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clay68c10 05-18-2008 08:30 AM

Re: How do you afford it?
No car payment and I turn wrenches for a living. Sell, trade, swap and barter for stuff. If I don't know how to do something, I'll figure it out or find someone to swap stuff or work for it. Oh, and my wife is pretty understanding.
I do keep a separate account for truck/tool stuff, that keeps me out of the 'family money' and out of trouble.

berencam 05-18-2008 08:38 AM

Re: How do you afford it?
i manage my money very well. i make 10 a hour as a manager at a restaurant, my fiance makes 10 as babysitter for a timeshare. We both work 35-40 hours a week. with low rent and living <5 miles from work it adds up fast. I intend to live below my means so i can one day afford everything in my dreams.

jimmydean 05-18-2008 08:44 AM

Re: How do you afford it?
I ride he bus to work every day (unless I can't stand the nice weather, then I ride my motorcycle). The money I save I put into my truck. I used to (and will again soon) do custom powdercoating and either make money, or trade/deal for parts.

I work as a software engineer and live rather simply. If my wife worked full time, I would have a truck load of cash for my truck load of projects.

heavy71chevy 05-18-2008 09:22 AM

Re: How do you afford it?
I work for roper staffing for a company called Jostens who make and sell graduation cap and pays crappy but it was all I could find at the moment...Alot of the cooler stuff ive gotten thru good luck and weird twists in the way the pieces fell...the rest I save for which has been slow going and im doing everything by myself,,,I used t make decent money working fr bousch just things happen and I had to move..but in the end just good old daily grind and passion is what keeps it alive for me I reckon,,,,,

Chevyman680063 05-18-2008 09:33 AM

Re: How do you afford it?
If I could afford it both my trucks would already be fixed up. It just takes time, and money of course.

drivethechevy 05-18-2008 10:01 AM

Re: How do you afford it?
i make minimum wage, i save all my change, i super burget my money and i work out deals with people i know for parts i need, its a long process but its better then nothing also i do as much as the work as i can so i dont have to pay for whati can do myself

paisaloco67 05-18-2008 10:35 AM

Re: How do you afford it?
Thank god im a handy man just like so many of u.. and that i can still afford my cerveza and cigarros wich i really enjoy having while working on my trucks....:ito:

HoupPhotography 05-18-2008 10:46 AM

Re: How do you afford it?
To all of the "Young Guns" out there, you have an entire future ahead of you, you don't need to have everything now, (i.e. paint, parts, a fleet of trucks or hot rods). Education is your number 1 priority, once you graduate college your education continues because you never stop learning and don't stop learning. That being said, figure out what type of career you want and set goals, a time frame and do the research on your particular career, (remember, a job and a career are not the same). Another piece of the puzzle is living within your means, take a few additional minutes to set a budget and STICK WITH IT! If you can't afford something, don't use credit cards and sell yourself on the idea that, "you'll make it up" later, because later will never come.
Something else you should look into are investments, create your own retirement plan and don't count on the government, corporate 401k's, stock options, etc. to retire on (this should also be in your above plan, retirement).

Everyone has different views and life styles, what you young folks want in life could be something completly opposite of your best friend. In planning your "life stratedgy", make sure it's something that will make YOU happy as well as project you to your goals and help you accomplish your dreams. One last thing that may help, don't shy away from challenges, "I can't never did anything".

msgross 05-18-2008 02:29 PM

Re: How do you afford it?

Originally Posted by HoupPhotography (Post 2727220)
To all of the "Young Guns" out there, you have an entire future ahead of you, you don't need to have everything now, (i.e. paint, parts, a fleet of trucks or hot rods). Education is your number 1 priority, once you graduate college your education continues because you never stop learning and don't stop learning. That being said, figure out what type of career you want and set goals, a time frame and do the research on your particular career, (remember, a job and a career are not the same). Another piece of the puzzle is living within your means, take a few additional minutes to set a budget and STICK WITH IT! If you can't afford something, don't use credit cards and sell yourself on the idea that, "you'll make it up" later, because later will never come.
Something else you should look into are investments, create your own retirement plan and don't count on the government, corporate 401k's, stock options, etc. to retire on (this should also be in your above plan, retirement).

Everyone has different views and life styles, what you young folks want in life could be something completly opposite of your best friend. In planning your "life stratedgy", make sure it's something that will make YOU happy as well as project you to your goals and help you accomplish your dreams. One last thing that may help, don't shy away from challenges, "I can't never did anything".

I agree with that. It has been 15 years since I graduated HS and i'm finally starting to live within my means. Or my income is catching up to my living, debt is a killer 10 fold and I wish I never had a credit card when I was young.... I grew up in a mobile home and wanted EVERYTHING in the world once I started making a paycheck, bad thing is that I didn't wait for it and pay with cash.... take your time and it will happen... much better to be debt free in life...

