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ChevLoRay 11-11-2008 09:37 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
John Paul....I know how you feel. Spent 27 years working for ALCOA and you are right....companies don't have any allegiance to their employees....just the stockholders. In spite of how much loyalty we employees give to our employers, they just don't reciprocate. Then after all that, they lay us off.

Good to see that truck outside of the shop. I knew you were getting close...Edsel dash and all. It's sittin' fat down south, my son would say.

I'm no closer on my truck than I was when I visited your shop. I do have a plan, but the guy who will be executing the surgery, marches to his own beat. It's not a bad thing, but it take him a while to start. Could be because there are so many others who know what he can do and how well he works.

Good luck on the job hunting. Does FTN (?) have any possibilities? That's the group that is supposed to be revamping the City of Bryant in there attempts to stop the flooding on the north side of I-30.

Slik69 11-11-2008 09:42 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
yeah, try not to sell it. I bought my truck with a portion of my severance package when I was laid off. I am in the process of lining my ducks up to resume when I get back working. It's giving me the opportunity to learn the truck rather than throw a lot of money at it at once. With no $$ I am still managing to get quit a bit done. It's all the little things. Just hang onto it and do what you can until the funds roll back around.

68chevy68 11-11-2008 09:57 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
Thats my plan anyways for now. We are paying bills tonight and are ok for the time being. Another couple of weeks however and some things around here will have to go. I hope to maybee have a job before then. The problem is the amount of money I was making to whats available is such a large gap. I got too comfortable. I am good at living cheap though. Grew up that way.

Slik69 11-11-2008 11:18 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
Yeah.. thats good. I know how to go without as well. Things will get better as the economy pipcks up.

69trk 11-11-2008 11:37 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
I'm a union electrician here in oklahoma and work is slowing down quite a bit here. The best advice that i can give anybody is to listen to dave ramsey's advise about getting out of debt and putting 3-6months back for times like this. Read his book, he shows you how to do different types of budgets, and tells you alot of stuff that banks won't tell you. His advise has made a big difference in our lives. Good looking truck by the way.

Shyguy 11-11-2008 11:43 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
Things are getting slow here in Southeast Missouri also.

I work at a chain auto parts store and they cut me back to 3 days a week.

They are thinking about reducing the hours they are open during the winter.

Luckily my wife works at a fabric store and this is their busy time of the year.

Hang in there, I hope you find something.

The truck looks good.


tinlid 11-11-2008 11:55 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
Nice truck. Hang on to it.

If it makes you feel better: I worked for an airline a number of years ago. They went under and were bought out by Continental. I took a hugh pay cut and took their job offer at the bottom of the senority. Worked my way up again and went in to Aircraft Composite repair. The airport here in Denver closed down. I was offered a job in LA. On that pay? Gotta be kidding. I took the suggestion of government senators and congressmen and went back to school. Obtained an associate degree in health & safety. Went to work for a waste company. Hours really sucked in management (average 70 per week). The company was bought out by another and all of us management were let go. No manufacturing for employment in EH&S. So, I thought safety in construction. After a number of interviews I learned that not speaking Spanish would keep me unemployed. Back to school again for retraining. CAD3D. The jobs went to India before I finished and I never did see any openings or manage to find one thru an agency. I now work part time in a macnine shop as on call, and calibrating gauges part time, on call. I qualify for SSC but I am holding out for another 2-3 years, I hope. I quite applying for jobs 3 years ago as I am not going to Home Depot, Wal-Mart or something like that where I work nights, weekends and holidays. Did that all my live and no more. I managed to hold on to my 28 Ford 2 dr sedan, chopped 4, dropped axle, 4 bar, vette rear, 400 small block, 40 Ford dash. Working at flush fitting the doors. Also kept my driver 40 Plymouth, 327, 350 turbo but didn't plate it this year. It still needs windows but if you go fast the rain isn't a problem. Plus have my 70 C10 that needs a rocker on the drivers side plus a different door as I don't want to patch the lower.
Being out of work kind of sucked but everything seems to be working out ok. When I lost the waste company job, I was upset until the next morning when I woke up feeling relieved...never realized how much I hated that place.
Now have time to work on projects but most is labor and some parts as I find the money.
Life goes on and we somehow survive and its not always all bad.
Good luck to all of you other out of work or about to be guys on here.

