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Fraser Beatty 07-12-2008 01:39 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
If I had the time and a big enough trailer I would be driving down there to get these. I've always wanted one of the older style trucks (I'm a 73-87 guy).

63 & 64 Bowties 07-14-2008 11:24 AM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Hey Bill:
I'm afraid both my daughters over did it helping me sort the parts the other night, so I've been tendin to them and couldn't write till now. They're fine. Well, I got those pictures added to my listing now. Maybe it will help. When I visited the 67-72 site, I didn't get too far cause I don't know how to navigate too well, but when you scroll over messages and such, these little captions pop up for a minute and they were all so hillarious. I can't wait till I can actually visit and know what I'm doing. I have a friend who knows much more than I do and she has promised to come over and help me join soon. Well, I just wanted to thank you again for all your help!! If you could pass on a message to all the people in the forum that have been discussing my situation, I would be so grateful. Let them know that even though alot of people look at this process as no big deal, she's lost her husband, she can't do it by herself, she needs the money, so she's selling the old trucks so she can move on. They think I'm crazy when I still put armourall on the tires even though some have gone flat, or when my girls and I spend hours pushing the stepside to a new spot in the yard so the pressure in the tires stays even, They really think I've lost it when they find out that once in a while, I'll sleep in the garage.I designed and will commission as soon as I'm able ,our monument which is in the shape of a Bowtie. People see those pictures and must think I'm obsessed, but I'm not. They just don't get it and that's ok. You know, over the years, we completely restored one truck and sold it. There have been many more that we traded or sold in various stages. Chevys weren't "Our whole Life", but they were a big part of it, and even though my husband is gone, I can't and won't turn that off. From talking this short time with Bill, and learning about the 67-72 website, I know now that there are people out there who do "GET IT" and I feel like I have a whole new bunch of friends I haven't met yet and that each and every one of you have my back! Thank you ALL... Dawn

gcburdic 07-14-2008 12:23 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Hey 63 & 64 Bowties.....

You are a very awesome person to reach out to Dawn....+1 for you from me!!! Evereyone else's contribution to this matter is just great!!!!

Yet again....another reason I found this board only 6 months ago, and hope to be a part of for a LONG time!!!!

dan42 07-14-2008 12:39 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Wow. That is a cool story. So, when you think you're wasting time on this board, it tiurns out that every once in a while something really special happens. I'll be praying for Dawn and her daughters, and hope that she joins the crew here, to help us "waste" a little more time with each other. And to the the guys that reached out - right on, that's what's it's all about.:chevy:

c10addict 07-14-2008 01:11 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Just found this thread.... Makes me VERY VERY proud to be a member of this forum and to be surrounded by such great people!!!! :clap: I too will contribute to the cause in any way I can! I too will be praying for dawn to get through her tough situation...

RCbowtie69 07-15-2008 10:04 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
i love this site, there are people out there that still care about other people, to help this lady out shows that,:cool:

tdave00 07-15-2008 11:44 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

Originally Posted by gcburdic (Post 2805637)
Hey 63 & 64 Bowties.....

You are a very awesome person to reach out to Dawn....+1 for you from me!!! Evereyone else's contribution to this matter is just great!!!!


kcjones 07-16-2008 03:05 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
I'm impressed. People help people every day, but I don't see it myself that often. I have a hard enough time not smacking my eight year old boys in the head each day, much less reaching out to someone just to be helpful.

Again, I'm impressed, with both 63&64 and with the board.

PanelDeland 07-16-2008 04:37 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
This thread kinda chokes me up.It's a testament to the kind of people the BB draws.It's about life and the things people do because they care about these trucks and the people who do.Bowties has basically become a spokesperson for someone who is having a hard time doing what she knows needs to be done.It looks like she has quite a collection and hopefully she will be a member here soon so we can show her the brother/sister/hood we have.Maybe she will find some peace in knowing that there are others who care.

