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tim21391 06-20-2010 06:15 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
start with the gaps from the back of the cab and door.. where it latches.. then work to fender and door gap etc etc. windshield all you do is get a new gasket and slide the rubber on it while its sittin on a bench then have someone hold it up there and use a pick or something to pull the gasket threw while u are on the inside... putting a gasket on with chrome trim is a pain.. i didnt use trim when i put mine in

oldblue1968chevy 06-20-2010 06:22 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
I'll tackle the windshield tomorow, hood is on but gaps/shuts crappy. door is on but doesnst open well (probably because no rocker cab corner or lower A/B pillar)

When I get done looking at everything on here ima go outside and put my inside heater box back on and pull it out and snap some good pics with the digital camera

Hopefully tomorow: I get my filler rigged up. And get my windshield/cowl on.

Should I use any sealer on the windsheild? I just want something to keep the bugs outta my teeth while I look for a good cab.

VA72C10 06-20-2010 06:22 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
did you have the rad support loose? I had to move that to get the hood lined up on my blazer. Or just the up and down adjustment on the fenders.

oldblue1968chevy 06-20-2010 06:25 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Hmmm..I had it loose in a few spots on accident (trying to remove fender) but I didnt take but maybe 2-3 bolts off....

I hate:Rust,rivits,door/hood gaps. lol

oldblue1968chevy 06-20-2010 11:04 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
4 Attachment(s)
Saw a 67 or 68 on speedchannel just now (seen it before i got my 68 also). They showed a 'how to on installing windshields, on a 1968 chevy truck lol

so ima tackle that tomorow they made it look easy :)

Heres some pics of my swaybar i got from my buddy parting out a truck awhile back for $15. Everyone says its a huge improvement. I got new bushigns too. Thats all soaking in soapy water/purple power. Does my lower A arms already have mounting holes for a swaybar (stock 68 lcas)

Heres some pics:

Mburgess57 06-20-2010 11:10 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Not sure about the holes in the A-Arms, but they make a huge improvement when driving waaaayyyy too fast through twisties. It will be like learning to drive a new truck.

tim21391 06-21-2010 02:40 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
i dont know if its needed but used just some spray adhesive .. might be over kill but it drys on without any look of it ever being on there..

usmcchevy 06-21-2010 02:47 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Holes are in the A arms already.

oldblue1968chevy 06-21-2010 03:08 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
ok got it all on i woulda died out there if it werent for the shade and huge fan cant wait to drive it!! going into town in a lil to get the stuff for my filler! Thanks mom!
Got my swaybar in. pics later...

Hopefully I get my filler done this evening,windshield then bed bolted down i'll letchall know how it handles..ima try to pick up a rear camaro bar soon and make a adj. trac bar also!

ps, the bar doesnt wana move it supposed to be pretty tight in there?

oldblue1968chevy 06-23-2010 12:09 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
2 Attachment(s)
Wow, the swaybar helped a ton. I can take corners without scraping my mirrors LOL. I realize what a dog my truck is now with the bed finally on it. Called to the guy thats building my longblock. Its supposed to be done tomrorow. (I am leaving @ 6AM with the gf to florida for a few days, maybe i'll see some trucks :chevy:) I wont be on here for awhile but when I get back ill go right to my truck :) cant wait to get my vtec headed 355 in :) :devil:
Windshield,cowl,finish gas filler (sorry still no pics lol) Good nite

Sorry about the crappy pics. i got super glue on my phone where the camera is :) How can I get it off

oldblue1968chevy 06-23-2010 12:10 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
oh and is there such a filter i can put on that hose?

and i WILL cut the front springs sometime its gotta backwards


should i slide my bed back al il more?

