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matthamby 10-18-2016 12:30 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
double post

VWNate1 10-18-2016 11:28 PM

Snark alert !
This just goes to prove that in matters of taste, every one else is WRONG :lol: .

RodnRudy 10-19-2016 05:28 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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Got busy and welded up the old mirror holes today in prep for my new sport mirrors. It was a quicky job, weld, grind, spot prime, and rattle can some color and we're good to go.

RodnRudy 10-19-2016 05:30 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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Upper holes in the window frame.

BugzC10 10-19-2016 06:49 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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Finished up installing Jeep fan conversion.....test it in the morning.

67-C10 10-19-2016 08:50 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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Tonight I worked on my DBW pedal and was able to mount the 71-72 pad on the 03 Silverado assembly. Still need to make a bracket for it in the cab.

BugzC10 10-21-2016 11:42 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Finished installing and setting lash (E-O,I-C) comp Cam Ultra Roller Rocker and New Magnum push rods...test drive later:chevy:

re1 10-21-2016 12:18 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by IronmanC10 (Post 7743774)
I posted on page 178. Today I hugged my truck because it is officially mine! I also removed the box, let the work begin.

Well now you have to show us more pictures.

San Diego Ron 10-22-2016 05:37 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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Mine is back together after back yard paint job, just need to clean it up a bit.

rsgt 10-22-2016 07:24 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by San Diego Ron (Post 7749334)
Mine is back together after back yard paint job, just need to clean it up a bit.

Looks good!

71threequarterton 10-22-2016 08:28 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Pulled the bench out. The truck came with pretty nice looking re-upholstered tan interior but the seat is worn through on the driver's side and the PO had it covered up with some cheap Chinese seat cover that I didn't like at all.

I bought a black "Dorchester" cover from Seat Covers Unlimited - supposedly really durable for heavy duty use and Made in USA! :metal: It fits nicely and looks good.

While I had the seat out I cleaned out the cab with a shop vac and fixed the 3 pt. seat belts - whoever installed them had them flipped over the wrong way so in order to fasten them you'd have to twist them over and they'd be all bunched up and ride up on your belly - super annoying and uncomfortable! I fixed that problem by pulling off the retractable units where they anchor to the floor by the door jamb so I could flip over the belts and bolt 'em back down the right way.

Taking the bench out and putting it back in was pretty easy. I used some cardboard under the driver's side legs so I could slide it out and back into the cab and had a coleman cooler outside the passenger side to rest it on while I maneuvered it out and back in(first time I've used a cooler for something other than beer :lol: ).

The hardest thing about it was lining up the holes when I reinstalled the bench. Even with one front bolt in on each side, the back legs didn't want to line up.

BugzC10 10-23-2016 07:51 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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Gave the girls a bath

lots-o-bunnys 10-23-2016 09:09 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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My truck build has come a long way in the last few months, yesterday i put my 12 to 10 bolt fuel pump adapter in. I have a rear mounted boyd welding fuel tank with a single 340 pump. I ditched the single 340 pump and went with a aeromotive phantom dual 340 pumps. I plumbed the pumps from 2 -6 lines into one -8 hose with a backflow preventer.

To see more details of this build check out 71k10restomod build

Ekliptix 10-23-2016 10:50 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Heated up the tires.

Nhoechst 10-23-2016 12:59 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
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Well over a few days I lowered it, put new shocks, ball joints, tie rods, brakes, and headers on it. Did 2.5 drop spindles up front and 4 inch lowering springs in the back. Pretty happy with it but may do an inch lower up front with smaller springs if it doesn't settle any more. Can't complain though, first time working on it all year because I've been slammed at work and it went great. I'm on here all the time while traveling to tracks and love watching yalls projects, makes the time go by quicker! In the winter she'll get a new torque converter, wiring harness, lights, and straight pipes.

Steeveedee 10-23-2016 02:26 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Saturday, took my truck to the storage yard and picked up my new trailer. First time it's been attached. Took the trailer home and installed "poles" in two cabinets for clothes on hangers. Wife put in the dog beds, etc.

Sunday, put in a new heater/AC blower switch. Got it from LMC. Also ordered 3-point seat belts and a new lap belt for the center passenger. I'll put those in, a little after lunch. 4 days to deliver, and the parts are correct.

66clow 10-23-2016 03:49 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Blocked my fender and painted the cowl panel. Fixed a ignition switch wire that I must of knock loose at some point and caused my battery not to charge. Had to jump start it to get home. Hate that when things go wrong after you done fixed it. Glad I knew where to look.

66clow 10-23-2016 03:58 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by Ekliptix (Post 7749859)

Got to keep them tires maintained by regularly heating them up. Nice! :burnout::burnout:

CaptainMorgan_SOS 10-23-2016 09:12 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Replaced the front fender. The old one was pretty beat up, had about 4 snapped off bolts in it, and was pretty much held on by sheetmetal screws that one of the previous owners threw in there.

