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oldman3 12-14-2014 12:12 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Like the way you do business, both parties getting what they need...Jim

99 to Life 12-16-2014 01:32 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
1 Attachment(s)
thanks jim, yeah barter system works out great.

so I didn't get much time in monday. I had get the DS outter cowl on which I just neglected to finish. I want to get front clip on but I want to insulate some bat cables and I gotta tear apart the marker lights on the grille bf I put the clip back on. So thats next weekends project. Get front clip back on and start on some wiring.

99 to Life 12-22-2014 11:56 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
1 Attachment(s)
12-22 Got front clip back on, hopefully for last time. I'll be taking radiator out so I can fab up a base for the fan. It will connect to my core support so it will make not only a place to bolt my efan to, but help keep the front end strong. Gotta start on wiring next.

reaper71 12-23-2014 11:25 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Looking good...rounding 3rd base!!

Advanced Design 12-23-2014 02:11 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA

Originally Posted by 99 to Life (Post 6968190)
12-22 Got front clip back on, hopefully for last time. I'll be taking radiator out so I can fab up a base for the fan. It will connect to my core support so it will make not only a place to bolt my efan to, but help keep the front end strong. Gotta start on wiring next.

Looking good 99...I like this picture in the post.

Please show your base and fan mounting when you get it fabb'ed up.


skymangs 12-23-2014 10:33 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Looking good 99... approaching the finish line!

99 to Life 12-24-2014 01:53 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
1 Attachment(s)
12-23 thanks guys far from finished. alot of little things that need done. I'm building a custom consol that will hide up under the dash a bit. Have alot of wiring to do. Gotta mount my compressors, traps, and valve manifold. My goal is to get it mostly all wired up so I can start it and possibly have the air management done. Then I can worry about the door locks and all the extra gismos I'll have.

AD I'll def show some pics of the rad support I came up with. I use a 55 belair radiator and the mounting tabs are different than say a stock radiator. So I have a pretty good method on mounting it. Though I think I might switch it up whenever I do another build like this.

Here is some sound deadner 50 mil. found it on ebay, made in usa. ohio actually and was sold by a place in erie, which is only about 45 min from where I build my stuff. So with supporting the locals and only running me 60 bucks, I jumped on it. Not sure if it was a tad bid cold or if my floor just won't stick cause of overspray but it didn't stick too good. So luckily I had some aluminum tape on hand that is much stickier. This took a little longer than I anticipated (whats new). started routing more wires. I really like the Rebel 21 circuit. I only switched up a couple wires they loomed together. I'll route all the engine related stuff in the center of cab. Then all the headlight and fan stuff out through the pass cowl and through the inner fender, everything should be hidden pretty well. The black tubing you see is the seat mounts and the little black box in the middle is my killswitch box/pwr distribution block.

I'll have the truck set up to turn the killswitch off just about everytime I turn the truck off, kind of a habit of mine. but... I'll have some stuff wired up so it will work even if the kill switch is off. Dome lights and pwr locks for instance.

reaper71 12-24-2014 02:23 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Look's nice and plush now!!

oldman3 12-24-2014 05:09 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Yeah, floor looks great...Jim

47 Fasttoys 12-25-2014 06:54 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Very nice progress 99, I think your maybe 2 or 3 months ahead of me as far as progress goes, so I have been watching your build. As far as a lot of pictures goes, I do the same, the more people see your build, the more useful tips and ideas you get.
Keep it up, Rob

RCbowtie69 12-26-2014 06:29 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Looking good !!!!! Keep on Truckin'' :metal:

IWanna49 12-28-2014 11:53 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Def looking good! Getting the front clip back on is def a milestone. Kudos to you for taking your time and sticking to the plan instead of just throwing it together to get it running. Quality work!!

99 to Life 12-28-2014 03:13 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
thanks everyone, glad my pics or ideas can help others. This site is great for that. I got some more wiring done, I'll post pics of something worthy. I'm pretty happy with all the routing so far. @49 thanks, I'm not throwing anything together on this truck even though I'm getting a little impatient on finishing it. I'm already motivated to do another truck and be done with this one. But I really just want to drive it and make sure I don't gotta iron too many things out.

