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sdwolff98 07-03-2016 05:12 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
4 Attachment(s)
well have gotten quite a bit done today engine and transmission are back in the frame, started the Allison wire routing, and got 3 bump shift/tap shifter circuit boards finished. Two of the boards are going to some guys that are interested in making paddle shifters for the 8.1 6 speed trucks. Should have the bump shifter handle and aluminum to make the brackets from in next week and can start fabbing that up..... Will be working on the Allison wiring connections tonight after dinner.


sdwolff98 07-03-2016 08:27 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
4 Attachment(s)
Well went digging through my connector stashes and found a rear seal for the Allison connector plug. I got 90 percent of the Allison harness completed. Just have left is to get the firewall plug in place and split loom if and it will be completed. I built it separate from the engine harness so if I ever have to work on it it will only require unplugging from the main PCM and a few other connector and will drop out :D


sdwolff98 07-05-2016 01:54 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
3 Attachment(s)
Got a few more things done tonight after getting off work :D . Allison harness is finished except for a bit of tape at each to the loom joints completely modular so if I ever need to work on it 8 connections and it can drop out independent of the engine harness very pleased with how its coming together. Body shop is waiting on me to get the frame and brake lines finished then he will start painting the cab first then the rest of the body parts. Also got the proportioning valve mounted tonight and the front to rear brake line cut to length. Will be finishing up the front to rear brake line tomorrow after running some errands. Next up move the e brake cables to the under side of the cross member right now they will interfere with the bed cross sill mounting. end of the month should have the axles from Dutchman and can mark the axle off the list. Lastly get the torque converter rebuilt to go with the rebuilt Allison. Will be getting that taken care of on my next paycheck.


sdwolff98 07-10-2016 07:27 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Well got the front to rear line completed and in no to start in the front section next :D Also got all the stuff and start working on the bump shift lever for the Allison its coming along good still have to tweak a few things with the neutral return springs :/
Torque converter is dropped off getting a rebuilt so should have that back at the end of the month and can get everything full reassembled and completed. Next month the cab should be finished and home from painting soon to be followed by the rest of the body parts

sdwolff98 07-13-2016 01:29 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Well got a couple of surprises in today. The shifter people I got the bump shifter to build the assembly sent me another one??!!?? Also the Dutchman axles arrived for the dana 60 and omg they are a quality piece of work. 4340 alloy steel pretty strong setups. The axle flanges are also 1/2 inch thick instead of the dana stock 3/8 flange. they are all bolted in and started putting in gear oil lol.... Murphy struck again not enough oil due to the mag hytec cover adding extra capacity will have to finish it off Friday then get everything lubed and ready. dumped in 4 quarts with room to fill. Then the lovely axle tilting to get the bearings in the hubs lubed and should be set all that is left now is the breather tube assembly and be nice n finished up. Allison harness is totally done so I mounted the ecm and bracket to the engine and will be working on that wiring here quite soon. And last but not least bump shifter is coming along quite well finally found a good set of springs to bring the slap shifter back to a perfect neutral position and got the switches all mounted up.


sdwolff98 07-20-2016 01:22 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
1 Attachment(s)
Got the torque converter home and installed cost a lil more then expected but oh well have to have it lol. Also started on the front section of brake lines from the proportioning valve to the front tee assembly. Waiting on the brake nuts and tee to come in right now so I can finish it up.


sdwolff98 07-20-2016 01:24 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Also tonight started laying out the 8100 harness to get it cut down and ready to go. Will be working on it more tomorrow night after I download another set of wiring diagrams for it. Will have more pictures as it progresses.


sdwolff98 07-25-2016 01:07 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Well on my last day off got the front brake line in place and finally bent to shape. Today I spent all of the day getting the engine harness closer to being finished. All I have left for it is to put the split loom on and it will be ready. Body shop guy is getting ready to spray some paint and get the cab done first then the rest of the body comes after. Trudging along but making progress one step at a time.


sdwolff98 08-03-2016 07:51 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
4 Attachment(s)
Been very busy last week or so on my days off lol. Torque converter rebuilt and back in the trans, bolted trans and Engine into the frame just need to a finish a few lil things and that will be completely done. Still have to put the prothane th400 mount in place and get it all tightened down. Engine harness sif finished and split loomed. Today I got the fuel injection fuse box completed and ready to go. Also intake is back on and bolted in place with ARP bolts holding it down. In addition I didn't quite like how the oil pressure was sticking out from the side of the block so I got an elbow adapter from earls and got it set up nice and snug against the block :D


sdwolff98 08-03-2016 07:53 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
here are some more picture :D

Ronzo 08-03-2016 07:57 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
I looked at all those wires and damned near had a seizure, well done.

sdwolff98 08-03-2016 07:59 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Hey Renzo,
Lol have done multiple fi harnesses for a few people and have got it down pretty good nowadays. Going for the factory look with this one. Lol you think this was bad my unterior harness is really complex lol.


