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MrBeast 02-23-2008 07:16 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by hilljob26 (Post 2592197)
people are always asking if i will sell my truck,nobody wants to pay for it,they are all like,ill give you7500,or 9k,but im like shoot,if you want it,make me an offer i cant refuse,make me say wow,instaed of laughing in your face,the heck with it i guess

I think a lot of the time when people do that they are just jealous, the feel a prissy little need to shoot your truck down. I have run into that quite a few times. I really get it a lot from guys who are older than me, I am 26, and it would seem to me as through there is somthing that burns thier butt about seeing a "kid" driving a nice truck. Reguardless of weather or not I built it.

elektrik 02-23-2008 07:26 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
I doubt age has anything to do with it. Jealousy maybe, but not of your age I'd think

pumpkin 02-23-2008 07:42 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
I bought a 72 cst blazer in oregon 2 years ago for $4700. Had a guy ask me if I would sell it,,,,,,,,,,,,No. So he asked what the not for sale price was. Sooooo I thought a minute, and told him $15000. A couple days later he tells me he'll give me $12000. I went home, got on the board and found one on here that was just as good of condition, but with factory a/c for 3500. Bought it sold mine, now I have the two Blazers I want and the working capitol to build two trucks. Ones going to be my wheeling truck. The others going to be my nice truck. Even though its not for sale, everything has its price. I never say no, I just give them a rediculus price.

67CHIP72 02-23-2008 09:22 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
1 Attachment(s)
I once had a kid run down the street who said his Dad was willing to give me 4K for my 97. I told the kid to run home and tell his Dad he was half way there. Poor kid was all excited; never heard back from Dad.

67ChevyRedneck 02-23-2008 09:44 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

I work at a car dealership and so people see my truck sitting there and immediately think it's a vehicle for sale on the lot even though it has a GA tag on it and there are no window stickers in it. Plus, I park in the back away from the cars that are for sale but people still think it's for sale. For the first few months after I got the truck people just kept coming on the lot to ask about it or calling wanting to know if it was for sale.
Sorry man, but that's kinda "asking for it." If I saw the truck on the lot (even in the back) I would at least stop and ask about it. Most vehicles "in the back" and even with tags are assumed to be new trade ins or recent auction buys that will be for sale "out front" soon enough.

I, along with many others here would probably stop and ask about it if we saw it too. How many people have posted about a car or truck rotting away in a field or barn because the owner won't sell.... but what about the "barn finds" that DO happen? Most wouldn't have ever been bought if someone didn't ask. Yeah yeah, you're truck is a driver with plates, but it's along the same lines (where it's parked and where you work.) Heck, my 67 was my uncle's truck. I bugged the hell out of him to sell it to me. It worked too :D

It sucks you get hassled, but be happy people are interested in it :D Take it as a compliment :D

96blazr 02-23-2008 10:55 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by pissonNOS (Post 2591570)
i usually tell em an outrageous price then they say well it aint worth that to which i reply well guess i dont wanna sell it that bad then do i

That's what I do. Tell'em some price you know they'll never pay. This happned this past summer:

Beautiful summer afternoon, I'm waxing Pair-A-Dice in the driveway, when truck pulls up.
Guy on passenger side (Wifey's Driving) says: "Hi, I'm looking for a truck to give to my 16 year old Son, you wanna sell it"?
I said: "16!!??" After being insulted by this, I thought about it for a split second and said: "Sure, I'll even give you a one time only special price, hows that sound"?
He says: "Okay"
"$30,000.00 Cash"

He goes: "WHAT!!??" "You're F'in crazy, ain't no body gonna give you that much". Wifey goes: "what's it made of, GOLD"?

I said (Smiling of course): "No, it's made of MY Blood, MY Sweat, MY Tears and MY MONEY!" "If you want it that bad, then that's what it's gonna take to get it".

They drove off, he was cusin out the window. I just stood there smiled and waved.

I get asked all the time if I want to sell it and I always give them the same answer: $30,000.00 Cash and it's yours. Can't imagine why no one has taken me up on it? ;)

estig70 02-23-2008 11:32 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck (Post 2592426)
Sorry man, but that's kinda "asking for it." If I saw the truck on the lot (even in the back) I would at least stop and ask about it. Most vehicles "in the back" and even with tags are assumed to be new trade ins or recent auction buys that will be for sale "out front" soon enough.