Advanced Design 12-28-2014 09:14 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
I agree with the other guys, floor is looking good!
Nice work 99...looking forward to more updates.

99 to Life 01-01-2015 01:36 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
3 Attachment(s)
12-31 Last post of the year. So I finally got some wiring done and have headlights, high/low beam, turn and flashers. hooked up my ignition switch and as you can see fired up the engine. Last time it was fired up was in summer. I currently don't have the tach hooked up and I didn't let it warm up at all, so considering that she fired up good. need to get on some tuning.

Gonna try and get some work done new years. I'm waiting on a bunch of wire fittings and such so i can finalize all my running lights. I'll have tons of extra doodads going on inside the cab, so its gonna be alot of wiring in there. I need to get my air ride plumbed and wired up real soon.

Need to finish exhaust as you can see. Everything is all roughed in. I still need to finalize a ton of things. Even the front clip isn't bolted tight and I got to start on my efan shroud and also my interior console so I can start hooking up gauges.

IWanna49 01-01-2015 01:40 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Yea baby!! Hits a nice lick. Happy New Year Hank!!!

99 to Life 01-01-2015 01:44 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
thanks greg, I gotta lotta of fine tuning to do on a few things. I'll get some better engine footage sooner than later.

Advanced Design 01-01-2015 09:15 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
That has a nice lope! Congratulations on the start up

oldman3 01-01-2015 10:56 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
It's Alive, it's Alive, sounds great and congrats. Happy New Year also...Jim

reaper71 01-01-2015 01:18 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
sounds really nice...

99 to Life 01-01-2015 11:38 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
So I went back at the engine again. Took valve covers off, I had them swapped and so the one was hitting the rockers. I readjusted a couple valves.

Checked clutch and glad to know its working. My pedal had to mount a tad bit low and it was hitting the floor, so I luckily had some room to back the clevis out so I had more travel. The pedal is flush with the brake pedal.

I'm still running really rich. I just realized too, I might have my carb spacer on backwards. and I need some more fittings so I can hook my fuel regulator up. too much fuel going into the carb. but its slowly coming together.

99 to Life 01-12-2015 11:39 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
3 Attachment(s)
1-12 monday, haven't had too much picture worthy stuff to post. I got the steering all in and finalized. I since I had a one of my ujoints already and it had a 5/8-36 spline. I found a 2" splined shaft on ebay for cheap. worked out great because the main shaft in the steering column is 3/4" so I welded the 5/8 spline to the end of it which allowed for it to still be able to slip through the bearning at the bottom of the column, if need be.

Finally started on mounting my compressors. I have been debating where to put them since I have no room in the very back bc of the gas tank. So I made up this bracket bolts to the boxing I had on the frame. I drilled and tapped the boxing plate so I can just bolt this bracket on, rather than welding it on. I still have to get some bushings to put under the compressors, then make the other bracket and paint them. My theory is to run the compressors away from the tank to let air cool before they enter the water traps and into the tank. My tank will be mounted behind the seat. debating on the accuair manifold going in the cab as well. I'd route the exhaust outta the cab obviously.

Can't see in pic but I hooked up my vintage turnsignal switch. Much more fitting than the chepo chrome ones. Steering wheel is about 6.5" from dash and 8" off seat. In my 51' I'm 5.5" to dash which I like but makes it 6" off seat, so leg room is a tad tight there. So I made sure to bump the steering wheel out a touch on this build. I'm a big fan of the stock columns but I'm sure I'll be using an aftermarket tilt on some builds too.

Advanced Design 01-13-2015 09:57 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Looking really good 99! Steering clears really well.

Nice lope to the engine...sounds good!

I notice a number of builds on here using Accuair. I was planning on Ridetech for the Burb and still researching alternatives. What sold you on Accuair?

