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fencepost 02-02-2010 07:05 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Just drive faster:lol: it'll stop.

72BlckButy 02-02-2010 07:20 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
So what's next?

lolife99 02-02-2010 07:43 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by vegaschevy (Post 3775798)
Trucks all aligned but on the way to work last night it started making a funky noise. Like the carrier bearing has the dust cover spinning loosely and sometimes make a crazy viberation high pitch squealing sound

Is this the original drive shaft,... or did you build a new one.
Could it be too long, now that your truck is lowered?

68GMCCustom 02-02-2010 11:11 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
have had a similar sound from my trucks r/e before....spun bearing race?

highperf4x4 02-02-2010 11:31 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by lolife99 (Post 3775907)
Is this the original drive shaft,... or did you build a new one.
Could it be too long, now that your truck is lowered?

Yeah, you're probably bottoming out the slip shaft behind the carrier bearing.

lolife99 02-02-2010 11:47 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by highperf4x4 (Post 3776551)
Yeah, you're probably bottoming out the slip shaft behind the carrier bearing.

If this is the original 2-piece drive shaft there is no slip yoke behind the carrier bearing.
Just one at the transmission, and a u-joint in the middle.

I lowered a lwb truck 20 years ago,... and I had to shorten the rear shaft, of the 2-piece drive shaft.
A slip yoke style setup like the later model trucks would be an improvement

vegaschevy 02-03-2010 02:12 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by 72BlckButy (Post 3775853)
So what's next?

67 front fenders, grill, core support and cowl hood. Get the front end looking well GOOD!!! LOL I will do all new cab mount bushings, core support stuff and everything pretty much new down to the little details on the front sheet metal.


Originally Posted by lolife99 (Post 3776605)
If this is the original 2-piece drive shaft there is no slip yoke behind the carrier bearing.
Just one at the transmission, and a u-joint in the middle.

I lowered a lwb truck 20 years ago,... and I had to shorten the rear shaft, of the 2-piece drive shaft.
A slip yoke style setup like the later model trucks would be an improvement

It is possible, It was COMPLETELY fine until the front was lowered as well.
I still had play at the transmission or at least enough. I was thinking about pulling the bolts out of the carrier bearing and eggin out the holes a hair as if it is bottoming out it is VERY VERY minute. could be fixed with moving the carrier bearing forward a thousands of an inch.

It does not do it at all when cold. only when hot.

With the truck lowered not so easy, in fact impossible to climb underneath to figure it out... HAHAHAHA:lol:

lolife99 02-03-2010 06:41 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Hmmm,... I didn't know it was fine before the front was done.

Got any pics of the driveshaft installed?

vegastwinturbo 02-03-2010 04:02 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Hey vegaschevy trucks lookin good i think you should bring it by on your day off so we can throw it up in the air and look at it

highperf4x4 02-03-2010 10:29 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by lolife99 (Post 3776605)
If this is the original 2-piece drive shaft there is no slip yoke behind the carrier bearing.
Just one at the transmission, and a u-joint in the middle.

I lowered a lwb truck 20 years ago,... and I had to shorten the rear shaft, of the 2-piece drive shaft.
A slip yoke style setup like the later model trucks would be an improvement

Thanks for the info.

vegaschevy 02-04-2010 12:33 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by vegastwinturbo (Post 3777677)
Hey vegaschevy trucks lookin good i think you should bring it by on your day off so we can throw it up in the air and look at it

About time you mozy on into this wonderful place!!

vegaschevy 02-05-2010 10:04 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
I figured out my noise and washer rattle. Im not sure that I like it but so far nothing seems out of place. I drove 60 miles last night and it did not do it at all so tentatively Ill call it fixed.

I checked the fluid in the tranny and it was at the add a quart level. I added about 3/4 quart which brought it up to full!

The noise, rattle, and shrieking sound is gone. I have no idea what inside the tranny would make it do that on so little amount of oil missing. WIth it starting after lowering the front to match the rear I would suggest something in hte rear of the tranny

highperf4x4 02-05-2010 11:56 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Well you don't seem to be as nervous about it as I am. :lol:

vegaschevy 02-06-2010 01:54 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by highperf4x4 (Post 3782969)
Well you don't seem to be as nervous about it as I am. :lol:

Well to be hones tI am but nothing I can do about it. LOL hopefully it lasts me while I get some other stuff taken care of!

vegastwinturbo 02-06-2010 03:17 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
i think you should do the bbc cause i got a sik Chet Herbert cam here nice and lumpy it will help us get you to that 600hp mark that i know you want lol

vegaschevy 02-06-2010 04:48 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by vegastwinturbo (Post 3784073)
i think you should do the bbc cause i got a sik Chet Herbert cam here nice and lumpy it will help us get you to that 600hp mark that i know you want lol

LOL, Well I am really trying to figure out what I want to do!!! LOL

wancosc356 02-11-2010 09:19 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Alot of great progress in the short time you've had it. Looking real good man!

highperf4x4 02-11-2010 10:46 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by wancosc356 (Post 3794107)
Alot of great progress in the short time you've had it. Looking real good man!

Yeah he's a quickie! :lol:

How did you come up with that red name bro?

wancosc356 02-11-2010 10:53 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by highperf4x4 (Post 3794215)
Yeah he's a quickie! :lol:

How did you come up with that red name bro?


That's what you call a "high octane" site supporter subscription.:metal:

highperf4x4 02-11-2010 08:49 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by wancosc356 (Post 3794225)

That's what you call a "high octane" site supporter subscription.:metal:

I might have to get me one of those!! :metal:

72SWBChevy 02-11-2010 10:12 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Look awesome!! Love the wheels!!!

