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Re: What did you do to your truck today!
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Put the early bumper on that I had painted. Mounting the parking lights/turn signals behind the grille.
Just a, "..for now to see how I like it" sort of thing. I like the clean look, but I still have the chrome '71/72 bumper. We'll see. Fun to switch it up from time-to-time. Painter Lee painted the bumper as part of the deal. |
Re: Re : FOUND ONE ! (seek & ye shall find)
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
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My Father put fenders on and drove it to a shop where they are going to get the doors on correctly. First time i've seen it with fenders on in months! He is in WA state and I have recently moved to Indiana (where the truck will end up). Really exciting!
Re: 292 Color
-Nate Quote:
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Drove it to work & home again (yawn) , removed the pumpkin's derby cover and drained out the clean if thin (like water !) gear oil and had a look ~ there was minimal black stuff in there so I wiped it all clean & inspected the gear mesh , it's fine , the R & P is an 11/48 = 4.36 final drive ratio , this is the original three speed gearset dated October 1968 .
It's a 12 bolt part # 3817778 so now I need to find a V8 powered , automatic tranny equipped 6 lug rear end (! HINT !) to replace it with , 3.73 or maybe a 3.55 ratio (11/41) . QUESTION : I find lots and lots of 5 or 8 lug rear ends but few 6 lug , can I simply swap the axles ? . What series ("HO " etc.) rear end is This ? am I stuck with /67 ~ '72 or can I use later rear ends as there's millions of good '72 ~ '87 rigs here for parts picking . I'm tinkering on my truck to - day because to - morrow morning I head out to finally buy my 292 I6 engine , super cheap , way out in the boonies :metal: . ROAD TRIP ! (note clever use of CHEVROLET BLUE there) :chevy: . |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
[QUOTE=Expat_dude;6239480]Ordered some drop coils for the front.
That is a Sweet 67! Beutiful Orange.:metal: |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
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Installed my new "Truckseats" seat cover with new foam. It is awesome!
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
To get ready for my road trip to - day I unloaded the cab & bed , vacuumed then washed the rig , scrubbed the un finished oak bed wood , boy howdy was there a lot of leaf mulch built up & difficult to remove (TIP : use a stiff brush and vacuum to clean around the edges and along the sides of the metal strips before applying soapy water) .
I need to figure out how to get the black staining off the boards then apply some Tong Oil as this bed is only a few years old and I want it to last . Then I jacked up and blocked the front end , removed the wheels , replaced the crappo Taiwanese grease seals that were weeping grease onto my brake shoes , inspected the wheel cylinders for leaks / seeps (none , yay) cleaned up the dust on the shoes & backing plates , replaced both worn thin front drums with well priced new new ones from Good Guy Dano , (THANK YOU DANO :chevy:) , cleaned off a bit more of the accumulated old grease on the suspension parts , greased the entire front suspension , washed both front wheels inside & out & re assembled everything , replaced the old ATF dipstick with a long one from a G Van then re - tightened the perenially loose head pipe to exhaust manifold joint . I found a rock hard vacuum hose & replaced it then leaned out the idle mixture a tiny bit , it idlessmoother now and has better off idle throttle response . t was 100 + * F , not much fun for an old fat guy but I like to tinker and this truck gets ever better |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
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Pulled a Muscle in my Heart area, due to the Truck not running right, had to push it up and down my Driveway...After the Grass is cut tomorrow I think I am going to be Bed ridden for a few days..If anyone can help me work on this Truck it would be greatly appreciated
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Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Do TO it ? .