99 to Life 01-13-2015 01:53 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
thanks AD, as for the manifold decision. I don't really have a strong answer for you. Maybe because I'v seen so many of them being used on good builds, I take that as dependability and as professional as you can get. The accuair is just so small and basic, you just plug your controller right into it (though its expensive) I just used an AVS controller cause I had it, got the wiring harness adapter so I can hook it into the accuair manifold. The other reason is, I traded some print work for the manifold from a local air ride shop so it worked out. I think the ridetech would be a good choice too, I really think those two companies are about as top notch as you can get.

reaper71 01-13-2015 08:44 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
looking really good...1 more step!

99 to Life 01-14-2015 12:05 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
5 Attachment(s)
1-13 thanks reaper. Got the other compressor bracket done and bolted up for trial fit. I put some primer on them until I can get them coated up. went to hardware store and like always get nickel and dimmed on bolts. Got some stainless bolts and rubber grommets for the compressors.

Tossed door on just to see what I been missing, can't wait to have all the sheetmetal back on so it looks like a truck again.

Revisited the radiator a little more. Everything is dang near identical to what I did on my 51' as far as placement, the nest for the bottom, the angle of the rad, the way it will mount etc. I'm not sold on it, so I made this topper that will help make it look more tied together. It won't touch the radiator and behind it will actually be poly bushings that will press the rad tight together. I'll eventually put some dimple dies in this I think. On the outter side of the rad, I bought some high heat resistant rubber so the rad won't rub on the metal. I still have to trim my upper hose. I'm attempting to run #2 or 4 all thread through the rad to bolt my fan to it, rather than the zip ties. so the rad will mount on the engine side.

The rad and steering are examples of stuff that was once moched up or could get my by, so I though, then I'm back at them. Which in the long run is ok, but moral of it is, I go back and forth and jump around too much. Money is sometimes the culprit and then its the order of things and how they need to be done. for example doing everything you can to get it running and driving, then going back and finalizing everything. Thats been my goal, its just about there.

oldman3 01-14-2015 12:19 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
99, we all go thru the "put together take apart, put together" and the money thing, we hear ya. Looking good and getting close that's what counts...Jim

IWanna49 01-15-2015 07:06 PM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Your cab and fender sure look a lot like mine!!

99 to Life 01-18-2015 12:02 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
3 Attachment(s)
1-17 Pics don't show much. Made some progress on finalizing the radiator mounting. All and all if I were to have gotten a rad that had different side mounts, I probably could have used the stock rad support, just modified a bit. Which is what I initially had moched up along time ago, but with this tri 5 rad the side mounts have a bend to them instead of being straight like a 53-54 belair would have. anyway.....I think I'm gonna throw some dimple dies in this, and then paint it after the truck is done and on the road, prolly wait till spring to do some random paint thats left. There is a polly bushing behind this cover, that squeezed the rad in nice and tight, this cover doesn't hit radiator so there is a tiny gap between it and the rad. Got my puke tank mounted too.

I got some #2-56 all thread that I'm gonna make fan mounts out of, instead of the ziptie locks. This way I will be able to take the fan off without removing the radiator/draining fluid/annoying fiasco that can be. That way if the efan ever dies, its and easy fix.

tossed bed back on so I can locate my filler tube one last time, welded up this tab so I can mount it to the bed. I now need some reducers to run from my filler to the tank, then the breather line. I should be taking bed apart and coating everything from the bed wood down. All this rust you see under neath will be encapsulated. Then I can mount bed for last time, and mount the tail lights etc.

lastly, started on a mount for my brake switch

oldman3 01-18-2015 12:15 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Piece by the radiator will look cool with the dimple dies...Jim

Advanced Design 01-18-2015 08:53 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Very cool 99. It is all those little details that take a ton of time. Nice progress.

hotrodelrod 01-18-2015 09:40 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
looking good!

99 to Life 01-25-2015 12:09 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
5 Attachment(s)
1-24 Still chipping away. Got compressors mounted, figured out my manifold placement. Started on a bracket for mounting it. I think its gonna work out alot better in the back by the bags, keeps routing the lines alot easier. I also think I can fit the accuair 6" diameter tank right on the xmember you see. Which would make everything much easier to route, rather than the tank in the cab.
I need to get some heavier gauge wire and rig up the relays and such and really knock this air management out. need the tank and some more fittings too.