I, along with many others here would probably stop and ask about it if we saw it too. How many people have posted about a car or truck rotting away in a field or barn because the owner won't sell.... but what about the "barn finds" that DO happen? Most wouldn't have ever been bought if someone didn't ask. Yeah yeah, you're truck is a driver with plates, but it's along the same lines (where it's parked and where you work.) Heck, my 67 was my uncle's truck. I bugged the hell out of him to sell it to me. It worked too :D

It sucks you get hassled, but be happy people are interested in it :D Take it as a compliment :D


Thats how I acquired mine. It was just sitting in the guys drive, no "For Sale" sign or anything. I happened to be looking for one and and there it sat. I stopped and asked the infamous question "do you want to sell it?" One week and $2500 later it was mine, and still is.

Orange 02-24-2008 12:40 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by pissonNOS (Post 2591570)
i usually tell em an outrageous price then they say well it aint worth that to which i reply well guess i dont wanna sell it that bad then do i

Be careful. Someday, one of those guys that somebody mentioned with more money than brains will come along and take you up on your offer, and you'll wish you had the truck instead of the money.

Money can;t buy the time and love you put into something. You can only put more time and love into another.

I had a guy offer me $20k cash for mine the first week I had it out of the shop. I was cruising down the strip in Gatlinburg, TN, and he (and his company with him) was dressed well enough to say that he had access to the money. I had to say no before I could think.

I have never given someone a price on it. If they ever wanted it bad enough, then they would have the truck, I couldn't go back on my word. Just saying it's not for sale does the trick.

I did have a girl offer me $11 for it the other night. It was all she had. That was cool. :cool:


iliveintn 02-24-2008 01:24 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by 96blazr (Post 2592524)
Guy on passenger side (Wifey's Driving) says: "Hi, I'm looking for a truck to give to my 16 year old Son, you wanna sell it"?
I said: "16!!??" After being insulted by this

I said (Smiling of course): "No, it's made of MY Blood, MY Sweat, MY Tears and MY MONEY!" "If you want it that bad, then that's what it's gonna take to get it".

They drove off, he was cusin out the window. I just stood there smiled and waved.

What is so insulting about some kids parents trying to buy their kid a nice old truck for his first ride? I would think that would be pretty flattering in a way that they stopped and asked you.

No offense but i'm surprised you havent walked out to see a rock in your windshield yet.

As for my "how much ya want for 'er stories" I dont really have any but I always get a kick out of when people ask me about my bronco or scout or old jeep lol. I always thought the body lines on a blazer were pretty distinct but apparently I was wrong

PipsC10 02-24-2008 01:36 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
I was on the other side last July when I bought mine. I had been asking my boss for about 8 years if he wanted to sell his truck (which he owned for 28 years). Finally I just told him to call me when he was ready to sell it. Once he was ready I was his first call. I had a price in my head that I was willing to pay for it, and asked him what he wanted for it. He told me his price and I was willing to pay it. I knew this had been his baby, and it probably was'nt going to be easy seeing her go, so there was no negotiations. I just paid his price which I thought was fair. Made it much easier for him. Of course he knows me so he knows that I will take care of her.

PanelDeland 02-24-2008 03:59 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
There is a very easy way to handle this.While it is happening just think of the time money and effort you have in it and how much you want to keep it.
"you want to sell that truck?"
"Sure I'll sell it!"
"How much?"
"You just start counting money into my hand,when you run out I'll either give you the keys or a ride whichever 'I' think you paid for."

I've never had anyone start counting money yet.

MrBeast 02-24-2008 04:12 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by PanelDeland (Post 2592959)
There is a very easy way to handle this.While it is happening just think of the time money and effort you have in it and how much you want to keep it.
"you want to sell that truck?"
"Sure I'll sell it!"
"How much?"
"You just start counting money into my hand,when you run out I'll either give you the keys or a ride whichever 'I' think you paid for."

I've never had anyone start counting money yet.

That is frikin hilarous!

463 02-24-2008 05:23 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
i just tell them thanks the price is $30000.00 then there is a pause then the visual jaw drop and so far foot steps. ha ha 463

68 P.O.S. 02-24-2008 05:32 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
I've had several people ask me if want to sell mine and of course I declined. Now that I have to sell it I hear nothing but crickets. Go figure.

bull1kevin 02-24-2008 06:02 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
nobody wants my junk!

49m 02-24-2008 06:32 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
I've have people try to by my camaro. I had a guy too buy my truck when I was on my way home with it at a gas station. It was on the trailer and 5 different colors and he offered 1500 for it and i said no

LUV2XCLR8 02-24-2008 06:35 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by MrBeast (Post 2592978)
That is frikin hilarous!

X2 :haha:

LockDoc 02-24-2008 08:34 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
Different strokes for different folks. Someone comes along and makes me a decent offer on the white truck they would own it.....:but:


Camper Power 02-24-2008 09:31 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck (Post 2592426)
Sorry man, but that's kinda "asking for it." If I saw the truck on the lot (even in the back) I would at least stop and ask about it. Most vehicles "in the back" and even with tags are assumed to be new trade ins or recent auction buys that will be for sale "out front" soon enough.

