![]() |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Sweet looking, wish I had a machine like that to work with, lucky guy...Jim
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
That's one awesome build bro! I love it!
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Great work dan!
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Impressive, I wish I had that skill or even access to one.
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Did a search about patch panel installs and ended up spending all evening going through your thread. I've been struggling with staying on track with my original plan but after reading yours I've decided that I'm not crazy, lol.
I really like what you've done so far and can't wait to see this thing progress. Thanks for the inspiration. |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
"Thanks D, You have been doing great with your new floor. Keep on truckin'
Thanks, Dan! I was wondering where you have been hiding! It's looking good. I love the custom hangers and gaskets you made. That is really sweet! Hoping to install the floor this weekend, pending the weather and the availability of help! |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Back to the exhaust.... I wanted to say that the best way to cut exhaust pipe is with a ridgid tubing cutter. Way too easy and clean. pics coming right up.... |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps5uhkxqxk.jpg |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
OK. Had to update my 'puter.
I put the cab back on to make sure I was not about to make any big mistakes. Looks like the passenger header is tight as expected but clears just fine by the floor pinch weld. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psuwzz1fyv.jpg I can get a finger in there. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psoxf32nfg.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pskcoacwrz.jpg Now for the good stuff. I sure was about to make a mistake at the rear. I needed the exhaust to move back a few inches before kicking up. Anyone ever tell you measure twice cut once? "it's easier to shorten something than make it longer"? Well I sure cut this piece too short and had to extend it. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps9cwoum8j.jpg And now it clears the back of the cab. A little high on the left pipe in this pic. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pssdmwscsy.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psumnulgja.jpg Just checking clearance with a bed cross sill here. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pssfmfphxz.jpg |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Here are a couple underneath shots with the cab on before I burned in the rear of the exhaust.
http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pscieqauew.jpg My "H" pipe does hang down 2" below the bottom of the frame but hey I decided a static drop is what I am going with so it works. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psbmj84jpy.jpg |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Back to the rear. I made a cut and got the pipe flanges more appealing to my eyes (level).
http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psvaukl7cy.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psc9kpufne.jpg Welding the flanges on. Not perfect by any means but I think it turned out very well. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psbz7omnin.jpg The rest of the exhaust coming together. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps2ibikckk.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pstmpttqex.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps12pp4cbk.jpg Had to add a couple inches to the mufflers since they were used. I wanted to have a standard length muffler so I can swap them out if these are too loud or I am to old. I welded these extensions to the flanges at work, the Millermatic machine at work kills my Hobart. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psumeuocjq.jpg Pipes back on for the last time. CLearance is good all around. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psm9y16kpb.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psdyzw9kzb.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pstsfwokvi.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps9mp8gv6b.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pslzfv334e.jpg Sorry about the gloomy lighting. ran out of daylight there. |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
I made some hangers for the rear to hang from the shock crossmember similar to the front hangers.
http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psbuqk3zsd.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psi6bpxcds.jpg Next I got the muffler flanges welded on and a little spray paint. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psuuqynrch.jpg Installed the mufflers and fitting up the tailpipe/dumps. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psvut2nzmk.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psmaqcfrai.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psxlq4zh2r.jpg I took the tailpipes back off for final welding and snapped a few pics while the paint was drying. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps6bcfs5bc.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps26iltpw0.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps6mnutask.jpg |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
I love those homemade exhaust hangers. So cool.
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Dumps back on, almost done with the exhaust!
http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psv7mo6kr6.jpg I left the dumps long for now. I figure I will cut them to length once the bedsides are back in place to make sure it ends where I want it to. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psr8yd37jy.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psp7thxayh.jpg More pics http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psqfae9vld.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psnsckgofp.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pstxmwqzpd.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pstjzwtd4v.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pswsjm8blo.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pskoqec0vw.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pszszuniwc.jpg Plenty of room between there. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pstqeqjjqd.jpg I have one more seam to weld on the exhaust under the cab but that should wrap it up. :metal::metal::metal: |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
http://stainlessworks.net/index.php/...r-weld-on.html The snapper grommits are Jegs brand. I think made by SW, Jegs are red, SW are blue. http://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS+Performan...09025/10002/-1 The mufflers are IMCO "international muffler company" Flowmaster knock offs that were pulled from (hardly used) an old truck I used to own. BTW... Awesome truck you have there I was reading your new thread the other day, Wow! I love it! |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Nice work Dan! Glad to see you back at it. Looking forward to more updates.
