J.Lance |
03-02-2005 11:34 AM |
Let me clarify a few of the concerns some have. I've had several Blazers and one other Jimmy and torn several apart besides my own. I do know exactly where to look. I crawled underneath and looked at the rocker boxes really good- solid. I pulled up the carpet all along the sides around the wheel tubs and also the front pans- solid. There is also no rust in the rear corners of the bed floor like even a real clean Blazer would typically have. I peeled up the weather stripping around the windshield and the original paint underneath looks good with no signs of rust. The interior was not repainted and there is not pinhole coming through the inside either. What I can't see of course is the supports behind the rocker box or pillars and backer behind the rocker. The bottoms of the doors are what actually worries me the most because that is relatively in the same exposure area as the rockers and everything behind them. In short, I checked it out real good. Earlier in the thread I just wanted to highlight what was bad and assuming everything else was o.k.
That being said, if it was a 4spd no thrills truck, I probably would only look to give $2K to $2500 for it. But it's a factory a/c '72 with a single wall top and cheyenne package (and I like Blue). Tach and tilt would finish it off nicely which I have sitting around. $3600 and still on the upper edge of what I'd like to pay for it so thinking of offering less despite his "bottom dollar". Couldn't hurt.
If I decide to do it right later, I'll redo the patches myself and then send it off for paint. Bodywork and interior I'm into. Paint I'm not so that will be my major out of pocket expense if and when.
All that being said, still undecided. Thanks for all of the help and advice. That's why I love having this resource available to me! In the end I agree with the low enders and can only hope the high enders are actually correct! ;)