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mcc-bri 01-22-2008 02:18 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
2 Attachment(s)
more pics

samwise68 01-23-2008 12:58 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
i hear ya man, about the box. for some, 1-2 K on a bed is chump change. but, for us that are still in school, it's a helluva stretch.

good luck with the bed. remember, it's just metal. ;).

and keep those sections you cut out around. you never know if you might need


mcc-bri 01-23-2008 01:12 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls

Originally Posted by samwise68 (Post 2541291)
i hear ya man, about the box. for some, 1-2 K on a bed is chump change. but, for us that are still in school, it's a helluva stretch.

good luck with the bed. remember, it's just metal. ;).

and keep those sections you cut out around. you never know if you might need


I will take my time with the bedsides and i plan on starting with the passenger side since i have 2 other passenger box sides so if i really screw up i can try it again but i feel it is going to go fine as long as i go slow and measure correctly.

mcc-bri 01-27-2008 09:22 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
5 Attachment(s)
I finally found some time to get some stuff on my truck done last ngiht. I unloaded all the parts out of the box and took the passenger bed side off. Tokk all night just to get the bed side off. I broke most of the bolts and had to weld all the carriage bolts to stop them from spining. I ended up cutting the back crossmember of the box to get the side off. The back peice was so rusted and twisted i thought a little cut couldnt hurt, can always weld it up again. here are some pics of the carnage, there were splinters everywhere.

FRENCHBLUE72 01-27-2008 10:09 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
Looks like you have a pretty nice starting ponit there. Dont forget you need to take some out of the back also..

BP68 01-27-2008 12:11 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
That price seems steep for that shortbed. I guess a solid original bed could be worth some $$$. However, I would rather buy a new bed kit from someone like LMC. Two bed sides, the front panel, and tailgate would be around 1,300 plus shipping for all new metal.
I am only trying to get 1,000 for a 1970 GMC with a chevy front clip that is 90% all there, granted it is a long bed.

mcc-bri 01-27-2008 05:15 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls

Originally Posted by FRENCHBLUE72 (Post 2548751)
Looks like you have a pretty nice starting ponit there. Dont forget you need to take some out of the back also..

That tapeing was just laid down quick as i was thinking about it. I have reaserched cutting the box sides and am confident i will pull it off. Keep an eye on my build, i will be cutting my box sides in the coming weeks and putting together a short box with new wheel tubs, bed strips and i will be cutting up either some oak or walnut for the floor.

mcc-bri 01-27-2008 05:19 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls

Originally Posted by BP68 (Post 2548964)
That price seems steep for that shortbed. I guess a solid original bed could be worth some $$$. However, I would rather buy a new bed kit from someone like LMC. Two bed sides, the front panel, and tailgate would be around 1,300 plus shipping for all new metal.
I am only trying to get 1,000 for a 1970 GMC with a chevy front clip that is 90% all there, granted it is a long bed.

Im trying to keep the price of this project low due to still being in high school and having truck payments and insurance payments due every month, plus i like to fabricate my own stuff and might as well put my welder to good use. If i could have gotten that box for 5-6 hundred i would have done it cause it would have saved me a lot of time but there is no way im dishing out that kind of cash.

mcc-bri 01-27-2008 05:26 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
5 Attachment(s)
well just came in from the garage and finished dismantelin gmy entire box. sure made a hell of a mess and i filled to garbage bags with crap that fell on the floor. I also painted the underside of my hood.

Also i got news on my engine that it is back from te machine shop and wating for me at the school shop so this week i plan on starting the assembly of that and hopfully i will have a vid to post of it on the break in stand by the end of next week.

here are some pics from my nights work.

mcc-bri 02-04-2008 02:11 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
2 Attachment(s)
not to much has happened since my last post. My truck is now at the school and the fendors and grill are off and the 305 is ready to come out.

Once the motor is out the cab will come off and i will hark and cut 20 inches out of my frame.

I did however get me holly 650 double pumper yesterday and am very happy with it.

Here are pics of the carb.

mcc-bri 02-08-2008 03:33 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
I have started putting my 327 back together today. So far i have washed and blown the block out, intalled main bearings, checked clearances and the crank and rear main seal are in and ready to go. I will start on my heads tommorow and see how far i get. Then friday i will finish up what i can on my heads and then move on to the pistons and rods and filing my rings to the right end gap and then doing the rod bearings. Ill post pics later of my progresse.

nuke1 02-09-2008 07:55 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
looking good so far, i9 rmember when i built my first small block for my truck, loved every moment of it, think i was 14? keep it up.

mcc-bri 02-11-2008 03:42 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
1 Attachment(s)
Friday i finished assembly of the heads which took me a couple hours since i shimmed every spring to the right height. Today i was lucky to get into the shop and was able to install the cam, gear drive, timing cover and i go all my rings to the right end gap and have started on putting my bearings on my rods. Hopfully monday during class i can start dropping pistons into the block.

here is one pic of the cam in and gear drive on and the first peice of my 2 peice timing cover(i later found out that i put that first peice on backwards and flipped it around before anything had dried in place.

mcc-bri 02-12-2008 03:58 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
4 Attachment(s)
Sad to say that i will be leaving well enough alone and leaving the truck a long box. Just couldnt risk not passing a saftey with a cut frame.

