant ports or adapt fittings or extend for the sender, I can just go to home depot and get brass plugs and fittings right?

Matt_50 08-02-2019 02:22 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Since I wanted to block off unused sensor ports and maybe move the oil sender, I thought I'd take off the extra stuff and go to home depot. While I was under the truck I was able to reach up above the trans and get a wrench on the oil sender behind the distributor.

I could only move about a 1/4 of an inch, and it took the better part of an hour to replace one sender but I got it!! Hooked up the gauge and I'm good to go.

dsraven 08-02-2019 04:11 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
nice. forward momentum
if using a sealer on the threads use a liquid style and not teflon tape. it has a way of getting threaded off into the oil galleries.

8man 08-02-2019 07:09 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Nice! You'll be driving soon.

dsraven 08-02-2019 07:14 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
does your gauge work properly now?

Matt_50 08-02-2019 07:14 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
I think I'm taking more steps forward than back lately lol

Took back the swaging tool to home depot. Yep, popped right off. I did a bunch of searching and ordered a c10 parking brake cable that was 8 inches longer than what I originally wanted. But I'm pretty sure I can make this difference up by moving the mount spot back on the frame.

Matt_50 08-02-2019 07:18 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
As far as I can tell. Read about 60 pounds at start up. Went down to 50 after a while.

This good?

I don't remember what the gauge read in the c10. I know it's a newer crate motor with maybe 9000 miles on it.

Matt_50 08-02-2019 07:29 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
I was a little concerned at first but found this thread.

Maybe I need to run it longer than just a few minutes? I've ran it just enough to check leaks, and test electrical, and play with linkage.

joedoh 08-03-2019 01:37 AM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
10 psi per 1000 rpm is the LOW limit, if you had a blockage and super high oil pressure it would have already turned into a knock or a squeal. I say run it!

Matt_50 08-04-2019 03:18 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
1 Attachment(s)
Column shifter installed! Took almost 3 hours of fussing with it it and checking and double checking.

8man 08-04-2019 05:10 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
When is that test drive?

Matt_50 08-04-2019 05:24 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Well, I hope to pick up the driveshaft Monday or Tuesday. The rear steel braided brake line I ordered is supposed to be here this next week, the same for the parking brake cable and rear lights.

So I'm hoping within next two weeks!

Matt_50 08-04-2019 11:27 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
I got to thinking... my master cylinder hasn't had any fluid in it for 18 months. What are the chances it isn't good? And the booster should be good though right?

Thinking I might get a new MC just to have all new brake stuff. The donor one from c10 should be just fine or is there a better option? Donor had same rear end and disc brakes too.

Matt_50 08-06-2019 07:15 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
1 Attachment(s)
Picked up driveshaft today. Pretty quick install.

Matt_50 08-08-2019 10:40 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
1 Attachment(s)
Parking brake cable in! I had to get another cable, pretty cheap though, because swaging a new end didn't work. After some remeasuring I got another 84 c10 cable and this time made a bracket and put it in the right spot. Unfortunately measuring twice and cut once didn't work me lol and I had to cutvit and reweld the bracket.

Parts used.

Parts from donor, 1984 c10 long bed.

Parking brake cable assembly. Mounted just like it was in c10.

Cable for same c10, overall length 89.5 inches.

Rear axle from 84 along with the parking brake cables that came with it.

Rear cable bracket from c10 used. On c10 the bracket was mounted under frame but I moved it to inside of frame due to difference in leaf springs.

Lastly the ugly bracket I made. It works, now I will paintbit when I get some more black paint.

joedoh 08-08-2019 11:10 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
I wouldnt worry about the master cylinder after 18 months, but make sure you bench bleed it before putting it in.

Matt_50 08-09-2019 01:16 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
I called nearest oriellys and a reman with a warranty was 32 bucks. Figured why not, and I have a all new brake system except for the rear shoes.

8man 08-09-2019 01:41 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Good call on the reman.

joedoh 08-10-2019 02:41 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
haha probably a good call to replace, i always float between the thought that the ONE Part I DONT replace will be bad, and the thought that replacing ALL the parts increases the odds of getting a defective part. its maddening to be me sometimes.

Matt_50 08-13-2019 08:53 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Me and my wife have been pretty busy lately with all the inservice days. New procedures, refreshers, sexual harassment, ethics, new testing... on and on.

Decided to get in some time today. Jacked up the truck and got the wheels off, put on the reman MC, and got the new flexible brake line on the rear. I'm hoping tomorrow to get the brakes bleed. I bought the little screw in piece for the proportioning valve. Does this mean I can bleed the brakes until it feels right and then pop off the little screw in piece and go?

Matt_50 08-24-2019 01:04 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
First sorta test drive!

Just bled brakes, and tested parking brake. Had to see it go back and forth.

mongocanfly 08-24-2019 01:08 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
IT MOVES..!!!! and stops...

Matt_50 08-24-2019 04:15 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Yea, we couldn't help ourselves. After finishing the brakes I thought we'd check them.

Started it, brakes still felt good with booster. Thought I'd make sure I got the shifter linkage zeroed in good. Wheels spun in the right directions when they were supposed to lol.

Only thing left was to set it on the ground. I had a terrible thought of going through the fence and saying hello to the neighbor lol.

8man 08-24-2019 04:43 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
Congrats! Big day.

Matt_50 08-24-2019 04:44 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
It's the little things...

joedoh 08-25-2019 08:58 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100

Originally Posted by Matt_50 (Post 8581393)
I had a terrible thought of going through the fence and saying hello to the neighbor lol.


Matt_50 09-03-2019 09:04 PM

Re: '50 chevy 3100
2 Attachment(s)
Haven't actually done much lately. With school starting up I've been a bit tired lol 22 7 year olds are a handful!

Yesterday I moved the bed to behind the truck. Setting it up on jack stands and stuff. If you remember, the stake pockets were welded over for a smooth look by a PO. I marked the holes and drilled a hole through each one. I then used a jigsaw to make an X.

Once I had drilled the holes I noticed the metal the PO filled the holes with was twice as thick as the bed metal. So I grabbed a pair of channel locks and thought that if I bent the X pieces back and forth... that they would break on the weak point of where the thicker metal met the thinner metal.

It worked so I did them all that way! Pockets need a little touch up but not bad for 20 minutes worth of work.

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