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KJSR 04-21-2014 01:54 PM

Re: My own build thread
Zip- Just give up and sell it to me for real cheap. I can pick it up tonight lol

Hey if you need a hand let me know. I can run up there......

NEWFISHER 04-21-2014 02:27 PM

Re: My own build thread
White wall marks: I know you love to do this and it was what has worked for me on WWW's.....wetsand with 600 trifold the paper and use a block as the rubber wants to grab the paper worse than a painted panel would.

jonzcustomshop 04-23-2014 12:57 AM

Re: My own build thread
wow! this is an awesome build!

zippeay 04-23-2014 11:10 AM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by KJSR (Post 6639283)
Zip- Just give up and sell it to me for real cheap. I can pick it up tonight lol

Hey if you need a hand let me know. I can run up there......

You must be smokin drugs, I think after selling my 36 it has cured me of selling my toys... Haha! Any time you want to come up let me know!
Thanks everyone!
Thank you for the advice on the WW's NEWFISHER I will give that a try. I've been so busy trying to finish everything up I haven't tried to clean the tires again.
Last night we fired it up for the first time! I'm not sure if my fuel pump is bad or if I switched the lines "which is a good possibility"... It was late last night and I didn't have time to get into it too much but fuel isn't getting to the carbs. It isn't a big deal, I have another fuel pump so I will tackle that tonight. However, it did run for a second and it sounded pretty good but I don't have any exhaust ran yet so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I would post the video but my wife took it on her phone and I need to have her send it to me. Hopefully tonight I can figure out the fuel issue and really hear it run.
I need to learn how Dino does this so fast because I'm losing my patience... lol!

hotcar 04-23-2014 02:02 PM

Re: My own build thread
dig the truck have been on your thread and i see you pancake the crossmember how much? and does it have drop spindles . ;)

zippeay 04-23-2014 03:48 PM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by hotcar (Post 6642698)
dig the truck have been on your thread and i see you pancake the crossmember how much? and does it have drop spindles . ;)

Thank you! I honestly can't remember how much I pancaked it. It wasn't a lot, I think maybe 1/2 inch??? And yes, I do have drop spindles.

zippeay 04-23-2014 10:30 PM

Re: My own build thread
Break out the champagne and cigars, this thing is alive!

zippeay 05-07-2014 11:50 AM

Re: My own build thread
I haven't done a whole lot on the truck the last few weeks because I competed in the IBJJF Vegas Open last weekend "Brazilian Jiu Jitsu" and took home Silver. I barely lost my last match but I'll come back and win gold next time. Now I have to get back on this truck and finish it...

Sorry, I know this isn't truck related but I'm excited I did so well. Not too bad for a guy with a bummed arm!

I'm the guy on the left side of the podium btw...

1963c-10 05-07-2014 12:07 PM

Re: My own build thread
Congrats on the match....and no shame in silver!!!

Ta2Don 05-07-2014 12:11 PM

Re: My own build thread
Silver is the motivation needed to get the gold...:metal:

zippeay 05-07-2014 12:13 PM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks fellas!

Jeff La 05-07-2014 11:39 PM

Re: My own build thread
Congrats, great accomplishment

79azc10 05-08-2014 02:11 AM

Re: My own build thread
Congrats in the medal and the truck is looking great

zippeay 05-11-2014 01:06 AM

Re: My own build thread
I got back on the truck for a minute until my 1inch solid brass breaker bar decided to slip and smash me in the face... That's gonna leave a mark...

Truck 1 Me 0

I'm ok, got a few stitches and went back home and finished up cotter keying the power steering. I'm more mad that I can't train for 2-3 weeks than anything else. Oh well, it'll heal.

Jeff La 05-11-2014 08:40 AM

Re: My own build thread
That's a pretty good gash you got, take care of it so it doesn't give you any problems. Hope it heals fast.

Ta2Don 05-11-2014 09:09 AM

Re: My own build thread
Praying for a quick recovery.

zippeay 05-11-2014 12:40 PM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks guys it's just a few stitches, I'm more mad that I did it to myself than anything else... At least I can look back and laugh.

We did get the wiring finished and a few other things done yesterday. Now I just have to make my fan shroud and take it to the exhaust place. Hopefully I can drive it in the next week or two.

McMurphy 05-11-2014 04:29 PM

Re: My own build thread
I am guessing the irony of this page is not lost on you...
2nd place in a Martial Arts competition without a scratch.
One round with a breaker bar on an old Chevy and you look like the cast of Expendables worked your ass over...

Got it.

Moral of the story is Martial Arts is a safer activity than what we all do on these trucks !!

I am going to the garage now, hope I survive it !! :sumo:

Disclaimer: this post is pure fiction and not meant to be taken as anything more than a parody !!
Rock on dudes :metal:

Quote of the day:
Irony is Fate's way of flipping you the finger.

zippeay 05-12-2014 10:09 AM

Re: My own build thread
No offense taken, trust me no one laughed at the irony more than me... I have some big scars on my face and none of them are from fighting... Almost all of my injuries "and I've had a lot" are from my own stupidity, you just have to laugh at yourself.

Jeff La 05-12-2014 10:42 AM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by zippeay (Post 6669954)
Almost all of my injuries "and I've had a lot" are from my own stupidity, you just have to laugh at yourself.

I see you and I are much alike in this aspect :lol:

Ta2Don 05-12-2014 02:24 PM

Re: My own build thread
I can relate as well… my own stupidity or impatience...:haha:

McMurphy 05-12-2014 02:29 PM

Re: My own build thread
Whenever you go to a new medical provider now they have a questionaire asking about your learning abilities.
"Do you learn better by reading, oral presentations, or demonstrations?"
I always note that "Painfully" is never on that list....which of course would apply to me best too.

Hope you are recovering well, and you are soon back on it. Your build is amazing !!

timmytimm3 05-13-2014 08:16 AM

Re: My own build thread

Originally Posted by zippeay (Post 6669954)
No offense taken, trust me no one laughed at the irony more than me... I have some big scars on my face and none of them are from fighting... Almost all of my injuries "and I've had a lot" are from my own stupidity, you just have to laugh at yourself.

That reminds me of the time when I was about 10 and decided it was a good idea to take a full swing at an exercise ball with a wood baseball bat and knocked myself out cold. Still have a nice scar above my right eye :lol:

zippeay 05-14-2014 12:49 PM

Re: My own build thread
Thanks everyone, I think the worst part is having to explain to EVERYONE what happened. On a positive note I may take up wearing purple/green eye shadow, chicks dig it! Lmao!

So... I finally made the fan shroud after procrastinating on it forever... Not having a metal brake makes things so much more difficult. But I'm pretty happy with it, I had to come up with some creative ways to bend it up "and not smash myself in the face". Tonight I'm going to paint it and get it all wired up.

The wiring is 99% complete, the air bags are all done and the switches work etc. I'm hoping to get it driving by Saturday so I can have the exhaust guy get to work. I'm supposed to bring it to my work picnic next week. Hopefully I can get all this finished by then.

Here's the fan shroud

Ta2Don 05-14-2014 03:33 PM

Re: My own build thread
Can't wait to see and hear this beast in a Video...
Hint, hint... :metal:

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