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-   -   What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II ( 09-02-2017 02:04 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Oh I love my under bed tank, no fuel sloshing when it is under 1/2 and no smell at all, plus kinda funny when I fill mine, the spout is inside an Danger explosives red box, makes a lot of people wonder what's up w the box, works for me and finally a bit more of in cab room for stereo parts that i never use cause I love the big block and 3" exh, makes my heart beat faster and I smile a lot.

ThePunisher67 09-02-2017 04:32 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I have not got to work on my truck in over 2 weeks but I have bought a lot of stuff. The Home AC went out then my shower started leaking 4k down the drain i would have loved to put it all in my truck :(

bill3rail 09-02-2017 04:59 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Swapped out the Ignition lock cylinder.

I also installed a new rearview mirror after I had to fixed bad manufacturing on it.

Have a few more minor things to install.

NoStopN 09-02-2017 11:47 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Been feeling guilty about not driving it for a couple of weeks. So, we went for a little stroll. I need to do tune up on it bad.

toolboxchev 09-03-2017 12:14 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I put a tune on my rig this week. New adjustable vac advance, cleaned and lubed the distributor properly and new lighter weights so I do not have to rely on the mechanical advance!

Boy I must have gained 100 horsepower! All kidding aside been on and followed up with some of the tech articles those boys put on, Its good stuff!

Andy4639 09-03-2017 06:45 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
I finally installed the 2 under hood light that I got about a year ago after the other one quit working.:lol:

AussieinNC 09-03-2017 08:14 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by mobymikeguide (Post 8029372)
Snapped a head bolt torqueing heads on 5.3, modified z bar mount to work on saginaw 3 speed with ls engine, this mount must be for a bellhousing that has eqaul length ears, mine did not so i had lengthen the lower bolt hole, mig on stainless isnt pretty but it proved to be strong

You do know these head bolts are TTY Torque Too Yield...meaning they are single use bolts...these should not be re-used or they you found out...


ThePunisher67 09-03-2017 08:55 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I would never use any head Bolt more then 1 time no matter what.

AussieinNC 09-03-2017 10:31 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Makes the use of ARP studs a really good proposition then...

Even a street engine can benefit from a good set of studs...hardened washers and nuts, lube torqued to spec...


kenn 09-04-2017 01:40 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I just got her running again after the second rebuild in less than a year and am dreading the loud screeching that happens at about 2500RPMs.
After removing valve covers to check rockers then installing and testing again my wife comes into the garage and asks when am I going to fix that dam fan belt.... DOH

AussieinNC 09-04-2017 01:51 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by kenn (Post 8031650)
I just got her running again after the second rebuild in less than a year and am dreading the loud screeching that happens at about 2500RPMs.
After removing valve covers to check rockers then installing and testing again my wife comes into the garage and asks when am I going to fix that dam fan belt.... DOH

Remember the golden rule...Happy Wife, Happy Life !!!!!

toolboxchev 09-05-2017 01:56 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Did a complete coolant flush over a month ago. Still trying to chase a gremlin??? in my gauge as it reads a bit warm.

Put a infrared thermometer all around the system and this is what I came up with.

Thermostat housing 169
Hose Inlet to Radiator 167
Bottom Radiator Driver Side 163
Top Radiator Cap 135
Bottom Out to Water Pump 131

Using 4 core brass/copper, Super Stant 160 Thermostat, Stock Water Pump with cast impeller, Hoses, ect.. Prestone Green with Napa Kool additive.

Not bad for a farm guy. Guess I need to pull that teflon tape off the Sending Unit in the head.

colgad 09-05-2017 10:39 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Looks good to me!! What was the temp outside? Where was your gauge pointing?

NoStopN 09-05-2017 12:38 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
I forgot that with little/no window trim, water was getting into the doors itself. I noticed this after the last time it rained. So, I cleared out some room in the garage to get the cab under cover. Good thing, it's coming a downpour now.

NoStopN 09-05-2017 12:39 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Dang double post.

Metaldoc 09-05-2017 12:44 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by (Post 8030497)
Oh I love my under bed tank, no fuel sloshing when it is under 1/2 and no smell at all, plus kinda funny when I fill mine, the spout is inside an Danger explosives red box, makes a lot of people wonder what's up w the box, works for me and finally a bit more of in cab room for stereo parts that i never use cause I love the big block and 3" exh, makes my heart beat faster and I smile a lot.

I moved my tank to the back and put a stereo in it's place. I too listen to the engine more than the stereo. I fill my tank from the factory location beside the drivers door so it looks original.

toolboxchev 09-05-2017 01:12 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by colgad (Post 8032215)
Looks good to me!! What was the temp outside? Where was your gauge pointing?

Gauge was pointing about 2-4 mm over the first line in operating temperature,outside was very humid in the mid 90's. I had just taken it for a run on the freeway. Cooling systems can be a bear sometimes, I still get a little rust after a flush in my coolant reservoir. I should add also that I am using a 16 lb radiator cap which will flow both ways as it should with a reservoir.

The gauge never used to read this way that is why it got me worried. Gen I block with a hot Accel Super Coil HEI and R45ts plugs to burn off any oil blow by.