Anyways now that the decition has been made about thqat i can and have gotten my ass in gear on cleaning up, repairing bedsides and getting them ready to start body work. I cleaned up the inside bottom half of my bedsides and have then with metal prep on them right now to take care of the rest of the rust and then tommorow i will put that zinc coating on them so whatever rust is missed by the metal prep wont rust anymore. I also got both peices of the back cross peice out of my bedsides and have now welded then back on the peice. The cross peice is in rough shape but you dont see it so i dont care to much about it. Going to straighten it best i can and paint it and put it back in.

I hope to have my 327 done and on the engine stand for break in by the end of the week and will hopfully have a video to post of that.

here are some pics from tonight

mcc-bri 02-14-2008 03:24 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
4 Attachment(s)
Since i wasnt able to make it in to work today due to the highway being closed i got to work on my engine and get it somewhat compleat. I put the oil pump and pan on, dropped the lifters in, put the heads on, dropped the pushrods in, preped and painted it and powdercoated my intake manifold which turned out fantastic. just a few more things and it will be ready to be dropped in to my truck. here are some pics

samwise68 02-15-2008 09:18 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
wow, that is one gorgeous lookin' block man!

she's a real looker, and should turn out to be a screamer as well.

and, i'm kinda glad you didn't cut the frame and the bed. long 'n low looks bad ass, in my opinion.

keep at it, i'm diggin' this to the max.


bucky_21_7 02-17-2008 11:45 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
aaaaaaaa 409 headquaters there looking mint looking mint droping loads of chevy paint all over the engine there rember 428 MINTO

mcc-bri 02-20-2008 08:34 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
5 Attachment(s)
over the weekend i stripped the outside of my bedsides and have started pulling the dents out as best i can before i start with the filler. I also started caping the stake pockets on my bedsides. Its going to take a lot of work to make these bedsides look nice.

I also got a 2 inch carb spacer this weekend so i can now put my carb on my engine.

mcc-bri 02-28-2008 11:10 PM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
well some stuff has been happening on the truck. I have almost pulled all the dents in the cab and front clip and will be laying filler down tonight when i get home from work.

I also finally picked up a tranny for the truck. I was able to get a 4 speed saginaw and it came with the shifter and linkage so thats getting cleaned up and i'll paint it and have it redy to go in.

hopfully i will have some pics to post later.

mcc-bri 03-10-2008 11:33 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
Well i can finally get some truck stuff done now that i put the snowmobile away for the season and finished work on a customers sled

Anyways, i went to the wrecker this week and found a manual steering box for my sled, i picked up a gallon of high build primer and some other body work stuff and i got new rear wheel tubs and a patch panel for my drivers side bedside.

The bondo dust is flying on the cab now and it is slowly coming along but there were a few surprises as expected. The hood was really bad and i had to take the tourch to it to shrink some of the metal. Now i also have to bang out this huge bow on the front edge of the hood so hopfully that goes alright.

i dont have any pics from my trucks body work progress since it is in the schools shop and i never remember to bring my camara there but i do have pics from what i did today.
today i fixed my other cross sills and painted them. Then on my drivers side bedside i had to cut out the rotten sections of the rip that monts to the bed. I will fab up the patch panels at school since i can use a metal break there.

anyways here are pics of what i did today and of my purchases from the week... for some reason i cant post pics right now, ill try again later

mcc-bri 03-14-2008 10:06 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
got some more body work done the other day. The passenger side is very close to bing done. I also have the inside of one of my boxsides ready for any body work i might do. I sandblasted, sanded, metal preped and sprayed a thin coat of etching primer on it.

also pics of my tranny, aluminum bellhousing and flywheel and my manual steering box i picked up last week.

here are some pics if they will work.

samwise68 03-15-2008 06:02 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
glad to hear everything is coming together man. it's nice working at school with all the tools that a normal home garage doesn't have, doesn't it?

i just wish i would've done it. ;)

can't wait to hear that badass 327!


mcc-bri 03-17-2008 12:28 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
5 Attachment(s)
well got my picture problem figured out, here are pics from the last little bit.

mcc-bri 03-17-2008 12:44 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
4 Attachment(s)
more pics

mcc-bri 03-17-2008 12:46 AM

Re: 67 gmc-project ball to the walls
2 Attachment(s)
and now my 4 speed saginaw, aluminum bellhousing and flywheel

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