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Ta2Don 04-19-2013 08:54 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
Like seeing the progress... Great works on those vents too! Gotta steal the pipe holder on the dash idea, Love It!!!

losthope 04-21-2013 01:29 AM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by Rich 5150 69 (Post 6021323)
Tim you`ve been busy, nice work work is getting done and your truck is looking great...


Originally Posted by Ta2Don (Post 6021472)
Like seeing the progress... Great works on those vents too! Gotta steal the pipe holder on the dash idea, Love It!!!

Thanks guys!

No real up date besides i installed my hidden tow hitch but still have to fab up my flip up license plate so Ill post pictures when im done, today was spent rolling out to a friends house then cruising to a local car show...

We started the day off tag teaming washing are rides ,hanging out talking car talk, goofing around having fun:

then rolled out to the riff raff c.c's show held at the local so-cal speed shop:

Great times! What its all about hanging out and cruising to a show! then off to a Swapmeet tomorrow!

ChefCy 04-21-2013 04:14 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
been enjoying your thread from beginning to end. inspiring and now i want to learn to weld. and this is my first post

coulter 04-21-2013 04:59 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
some cool rides!!! thanx for sharing

losthope 04-21-2013 06:48 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by ChefCy (Post 6025732)
been enjoying your thread from beginning to end. inspiring and now i want to learn to weld. and this is my first post

Glad your enjoying it and welcome to the forum!!


Originally Posted by coulter (Post 6025786)
some cool rides!!! thanx for sharing

No problem coulter!

Finally got the hidden hitch installed with the help of richie and his welder, didnt like how i was going to have it bolt in so we decided to weld it in and boxed in the back 7" of the frame rails and welded the hitch receiver in then i made a license plate frame out of some flat stock with a couple hinges and now i have my hidden hitch with a flip up license plate:

my old chrome license plate frame is pretty bent and beat up so Im on the look out for some new ones for the front and back since they dont match ,and in the process of taking the license plate off and on I accidentally pulled the wires out of one of my led bolt lights.....just ordered a new set to fix that screw up and need to wire in a trailer plug, but all in all i like how it turned out!

rusty76 04-26-2013 07:17 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
looks like fun times at the show. And the hidden hitch looks smooth.

piratexpress1369a 04-27-2013 10:18 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
nice job on it ..that is cool and simple

McMurphy 04-27-2013 02:40 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
Wife and I were trying to figure what that black car is.... My guess was 66-ish Lincoln ??

losthope 04-27-2013 09:10 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by piratexpress1369a (Post 6037549)
nice job on it ..that is cool and simple

Thanks pirate! worked out pretty good...


Originally Posted by McMurphy (Post 6037851)
Wife and I were trying to figure what that black car is.... My guess was 66-ish Lincoln ??

murph its a 65 plymouth fury...pretty sweet car.. really hard car to air bag , and "Tom" the owner did a pretty nice job getting it to lay that low!

ChefCy 06-11-2013 02:55 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

losthope 06-14-2013 08:41 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
not much for updates,been super busy working out of town of lately and no time for the truck or my 54 ford,ive only done maintenance lately, like change spark plug wires ,oil change things like that...Next major things on the list for the truck is ram horn exhaust all the way out the rear bed sides, maybe bucket seats, but thats all on hold tell time and money allow...hard having two projects and trying to spend money and time on both.

thanks for checking in though!

ChefCy 06-17-2013 07:47 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
I keep re-reading your build and finding more and more thing i want to do to mine once i trailer from Vegas to Houston!!! thanks for the inspiration!

cubber 06-20-2013 01:06 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
Hey, man, just caught up on your build! I saw it on the H.A.M.B. awhile back, and read it, but I didn't post 'cause I'm not a member there. (my truck's too new, haha) I really like the way you use what you have, and your travel trailer has made me want a little one to pull with my stepside. Keep on it, you got some skills!

losthope 07-04-2013 03:36 AM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by ChefCy (Post 6127374)
I keep re-reading your build and finding more and more thing i want to do to mine once i trailer from Vegas to Houston!!! thanks for the inspiration!


Originally Posted by cubber (Post 6133275)
Hey, man, just caught up on your build! I saw it on the H.A.M.B. awhile back, and read it, but I didn't post 'cause I'm not a member there. (my truck's too new, haha) I really like the way you use what you have, and your travel trailer has made me want a little one to pull with my stepside. Keep on it, you got some skills!

Thanks fellas! I appreciate the kind words and glad you guys like my build!

As far as a update I have absolutely nothing to post for the truck since I been carpooling out of town everyday for work , ive been so busy and truck just sits all week waiting for the weekend for me to drive it....but good news is we finshed that job and starting a new job closer to home and been putting money away in the bank...but whats the fun of working and saving money if you cant spend any??? My point exactly so thats why i took the ol red truck and swung by "Glendales" house and we took a little ride and had him help me load up my new to me 86 honda rebel 450 to build a bobber out of! Im the 2nd owner low miles and cheap $460 with the title......I know its a newer jap bike and not really a old harley or triumph that i cant afford but itll be my first bike build and was cheap and for sure going to be a learning experience! Wish me luck

rusty76 07-04-2013 07:15 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
That's kool man. I just sold a '77 Honda 750 Cheap. I was the second owner too. Had very low miles. I bought it. Stored it for awhile and then sold it. Made a small profit ta boot. Really fun bikes. Good luck and man can't wait to see more work on the ole pick it up.