68chevy68 11-12-2008 12:06 AM

Re: Laid Off.......
Its funny that you say you woke up relieved at loosing your job. I was kinda in the same way. I hated that job due to some of the folks I worked with, but would gladly go back for the money. I would do things a little different now though. Pay off my debt for one. If it wasn't for my debt, I would gladly go and work somewhere locally. Maybee an auto parts store for discounts:)

chas350 11-12-2008 12:14 AM

Re: Laid Off.......
I also got laid off, at the end of september.
I cant find a job as a trim carpenter in CT.
Its gotten really tough for a lot of people, man I hope something comes along soon.

paisaloco67 11-12-2008 12:39 AM

Re: Laid Off.......
I feel sorry for all them people getting laid off. All this unemployment and
credit crisis point into one direcction.. DEPRESSION. Most people think
that we are in a ressesion now,,,but honestly we are in a depression. All those people out there with the easy good paying aware!
Dont matter if u got degrees or even masters, when a depression hits,all
those diplomas dont tend to help u alot. Im just glad I still have my job
maybe cause few will actually take it, or even make it! Good luck. :ito:

chevy29267truck 11-12-2008 12:53 AM

Re: Laid Off.......
Guys and ladys try too buy things on sale go too all of the stores not just one store look aroud and when looking for cars,trucks get used thats still workable same thing for parts too

leddzepp 11-12-2008 11:41 AM

Re: Laid Off.......

Originally Posted by paisaloco67 (Post 2970588)
I feel sorry for all them people getting laid off. All this unemployment and
credit crisis point into one direcction.. DEPRESSION. Most people think
that we are in a ressesion now,,,but honestly we are in a depression. All those people out there with the easy good paying aware!
Dont matter if u got degrees or even masters, when a depression hits,all
those diplomas dont tend to help u alot. Im just glad I still have my job
maybe cause few will actually take it, or even make it! Good luck. :ito:

On the contrary, having a college degree DOES help you out. Construction jobs are the first to go. If you are unfortunate enough to be laid off during this time, try to take advantage of it by pursuing another career and going back to school.

68350 11-12-2008 01:09 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
This is all the way across the country, but if anyone wants to move to po-dunk North Dakota, the oilfield is still going strong with pay starting at 18-20 hr, bout 70 hrs a week. Nice truck, too! Hope things turn around. It kinda scares me being an engineering student at MontanaTech with the economy getting worse and worse. Hope it picks up by the time I graduate.

lowriden58 11-12-2008 02:47 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
sorry to hear it man, but October 13th the GM/Mazda/Volkswagon dealership i worked for closed up without any warning! :lol: ive been out of work ever since, just living off of unemployment.. which isnt much :uhmk:

of course that same week, my built motor in the 71 crapped out on me due to a failed rocker arm. wiped the cam and bearings. but its just time to upgrade again :metal:

68chevy68 11-12-2008 03:04 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
I have called around to some of the other firms around town and they are not hiring. Even one of the firms thats considered a sweat shop from all the work they produce is not hiring at the moment. I am trying to come up with a way to go back to school for paint and bodywork or metal fabrication. I have some friends that operate that kind of buisiness. I just don't think I can swing it with all the bills I have along with two kidos.

yfz450_0569 11-12-2008 03:33 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
my dad owns a trailer manufacturing business and he is doing his best not to lay off employees, hours cut back a little, and some went to west texas for a few weeks/months until things get better. this is also the same reason my truck is on slow go now. i just got out of school and i'm thinking about getting a job elsewhere than my dad's place cuz it's so slow right now and could use some more money