Got bumper back on, still undecided on my front turnsignals so I can't wrap that up will I figure it out.

Money is very tight right now. Still need PWS pump and tie rods and its officially a driver (not counting the air management). Need mufflers still.

I put my aluminum water pump on, wasn't liking the black one. I also put the PWS pump bracket on. I'll be getting a diff alternator too.

Got the bed all torn apart, made some patches, coated everything with chassis saver and herculiner that will be exposed to the elements underneath. Hoping to have it back on real soon.

Lastly, on the hunt for some fuel filler hose (man that stuff is expensive) rather than spend 50$ on 5" worth of hose and an adapter. I found a filler hose off a jetski with the perfect dimensions, 2" ID on one side 1.75" ID other side. I'll need to trim to fit, but I got it on ebay for 13 shipped.

Here is a shot of the lower radiator hose. These can be real pain to find. part number is Dayco D70685 I cut 4" off the long end.

Advanced Design 01-25-2015 01:10 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
99 you've been busy! Compressor mounting looks good...getting closer to driving.

oldman3 01-25-2015 11:07 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Keeping busy is right. Looks great, won't be long now, little by little...Jim

reaper71 01-26-2015 11:06 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Nice work..

99 to Life 01-27-2015 02:18 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
2 Attachment(s)
thank you guys, so here are some pics of the bed thats just about all way on. you can see I coated the areas that will be covered with some chassis saver and on the outsides I did chassis saver and herculiner.

the tubing frame inside the bed is what the bed wood will sit on. this frame will unbolt and come out, but... the bed wood will be able to slide right off of this, so any maintenance work can be easily done. for example, draining the water traps to the air ride system. I would have had more bed depth had I not ran a disc brake set up. but, I wouldn't have been able to run my gas filler were it is, so I guess it all worked out.

got the fuel filler neck almost done. so glad I didn't spend 50 bucks on 6" worth of hose and an adapter. Found this jetski filler tube online for like 13 bucks and just so happen to be dead on with what I needed, just had to cut it.

should have some more air ride plumbing soon, hoping to have it plumbed and wired in the next two weekends, so it should all run on its own very soon. then back onto some interior wiring. once I get the pws hooked up and air ride done, its a full on driver. now its just a bunch of little things to finish.

99 to Life 02-01-2015 12:32 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
2 Attachment(s)
1-31 Got a little time in today, not much. Got tons of things in the mail. Finally got my tank, I'll make straps for it tomorrow possibly. Fits like a glove. Ran all my lines for the most part, minor adjustments will be made later. I still need to get and plumb in the water traps, I'll put them before the manifold.

I should be able to have it working completely on its own by next weekend, will be the last big hurtle. Here on out its all buttoning up, finishing wiring and doing the interior.

The relay you see which I have yet to wire up, is a stinger 80amp. I find it better to use one of these than to putz around with the tradition relays which my biggest beef with them are, the skimpy wire gauges they run on them. So rather than having a million more wires and such, I feel this will keep it very simple and clean. I'm running both comps into a fuse box, then 1 wire into this relay, then 8g wire to the battery off the relay, which I'll have it wired to a 50amp toggle switch behind the seat. so...... for whatever reason I need to kill power to that area I can do so. I'll also have a toggle switch up on the dash that will control the circuit to the air switch, thus being able to control the comps manually if I want to right up at the dash (reason for this is say you kill your battery and get a jump, well you don't want 40 amps worth of compressors kicking on during that process).

Advanced Design 02-01-2015 12:44 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Well thought out 99. Getting close.

47 Fasttoys 02-01-2015 06:39 AM

Re: 49' Patina bagged in PA
Morning '99, progress is looking good. I have a question: what is your brake switch out of? I need to set up one on my build and cannot use the pedal mounted style. I need one which has both N.O. and N.C. contacts.

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