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Dan, exhaust looks great, nice work...Jim
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Incredible detail Dan.. Great job...
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Looking great! Amazing work you are doing.
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Looking good, Dan!
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Well I have not been doing a whole lot recently, mostly hangin' out in the gym when I'm not with the kiddos. I started putting the accessories back on the engine but had an issue with the powersteering pump. I assumed since I had a '97 pump and '84 gear and hose I would be cool but.... in '97 GM started something awesome called speed sensitive steering and that made it a bear to find a hose to fit the pump in this chassis. I knew you could change the flow control valve assembly on virtually any GM pump so I dismantled the speed sensitive steering thingy and went to LKQ pick your part to find an o-ring hose flow control valve. Here is a diagram of the fitting, if you didn't know the pumps are the same if you need to swap between flare and o-ring fittings. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psstbvutca.jpg I walked around the yard looking for a perfect donor... hoping I would find a pump just laying there all alone to save myself the headache of pulling a pulley and brackets and boom there it is. :smoke: http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psen1pzzk8.jpg Pulled the flow control valve fitting out. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psome3mskk.jpg here is the standard o-ring fitting/valve on the left next to the speed sensitive thingy valve and of course the pump on the right. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps5jiuov62.jpg Put the "new", old fitting in the pump. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psq7snwtus.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psvu7oqeh2.jpg Now I can use the '84 o-ring hoses thta match my pump. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pszeyyuxwq.jpg And there you have it a '97+ SCS pump with 80-96 o-ring fitting/hose. Yes it works for flare fittings too, just pull the valve from the correct year truck you need. |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Here are the hoses as installed. they are floating about 3/4" over the frame, maybe because they are for a late square body?
http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pspq0ioqir.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pshtnq0c4q.jpg I plan to put a clamp block there to secure them. With that done I installed the harmonic balancer. Don't be a fool, use the tool! http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps2h92exjz.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psqmvqeikp.jpg |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
I decided not to reuse the problematic CSFI poppet injector assembly although it was running fine when pulled. I rubbed together enough pennies for a real MPFI injector upgrade. This whole design is well, odd.. Anyway here are some pics.
The "Spider" :lol: http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pswevoyu3v.jpg the new mpfi injectors. I would imagine having all this crap under the intake in the airstream may be its own air flow restriction. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pshzerqykx.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pslxlgucjd.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pscrlwydhu.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psumejwgye.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psg63dai0g.jpg |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
To finish off the accessories I decided to change over to an OE type non ac setup. This meant just buying a ribbed pulley and a new belt which I needed anyway. I did however need a spacer, bolt and washer so back to LKQ for the goods. Here is the ribbed idler pulley with the LKQ yard spacer,washer, and bolt ready to install. the spacer and hardware is the same for smooth or ribbed idlers if you need one.
http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psz7sjoh9o.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psmoa6nues.jpg I installed the upper intake and throttle body and while at LKQ I picked an S10 4.3 intake hat to replace that disgusting GMT vortec box thing and swap sides with my intake. I ordered a cheap Ebay S10 cold air intake kit also, just waiting on the brown truck to deliver that. Here are a few pics as she sits now. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psypwjq6fs.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pssqjzq7db.jpg |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
That is a strange looking EFI. 'Spider' is a good term for it.
So no A/C in wonderfully hot and humid OK? You are tougher than me. :) Great to see some progress again, though! |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
nice build!
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Hey Dan,
What's going on? Your last post was in April! How's everything going? -Darien |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
is this truck still being worked on? it's like you fell off the face of the earth
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
I have been distracted with a bunch of stuff going on myself, but am hoping to get back to it in the next couple of weeks. Hope everyone is doing well. Hope to see some pics and progress soon. -Darien |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Dang Dan,,, nice work on the exhaust!!! Are you going to be in the Lewiston Idaho area any time soon?? I could use a little help on my exhaust!! What made you choose Flowmaster mufflers? looks like it's been a while since any new updates,, any news on the latest??
