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phipp13 01-01-2009 03:18 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
removing the bed the easy way
My 20 yr ols son sand blasting the frame
rear ready for fabrication/ modification
this is the military metal ID tag that was riveted to the glove box door. check out that fine looking olive drab interior paint scheme
the rockers were installed with screws i can't wait to look under these patches and what kind of surprise the PO left me

Palf70Step 01-01-2009 10:04 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Interesting build so far. :metal:

VA72C10 01-01-2009 01:06 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Nice fabricated parts...will be following the build.

72BlckButy 01-03-2009 11:25 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
phipp... this is turning out to be quite the build. Keep up the great work and keep us posted on your progress.

kookykrispy 01-03-2009 11:41 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
sweet burnout pics!!! love it. I also love the louvers. Cowl induction doesn't look right on these trucks... looks goofy and out of place. The louvers are cool and ol skool and different. I day keep the louvered hood.

phipp13 01-05-2009 01:48 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
gettin down to serious bizzness. the more i opened it up the more rust i saw.i neglected to buy the front&rear doorjamb extensions but they're on their way as well as new cab mounts. thank god for my grinders and air chisel!!
this is the rough cut out still a little up the toeboard has to go to remove all the rust
skin was removed with an air chisel applying upward force as not to distort the doubler
prior to removal the cab north/south support was welded to bushing perch so the cab wouldnt shift when the floor was removed
this bar was welded in to keep the door post from moving while removing the entire bottom of the pillar imho if you don't do this you're screwed when it comes to getting it to all line up again
more photos to come as i'm doing the floor/ lower cab in quadrants to prevent any movement while cut out and to ensure it will line up with the new replacement panels.
most people would look for a new cab before doing all this work. in the mid atlantic region the rust free cabs are 1 on totaly restored trucks or rare as hens teeth and cost a bundle. i should have all 4 quadrants done in about 4-6weeks and aprox 300.00 in new sheetmetal repair panels.

phipp13 01-06-2009 10:18 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
while waiting for my pillar extensions to arrive, i worked on my vent boxes, here are a few pics of the repairs i have made. i have more detailed pictures if anyone needs them pm me. v/r phipp13
might as well go all the way cut all the rust out.
pic of the flush repair i used a pneumatic step flange/hole punch tool . All the holes will be plug welded
hey look twins! except this ones worse the bottom is rotted out too. after i blast the cab i will POR15 these areas and paint them before welding them shut.

tdave00 01-07-2009 10:20 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Just finished up this vent box on mine. I had to cutout the bottom of mine too. I don't think I'll have to cutout the bottom on the drivers side.

Very detailed build. Keep it up. I am doing some similar stuff and need all the help I can get :).

my67chevytruck 01-07-2009 11:14 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
looking good bro.... keep at it!

brendonak 01-08-2009 04:09 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Looks great man! What are these gas delete things I'm hearing about?

phipp13 01-11-2009 01:11 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Today was a good day! the Damn Yankee took a whoppin from me YA! Some days everthing you touch turns to crap. well today was just the opposite. i got the whole left front fitted, clamped drilled, clecoed, and the floorpan partially spotwelded in. thats a monumental task considering how anal i am when it comes to metalwork. It's learned behavior being that i'm an aircraft sheetmetal mechanic/ aircraft welder. the Dates are wrong on my camera

pic of my cutoff grinder with .032 cutting wheel. final trimming of floorpan

pic showing the .032 gap created by cutoff grinder.i butt my pans and spot mig them in. the .032 gap is perfect to weld shut. there is room for shrinkage therefore it wont buckle when it's welded. patience is the key for doing a decent job.

VA72C10 01-11-2009 01:54 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
nice to come a little south to patch up my rockers ;)

PHAT TONY 01-11-2009 02:04 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Looks real good, I do it the same-1/32 gap to but weld. I wish I had that grinder instead of a pistol grip and/or die grinder with 3" wheel.

tdave00 01-11-2009 05:45 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Looks good. Keep the pictures coming. I started pulling off my rockers tonight, so I need as much info/pictures as possible :).

phipp13 01-11-2009 06:42 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Trai, you got my # call me if you have any questions any time. i'd be more than happy to help. V\R phipp13

phipp13 01-14-2009 12:44 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Floor Pan is in 90%, i'm looking forward to this weekend. Monday is a holidayday off for me. Hopefully i'll have pics of the entire leftside completed. If you look closely you can see how i plug welded the floorpan in. I've had great success doing my floorpans this way. if anyone has any questions feel free to P.M. me and i'll try my best to answer them, V/R Phipp13

tdave00 01-14-2009 05:39 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Looks really good from here. We need to have some stuff ready for you on Project Underhaulin :).

phipp13 01-14-2009 08:16 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
BRING IT!!! let me know the plan and i"ll bring my tools. V/R phipp

LuckyHenriksen 01-14-2009 11:09 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
looks great man! you are doing some great work

lowriden58 01-15-2009 02:53 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
looking good man :metal:

phipp13 01-16-2009 10:48 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
I got my engine combo dynoed by shaun/ Super73 ran my truck on the dyno and gave me charts and graphs. what a nice guy too. that takes time and he did it for nothing in return! #s to be posted in 30 mins

my67chevytruck 01-16-2009 11:56 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Waiting.... :lol:

PHAT TONY 01-17-2009 02:50 AM

Re: Building the damn yankee
Looks like you use a spot weld cutter to make plug weld holes with the panel in place-never thought of that!

sourkraut 01-17-2009 04:11 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
looking very good, you have done a nice job on the fabbed parts and sheetmetal work!

phipp13 01-17-2009 10:14 PM

Re: Building the damn yankee
got my Dyno number on my 383 not too shabby. they're rwhp and drag co-effiency is factored in. i'll run what i got for now. most importantly is gettin this back together and down the road!!

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