I, along with many others here would probably stop and ask about it if we saw it too. How many people have posted about a car or truck rotting away in a field or barn because the owner won't sell.... but what about the "barn finds" that DO happen? Most wouldn't have ever been bought if someone didn't ask. Yeah yeah, you're truck is a driver with plates, but it's along the same lines (where it's parked and where you work.) Heck, my 67 was my uncle's truck. I bugged the hell out of him to sell it to me. It worked too :D

It sucks you get hassled, but be happy people are interested in it :D Take it as a compliment :D

u think parking it in the bac of a car dealership is bad, i saw one that was out front of a dealer parked beside cars that were 4 sale. i think it was a 69 camper. anyway my dad and i looked at it, seemed to be in good shape, no plates either, so we go in to see how much they wanted 4 it. the sales guy goes "its not for sale but theres a price 4 everything:lol:" turns out the owner of the dealership owned it since it was brand new.

Chevyman680063 02-24-2008 09:32 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
It's not so much the people asking if it's for sale that bothers me as it is the people asking then asking again and again even after I said no several times. It also bothers me when they put their hands all over it and try opening the door to find that it's locked so they try pulling on the door harder like that's gonna make it unlock. It's flattering having people asking about it though. A friend of mine's dad has a 69 Chevelle and he was a salesman at a dealership and he drove it to work one day and parked it in the back where the employees are suppose to park. A customer walked up and was all over it then he decided to pop the hood and my friend who also worked there walked up and was like, "Can I help you?", and closed the hood. Camper Power, I had the same thing happen to me one time. I was driving by a dealership and there was a 55 Bel Air sitting right on the front row with the cars that were for sale. I pulled in and asked a salesman how much it was and he told me it wasn't for sale and that it belonged to the owner. He just parked it there to draw in more customers.

tim21391 02-24-2008 10:05 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
daves ride......thats exactly what my dad says if you have to ask you cant afford only 16 years old and gotta 72 chevy 1/2 ton that my dad has put 14,000 into it i have a few pics on here if you all wanna look at it....but almost once a month i get looks at a gas station and they walk over and casually get their word hey there kid..nice old truck you got there lookin much would it be to take off your hands.... some dude offered me 5 grand cash i said no cuz that wouldnt even pay for the new engine i have..... but yeah i plan on never sellin this truck....after i graduate high school next year im goin to college for the auto restoration and im restoring this piece of history... but yeah i had a lot of offers...i wash semis at a trucking business and i get dirty looks because a guy has a 71 chevy and i told him i will never sell my truck to him

hotrod 80 02-24-2008 05:02 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by bull1kevin (Post 2593105)
nobody wants my junk!

That's not true , you have a nice project .

[QUOTE=Chevyman680063;2593458]It's not so much the people asking if it's for sale that bothers me as it is the people asking then asking again and again even after I said no several times. It also bothers me when they put their hands all over it and try opening the door to find that it's locked so they try pulling on the door harder like that's gonna make it unlock. It's flattering having people asking about it though.

This is what i was getting at earlier , I enjoy talking to people about these trucks as almost everyone has a story to tell . They are truely conversation pieces .

cflvulcan 02-24-2008 07:49 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck
i get people all the time trying to buy my 69 c10 and my 97 sierra. when my truck broke down at a gas station after a car show (bad alternator), i had so many people trying to buy it or tell me what was wrong it so they could get it cheaper while i was waiting for my friend to run me down an alternator.

what i hate more than people trying to buy my truck, are the people who knows somebodies dads friends uncles nieces plumber that has one like mine that runs 3 sec in the 1/4mile and will hold the front end in the air thru all 8 gears! give me a break, i hate when people talk out of the a$$ like that...

MrBeast 02-24-2008 09:47 PM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by cflvulcan (Post 2593836)
i get people all the time trying to buy my 69 c10 and my 97 sierra. when my truck broke down at a gas station after a car show (bad alternator), i had so many people trying to buy it or tell me what was wrong it so they could get it cheaper while i was waiting for my friend to run me down an alternator.

what i hate more than people trying to buy my truck, are the people who knows somebodies dads friends uncles nieces plumber that has one like mine that runs 3 sec in the 1/4mile and will hold the front end in the air thru all 8 gears! give me a break, i hate when people talk out of the a$$ like that...

Well that will teach you not to change your blinker fluid or grease your muffler bearings! :metal:

69halfton 02-25-2008 04:40 AM

Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by MrBeast (Post 2593975)
Well that will teach you not to change your blinker fluid or grease your muffler bearings! :metal:

:lol: good one

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