Rooster's82 07-16-2008 05:06 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
I can't put into words how this story makes me feel. The world needs more people like 63 & 64 Bowties, I know that when I step out of my house into the world, I will approach it with a kinder heart, and reach my hand out to those who need it. The world has a way of grinding the brotherhood and sisterhood out of people, and sometimes we need something like this to remind us that we all have times of need and times of plenty. When the opportunity arises don't turn you back, step up and help your fellow man.

heavy71chevy 07-16-2008 08:05 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Another fine example of board team work and pride...good job man

snaus32 07-16-2008 08:08 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
man what a story we have here. Maybe some one should contact one of the restoration shows they have with her story and get them to restore one in her husbands honor. They love these kind of story plots. I forget the shows spike has one and maybe a&e network? Between her loss and love for these trucks and our great board "wich I'm more proud than ever to belong to" trying to help her out I would think it's a no brainer!!! :fb:

chrislehr 07-16-2008 09:05 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Yea, Im super glad we did this. If anyone is GETTING involved, feel free to get that parts list together.

pcorriveau951 07-17-2008 12:20 AM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
63&64 Bowties, and all others in this post who offered to pay for her subscirption fee to sell the parts here, all i can say is GREAT JOB. its is because of guys like you all that im proud to be a member of this forum and a chevy truck guy, there are other forums that deal with this truck but not with the same caliber people. this forum is very supportive and helpfully, with very little fighting going on, unlike other forums.

to Dawn, my best wishes to her and her family, and all the best in selling the parts, and thank you for not destroying them. sorry for your loss.

Riveted1 07-20-2008 11:18 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Any updates on this??

63 & 64 Bowties 07-24-2008 06:11 AM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Just a couple days ago I did a "reply" to that email that she sent and I got this back:

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed.

Doesn't make sense to me. I tired it twice and got that same message both times. It's not like I misspelled her email address, I just hit "reply" from the one she sent me. I thougt about the ebay send a message thing, but I'm pretty sure it goes to her same email address. Anyone have any ideas?

71MUTT 07-24-2008 02:21 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Maybe her email box is full?

Riveted1 07-24-2008 04:19 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

72highlander 07-24-2008 06:37 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
i think they do that once an auction is over to keep you from trying to make a deal once the auction has ended. they don't want you to screw them out of their commission, what a crock. i've fouind stuff once an auction has ended that i wanted and could never find a way to get ahold of them.

63 & 64 Bowties 07-25-2008 06:15 AM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Just got this last night and I see where she's changed her email address. It was and now it's
Sounds like she's gonna be joining us once her password issue is resolved. I can pass on any ideas anyone has for her, or even better, you can just use her new email address and send it direct to her. I'm sure the more of us who send her messages the better. Let's make this nice lady feel welcome. Here's her message:

Dear Bill:
Hey. I'm sorry I kinda fell off the planet for awhile. After all this with the trucks on E-bay and all, I've been trying to think of a way to let you know what was going on without embarrasing myself or coming off as someone looking for pity bedause I can't stand the thought of people seeing me that way. The thing is, when you told me about all the great people on the 67-72 site who have taken the time out of their lives to talk about my situation and actually care about what happens to me, my emotions got the best of me and I wanted to get it all out of my system before writing again. There is a big job I'm doing on my property that is heavy, dirty, hard work and it's certainly taking me long enough to do it, but I'm gettin there. Dealing with that and struggling with having to get rid of my trucks has been really hard, but we all have to do what we have to do .Okay. As you know, the trucks and parts didn't sell, but that's ok. I probably wouldn't have even tried to sell them all together like that in the first place if I didn't really need to. Since that didn't work out, I've been anxious to hear any advice at all that you all could give me. My friend tried to get me registered but I got an e-mail about a password issue or something so I need to figure out what's going on there, but I will join as soon as I can. In the meantime Bill, if you could put up with passing on any ideas anyone may have, I would truly be grateful. You have been so nice and I'm really looking forward to joining everyone on the site.

Thank you again so very much!

Riveted1 07-25-2008 01:43 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Well glad to hear she's back.

Cohnny Jash 07-25-2008 01:55 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

As Sean Hannity would say, "You're a great American". Way to go and keep us posted

redneckgirl 07-25-2008 02:37 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
I can't believe I missed this until now. What an awesome story. I am very proud of you guys! I am also glad that Dawn has decided to join our family!

corn 07-25-2008 07:18 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
I just saw it too. Good on all of you guys for helping out a fellow GM truck fan & rep points given to the ones that offered to pay her subscription!

chrislehr 07-25-2008 07:30 PM

Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Hey, guys... before Dawn comes on here... maybe we should consider submitting her story to overhaulin? Or better yet, if possible we have enough talent here to do it ourselves?

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