chemlab 07-04-2013 12:45 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
whats shakin bacon?! that bike wil be fun to build, wish i had mine done but its been a 2+yr court battle so far to get it back :(. got my 50 fleetline torn down, be sending the body for blasting this next week, prob have a thread goin at the other place soon :). ttyl!

cubber 07-04-2013 01:57 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
Good lookin bike, dude! Looks like a solid foundation for your build. Also, I always thought them longbed trucks looked SWEET with a bike in the back!!

losthope 07-05-2013 06:40 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by rusty76 (Post 6156237)
That's kool man. I just sold a '77 Honda 750 Cheap. I was the second owner too. Had very low miles. I bought it. Stored it for awhile and then sold it. Made a small profit ta boot. Really fun bikes. Good luck and man can't wait to see more work on the ole pick it up.

I might end up doing the same thing build it to flip it for profit and buy another, or i may keep it awhile dont know yet i gotit to keep me busy and was a good deal


Originally Posted by chemlab (Post 6156641)
whats shakin bacon?! that bike wil be fun to build, wish i had mine done but its been a 2+yr court battle so far to get it back :(. got my 50 fleetline torn down, be sending the body for blasting this next week, prob have a thread goin at the other place soon :). ttyl!

Yo Chem good to hear from ya! Sucks to hear about the bike brother, cool your making progress on the fleet! ill have to go check in on the other forum..I havent really been that active much on either forums lately just stop in and check whats going on every once in awhile progress on any of my projects have been slow recently due to life...:lol:


Originally Posted by cubber (Post 6156737)
Good lookin bike, dude! Looks like a solid foundation for your build. Also, I always thought them longbed trucks looked SWEET with a bike in the back!!

I Agree I thought it was pretty cool having a bike in the back,got more looks then usually when i was driving it across the city, thinking ill even haul it to some car shows once its built into a bobber

cubber 07-05-2013 07:18 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
Maybe a bike shop door logo?.?.?.

losthope 04-06-2014 03:02 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
Been awhile im still around lurking every once in awhile hope all you guys are doing good!

no updates on truck besides driving the wheels off it ended up picking up a 1949 plymouth 4dr. deluxe car that i building for the wife so thats been taking up my time and money, renting a space in my buddys shop so no more working out in the elements and driveways ...did have some female pin-up friends come to the shop and use my truck as a prop for a photo shoot heres some of their pics:

McMurphy 04-06-2014 02:39 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
Wow, I had just linked your build into someone else's thread just the other day, as he was farming for opinions about bullet grilles.
So I shared yours with him, how you tied it all together across the entire truck in the hopes he would find some inspiration, then viola!! here you post an update for us ..... sure miss you around here dude !

The photo shoot looks like it was a ton of fun....and the red head.... Oh yeah, the RED HEAD :metal:

ChefCy 04-21-2014 02:52 PM

Re: Birth of a C10
been exactly one year since my first post on this forum and on your page. Had to come back to this and cruise through your build again.

losthope 05-17-2014 11:57 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

Originally Posted by McMurphy (Post 6614995)
Wow, I had just linked your build into someone else's thread just the other day, as he was farming for opinions about bullet grilles.
So I shared yours with him, how you tied it all together across the entire truck in the hopes he would find some inspiration, then viola!! here you post an update for us ..... sure miss you around here dude !

The photo shoot looks like it was a ton of fun....and the red head.... Oh yeah, the RED HEAD :metal:

LOL Murph!! :lol:


Originally Posted by ChefCy (Post 6639361)
been exactly one year since my first post on this forum and on your page. Had to come back to this and cruise through your build again.

Hey Chefcy! Thats Cool that you came back to my thread a year later im honored my thread was your first posting!

been working on the wifes 49 plymouth here when i get any free time from work so ive only been driving the 66 chevy to the shop on week ends.. I had a little mishap pulling out of my driveway I was on the phone not paying attention and forgot to air the truck up before pulling out and as i was turning out i hooked one of the big stones that are at the end of the driveway folded the rear pass. fender lip up under the truck and messed up the rear grill a bed sides have always been messed up since i bought the truck , it had a barden bumper at some point in life and the truck had been eother hit or backed into something so theres been some dents and warpage on rear quartes, so the mishap with the rock just gave me a eccuse to fix the dent i already needed to fix heres after i un folded the rear quarter an started hammering dent from the back:

working it:

some mud:

and the fix, now i need to hook the other side of the truck to motivate me to fix the dented drivers side HAHA:

losthope 05-17-2014 11:59 PM

Re: Birth of a C10

I also went to pick-n-pull and found a york and mapco bracket off a 72 ford pick up, using it for on board air for my air bags , and getting rid of the power draining electric pumps that continuously running to fill up tank :

I basically only used the idler pulley , and mounting plate part and made the rest of the mounting bracket myself to bolt onto the 350 SBC :

got it all hooked up today and its the ****! i left 1 electric air pump for back up purposes if need be and a i added a air chuck at the tank to plug a air hose into if need be.... i rigged up a air filter from the other electric pump to the york until i can get something a little better fitting...going to take it all apart again and clean it up some...

losthope 05-18-2014 12:01 AM

Re: Birth of a C10
while i was in the engine area i decided to get rid of the bailing wire i was using to hold down the battery and made a battery hold down :

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