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XXL 12-20-2006 02:06 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
68CHEBY, the "poor, pitiful me" routine is already played out... even after only "9 or 10 posts...." Nobody's "crucified" you but yourself. Nobody's called you a liar. Nobody's said we're not interested in a good deal. Nobody (except you) said low post count means you're a lesser contributor. You just came on the board and when someone pressed you ever so slightly on something you posted, you came unglued.



Originally Posted by krue (Post 1951329)
Looks like a new guy is just trying to turn y'all on to a deal and you jump him.

That's all good and wonderful that you get to "admin" us, but read his second post again. He's going ape over someone's benign comment... and even if not benign, 68cheby's rant isn't really called for. Selected smartassity...


Spicer driveshafts are only 75.00 up to about 55" with yokes 4" to 3" diameter, but I guess thats not a deal either because other people sell them for 250-350 dollars....or so they say.Amen bother
The whole post.

gringoloco 12-20-2006 02:16 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
All BS aside. Who's gonna pony up and try these out?

What's the difference between mono-ball bushings and the regular urethane?


krue 12-20-2006 03:31 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
xxl you have a pm.

gringoloco 12-20-2006 03:42 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
1 Attachment(s)
Found this pic at the IROC page. Look familiar?

gringoloco 12-20-2006 03:56 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
1 Attachment(s)
Also found this at They also have lowering blocks, pinion angle shims, and u-bolts. :cool:

Can anyone verify the 51" measurement? My 'calibrated hand' says mine are more than 19lbs too...

Jim_PA 12-20-2006 08:04 AM

Re: Trailing Arms

Originally Posted by krue (Post 1951329)
Okay, sounds like a flame job on a guy for no good reason. You say he "misunderstood your post" well I read it the same way. Ya'll play nice or keep your opinion to yourself. Looks like a new guy is just trying to turn y'all on to a deal and you jump him. We don't play that game here and I would appreciate everyone keeping it civil.

This is all the info he provided when I responded; A CLAIM that you can buy trailing arms for 150 per set. I never realized that pointing out that someone made a claim to one thing or another was the same as flaming someone. How someone takes my 1st reply as a "flame job" is beyond me. There is a serious disconnect here.


Has anyone ever tried to adapt the nascar trailing arms to a truck. They are supposed to be based on the trailing arms up to '72. Adam at muscle motorsports said they should be the same length etc., are boxed, and come with either mono ball bushings or urethane. The best part is that they stock them and they are only 150.00 a set, smoking deal!! If they will work.
Any input?

Originally Posted by Palf70Step (Post 1950616)
What would be the difference. Most of these trucks are already setup with trailing arms, pretty sturdy ones too. You can add polly bushing to them and pretty much have the same thing.


MY REPLY: I would think the difference is these are only 150 per set (so he claims) Other companies sell them for 500+ per set.
My reply is a flame??? Yeah, right....

krue 12-20-2006 08:10 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
So everyone is innocent. :rolleyes: If you don't have anything positive to contribute to this thread, stay off it. If you have a problem with me, pm me, take it up with an admin, but do not post it on this thread again, or it will get edited of the bs.

JustLiveIt 12-20-2006 10:19 AM

Re: Trailing Arms

Originally Posted by gringoloco (Post 1951434)
Also found this at They also have lowering blocks, pinion angle shims, and u-bolts. :cool:

Can anyone verify the 51" measurement? My 'calibrated hand' says mine are more than 19lbs too...

Good find. Looks like these are $225 each. Still cheaper than early classics set for $499. Looks like their prices on u-bolts and shims are a little cheaper than I have seen other places.

I'm going to get my arms sand blasted and painted this weekend and new bushings put in. Hopefully I don't need new ones!

BUDDY 12-20-2006 10:37 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
Sweet an e-pissing match!! :metal: Where's my popcorn?

I think that even if they don't fit, it's still a helluva deal. Make 'em fit. :crazy:

My question for the guys at musclemotorsports is do you have the crossmember available too? I guess I could alway go with the SCR crossmember, which looks pretty danged nice anyway, but if these guys sell the TA for 25% of what the other cheapest place to get them from does, then how much is the crossmember too?

