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thirdstreettito 08-17-2008 11:29 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
The jack + the mud + me under the 5000lbs truck with 2 cinder blocks to hold it if it falls...

Other than that, maybe the 6" grinder?

hdflstf 08-18-2008 12:03 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Senator350 08-18-2008 07:32 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
mmmmmm Breaker bar :)
I recall a time when a 4' pipe was used as an extension on a 30something MM socket to remove an axle nut on one of my cars.

Abreviated version of the story includes my friend doing chinups on the breaker bar/pipe.

you can guess what happened next

MacAttack 08-20-2008 01:53 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
Radiac wheel on large die grinder - under truck bed - grinding spare tire hanger rod off, coming apart in dozens of pieces - splitting end of operator’s nose.

1970 chev truck 08-21-2008 11:21 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
id have to say the most dangerous tool we have is a 7 in wheel with chunks of carbide imbeded in it, we use it to grind the tires on our racecar. A few guys that bought one of these ended up in the hospital with their intestines hangin out. Its a pretty gnarly lookin thing.

msgross 08-21-2008 11:52 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
1 Attachment(s)
so far it's been by 4 1/2" grinder with a coarse wire wheel... Gotta love 10,000 RPM's coming to a stop on your chest!

FYI, buy the angle grinders with the paddle switch so it turns off when it's ripped out of your hands!

Mine locks on and goes to town:devil:

2manyprojects 08-22-2008 04:08 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
The one that really scares me is the press we use to remove pins. 100 tons on a threaded rod not pretty when a rod breaks. It shoots across the shop and makes lots of noise.

sdkid 08-23-2008 04:58 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
I will have to say grinders/cutoff tools. Air or electric.
And a way to make them a little safer would be spend the extra buck for the name brand cutting/grinding wheels. Harbor freight is not the place to buy them. I bought a stack of 4 1/2 grinder wheels last year and every other one exploded with just a little use on mind steel.

mikeoj 08-26-2008 06:56 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
Circular saw took my thumb off about about 5 years ago.Got lucky,they were able to sew it back on.Every and any thing gets clamped down now!!

seanconnery 08-27-2008 10:17 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
I'll have to go with the plain old 4 1/2 inch electric grinder. I don't use the guard cause it's in the way no matter what. I use it more with cut off wheels than for grinding. I HAVE had 2 wheels blow apart in the vicinity of my face, and both times they rendered my safety glasses inoperable.

MacAttack 08-29-2008 01:36 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by hdflstf (Post 2853079)

Yeah.:smoke: No s*%t.

Garage door goes up - instant circus. Why is that an invitation to come over and sponge your time? And they never want to help, or pay for their ideas on "how to make your truck better."


lyrikz 08-29-2008 02:17 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by MacAttack (Post 2868826)
Yeah.:smoke: No s*%t.

Garage door goes up - instant circus. Why is that an invitation to come over and sponge your time? And they never want to help, or pay for their ideas on "how to make your truck better."


WHat i do to combat that is my air chisel on the frame removing the rivets in my garage. that keeps EVERYONE away.

exmonkeypunk 09-03-2008 08:36 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
My most dangerous in the garage... Is the contents itself.... I have 3 shelves full of glass and plastic jars full of chemicals that i don't know. No labels... I've found some to be highly corrosive. Very flammable. Below these shelves lays a dozen gross worth of bottle rockets and black cats. Sitting next to the fireworks, is an ashtray.
I don't know why i haven't separated these three from each other, it's just kinda there. I need to call haz-mat and get these jars removed.

CG 09-04-2008 01:46 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by brianthelion02 (Post 2358807)
My 50 ton press scares the sheeit outta me!!!!!!!

We had a press back in auto shop waaaaaay back when I was in HS. I have no idea what the max load was "supposed" to be. All I know was it had this very long handle and a pretty big pressure gauge we used to try to max. It had a movable table held in with four very thick pins. It took a couple guys to move the table to a new height. One day me and a buddy decided to see how far we could move the needle if we both hung and bounced on the press handle. Someone stuck a large chunk of solid steel on the table and away we went. We had a bunch of guys standing around laughing and calling out our pressure readings when there was this super loud bang...All four pins sheared off, the table fell to the floor and the gauge face blew off....The scary part was...for a couple of seconds you could hear one of the sheared off pin ends ricocheting off stuff in the shop. We were incredibly lucky no one was hurt.

78 Chevyrado 11-17-2008 10:43 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
The spring compressor, Nothing's ever happened to me with it, but I've seen what a long ford truck front coil spring does when freed too quickly. I don't like messin with coil springs. Otherwise just me, Dad always told me I could tear up a steelball in a sandbox with a rubber hammer.:lol:

powerdriver 1958 11-18-2008 12:54 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
Gas powered cut off saw,I have set more stuff on fire with that thing including ME.All 3 boys were in the garage when i was cutting some 6" channel when I felt my belly getting hot.Flannel shirt was burning and I beat me out with all 3 laughing their butts off

mnky30 11-18-2008 01:24 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
i would have to be the most dangerous tool in my shop, a year and a half ago i was prying on a a/c comp and slipped with a pry bar hyper extended my arm with my neck turned and repturred a disc in my neck, i have sence went throw 2 surgerys and now have a plate in my neck with 6 screws and still cant feel my fingers. :uhmk:

willis0107 12-02-2008 04:31 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
My 1" industrial drill. That thing has turned many of grown men around a five gallon bucket full of cement. This thing was used in an automotive frame factory by my dad in the 70's

Still works great though.

d10s69c10 12-02-2008 04:35 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
BY FAR! my table Saw . it kicks the crap out of me 1 in 10 cuts and the other 9 is me just waiting to get hit.

Originally Posted by willis0107 (Post 3004571)
My 1" industrial drill. That thing has turned many of grown men around a five gallon bucket full of cement. This thing was used in an automotive frame factory by my dad in the 70's

Still works great though.

used to do that when i built pools. add a little to much calcium or apply a bit to much sand at once. and you about break your wrists

willis0107 12-02-2008 07:28 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by d10s69c10 (Post 3004578)
BY FAR! my table Saw . it kicks the crap out of me 1 in 10 cuts and the other 9 is me just waiting to get hit.

used to do that when i built pools. add a little to much calcium or apply a bit to much sand at once. and you about break your wrists

I think that I will try to use it with an auger and see about digging post holes with it. This thing is huge weighs about 80 or so pounds and only turns maybe 300 rpm and that would be pushing it. It has two sets of handles (two on each side) and is meant to be operated on a cable system by two guys.

neto 12-15-2008 04:11 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
1 Attachment(s)
4 inch angle grinder in less then a second. When I would close my hand you could see the ligaments moving, ouch. Surgical glue works great as long as you don't close your hand.

1970 chev truck 12-15-2008 09:46 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
ouch!! thats intense!!

MacAttack 12-16-2008 03:52 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!

Originally Posted by 1970 chev truck (Post 3029701)
ouch!! thats intense!!

:smoke: Meh. Put some dirt on it and get back to work. :lol:

LuckyHenriksen 12-19-2008 12:12 PM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
Definitely grinders, anything that spins at a high rate of speed that could grab any part of your body

bmeredith 12-20-2008 01:07 AM

Re: Most dangerous tool in youre shop and why!!!!!!
i droped my saw-all a few feet, i don't know if i instinctively tried softening the fall with my foot or it just hit me. but a minute later i realized my sock was soaking wet. the gnarly wood blade skipped off my knee and left a three inch gash to the bone down across my knee cap. i rolled up my pants, put a terry towel around it and electrical taped up nice and tight for a few hours untill i had the time to go get it stitched up

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