OregonNed 09-05-2017 01:31 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Getting ready for the Rod Run in Long Beach, WA this coming weekend. With the potential for rain at the coast, I gave the wood bed a coat of crystalline wax ahead of time.

Already Gone 09-05-2017 01:41 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by toolboxchev (Post 8032285)
Gauge was pointing about 2-4 mm over the first line in operating temperature,outside was very humid in the mid 90's. I had just taken it for a run on the freeway. Cooling systems can be a bear sometimes, I still get a little rust after a flush in my coolant reservoir. I should add also that I am using a 16 lb radiator cap which will flow both ways as it should with a reservoir.

The gauge never used to read this way that is why it got me worried. Gen I block with a hot Accel Super Coil HEI and R45ts plugs to burn off any oil blow by.

Do you think maybe the gauge is not working properly?

paul blair 09-05-2017 02:26 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Lookin GOOD Ned! I hope you will post some pics so we can see how much fun you are having. PB

RodnRudy 09-05-2017 04:50 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
3 Attachment(s)
I installed my new LED tail/brake lights They are a ton brighter than the old 1157's. United Pacific brand, excellent quality.

AussieinNC 09-05-2017 07:05 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by OregonNed (Post 8032290)
Getting ready for the Rod Run in Long Beach, WA this coming weekend. With the potential for rain at the coast, I gave the wood bed a coat of crystalline wax ahead of time.

Seriously...that truck is way to nice to get its feet wet! Cool ride Sir...


toolboxchev 09-06-2017 10:01 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by Already Gone (Post 8032298)
Do you think maybe the gauge is not working properly?

Yes I do, or that silly Harbor Freight infrared laser thermometer is way out of spec. I should have tested that thing against some boiling water. Someone on here has pointed out that the Teflon tape can interfere with an electrical connection.

NoStopN 09-06-2017 04:03 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Drove it to breakfast. Then I took my cousin of a Chevy to the levee.

toolboxchev 09-06-2017 04:57 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Decided to continue on with dialing my motor in. Nuthin special but I like em to run like a top. Pulled the valve covers and marked all the pushrods with a paint pen to make they were all spinning properly.

HA! All working as hoped for, 70k on the top end all those Comp Cams lifters are working. Did a quick valve adjustment and only found on that was a tad loose. Got here buttoned back up and checked the gauges.

Revs to 5500 no problem, no ticks, knocks or worries at this point, GOING FOR A DRIVE!

beaterku 09-06-2017 09:15 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Removed the side windows, wing windows, window regulators and door latches in both doors. Replaced a broken door latch relay, new wing windows and precision door wipes. While I was in there, cleaned up both regulators, painted and greased. Ditto for the door latches. Also installed a new lock set and adjusted the latches. Doors closes soft and lock for the first time in years. Also installed a little dynamat in the doors to soften the thud a little. 09-06-2017 10:20 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Hauled my tractor to the in laws to do a little bush hogging this weekend. My truck likes to work and does it well.

Steeveedee 09-06-2017 10:23 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Drove it! :lol: My youngest son is driving my econobox to work while his car that he bought three months ago gets repaired, so I'm driving it. Some debris came out from under a truck while he was on his way to work, and he ran into it, with no place to dodge. 2017 KIA Soul with only 2600 miles on it. :waah: The radiator core support was lunched, because it is plastic. My truck would have laughed at that debris, and said, "That all you got?", and flipped it into the next vehicle back...munch. :ito:

Ekliptix 09-11-2017 11:51 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Added these 2 stickers.

White sharpie'd the tire lettering for them to 'pop'. Actually, the lady did it. :) 09-11-2017 12:09 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Ah come on, the lady did your letters, smart move she looks very patient.
The factory stickers add the little missing pieces. Nice touch's.

rustytruck50 09-11-2017 11:36 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
At the request of my Wife, I replaced the crusty broken down armrest pad on the drivers door....picked it up @ Classic Parts of America in KC this last weekend...maybe if she takes more opportunities to drive the truck, there will be more requests for upgrades:lol:

OregonNed 09-12-2017 12:41 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Got back from a car show on the coast last weekend. It rained a lot of the time so had to do the usual cleanup. It was a great time A good number of C10s during the cruise.

paul blair 09-12-2017 07:48 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Hi Ned, Any pics to share from your cruise and show trip?

wpavlis 09-16-2017 01:39 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Fumbled my way through a chassis greasing session

Johnnyrotten_72longb 09-16-2017 09:38 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
I Picked it up!!! MINE ALL MINE!!!

72_swb 09-16-2017 10:31 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Congratulations johnny. Enjoy. Looks good

Johnnyrotten_72longb 09-16-2017 11:18 AM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Going to be a project, but its a driver currently. cant eat an elephant all at one meal, gotta take it bite by bite. Eventually it will rival your beauty!! But thanks

Gillnetter 09-16-2017 01:28 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)
Got my bed wood in!

Possmguts 09-16-2017 06:01 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Gillnetter (Post 8040884)
Got my bed wood in!

Looks really nice... what a pain in the butt right?

FRCvette 09-16-2017 09:15 PM

Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II
Installed 2 1/2 inch drop spindles and 1 inch lower springs.

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