I for one am thankful to God, my country, & 68cheby for aprising me of these trailing arms.

Thank you,


Jim_PA 12-20-2006 10:44 AM

Re: Trailing Arms

Originally Posted by BUDDY (Post 1951546)
I for one am thankful to God, my country, & 68cheby for aprising me of these trailing arms.

Thank you,


Me too, as mine are rusted and will need to be replaced someday, but unfortunately people can't see that.

Who will be the guinnea pig? I already said I'd put in $5 for someone to buy just one, and evaluate weather or not it will work for us.

jkade 12-20-2006 11:27 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
I would buy a set if I needed them and thanks 68CHEBY for trying to help some folks save some money. I have been in one of these pissing matches on a thread I started once too, some people just take things the wrong way and then they cool down. Keep posting ideas, finds, and questions. If I remember right this is what this site is for and not bashing folks for posting ideas, finds, and questions.:hmm:

68SHORTBOX 12-20-2006 11:51 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
68CHEBY, thanks for the link always looking for ways to improve the handling of the 68 and save a couple of bucks in the process.

Liz 12-20-2006 03:10 PM

Re: Trailing Arms
III. No pissing matches. Its fine to disagree, but once a thread has run its course, and degenerated into little more than an insult fest, it will be locked. While this will require a judgment call by the Administrators & Moderators. The members of this site can keep our moderating to a minimum by exercising a little discretion and self- control. Excessive profanity will lead to a 24 hour suspension at the Administrations discretion.
IV. Pure trolling, either to upset someone or simply for your personal
enjoyment, is strictly prohibited. If you're here to cause trouble, it will be a very short stay. Immediate BAN and you will be reported to your ISP.

slt0066 12-20-2006 09:57 PM

Re: Trailing Arms
2 Attachment(s)
hey he is right !!! I have a set on my truck 72 swb they are the same length I'll measure mine tommorrow to be sure but I think they are 51.5 inches from center of bushing to centerline of the reaer end housing.
I work for a nextel cup team in concord nc. and have been working for nascar teams for almost 10 years now. the only thing you have to watch out for is the muscle motorsports place sells used parts. which is fine as long as you can see what your buying.. the thing with these truck arms is the left side normally has a big adjustable bracket welded to it for the panhart bar mount to. (no big deal I just cut mine off ). and they also have mounts for the shocks to bolt to. and some times one is shorter than the other . there are several things teams do to they truck arms to help with performance I suggest if you are going to buy a set go in person and inspect them. bring a tape measure and original one if you can . lay them side by side and compare i said they do work if you get te right ones.
you can also get two right side truck arms so you wont have to cut the mount off.. sorry for the long post just wanted to shed some light on this topic ... hope I helped...

SCOTI 12-20-2006 10:54 PM

Re: Trailing Arms

I thought it was mentioned that the aforementioned parts were 'boxed'?

Are those arms in your pic from the same place?
Am I seeing the pic correctly because they don't look boxed.... they look like a reinforcement plate has been added?

Curious if there's one source for the arms & different groups modify them according to their needs (some boxed, some plated).

roj2323 12-21-2006 12:33 AM

Re: Trailing Arms
sweetness! i would think the panhard bracket would be a blessing as you wouldn't have to buy the $80 bracket from ECE. however i'm still up in the air on this sbuject. i'm starting to think the only way i'll be happy is with a custom one off frame with 2x3 trailing arms much like ECE is now selling. this hobby really is a curse.

68CHEBY 12-21-2006 06:07 PM

Re: Trailing Arms

Originally Posted by slt0066 (Post 1952269)
hey he is right !!! I have a set on my truck 72 swb they are the same length I'll measure mine tommorrow to be sure but I think they are 51.5 inches from center of bushing to centerline of the reaer end housing.
I work for a nextel cup team in concord nc. and have been working for nascar teams for almost 10 years now. the only thing you have to watch out for is the muscle motorsports place sells used parts. which is fine as long as you can see what your buying.. the thing with these truck arms is the left side normally has a big adjustable bracket welded to it for the panhart bar mount to. (no big deal I just cut mine off ). and they also have mounts for the shocks to bolt to. and some times one is shorter than the other . there are several things teams do to they truck arms to help with performance I suggest if you are going to buy a set go in person and inspect them. bring a tape measure and original one if you can . lay them side by side and compare i said they do work if you get te right ones.
you can also get two right side truck arms so you wont have to cut the mount off.. sorry for the long post just wanted to shed some light on this topic ... hope I helped...