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Still here...
So this is where is started with the passenger side rot. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psxuvcpnjz.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps6efcp40b.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pssmzb0mzb.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psinumgbsd.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pszes0vdgk.jpg Rusty **** box. With that all cut back out of the way I began to fit up the outer floor extension. I reall couldn't ask for a better fit. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psptznpifn.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps6usgatce.jpg This time I cut around the hump because it doesn't match up too well with the OE floor. Also had to open up the seatbelt attaching home quite a bit. Still a great fit compared to the other side of the truck. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pst2nkzdte.jpg With that all lined up I prepped the outer floor by removing the black EDP off all mating surfaces and edges to be welded. I applied UPol copperweld to all overlapping surfaces once sanded. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pss8fqq1ab.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psufkq6yb7.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psvs4fxqm8.jpg Next up I sand blasted and sand blasted and blasted some more. That crap was in my ears and nose and everywhere. Once blasted clean, I coated the cab supports with Eastwood rust encapsulated and again used Upol copperweld on all overlapping surfaces. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psogwrm9qd.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psh5afcqek.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps9ltlwfta.jpg Burning the floor edge in. I plug welded it to the cab supports but I didn't get a pic before sanding those smooth. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pskt4ksjro.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psczsvp5m0.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pshwwcmjyo.jpg Making it smooth. Grind, sand, sand. Gotta love those Roloc disks! http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pst2nrlsua.jpg Almost done. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psyg5mphnf.jpg There she is. Good as it's going to get for a floor. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psvdrhlqh0.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pslyxs2bcc.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps0za3fmge.jpg A little primer to keep from flash rusting. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps82jeftpb.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps5vcmp5wx.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psk3n80qrp.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psvypediqr.jpg Next up the rear pillar or "b" pillar. This part is awful. I had to slice and dice and flatten and reform and talk dirty to get this piece into submission. Grrr. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psk5lhz9jb.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psls7wqpvs.jpg Back side of the b pillar. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psxr1deg0r.jpg Needs to be finish welded across the seam but done for the moment. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psqtypabig.jpg Moving on to the kick panel. Here's what's left of the "a" pillar, blasted clean. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pszoyqsp7s.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps8ktcrj9a.jpg Once again, sanding all mating surfaces to plug weld and coated with copperweld primer. The kick panel is a pretty good fitting patch. No big complaints there. Well one complaint. The kick panel fits great by itself, the "a" pillar seems to fit great by itself but the kick panel and "a" pillar do not fit together very well with one another. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps5jfbmbwe.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psayipw1w9.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pskvj88mly.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psdy0bbdhw.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psqbec9ppu.jpg I am going to have to do some serious cowl repair and pull the firewall back in. It had a gap at this seam from the factory. Or at least since I got it. You could see how the spotwelds pulled the metal across the gap. There were big gaps between each spot weld. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psjcknd5dq.jpg Here she is welded in. I did not weld it to the firewall yet, I have to whip up a patch to fill in above this piece and part of the cowl. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psuf6zyeoi.jpg http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...psbqdc6yrh.jpg Now I am fighting the "a" pillar. It is giving me hell so far. I cut it down but it sticks too far out, like it's too tall. I sliced it vertically so I can get the hinge mount surface to sit flush. I am almost satisfied with it and hope to have it burned in soon. Here an early test fit pic. It appears to fit well in the picture... http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...pszqffhktz.jpg I will say that the rocker panel is a great fit in every test fit so far. http://i1329.photobucket.com/albums/...ps1rvlrkkl.jpg I guess I didn't upload a whole side view with the rocker clamped on. I will get one uploaded later. |
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
I have other updates but let's stick with getting the cab squared away first before getting back to the drivetrain.
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Dan, rust repair is a bear, but you are doing a great job. Will look just like new when your done...Jim
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
Glad to see some progress, if you want some help you know how to get a hold of me.
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
What's up Dan? Good to see you still have Georgia. Nice work on the rust repair.
Re: Rustbuket 67 build "Georgia"
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