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matthufham 01-03-2006 11:44 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Slammed66 01-03-2006 12:06 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
:ww: Why not use the blazer tank for a blazer tank and the beer keg for a beer keg?

all of a sudden your the life of the party???:ww:

DangerBoy 01-03-2006 01:23 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
This is somethin me and a friend of mine were going to do once. If you do decide to use it as a gas tank definately put a rubber grommet in the hole you run your lines through so you don't bust a fuel line.

Professor 01-03-2006 03:21 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Isn't that a steel pipe and steel cap used as the filler? Isn't steel (ferrous metal) more likely to cause a spark (on top of several gallons of gas) than a DOT approved filler and tank?
Also, where is the vent system? What happens when you fill up some cool morning, park it in the sun, and as the gas expands it pushes gas through your system (fuel lines, pump, and carb, and into your cylinders)? ...especially when the truck is not running?

ozzyracing 01-03-2006 03:42 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
I agree that a keg is for beer, a gas tank is for gas. You may be the best driver in the world but when the other person hits you (drunk or not and at fault or not) and your bomb, I mean keg damages other property or better yet injurs or kills someone, your ass will be poor (likely to be sued) and most likely sore (if someone is injured and you are charged with endangerment, unsecure load, negligent manslaughter, etc. you will be in the POKEY). Good luck with what you decide to do.

Everyone has choices in life, its the choices you make that affect your life.

72 Cheyenne402 01-03-2006 04:10 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Kegs are for beer!!!

matthufham 01-03-2006 05:07 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
@ professor, there's 2 tiny holes in the side of the cap, maybe 1 mm or so. it's a cap the farmer had lying around the oil field.

and would my underage friends really enjoy a glass of beer that tastes like gasoline?

screamin_c102 01-03-2006 05:18 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
I would not use it as a fuel tank. I would however mount it, cut the center section into a lid hinged at the top, polish it, fill it with ice and beverages for tailgate parties. That would be one cool ass ice chest!!! When it isn't being used as a mobile beverage cooler, you could safely store, a jack, fire extinguisher, jumper cables, spare fluids, etc. in it......:metal:

Best of both worlds....Bill

matthufham 01-03-2006 06:06 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by screamin_c10
I would not use it as a fuel tank. I would however mount it, cut the center section into a lid hinged at the top, polish it, fill it with ice and beverages for tailgate parties. That would be one cool ass ice chest!!! When it isn't being used as a mobile beverage cooler, you could safely store, a jack, fire extinguisher, jumper cables, spare fluids, etc. in it......:metal:

Best of both worlds....Bill

good idea, i was wondering where i could store all my tools, they'd vibrate under the seat with all the bass, and that seems like a use for it. how would i go about cutting the tank since it's had gas in it?

gringoloco 01-03-2006 06:13 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by screamin_c10
I would not use it as a fuel tank. I would however mount it, cut the center section into a lid hinged at the top, polish it, fill it with ice and beverages for tailgate parties. That would be one cool ass ice chest!!! When it isn't being used as a mobile beverage cooler, you could safely store, a jack, fire extinguisher, jumper cables, spare fluids, etc. in it......:metal:

Best of both worlds....Bill

Or... cut it in half, hinge it and make a charcoal grill out of it. Better yet, run some gas burners for propane. Great for tailgate partyin'. That would be pretty cool, me thinks...

GMC AMI 01-03-2006 06:24 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Ditch the keg idea and buy a nice toolbox with a built in SAFE gas tank if you want extra capacity.

matthufham 01-03-2006 09:30 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by Mike Files
Ditch the keg idea and buy a nice toolbox with a built in SAFE gas tank if you want extra capacity.

can i have $1000 for that? yea my point too.

Slammed66 01-03-2006 11:10 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
Easy TURBO!!!!

matthufham 01-03-2006 11:24 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by Slammed66
Easy TURBO!!!!

if you're talking about filling the keg with racing fuel, i'm too poor.

GMC AMI 01-04-2006 07:15 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by matthufham
can i have $1000 for that? yea my point too.

At what price do you value your safety? I never saw one for 1000.:crazy:
You asked for comments on the safety factor then slam me for my comment.:rolleyes: Do what you will as you would anyways. There are enough gas stations to use the in the cab tank without a problem without the keg.:blah: :blah:

matthufham 01-04-2006 11:14 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe

Originally Posted by Mike Files
At what price do you value your safety? I never saw one for 1000.:crazy:
You asked for comments on the safety factor then slam me for my comment.:rolleyes: Do what you will as you would anyways. There are enough gas stations to use the in the cab tank without a problem without the keg.:blah: :blah:

not slammin ya, but i don't have $1000, and even $399 is rediculous. i just want the keg to work but i have no problem with leaving it there for show.

truckdude239 01-04-2006 11:22 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
ummm i'd just set the keg up and run the hose into the cab and put it above an cup holder put an cup in and push the button and boom an cup of beer just my .02 cent but what do i know i underage and don't drink lol

67ChevyRedneck 01-04-2006 11:37 AM

Re: tell me if this is safe
If your installing the blazer tank why have the keg as an aux tank? Seems unnecessary. There are too many safety variables to make it feasable. You keep talking about polishing it up for shows, how cool is a polished keg in the bed of your truck sitting on 2x4's? and I thought I was redneck. You asked for opinions, I think it looks goofy, doesn't belong in the bed of a truck. Hook up the blazer tank, ditch the keg.

Aquivarious 01-04-2006 12:15 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
OK, heres my question, whats the capacities of the 2? You sound too stubborn to give it up so heres my idea... If the Capacities are about the same im thinkin you could run a line from the bottom of the Keg to the bottom of the blazer tank... then they would both keep a constant level in both tanks until you run outta gas... Your 1 gauge would work for monitoring ALL of your fuel... Now if the capacity in ur blazer tank is more than the Keg (which is what im thinking) then run it from the bottom of the keg to the corresponding spot on the side of ur blazer tank... But remember if u mount too high, then your keg will run fuel out of the vent hole until its evened out... It will be a low mount probably, but what do the rest of u think of that? If the keg WAS sealed and it expanded, itd expand into the vented tank... This idea SO works in my head... what do ya'll think?

Aquivarious 01-04-2006 12:21 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
P.S. Theoretically... if you fill the regular tank... itd partially fill the other tank at the same time... just thinking some more...

matthufham 01-04-2006 12:24 PM

Re: tell me if this is safe
well, there's no fittings down low on the blazer tank. im pretty sure now i'm not going to use the keg for fuel. i might fill it up like a 1 gallon gas can and fill up the lawn mower with it, that'd keep for a long time since it's over 20 gallons.

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