Thank you, that was the type of post I was looking for. So now I know for sure that they will work. thanks again.

jimmydean 12-21-2006 06:42 PM

Re: Trailing Arms
So would the panhard bar mount work with the super delux bar (or whatever CPP called the real long one I bought)? Mine has the bracket that slides onto to trailing arm and mounts to the stock frame mount for bagged trucks.

I like the looks of the tube arms myself, but square would make the most sense.

john 12-21-2006 06:49 PM

Re: Trailing Arms
By the way welcome to the site.


Shane 12-21-2006 07:00 PM

Re: Trailing Arms
Ok bro, serious business here ... don't hold out on us, which NEXTEL team do you work for?

JustLiveIt 12-21-2006 07:13 PM

Re: Trailing Arms
If NASCAR has been using these arms for years, why did it take so long for companies like early classic or CPP to come out with replacement trailing arms? And why do they look different than the ones used for NASCAR?

You would think that a company like early classic would ask the manufacturer of the NASCAR arms to make some with the correct brackets, etc. for our trucks instead of engineering their own.

XXL 12-21-2006 07:38 PM

Re: Trailing Arms

Originally Posted by JustLiveIt (Post 1953404)
If NASCAR has been using these arms for years, why did it take so long for companies like early classic or CPP to come out with replacement trailing arms? And why do they look different than the ones used for NASCAR?

You would think that a company like early classic would ask the manufacturer of the NASCAR arms to make some with the correct brackets, etc. for our trucks instead of engineering their own.

Quit flaming the new guy!!11111111oneone. Companies like Early Classic and CPP take reasonably priced stuff and mark it up to exhorbitant levels so that they can gouge the very people to whom their business caters.

Er, eh... :but:

earl87gta 12-21-2006 07:50 PM

Re: Trailing Arms
Dont have info on the trialing arms but I have bought stuff from them before and Ive never had a problem I would call them and talk with them and let them know what you want and you should be oK I started bying parts after the owner to the number 35 truck had posted on the diesel place as a good place to get a hevy duty radiator.

roj2323 12-21-2006 09:23 PM

Re: Trailing Arms

Originally Posted by JustLiveIt (Post 1953404)
If NASCAR has been using these arms for years, why did it take so long for companies like early classic or CPP to come out with replacement trailing arms? And why do they look different than the ones used for NASCAR?.

It took a while because the popularity of the 67-72 trucks is just now picking up steam. With the added popularity more and more basic components such as the trailing arms are being reproduced in both stock and modified versions to support demand. Why is it that NASCAR teams don't use tube arms such as the ones CPP and ECE sells? Well it probably has something to do with NASCAR rules.


Originally Posted by JustLiveIt (Post 1953404)
You would think that a company like early classic would ask the manufacturer of the NASCAR arms to make some with the correct brackets, etc. for our trucks instead of engineering their own.

You would think, but in reality it's actually cheaper to make the trailing arms out of easy to find materials verses paying through the nose to have a stamping machine made or playing the pass it on game with dealers/distributors. It’s all about profit, it sucks I know, but that's capitalism.

hope this helps,

FarmTruk 12-21-2006 10:47 PM

Re: Trailing Arms
2 Attachment(s) post...thought I'd add my $0.02 in...

Found a pic in Car and Driver (I's not a truck, per se, but for purposes of discussion and adding to the knowledge base).

Anyways, this pic is of the rear of the #19 Dodge from Evernham Racing :metal: .

It shows the fabricated trailing arms are not "boxed" in a traditional sense. They are reinforced with plate steel, at least on the bottoms. Can't see the tops. :confused: I think you can also see the Panhard mount on the right arm, previously mentioned by stl0066, if you squint reeealllyy hard.

Anyways, it is one clean machine.

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