I drove it 400 + miles in the heat and had a pretty good time , marveled at how it used less than 1/2 quart of oil in spite of running it 65 MPH the whole way . What did I do IN it ? I nearly DIED when some @$$hole in a beat up double bottom Semi pulled into my lane when there was nowhere for me to escape , stop nor speed up ~ I had two tires in the edge of a steep dirt embankment on Ca. Rt. 99 North of Modesto where the Road Construction has it all torn up , I managed to keep 6" (maybe) between him and my mirror as I leaned on the horn and slowed down , luckily for me a CHP Commercial Enforecement Pickup was coming up in the fast lane and saw me pop out from behind this jerk , he pulled the jerk over . Whew ~ for a moment or three I thought I was going to roll it down the embankment @ 65 MPH ~ that's very exciting but not much fun , BT , DT and have the scars to prove it . :waah: To - morrow I hope to load up my new (old) 292 engine and head home . |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
There's a story in that, too. But suffice it to say that the related aspect is that the family room plasma is now for sale to help fund a motor build/rebuild. Enough on that.....Except: As we were heading north on CA41, we stopped at a light waaaay out in the boonies north of Fresno about fifteen miles. The intersection of E/W 145 (that comes in from Madera and heads over to Friant/Table Mountain) and N/S 41 that runs all the way from Paso Robles to the South Gate of Yosemite. We were stopped at a light...the last for twelve or so miles... ...on the last stretch toward home fifteen miles north of Fresno and nineteen miles south of home base in Coarsegold. Hwy 41 and 145 are each two lane (one in each direction) 70 in a 55 mph ribbons. Sitting in pole position at the light headed north in my woman's Nissan SUV (TV and all that), I reflected on how my wheels probably shouldn't be 2 feet over the white "stop here" line. 100 degrees outside. Air conditioning on full. Waiting for the light to change. New electronics in the car meant no jump out there's, even though I'm not so prone to do that these days, anyway. I heard a modest "thump". The mind went, "huh?" The noise was on our left...Almost obviously starting from the east on 145 coming from the direction of Madera, and traveling west. Sliding at at least sixty mph thru the now yellow to red light...at about a 30 degree angle, coming toward us and upright, was a four year old or so silver-gray Chevy Tahoe. It's right rear quarter-panel was shedding plastic, glass, and metal....At least that was what was in its wake. Spreading across as if it were water poured on the ground. It trailed the Tahoe by milliseconds, but looked like it was a shimmering, liquid wave. As it "flowed", I heard something like you hear the start of a heavy rainstorm. The noise stopped and was replaced by screeching of locked-up brakes. The Tahoe's driver corrected to the left. He was off balance enough that his front driver's side dipped down and grabbed the pavement. Then, as they aptly say, it was all suspended animation. Much slower than the thousands of tiny trash bullets and gravel seemed to be hitting our car. He went over. Up, and to the left. I saw the bottom of the Tahoe. Then the front. Upside down and facing me as it now rolled through the last intersection. I say the drivers arm fluttering in the open (or broken out) driver's side window. Strange, I remember a watch and an arm flopping inside a long-sleeved, checkered shirt. As the Tahoe was finishing rolling on its right side for the second and last time, it was almost stabilized on its roof when a dog, a smaller cow-chasing type dog, was thrown out of the truck from some opening, landed on his/her side and took off running to beat the band. Ten foot leash in tow. The truck was on its roof, on the north-east corner of the intersection, but off the road. Very, very crashed. And very, very upside down. The dog was running north in the middle of Highway 41 at what seemed like a sustained pace of 20 miles and hour. Running *from* the wreckage. My woman was on the phone. First 911 call in. Stop motion. Then everyone started for the upside down SUV. Irene was giving thr CHP details, as first responder people were bending and making whatever the first contact was with any human occupants of the Tahoe. Enough folks there. We took off chasing the dog. As did about ten other cars. We traded positions, trying to herd the herding dog off of the road, lest one more gory episode happen. My flashers going to alert south-bound fast travellers coming from parts north, Hwy 41 turned into a winding clan of cars weaving around at 5-8 mph. The pace slowed. The dog ran to the east through a barbed wire fence. Across range land and toward a large farm house. Safe for a time from the perils of cars. Heart pounding slowed down. And sympathy for whatever was happening in our rearview mirror took over. I couldn't find anything about the wreck *anywhere* last night. Not on the news, the web, the radio...nada. So, we went back down today. We saw a small Japanese car parked along the road, just to the south of the intersection with a bashed in front drivers side and hood. It's only a guess, but I will bet that the small Japanese car was at the park and ride at the south west corner of the intersection, tried to enter going east on 145 and was smacked...or *smacked* the Tahoe. The Tahoe had to be whacked at no less than seventh mph...and no more than 100 feet from the signalled intersection, where he would have initially had the green...or the beginning of the yellow. I hope everyone is okay. But I won't tempt fate and make the intelligent bet that there's at least one less soul walking on the face of the earth today than was earlier yesterday....And, I hope the dog's okay. We'll probably never know. |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Wow, you guy's have some wild stories, hope I don't have any to tell. Just drove my truck round trip last weekend about 800miles without one hickup, was wonderful and fun too. used a lot of fuel the big block.:gmc2:
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Started to tear down my Dana 44 for new ball joints bearings seals and rod ends, oh, new calipers, rotors master cyl and power booster, and before the brakes are bled i have a rear disk conversion to do too.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
No exciting stories just drove it to work ,enjoyed that.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
finished up my serpentine conversion and figured out why the p.o. had switched to a 1-wire alternator, the alternator exiter wire had pulled out of the back of the ignition switch.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Drove it... :bowtie:
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Started sanding around "GMC". I'm gonna repaint around it white, and the letters red for the time being.
http://i473.photobucket.com/albums/r...9-26-14_15.jpg |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Got it running. Had to start out with some starting fluid in the it wouldn't idle and would lug out if I punched it. Just sat there and pumped the throttle for a bit then it started to idle but it the RPM's weren't steady. I left it doing that for about 3 minutes then the idle steadied out and it would rev out when I punched it.