Old Money 05-18-2008 03:04 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
i don 't hunt ,golf,or smoke. i sold my fishing boat when my kids got their drivers license and didn't find time to fish with dad. i quit drinkin and found a much better life and paid off the house early. i was 47 yrs. old and found a72 cheyenne along a fence row calling out for a second chance at life. this was march of 2001. my wife gave me a second chance in nov. of 92 and so i figured why not give this truck its life back. time is on your side. take care of your family first. this costs money and my wife always knows where i am. iam pushing 55, great job,great kids and a no.1 fantastic wife!!!!!. Old money.

timcos 05-18-2008 03:23 PM

Re: How do you afford it?

Originally Posted by HoupPhotography (Post 2727220)

you don't need to have everything now

Education is your number 1 priority

once you graduate college your education continues because you never stop learning and don't stop learning.

Get out of debt and stay out of debt. ( in no way with me. Debt is not your friend...Mark Twain said ..."Dems who understands interest eans it, dems who don't pays it." Dems being slang for Them...not democrats.

I stalked the corporate ladder after 12 years in submarines. Made it to VP Operations, then started consulting. I now consult with CEOs on how to streamline their companies and make a profit about 25 hours a week ...after that I am mentally I charge nearly 200 an hour for consulting work, so I don't have to do it too much.

Do not be afraid to try something difficult and out of your comfort is the only way to grow.

Be happy...marry a nice girl (don't sweat the hips). Relationships are key. Service is the path to happiness.


ChevLoRay 05-18-2008 03:55 PM

Re: How do you afford it?

Originally Posted by haysonj (Post 2727158)
I'm spending my kids inheritance. They can have the truck when I can't drive anymore

:agree: except, I hope that they don't kill each other over who HAS to take it.

Seriously, my dad died, leaving me some money. Not a lot, just enough that I could get the body and paint done after helping out our 5 kids over the past 3 decades. Now, it's my turn and since I'm now's time. If you have a stroke, even a small one, it'll make you think about what time you may have left.....with no guarantees of even one more day. I'm getting itchy...

Another important point for life....Buy all of the house you can possibly AFFORD, but make sure your vehicle is also a good one. It doesn't have to be a full-on ride to be all you need for your family.

Affording one of these, or any, toys is (or should be) on the back burner in your life if you have a family. We do what we can, when we can, IF we can.

tcb-1 05-18-2008 05:06 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
I lusted after the nice bikes and nice cars/trucks when I was graduating high school. I couldn't afford what I really wanted at the time.... a 1987 Grand National Buick Regal. That's when I finally realized that if I was to have those things I would have to
1. rob a bank
2. have a rich uncle die and leave me money or
3. go to college, bust my butt, sacrifice, eat ramen noodles, drive a Volkswagen with one burnt piston, live off of student loans, and reside in an old lady's basement for 2 years.

Now I'm 37 and a mechanical engineer-in-training. And I'm going back to school to further my engineering degree. I believe I paid my dues and would love to spend more money on a complete resto, but I watch the money closely and pay cash when I can.

Take care of the necessities, your family, your debts, and such. THEN spend sparingly on your hobby. It will come together, but the journey is sometimes more fulfilling than the destination.

my .02

67shortie 05-18-2008 06:11 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
I carried quite a bit of debt load a few years ago myself, it was very difficult to be able to put any money into the truck or the Chevelle as a hobby fund (still not so easy, but much better) but after eliminating quite a bit like my GTO/credit lines etc, I do have freedom to do so. I do have the truck now as more of a daily driver per say, so when it needs something or I want to improve/upgrade it I just do it.

Good paying long term job (management), wife works, and sticking to a set budget does wonders as well.

On a side note, if you want something for your truck, do yourself a favor and learn to do it if you don't know already. Myself, I taught myself to paint a long time ago and have saved thousands and thousands of dollars over the years. Paint and materials still cost a ton, but saving the labor is where it matters. Engines, trans/rearend/suspension I do too (well no machining or trans rebuilding) but you get the idea.

JayDubBlazer 05-18-2008 06:27 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
I joined the army to pay for college, I am now an engineer in the project management group for a forture 500 company. The key is to get to and through college with out any credit cards. Living is much simpler with fewer bills.

I also don't have a TV, it seems like you have more time to things without one. Instead of buying a new piece of equipment for your truck it is cheaper to clean it and paint it. With out a TV you have more time for projects like that.

MrBeast 05-18-2008 06:47 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
For me, no credit cards, I am a disabled Veteran, uncle gives me 921.00 a month, I have learned to live so as that ALL of my monthly bills are paid by that with the exception of my fuel, food and clothes. I make 15.00 an hour 40 hours a week driving a haul truck for a local equipment company, I also turn wrenches there from time to time.

Basically this means after taxes and expenses I have about 12-1500.00 a month to play with on my truck depending on how well I have budgeted.

I don't eat out if I can help it, I stick to basic sandwiches for lunch, and I buy my liquids like juice and milk in the gallon containers instead of individual servings. If I can I buy it in bulk.

I also have been living in a 25 foot travel trailer to keep my costs low while I am going to school. I am doing a double major welding and CNC machining and when I am done with that I will be going for 2 more semesters to turn that into a Bachelors of education, (which will mean at that time I have 2 Bachelors degrees) and then I will be going to the Mayes Business school at Texas A&M to get my MBA.

