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68c10owner 11-29-2003 12:30 AM

there are so many pages to this thread and i did`nt feel like going through all of them. my question is, what about the Fatman Fab mustang 2 front end for these trucks? anybody have any experience with this kit? i`m thinking about doing it to my 68. thanks.

phantom dually 11-29-2003 02:00 AM

I really dont think that it has been addressed in this thread. I think alot of guys here dont care for the mustang II setup on these trucks??

70 Jimmy 11-29-2003 03:06 PM

You can't go wrong with FatMan. They are super people with a great line up of products. Pick up the phone and talk to them about what your thinking and they will be straight with you.

The typical aftermarket "mustang II" style suspension is much stronger than the original. I've seen them in Big Block cars and trucks and never seen a problem that wasn't caused by the installer.

phantom dually 12-13-2003 08:32 PM


Bagd72Chevy 12-14-2003 09:18 PM

Alright guys, I'm kind of new to the game here. Does anyone make a kit to put power rack and pinion on a 72 chevy. And Also what kind of power rack do they use?

70 Jimmy 12-14-2003 11:41 PM

Bill Turner has a "kit" and it uses a F@RD rack. Several will work. Give him a call. It would be a good idea to read all 12 pages of this post. It will give you alot of good info and most importantly it will give you Bills number. I'm even lazier than you are, I know the number is here somewhere but I'm too much of a slacker to look :D Seriously.......... I am lazy. Give him a ring.

phantom dually 12-15-2003 12:05 AM

Go to his website as his new # will be posted there following his move.

Bagd72Chevy 12-15-2003 01:01 AM

already read
I've already read this whole post like twice. I just get a little confused about things. Can't wait to start my truck!

phantom dually 12-15-2003 09:48 PM

If there is something you dont understand just ask. Alot of guys here know about this.

bagged87chevy 12-22-2003 04:50 PM

Hey everybody I have read this whole thread and am going to do the xmember drop to my truck and am going to run 22's. I was just wondering if any body has a way to rig up a heater. I know that the heater box has to be removed on a xmember dropped truck so does anybody actually have a heater after the drop?

bagged87chevy 12-22-2003 04:59 PM

is there any way to get the frame on the ground with 22's and a 1.5 inch drop? I know you can do it with 20's but do you have to do the 2 inch drop if you run like some 30 series tires in the front on a 22? And also if I go with the 2 inch drop like I will probably do is the rack setup that Bill Turner sells a power rack or manual?

fastbagged68 12-22-2003 07:03 PM

You can layout on 22's with the 1.5 crossmember drop. But you need Bill Turners Lower control arms and cut the bottom of your crossmember. You will also have to cut your upper mounts shorter, and cut up where the upper spring is. Go back and look at my pics I have posted and that will get you laying the body with 22's. Also Bill Turner also sell the power Rack. I got one for mine.
As for a heater look at boat heaters or Jeep heater. My buddy has got a jeep heater in his, all it is small little box. The thing rips! you really dont need much to get one of our trucks warm inside. Vintage air probably makes something too.

phantom dually 12-22-2003 08:48 PM

Turner sells a manual and power rack setup.

grnddwn 12-22-2003 09:30 PM

You can run 22s but you have to tape your hood on

N2TRUX 12-23-2003 12:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by grnddwn
You can run 22s but you have to tape your hood on
Not if you use the hinges from Sachse Rod shop...

brad2 12-23-2003 01:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Or you could build your own hinges.

Slammed67 12-23-2003 02:14 AM

....... or you could just use 18" wheels up front which look better anyway (IMO) ;)

shimp 12-23-2003 11:11 AM

Here's my truck, 1976 C10 Long Wheel Base Bagged w/firestones (for now) no body drop, no crossmember mods, but OTHER mods. However I am going to re-work my crossmember this winter to get even lower than it is now, so I've been watching this post.

Street Source Mag profile:

shimp 12-23-2003 11:15 AM

N2TRUX: You are in Cypress? I am in Waller. Hit me up:

bagged87chevy 12-23-2003 03:39 PM

hey shimp, I thought you said on streetsource that you did have a crossmember drop. Cause i know my trucks not that low just with spindles.

bagged87chevy 12-23-2003 03:50 PM

fastbagged68, any pics of the heater? I would really like to see that.

lolife99 12-23-2003 04:35 PM

Looks awful LOW without a body drop.What are you using? Spindles, springs, a-arms,... computer??

grnddwn 12-23-2003 06:14 PM


Originally posted by N2TRUX
Not if you use the hinges from Sachse Rod shop...
Do those hinges bolt into the factory holes in the hood?

Izzy 12-23-2003 06:23 PM


Originally posted by grnddwn

Do those hinges bolt into the factory holes in the hood?

From the location of the upper mount in the pic I'd say yes. :D

shimp 12-23-2003 07:59 PM

Re: Photoshopped?

Originally posted by lolife99
Looks awful LOW without a body drop.What are you using? Spindles, springs, a-arms,... computer??
Let's just say I repositioned the body on the frame. These old chevys don't need a full body drop or a crossmember mod to lay down. However you will have to do some transmission hump mods and some shimming on the back of the bed, and one cut in the frame.

I'm not going to give it all away. If someone else knows and wants to post it that's cool. I don't currently have any crossmember mods, other than the fact that the factory lower A-frames have been drug to the point they are about to fall off. That's why I am going to do some crossmember mods this winter to make it lay where I can drag it without dragging the A-frames at all, but instead drag a skid plate on the bottom of the crossmember. I really like dragging my truck, and have the A-frames to prove it! LOL.

My truck laid out of paved flat surface will come within 1/4" from laying the pinch on the ground without any crossmember mods. However, I like most people want it to lay sqaure on the pinch, which is going to require some more mods than I have done. But once I do the X-member mod it will lay completely flat.

One question. Why are you guys changing to a Rack and Pinion steering setup? I don't foresee any problems with using the factory steering components with a "slightly modified" crossmember. However, a 2" crossmember lift would probably interfere, but I would still think that you could "fabricate around it" for less trouble than changing to a rack and pinion setup.

? does anyone sell I a good four link setup for these trucks? My 2 link is heavy duty, but has caused me grief with pinion angles and stiffness when turning. (one of the back wheels will come off the ground if you corner really hard).

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