Added some power steering fluid and now the power steering works. Added 2 quarts of tranny fluid and its still really low, but I pulled it out onto the dirt so I could bleed the brakes. Spent about an hour and a half bleeding the brakes and got them working about 400% better than they were. By then it was pretty dark so I left it out in the dirt, tomorrow I will get more fluid and drive it around the yard a little. |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Welcome to the board Syndrome. Great place with almost too muchi information.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Took my 19.5s in to have the tires removed for blast & paint and installed a 7 blade w thermo clutch.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
got the 454 dropped in and running in my 71 today. theres pics and a vid in my build up thread
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Woke up in Yuba City around 03:30 , had some light breakfast @ the hotel & went out , washed the truck's windows , lit it off and checked for an exhaust head pipe leak (negative) , checked the brake fluid , oil & ATF (all O.K.) after a while my brother got up and drove to freindly Oroville , gassed up and headed North on Ca. Rt. 70 , a wonderful country road , almost immediately I lost a cylinder to a fouled spark plug and so had to limp into Paradise . Ca. on 5 & 1/2 cylinders as # 6 kept cutting in and out as we ascended Pent Road North of Rt. 70 ~ it's a beautiful back road , steep and twisty so feathering the throttle up it isn't my idea of fun but eventually we arrived a the nice LEO's place where I bought a 1977 Chevy 292 complete and a whole buncha other bits (side loader three speed tranny with OVERDRIVE or slightly over scrap value .
Then I popped the hood and removed all 6 spark plugs and ever so carefully scraped them clean of accumulated oil deposits whilst he looked on , asked questions and told me about his LEO / T.O. life in Paradise ........ It was pretty nice if hotter than heck . Spark plugs all clean I re installed them and my trusty 250 roared into life and off we went , I stopped and got some pix of me and the rig with engine in the bed on top of the Butte ~ if they come out I'll post them up here after I get back to L.A. ~ I'm bedding down to - night in Modesto , Ca. and need to inspect a Diesel Rig in Fresno to - morrow . I'm sure there was more I wanted to tell but it's nearly midnight and I need to sleep occasionally , my alleged mind is confuddled now . |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
3 Attachment(s)
Did a "permanent" hide of the turn signals/front parking lights behind the grille.
Had to put three holes in the horizontals of the grille for the brackets. So I went down and got some ss buttons. You guys (and gals) would notice the non-stock aspect of it...and might even hate to see the bolt heads/nuts. But they are pretty unobtrusive in there. And, I got to use all the stock stuff without screwing with anything else...so if I go back to a bumper with the lights in em....... I "bit the bullet" and ordered a polished panel to cover the space between the grille and the rad core support. Should be here Tuesday. Another day, another empty wallet. :waah: |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
I like it, very clean looking, and does not look stock. Works for me.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
I just put in my new bed mat and made a padded front board so I could load a couple of bikes. My company has a car/bike show every year so I thought I'd participate in it. I don't do shows but since it's a private one for employees only,so I thought I'd do it just this once. The bikes are 68 Yamaha 250 DT1's. I have sort of a passion for these bikes. My user name.
http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...ps55e63fe2.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...psd7538de6.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t...ps11f3b224.jpg |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Most excellent classic dirt bike ever.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
What type of anchor system do you have in the bed to connect the hold down straps. Could you post a picture? Posted via Mobile Device Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
"What type of anchor system do you have in the bed to connect the hold down straps. Could you post a picture?"
Actually, I just used the existing holes in the stake pockets. |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Pulled the grill on my '70 and cleaned the 43 years of gunk off of it. Then knock out the major dents. Later I'll strip it, polish it and clear coat it.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Pulled the grill on my '70 and cleaned the 43 years of gunk off of it. Then knock out the major dents. Later I'll strip it, polish it and clear coat it.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
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I patched my right front fender.
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
2 Attachment(s)
I got bored... My wife made me attend the garage sale with her. Sitting there looking at my 70 I just could not help myself.
Cleaned with degreaser, Cleaned again with Muriatic acid, dent removal, stripped anodize with drain cleaner, polished and painted. Man I love me some 70 grill.:metal: The cell phone pic kinda sucks |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: What did you do to your truck today!
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Old Motos & old Trucks , nice .
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