tinlid 11-13-2008 10:05 AM

Re: Laid Off.......
Going back to school is always a good idea. I did that when I was 50. My daughter and I both were in college, comparing grades. Graduating with an associate degree and on the deans list the whole time doesn't do much good with the attitudes in the companies. At 50, with a fresh degree, you are competing for employment against young graduates, and guess who is hired? Not the old guy. The 2nd go at school, the CAD3D jobs left the country before I graduated. Fortunately our house is now paid for. We are able to live ok off what my wife makes and my part time jobs are used to complete projects in preparation for retirement. New high efficency furnace last fall. Roofed the house and garage this summer. Had time to do it myself and save a bunch. Next summer is new windows, siding and insulation. Our 95 Sable gave up this summer and at a good time I guess. Gas was at $4 and I got a ripping deal on a 2004 Impalla SS Indy Special Edition that I could pay cash for from the part time jobs. I do miss the income from some of my past jobs but I must admit that I am doing more of what I enjoy. I don't buy the new crate motors or boxed new transmissions but I have fun. The 70 C10 is my driver so it will be a slow, as I drive, build. Plans to go thru a 350 I picked up over the winter and add tuned port. I have the Camaro T5 and will locate an S10 tail to move the shifter. I located good, used, 2 1/2" and 3" coils to drop it. I will do my own body and paint and also do my own upholstery as I picked up a commercial sewing machine at auction and have been practicing sewing a straight line. I am fortunate. While income is way down the fun factor keeps going up. We never bought a new car, don't own the biggest house or flat screen TV's. We were never overly interested in eating out except at rod runs or on vacation. I built the 24 X 30 garage in back and it's filled with tools I bought at auctions. I will be adding a 20' covered car port in front and attached to the garage and may enclose it one day to extend the garage but I need it to pull my drivers under to wash/wax and do maintenance as the garage is full of my 28 Ford and tools. The 40 Plymouth sets outside under a cover. Paying down debt is the most important thing you can do. While working and making a good income, double or triple up on house payments making your regular payment and 1 or 2 months principle extra. If you have a car payment, when its done, pay that payment to your savings so you have cash for the next time. Life doesn't end when the job does. It just feels like it. My C10, 28 Ford, 40 Plymouth will never win best of show anywhere but they have not been, and never will be, in someones shop to pay for someone elses work. I find satisfaction in that. My first chop on a car was done by me with my newly purchased, at auction, welder. Once I was quoted a price for the chop and figured out the price of a welder, there was no decision. Buy a welder, preferably used, learn to use it and do the chop myself. I got a slap of realization last fall. My wife had a knee replacement. I was home to take care of her for a month. No job I ever had would have allowed me to do that. She will have the other replaced this coming spring, and again, I will be home to take car of her. There is immense satisfaction in being able to do so. The 2 part time jobs are on as needed basis and the 2 are great to work for. When they knew my wife was having surgery they seemed to come up with a bunch of work before the operation, and had no problem with my not being available for a month. The owner of the machine shop gave me my own key 2 years ago and I have permission to use his equipment any time. So I am slowly becoming a machinest and will make parts for my own projects but never be good enough to be a full time machinest. Life is really good, just not rich in bucks.

Scott Webster 11-13-2008 11:06 AM

Re: Laid Off.......
Work is slow all over I guess. I was laid off in October, worked for 3 weeks and laid off again last week. I'm a union sheet metal worker though. If it weren't for the rain, I'd be outside right now installing the header on the DS and tooling around town. If I had some more tools like a plasma or waterjet table and a tig welder, I don't know as if I'd go back to work for anyone. Don't get me wrong - I love my job. It's the people I sometimes work with.

The truck looks good. Do what you can around the house and keep looking for the next job. You'll bounce back. Anyone that owns one of these trucks is worth hiring. It should be on our resumes lol...

68gmsee 11-13-2008 11:17 AM

Re: Laid Off.......
My daughter works for a large financial firm in NYC. Many months ago, she told me she was surprised at how the country was being made to believe the economy was the worst in the history of the nation by the news media and politicians. She figured this was fueled by the high price of gas, but the figures didn't support that at that time --her company and others were doing real well. She said the country was in a mild recession (which happens periodically), but nowhere near what we were being told.

Then, she noticed people starting to hold on to their money. She said they were opting out of buying stocks and were selling what they had. She noticed more small and large companies were preparing for 2009 by not investing in large scale upgrades. This of course means less borrowing and less spending or hiring.

Now, we have almost full scale panic because of uncertainty. It's amazing the power of the news media... I guess they got what they wanted.

yfz450_0569 11-13-2008 12:07 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
I agree with it being mosly in the media, I'm sure if the media said that it was all going better, people might start spending more and we would probably be back to normal soon

ChevLoRay 11-13-2008 12:58 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
Earlier comment said we're in a depression. Before I was laid off, we were in a recession. After I got laid off, I was in a depression, regardless of the balance of the economic sector.