In the mean time I am working on getting my own welding fab shop setup, that will help pay the cost of building my rigs.

Affording your truck is all about making the sacrifices necessary combined with good planning and a solid goal of where you want to wind up. As well it takes a lot of hard work.

jorgensensc 05-18-2008 08:32 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
Went to the Marines, spent tme in combat, learned an awesome trade I didn't want to do when I got out (computers), so know I'm a firefighter. The pay is okay, but the schedule is incredible (24 hrs on, 24 off, 24 on, then 5 days off). so it gives me plenty of time for other side jobs (working on other's classic vehicles, installing blinds, other odd jobs) The really good money is when i have overtime. It usually comes 24 hours at a time. And I usually sell some extra parts off my truck for some money too. That's Where I get money.

tkmad 05-18-2008 08:49 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
I have to second what some of the very wise individuals have said in previous posts. Get an education and don't use credit cards!

I was working as a welder out of high school and in the AZ sun that sucked big time. I went to college, racking up a considerable student loan debt, and lived like a pauper for 4 years but now I am an aeronautical engineer designing UAVs for the military.

Being so poor while going to college taught me how to budget well so now I have plenty of money for my toys (7 cars currently, and a plane). Marrying a good woman is a big help. A bad woman will break you, in more ways than one.

racerman85 05-18-2008 09:04 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
Im only a senior in high school, but I get my money by racing motorcycles and working at a local garden center. For the racing, its all by contigency- if I do good in a race, I send my results to Honda and they put money on a debit card and I can spend it on whatever I want. I make a little over $7/hr working 12 hour weeks. It might not sound like much, but i work 4-8 3 days a week, train 8-10 and go to bed to get up at 6 the next day. saturday is getting ready for the car races with dad and racing motocross on sundays. my other 2 days are spend either projects for school or riding.

I have no time at all to work on my truck right now, but I want to get some money together so I can just buy the rest of the stuff I need at once. I feel really lucky that my parents have paid for most of my truck so far, and I do most of the work. It was/is my senior project. I save my pennies to one day hope I will be able to afford to drive my baby. I dont have to pay for pretty much anything right now since I dont have a license, so most of my money just sits in my bank account because I weigh my purchases out much more than I used to. I cant rely on my parents the rest of my life!

I am going to school to become a technology teacher (metalshop, woodshop, etc). If I dont get accepted, i'm probably going to follow my dads footsteps and go through the air force and become an airline pilot, but we'll see!

GKsport67 05-18-2008 09:16 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
Im a OTR(over the road) truck driver. I really don't drive my c-10 that often,so i don't deal with the high gas prices. Plus i live in my truck,no bills...but the c-10!


PanelDeland 05-18-2008 09:56 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
I have somewhat the same set-up as pipsC10.Wife is in IT and I'm a maintainence mechanic.We owe for our home and monthly bills(upgraded home 2 years ago),our vehicles are paid for, our monthly bills are low and we don't spend frivolously.Dinner out once a week or every 2 weeks.One week of vacation travel a year.I do travel to a couple of truck/car shows and my wife travels to see family.
I have a budget and an allowance for truck stuff and show travel.I don't have or plan any billet,or financially impairing mods to my truck.Be realistic about what you need don't build a truck so nice it's unuseable(drive it,polishing one for shows ain't much of a hobby).I use a lot of JY parts that are cleaned and painted and i usually get them from pull a part JY's so they are cheaper.
Education is the key,though I work a hands on job I have about 30 years of experience ,2years of tech school and another 60 or so hours of college.We paid off our debts and watch our purchases carefully.Even when we travel we fly coach and make reservations so we can use specials.
The other key to being able to live well and afford your truck is money management.I took a high school class in personal finance and it opened my eyes to credit,
retirement, and financial responsibility.A combination of what's been posted is what usually works to get what you want whether it be a truck,boat, or the American dream home.

blukangoo 05-18-2008 10:40 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
Save up your money for about 20 years, keep it in a bank and let grow. Wait til the kids are making thier own money and convince your wife that it is just a hobby. Never tell her you have the money. Donīt buy everything at once and donīt drive it every day with the gas prices. That is the most expensive part for me right now at 1.54 Euros a liter (around 6 Bucks for a gallon).

Hey Mike (msgross) Have fun over here for 2 weeks. Where are you going to be in Europe?

Jtrux 05-18-2008 11:38 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
Union Pacific - I fix trains when they break, simple enough I guess.

Here's some pics

71big block 05-18-2008 11:45 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
Good job, wife has good job, kids grown up and gone, house paid for, don't drink anymore. I might as well spend it before I kick the bucket.

bcj67chevy 05-18-2008 11:55 PM

Re: How do you afford it?
It's hard to afford anything extra these days, but the truck gets first dibs.
I'm a structural steel drafter by trade, and i love the overtime, about 20 hours a week,
plus a part-time job at a part store on the weekends.
That leaves not to much time for the truck, sh*t out of luck either way.

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