OARNGESI 02-11-2010 11:56 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Trucks lookin good another 2 inches down up front and the stance would be perfect

big_al_71 02-13-2010 11:52 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
any updated picts with the front slammed or the back up some?

vegaschevy 02-23-2010 08:54 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Oh finally an update!

I have been slamming crazy busy. Wanting to get the rear end at a better ride height, fix my funky driveline noise once and for all, and another step better for making the truck more reliable.

First the driveline.

The carrier bearing had a dust shield which bottomed out on the driveshaft causing a bind on the bearing. crushing the dust shield and sinking the yoke on a bit more which cause the bolt to be loose making my washer sound and making the nasty loud vibration grinding noise. removed the driveshaft, removed the carrier bearing and dust shield, reinstalled the carrier bearing without the metal dust shield piece of crap and fixed the yoke. hopefully all fixed.

i think all the noise is going to be gone for sure.

now I also installed the spacers on my trailing arms raising the rear to a total of 7" drop instead of 8" drop. The only major thing i have left that needs to be done ASAP to improve my ride quality is get some ECE upper shock relocators.

8" rear drop

7" rear drop... After

Before 8" drop

After 7" drop

This looks much better

Next on the list is 67 front end!! :metal:

oldblue1968chevy 02-23-2010 10:07 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
dude why did you take the trim off!

Should've left trim on and installed new front grille. it look nice like that (well, already SWEET but woulda' looked more....factory, but slammed on big wheels

highperf4x4 02-23-2010 11:39 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
See I thought you had hybernated!! :lol:

Lookin better bro.

vegaschevy 03-04-2010 02:28 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
Been real busy with some different stuff lately and trying to make time for the truck.
i am going to adding an aftermarket radio and AC system so I removed them out of the truck. I really like the simplicity under the hood of the aftermarket units.

I also have been wondering on what brand to go with and why!!

Then there is my motor dilemmas, been tossing an LS or Big block build. Cannot figure out which one I want to do but really thinking I may do a big block!

I also need to remember the members name who makes the precut panels to weld up the holes in the firewall.

Not to mention I also took off a volt meter that someone wired in and was crappy looking....

wancosc356 03-04-2010 02:41 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
As far as the firewall patches, I believe the members name is infanti72. He is on here and on ebay.

Diggin the temporary firewall patch panels.

I think you can still use your factory dash vents with the aftermarket kits.

SCOTI 03-04-2010 03:03 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
LS motor. Upgrade & modernize @ the same time. You can always go w/a big LS motor in the future.

72BlckButy 03-04-2010 03:44 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by wancosc356 (Post 3839591)
I think you can still use your factory dash vents with the aftermarket kits.


gcburdic 03-04-2010 04:32 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
you gotta love that floor....not a single bit of rust on there....Us east coasters are very jealous!!!:D...

I agree....go with LS motor....if you want a 6.0L!!!:metal:

vegastwinturbo 03-04-2010 05:45 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
man i wish you had moved all that carp before we started workin on it things would have been alot eaiser!!!

68GMCCustom 03-04-2010 06:37 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
another for LS....get a 6.0 or bigger with the L92/LS3 heads.

vegaschevy 03-04-2010 07:54 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by vegastwinturbo (Post 3839902)
man i wish you had moved all that carp before we started workin on it things would have been alot eaiser!!!

Isnt that the truth!!! LOL


Originally Posted by 68GMCCustom (Post 3839985)
another for LS....get a 6.0 or bigger with the L92/LS3 heads.

Ummmm I am aware of a good line of a truck with a nice 6.0 motor and tranny but the guy who knows the owner is lazy and never gets on the phone to line up a looky loo..... been trying for 2 months. It is a rolled standard cab 2500HD

brn agn 03-04-2010 07:55 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by gcburdic (Post 3839778)
you gotta love that floor....not a single bit of rust on there....Us east coasters are very jealous!!!:D...

Amen to that! That was exactly what I was thinking when I saw the pictures.

Vegaschevy, here is what you are missing out on:

vegaschevy 03-04-2010 09:09 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by brn agn (Post 3840125)
Amen to that! That was exactly what I was thinking when I saw the pictures.

Vegaschevy, here is what you are missing out on:

Believe it or not both of the corners like in your truck have ot be replaced as they are rusted out. I am hoping that I can get away with outers, and the floor there. I am not sure what all pieces Ill need.

the trough that the door rubber edge is in is all rusted out.

highperf4x4 03-04-2010 09:33 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
dangit mine is too. i guess it was the windshield leaking.

soala70 03-07-2010 11:22 AM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
looking good any work done lately?

vegaschevy 03-07-2010 05:38 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE

Originally Posted by soala70 (Post 3845013)
looking good any work done lately?

waiting on Porterbuilt to make his upper shock relocators. I have almost zero suspension in the rear as my shocks are leaning over way to much.

As you can see in this pic my interior door panels look like hell and my handles have not been connected in months. I decided I would paint my interior door trim and new repop pads i had and reinstall the new handles and window cranks I bought months ago. At least I have working door panels now... LOL

I aslo installed a coupld stickers in the back window... but no pics yet.... :lol::metal:

Im finishing getting a few other things taken care of and taking care of a few unforeseen bill around the house and then within a few weeks Ill have my entire front end stuff. 67 grill, cowl hood, all new body mounts, bed pads, repop 67 fenders and inner fenders, battery tray, hood hinges, and lights etc.

Then the little rust I have in the corners and drip rails on the rockers need replacing..... once that is done then I can also feel good about replacing the door molding and carpet.

highperf4x4 03-07-2010 08:53 PM

Re: Project NOT4SLE
I can't believe your floorboards look that good. Mine are terrible.

Looks like you're working on new duct work too huh?

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