Johnny_Lamebridge 08-03-2016 11:26 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
I just found your build. You sure don't see many 8.1 swaps. Nice job with all that wiring.

sdwolff98 08-03-2016 11:28 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Hi Johnny,
Thanks its fun for me but a ***** for others lol

sdwolff98 08-12-2016 12:51 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
been busy the last week getting the trans cross member assembled, front to rear chassis harness done and the cooler fittings for the Allison in place. I also picked up a complete programming harness setup from EFI connection to get my computers access and reset for stand alone use. Had to do a lil bit of electrical massaging to their setup to make it compatible with my ecm and tcm setups.


sdwolff98 08-12-2016 12:53 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
3 Attachment(s)
Some pictures of the 65 automatic cross member and Allison cooler fittings lol the no leak kind like the factory problem childs lol


sdwolff98 08-25-2016 12:28 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
While waiting on a few things to come through and around start finalizing the interior harness and making a few minor changes here and there. Got my remote mount trailer brake controller setup and wired in, rear deck speaker wires are in, and changed the gauge cluster connectors so they take up less under dash space.
Body guy will be finished with all the metal work in another week or so and start painting the cab so ready to have it home and start the interior stuff installing lol. Still have to work on the ac ducts and a vents but need to cab here to maek that happen along with the ABS glove box idea I am working on.

sdwolff98 08-25-2016 12:30 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
3 Attachment(s)
Last week got the class 5 trailer hitch in and somewhat mocked up on the frame. My body shop guy is going to do a lil welding to it and I am going to have to get some 1/4 inch plate steel to make it fit the frame properly but after trying 4 different salvage yard hitches this is the closest yet to fitting :/ :)


sdwolff98 08-25-2016 12:35 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
Last but not least finally got a set of headers that fit really well and quite happy with them have to do a few minor mods to some things here and there but fit awesome in the frame. I tried a nice set of chevelle headers but they ran to close to the trans cooler lines for my comfort. Took em back to the shop I got them from and order the hedmann elite big block truck headers and they are definitely a good fit for the 8.1 in the 63-87 frame setups. I will have to move the Knock sensor on the driver side but luckily Dirty Larry already went through that so its basically a run to the auto parts store for the one that fits in a different spot in the block. Other thing I am gonna need to do is build a heat shield for the shifter cable its just far enough away but I will feel more comfortable with some shielding around it lol. Also got water pump and starter in last week but have yet to get around to messing with them. Will be throwing the water pump on my pain table and getting to that pretty quickly.


Captainfab 08-26-2016 10:57 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Are those headers for the '73-'87's?


Originally Posted by sdwolff98 (Post 7693471)
Last but not least finally got a set of headers that fit really well and quite happy with them have to do a few minor mods to some things here and there but fit awesome in the frame. I tried a nice set of chevelle headers but they ran to close to the trans cooler lines for my comfort. Took em back to the shop I got them from and order the hedmann elite big block truck headers and they are definitely a good fit for the 8.1 in the 63-87 frame setups. I will have to move the Knock sensor on the driver side but luckily Dirty Larry already went through that so its basically a run to the auto parts store for the one that fits in a different spot in the block. Other thing I am gonna need to do is build a heat shield for the shifter cable its just far enough away but I will feel more comfortable with some shielding around it lol. Also got water pump and starter in last week but have yet to get around to messing with them. Will be throwing the water pump on my pain table and getting to that pretty quickly.


sdwolff98 08-26-2016 11:12 PM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
Hey Capn,
67-87 actually but close enough lol.

sdwolff98 09-02-2016 12:17 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
3 Attachment(s)
Well got a few more electrical things in and done frame wiring harness is just about completely done minus having the cab and bed in place to make the final connections. Landed some nice usb chargers to install somewhere in the cab. Waiting on a power switch assembly and mounting pods to come in to see if this idea will work. Gauge cluster got a few slight revisions to the connector setup in last few days. The new connectors take up a lot less space now :D . Interestingly enough the usb setups I found can use a 67-87 brake switch connector once the clips are trimmed off lol. I through it in a box along time ago thinking hmmm I will need that one day *chuckles* and shore enough the day has come now just need to chase a second one down in a junkyard for the other usb charger setup lol. Cab goes in the paint booth next week since he has about finished all the metal work and is getting the visor holes drilled and custom holes into the cab setup.


sdwolff98 09-02-2016 12:19 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
3 Attachment(s)
Also got the transmission cooler mounted to the frame today since I don't have enough space behind the grill for it. mounting brackets turned out quite nice for it just some simple aluminum strap from the local hardware store worked great! may possible throw a power steering cooler down there as well not quite sure yet still thinking about it!


sdwolff98 09-13-2016 12:34 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
4 Attachment(s)
got the heater pipes in and the transmission thermostat in a couple of days ago. Thermostat is mounted just waiting on fittings and clamps to come in at this time to get that all finished up.

Mounted the thermostat where it will get plenty of airflow along with the cooler assembly. Going for completely separate systems since the new radiator has no transmission cooler capabilities being a triple crossflow. Also picked up a set of stainless steel flex pipe for the cooler lines themselves and use rubber hoses for the unions between the sections :D


sdwolff98 09-13-2016 12:36 AM

Re: 1964 GMC 3/4 ton build :D
5 Attachment(s)
And in addition to everything else going on my usb console chargers are finally mounted took forever to get the switch kit from the electric window conversion place. but they are done and turned out very nicely. the switch pods needed a dremel work to get the usb pods to fit but quite happy. All that is left now is getting another 67-87 brake switch plug and I can finish the wiring to them and the power tire hoist switch.


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