Enough of this depressing chatter. You're truck looks good and I think it would serve as an example of what you can do, whether or not you've had the formal training that some think you may need. Getting a vehicle ready to paint is the hard part. Painting is just icing on the cake. You can't see what kind of cake you're getting until you cut into it. The way you sliced and diced that Edsel dash and fit it into the cab of your truck, and the fabrication that you showed on the chassis, cab and everywhere else, makes me wish the guy supposedly going to do my truck was showing me he had already done on mine.

Hang in there. Draw your unemployment, if you can. You can weld. You can fabricate. You got me beat.

schwoch1 11-13-2008 01:02 PM

Re: Laid Off.......

Originally Posted by yfz450_0569 (Post 2972656)
I agree with it being mosly in the media, I'm sure if the media said that it was all going better, people might start spending more and we would probably be back to normal soon

I agree 100% with that...... People are really holding onto their money because everyone see's on the news that we are in a recession and that we may be starting another great Depression. I say get rid of all the so called experts on TV and get some money flowing again and things will straighten out!!
I hate to say this, I run an independant auto repair buisness and our business has been gangbusters, we have had record months since all the sh!t supposedly hit the fan. Nobody wants to buy new cars, so they are spending money on the older cars to keep them going for longer.
Good luck ya all, it will get better soon I hope!!!


Jtrux 11-13-2008 01:36 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
I work for the railroad and I hear threats everyday about layoffs. I've got my fingers crossed right now. I was considering buying a house but I might hold off. I'm working on my resume right now just in case.

mr48chev 11-13-2008 02:12 PM

Re: Laid Off.......
I've been through that a couple of times once via being riffed once because the company was bought out and the buyer brought in their own people.
A seasonal job with UPS slinging boxes or at Costco or another box store might not pay exceedingly well but it might extend the unemployment bennies for a couple of months after the first of the year.
At the airport where I work we had an Airline that came in a year ago drop service because of lack of passengers but my feeling is that they priced themselves out of the business of their major group of customers. You could actually buy a round trip to Austin Tx through the Salt Lake city hub for over a hundred bucks less round trip than you could buy a ticket to just go to the hub and back. There are plenty of people in this area who would have made "that" trip on a regular basis if the price had been friendly.

Being just a few years short of retirement (actually i could retire next week if I were able and draw ss) It's a bit late for me but If I was a young guy just out of high school and headed to college I think I'd seriously consider the medical fields.

My plan 20 years ago was to be able to retire after 25 years of teaching (riffed at 13) and build and sell a couple of rods/trucks a year to keep me busy and make the extra cash. With the economy the way it is I don't think that will work, at least in the way I had hoped.
I'm lucky in that I should be out of debt by this time next year if I stay to my plan. I won't be buying a lot of goodies for the trucks or other projects and not many people will run into me at rod trots or other events but by throwing all my extra cash at one bill at a time starting with the smallest and then the next smallest should put me in pretty good shape.

I just wish I would have bought that portable soda blasting setup 15 years ago when it was offered to me and no one in the area was doing it. I think I could make a good living around here just doing on call graffiti removal for businesses with the car hobby guys serving as extra profit to boot. But then I'm the guy who got out of the Army in Texas in 1969 and didn't look into going to work for UPS when they were just starting up there.

Brock 11-13-2008 02:29 PM

Re: Laid Off.......

Originally Posted by leddzepp (Post 2971068)
On the contrary, having a college degree DOES help you out. Construction jobs are the first to go. If you are unfortunate enough to be laid off during this time, try to take advantage of it by pursuing another career and going back to school.

Sorry to hear about everyone's job issues, I heard this morning that the "recession" could get as bad as in 1929 with the depression just starting to kick in...Hopefully this won't be the "even greater depression". Maybe a change of president will help. one of the platforms i think was working on the country's infrastructure so maybe construction layoffs could get picked up.

I completely agree with going back to school. BUT pick something that is gonna be depression "safe". Teaching, doctor/nurse, Jobs that HAVE to be filled...I'd stay away from accounting

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