Toms67 10-25-2016 07:14 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Getting firewall ready for paint.

saxart 10-25-2016 08:28 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Called the DMV to ask where my title is after waiting 10.5 weeks. I hear the lady on the other end of the line typing on her computer. "Um.. It looks like it was done awhile back, but for some reason never got sent out in an envelope. Sorry, I'll do that for you now..."

Grrr..... :cuss:

74baggedbug 10-25-2016 11:30 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Got rid of the old gauge

73737373 10-26-2016 11:07 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by SoCoC10 (Post 7679935)
LOTS of masking. Used my rear bumper's box to make a 2" "window" in 4ft section. Only masked the upper and lower with the expensive/good tape then used cheap tape/duct to join the window to the good tape. Painted with my touch up gun with Rustoleum 4 parts flat to 1 part gloss 1 part acetone. Key is to use a flat surface (like a paint stick in my case)and wrap paper tight around it. Wet with acetone and use even pressure to expose to two shiny high ridges. Tedious but worth the effort.

I have used semi-gloss black pin striping tape on these and the lower moldings. Much more forgiving than paint.

matthamby 10-26-2016 11:23 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Hey guys, been trolling around, found this site that may be interesting to some of you.

VWNate1 10-26-2016 12:05 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
! WARNING ! never, EVER click on any link that isn't clearly described ! .

matthamby 10-26-2016 12:45 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Hey, sorry about that, I was looking for certain things, lights gauges, etc... found an eBay listing that had lights from this company, I searched the company up and went to their web site. That is a link to their site. Lots of cool stuff for lots of different applications - dash lights, warning lights, etc... The link is clean, at least it was when I made it!

mrcomedy104 10-26-2016 02:33 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Posted via Mobile Device

mrcomedy104 10-26-2016 02:35 PM

I'm currently swapping the motor on my c20, I've never done this but I have the motor in the transmission, it's not going in all the way, would someone be able to help resolve this?
Posted via Mobile Device

San Diego Ron 10-26-2016 06:42 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
4 Attachment(s)
My truck is back in business after repairs and paint...finally!

flashed 10-26-2016 07:55 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Looks great .

VWNate1 10-27-2016 08:46 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by mrcomedy104 (Post 7752865)
I'm currently swapping the motor on my c20, I've never done this but I have the motor in the transmission, it's not going in all the way, would someone be able to help resolve this?
Posted via Mobile Device

?? Do you mean the engine and tranny don't quite close up the gap ?? .

If so, 99 % of the time the Torque Converter isn't quite properly settled in on all three of it's splines.....

un4gvn! 10-27-2016 09:40 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by VWNate1 (Post 7753374)
?? Do you mean the engine and tranny don't quite close up the gap ?? .

If so, 99 % of the time the Torque Converter isn't quite properly settled in on all three of it's splines.....

Make sure the pilot bearing was removed from the back of the crank shaft if it had a standard transmission. Spin and push in the torque converter until you feel three clicks. Bolt the trans to the motor before you bolt the converter to the flex plate. The converter and the flex plate should have 1/2 to 3/4 inch gap between them. You should have to pull the converter out towards the flex plate to eliminate the gap.

VWNate1 10-27-2016 10:02 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
" You should have to pull the converter out towards the flex plate to eliminate the gap. "

THIS !~ if you cannot easily spin the Torque Converted by one finger when the engine is mated to the bell housing , the T.C. likely isn't properly settled .

Custom/20 10-27-2016 01:38 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Got a valance from pick n pull and some road lights from AutoZone and installed them.

mild68 10-27-2016 07:59 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I'm about a week and a half behind schedule of when I want to prime and paint frame.
Any way, I primed Sunday and Painted yesterday.

SKT 10-27-2016 08:16 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by Ekliptix (Post 7749859)


Beautiful trucks!

:metal: :metal: :metal:


Dad's72 10-27-2016 11:24 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
2 Attachment(s)
Still in the process of getting my motor cleaned up and put back together. But I got the valve covers painted, they were chrome but had a lot of surface rust. Painted the oil pan and timinng cover. And buddy was nice enough to sand blast my intake. I cleaned it with some degreaser and tooth brush.
Debating on leaving it as is or spraying with VHT Aluminum color for a clean look and ease of cleaning. Any thoughts?
Under the intake it is stamped 1976. Is this the year it was cast?

Dad's72 10-28-2016 06:46 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Anyone have any luck painting an intake with VHT rattle cans?

VWNate1 10-29-2016 10:02 AM

Engine Painting
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Yes ;

Decent quality Foo-Foo can paint works fine on engines and intake manifolds *IF* you take the time to prep it correctly .

This means scuffing off all the old paint rust and grease oil , takes time but is well worth the effort .

TrshTrk 10-29-2016 12:31 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Did front brakes, springs, shocks, brake lines, MC, booster, flip kit, c notch, and mouse removal.
Purchasing new rear leaf springs because the ones on here are extremely tired and the flip kit dropped the truck 8 or 9 inches instead of 5. haha
Good thing we didn't do the 2" drop shackles or the hitch wouldve been on the ground.

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