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McMurphy 04-13-2012 06:37 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

Originally Posted by KroAutomotiveInc (Post 5310633)
im in love i would trade this dude in a second


I was going to restore but I want to go to Alaska instead.
I read that on his sale posting and laughed. If he ditches that rig to come up here, guarenteed he will wish he had brought it with him!
Trust me, I know a little about this....


And dude the only thing cooler than meeting you face to face would be watching you build another rig like these!

KroAutomotiveInc 06-30-2012 03:43 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

Originally Posted by McMurphy (Post 5311835)

And dude the only thing cooler than meeting you face to face would be watching you build another rig like these!

got a few updates for you guys had a luck streak going here lately

KroAutomotiveInc 06-30-2012 03:51 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
only doing a few pics for now i have been without internet and putting these up with a really crap net but new paint on my truck new grill and this week i found something i couldn't live without i got it from a guy who has owned it for 27 years and his dad bought it in 1963 from the first owner was on ksl for 1600 bucks went and looked at fell in love got the money together and the dude changed his mind said he couldn't let it go it was to much history lucky i had 2 grand in my pocket offered it to him and he said he had to think about it and he would give me a call well a few hours go buy and i get a call that he will sell!

KroAutomotiveInc 06-30-2012 03:57 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000


the truck has 80,000 miles on it the motor has 20,000 and its a 350 with a 2bbl but he gave me a carter afb competitin series 4bbl and the 2bbl is siting on a 4bbl edelbrock intake with an adapter

chevy_man5 06-30-2012 09:08 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
NICE Kro!!!! :metal:

MORE PICTURES PLEASE!!! I have only found two others on here.

SPANKY1960GMC, SLO Rides (hasn't been active since February 2010), me, and now you!

McMurphy 07-01-2012 01:30 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
This is awesome man, I cannot wait to see what you do with this one !!! :metal:

KroAutomotiveInc 07-02-2012 12:33 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
posting a few more pics

KroAutomotiveInc 07-02-2012 12:36 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

KroAutomotiveInc 07-02-2012 12:38 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

KroAutomotiveInc 07-02-2012 12:42 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

could there be a more amazing sight

KroAutomotiveInc 07-02-2012 12:52 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
here is some pics of the parts i got with the truck tons of just odds and ends there's like 3 heaters hinges break parts dash stuff cable linkage all sorts of stuff and the best of all is an original manual pulled apart and put in plastic pages.

chevy_man5 07-02-2012 09:31 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
Looks good Kro!

What is it with the paint? Mine has a white dusting over blue/green paint, and yours has it over blue! LOL You really were after one that was like mine. :lol:

Those are some serious seat belts! What in the world was the P.O. up to in it? I know mine with the V6 torque monster engine, 3.92 gears, and the granny 4 speed could probably climb out of the Grand Canyon. :metal:

I have one of the original manual like that too. Mine was starting to fall apart, so I bought one of the ones online, printed it all out (at work... shhh) and put it in a binder. Some of the pictures didn't scan in, or print very well, so I end up referring to the original, but for the most part it stays safe. Too bad I didn't think of doing it like yours.

All in all, looks like a fun build!

Jolly's 60-66 GMC site has a bunch of info on these trucks, that are GMC specific. They do not take as kindly to people that do not have the V6 in them though. It is still a wealth of information.

Jolly is in Honeyville, Utah, so only a couple hours North of you. Which is about 4-5 hours South of me. It would be pretty cool to meet up with you, and or some of them once I get mine running and driving MUCH better!

McMurphy 07-02-2012 02:16 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
The Service Manual all in document protectors is awesome !!
Nice score !

KroAutomotiveInc 07-02-2012 10:19 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
the belts are just for rallying off road i guess he said the last 5-8 years hes used it for playing offroad and trips to homedepot there pretty cool tho never really used them before the org paint was teal then blue then like a silver with a spray can i want to redo it in dark blue

KroAutomotiveInc 07-03-2012 09:10 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

chevy_man5 07-03-2012 09:48 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
Can you post some more pics of the interior?

Pics of your truck are like truck porn. :metal:

Did they change out the transmission and transfer case when they did the engine swap? It looks like your 4wd shifter is on the wrong side from original. Mine is on the passenger side of the shifter. I will have to dig around, but I think '60 and '61 were to the right like mine, and '62+ is on the left like yours. I don't remember for sure though. I'll look around and see what I can find.

You will have to get another thread going for this beastie! :lol:

KroAutomotiveInc 07-04-2012 01:30 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

Originally Posted by chevy_man5 (Post 5467696)
Can you post some more pics of the interior?

Pics of your truck are like truck porn. :metal:

Did they change out the transmission and transfer case when they did the engine swap? It looks like your 4wd shifter is on the wrong side from original. Mine is on the passenger side of the shifter. I will have to dig around, but I think '60 and '61 were to the right like mine, and '62+ is on the left like yours. I don't remember for sure though. I'll look around and see what I can find.

You will have to get another thread going for this beastie! :lol:

hey man i will post some tomorrow my high speed internet should be up and going just went out and took a bunch of pics now (and i know what your saying about truck pics being porn lol my ex would tease me all the time saying i beat off to all these pictures i take of my truck)

i asked the guy about the motor swap and i asked if it was the org transmission and transfer case still and he said yes and i just went out and did some looking and it appears to have never been changed everything looks right under neath the truck and the transmission cover has no old hole i got pics of it all and will put them up tomarrow

KroAutomotiveInc 08-14-2012 05:59 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
going to do a recap of the thread shes coming to a end for a while just today i realized all the parts i was thinking through in my head to switch over to the 1960 i hope do give the 4x4 a hard push before winter and start driving her.

KroAutomotiveInc 08-14-2012 06:05 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

KroAutomotiveInc 08-14-2012 06:06 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

KroAutomotiveInc 08-24-2012 12:20 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
tried doing the re cap and something went wrong and lost all my stuff i was trying to post and i haven't tried again but got an org bumper that i put on tonight i also had another over heat so i did another thermostat and fixed the hole in the radiator hoping to not have any more problems with it.

KroAutomotiveInc 08-24-2012 12:27 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
also need to put some more work into this one need to adjust carb timing and valves shes not running right anymore.

111380 08-24-2012 06:56 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000
Hey Kro.On the black 64,what size of tires and wheels are you running on the front and back? I like the set up you got on this truck.

KroAutomotiveInc 09-07-2012 06:58 PM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

Originally Posted by 111380 (Post 5555567)
Hey Kro.On the black 64,what size of tires and wheels are you running on the front and back? I like the set up you got on this truck.

front is 31 x 10.50 r15lt

rear is 33 x 12.50 r15lt

111380 09-11-2012 02:58 AM

Re: 1964 gmc 1000

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