GMC91 06-23-2010 12:27 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Have fun down in Florida man, wish I could take a vacation.

bigguy69 06-23-2010 10:03 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
hurry back!!!

oldblue1968chevy 06-28-2010 08:01 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Ok im back. Went to Panama city beach, saw like 2 of our trucks. Then went to Pensacola. And Gulf shores, we got some oil there. I got pics of it i'll show later


Hopefully I get my windshield and gas filler done tomorow or the next day I cant wait!

oldblue1968chevy 06-28-2010 11:45 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
5 Attachment(s)
some pictures, ignore the goofy looking idiot in the blue or white shirt

oldblue1968chevy 06-28-2010 11:49 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
5 Attachment(s)
funny crotchrocket we saw in AL,the airboat thing we rode prety fun) and the 57?...chevy i saw on the road

edit the back of the sign is cleanup stuff for the oil spill blownup rig in the gulf

oldblue1968chevy 06-28-2010 11:55 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
5 Attachment(s)
more pictures..

the rolls at lamberts (recomend this place it was cool).

502 BBC :) i had to wear ear protection!!!!!

oldblue1968chevy 06-28-2010 11:58 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
1 Attachment(s)
us again

VA72C10 06-29-2010 01:05 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
looks like a relaxing get back to work on the truck :chevy:

*Dylan 06-29-2010 02:56 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Ah, where in Florida were you? I'm about to start working on the oil clean up myself. Already did the training and certification to pick it up. I'm guessing from the looks of it you were out by Pensacola?

Hart_Rod 06-29-2010 08:15 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
If you're still in PCola, give me a call this evening if you want to take a look at my "junk".

oldblue1968chevy 06-29-2010 05:43 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
4 Attachment(s)
haha i thought of you hartrod! Im back home I couldnt figure out how to make the internet work at the condo and the gf didnt want me on my 'truck forum' on vacation!! saw a greenishy 67 stepper in panama city.

so the people working the beaches @ the spill are just anyone that wants a job down there?

haha im working on my truck, i am 'waiting for expoxy to dry :)

here is my filler, its a 90* bend 2 1\14" with the lower end shrunk to 1 1\2" then it goes to 1.5" hose then to the 1 3/8 filler neck built up with jb weld ;)

the cap is from an s10 then heated with a torch to get the threaded part where the cap screws into. then I took the 'nut' part of the filler and jb welded it into the 2 1\4" pipe then imma tack it in a spot or 2 for strength. so i really am 'working' on the truck but i get to get on here to!!:metal:

the pic of chevy trucks was by the bathroom at lamberts i felt like a perv taking pictures of stuff near the bathroom doors lol

the pic of the hose: i wanna know if i can get some kinda filter to put on that for relief for my gas tank...(dont have a carcoal box thing)

oh and i went to pick my motor up today!!! well the guy thought i wanted to put it together, so tomorow nite after hours hes is going to build it with my step by step i am excited then order my heads/intake.

weiand or edelbrock?

he seemed to think i would be ok with my 500cfm i was thinking it would be a lil small...

bigguy69 06-29-2010 09:30 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
cool pics!!!

oldblue1968chevy 07-01-2010 10:57 PM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
5 Attachment(s)
worked on my motor till 12AM last nite with the owner of the shop (he helped me assemble it) anyone needs a machine shop in middle tn pm me.

anyhow, it has been hot tanked and i masked it all off and sprayed it with this along with some other things..should I have made a better decision and got a better $$$$ rattle can primer?:waah:Should i have used self etching primer?

would it be worth it to get the primer off and clean and REprimer it all? I dont want it flaking off in a week lol.

what order should i paint my motor, and how many THIN coats of everything thanks!

Also which intake should i get?:

weiand stealth (builder recomended)
summit brand
edelbrock performer eps OR (what you guys recommend edelbrock)
*other your choice*

355 vortec heads thumper cam balanced bottom end, not sure on carb yet, I have a 500 cfm edelbrock but probably need a bigger one right?


GMC91 07-02-2010 12:57 AM

Re: "Rice Rocket'
Everything on the motor needs to be high temp paint, or it will burn off.

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