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70clone 01-21-2009 12:30 AM

Re: Should I do it?
i would never do it you cant take the pride into somone elses truck but the orange crush is your truck its cheap to fix when it breaks down the new truck however will lose value and wont get great gas milage no reason to trade. would never do it

hilandr452 01-21-2009 12:40 AM

Re: Should I do it?
In October, I traded this truck straight across,

for this truck!

Now it looks like this, a few months later.

My buddies think I was crazy to trade a 98 4x4 3/4 ton truck for this old beater but I am the one who got the better deal. I LOVE this truck, that truck was just a truck.

Don't trade it man, you'll regret it forever.

Spray-Bomb 01-21-2009 12:55 AM

Re: Should I do it?
Keep your truck

69chevytruckin 01-21-2009 02:01 AM

Re: Should I do it?
He's trading you for reason he knows about these trucks while else would he trade you for your truck.

hilandr452 01-21-2009 02:11 AM

Re: Should I do it?
On the other hand, some guy who obviously didn't understand the beauty of these old trucks is the reason I have mine now, so maybe you should trade it away and give it to someone who appreciates it and will give it the love it deserves.

Not passing judgement on you bro, but that's another possibility.



OARNGESI 01-21-2009 04:23 AM

Re: Should I do it?
What kind of dirt bike do you got

69trk 01-21-2009 10:44 PM

Re: Should I do it?
hey allen, i had the same delima when i was in high school, but now when i see anybody that i went to school with, every one of them ask me if i still have that old truck. Now when i show them pictures or take them for a ride in it all they talk about is how nice or how fast it is. And they can't believe it's the same truck. And by the way, it took me about 12 years to get it in this condition. Many times i thought about selling or trading, just because it has caused more fights with me and my wife. lol. But i would say it's worth more than anything i could of bought in the 90's, and i don't really think that it's going down in value. Plus they are easier to work on if you ask me. If you have any questions on how to work on any part of you're truck, just call.

allen123 01-21-2009 11:08 PM

Re: Should I do it?

Originally Posted by hilandr452 (Post 3098967)
On the other hand, some guy who obviously didn't understand the beauty of these old trucks is the reason I have mine now, so maybe you should trade it away and give it to someone who appreciates it and will give it the love it deserves.

Not passing judgement on you bro, but that's another possibility.



no im just running low on money and replacing something almost every week is kinda hard
so yeah i do take of my truck i wash it like crazy even though it doesnt even need it

westbrookw 01-21-2009 11:28 PM

Re: Should I do it?
3 Attachment(s)
Keep it. You will regret it later. I sold my dirt bikes when I was in High school to by a smurf blue 72 farm truck. I got made fun of all the time also. I had to do the rebuild of engine, trans, and alternator on a minimum wage bugdet too. I nearly traded mine for a new S-10. It sucks now but later down the road when you have that truckin the garage ready for the cruise-ins, it will all be worth it. Trust me on that. Here is my project, same 72 with my touch.

wHATANERD 01-22-2009 10:33 AM

Re: Should I do it?
I traded My first 70 Longbed for a newer truck when I was in high school and also regret it. Stick with the classis. You don't have to have a Master's Degree to work on it, and most it a cooler truck to own. The other truck is like a belly button, everyones got one.

1LoC10 01-22-2009 10:39 AM

Re: Should I do it?
I say keep your truck, if you want a newer truck like that, just get one too....they can be had for less than $5,000 if you are patient

kulturekat 01-22-2009 07:41 PM

Re: Should I do it?
my vote is keep it.

also youre in blanchard not too far from me if you ever need any help with anythign let me know ill see what i can do to lend a hand.

smallwin67 01-23-2009 11:03 AM

Re: Should I do it?
Dude keep your truck you'll regret it in the long run.

ChevLoRay 01-23-2009 01:05 PM

Re: Should I do it?
Trades I coulda done but didn't: When in college, I had a chance to swap my '62 Cushman Eagle for a '36 Dodge 4-dr sedan. The brakes on the Dodge scared me to death, so no swap. Then, I had a chance to trade the same scooter for a '53 Chrysler Imperial w/division window (funeral home family car). The torque convertor was out, so no trade. Then, after I was home for the summer, I had a chance to trade the scooter for a '50 Ford V-8/OD 2-dr sedan. So, I did. Then, the car was towed away and I never saw it again. I also passed on trading my 4-dr '57 Chevy for a '58 2-dr DelRay coupe (2-dr sedan) that had a 301 in it w/OD and a bad clutch. Didn't do that one, either. I did, however, swap a Remington Model 11 (yeah, old 12-ga) for a '55 Ford 2-dr w/6-cyl and stick.

Dang, there's a bunch more trades I have done.....don't need to bore you.

But, in your case, what is the ego benefit to the trade? Are there any bragging rights that come with it? Is there a "feel good" factor that will kick you in the keister? What you do is your decision. Right now, I'm feeling that anything that runs or is ride-worthy that someone would offer me for my "pile-o-parts" would sure be tempting. I just have to remember the goal and to be patient.

BP68 01-23-2009 08:45 PM

Re: Should I do it?
I would say no because of the V6 and likelyhood of it being wrecked since it has the new frontend.

Sell the bike and put the money in your truck. haha

hcaz095 01-23-2009 09:06 PM

Re: Should I do it?
Keep the truck... more on bikes on the way down.

I'm 25, and drove a (what I thought was) cool truck in high school. It was an '84 k20/30 with 9" of lift etc... I sold it, I miss it, but I bought that one only because I missed out on the '71 c10 I really wanted 3 blocks down.

More importantly, I've been riding for 18 years... and have never gave up on a dirtbike (74 yamaha ty80, and then a '89 xt350, now a '98 Montesa cota 315r trials bike) my dad still has them. I then got the faster itch... and bought a salvage titled 2001 TL1000S sportbike (vtwin sounds amazing)... Starting out with a bit more experience than most, and being younger... Is tarted stunting with IBWS in chicago... good times. Now i have a '98 TL1000s as my first one blew up.

I think you should go this route if you make the right decision about the bike.
Think about buying a supermotard... they are a load of yucks, cheap to maintain (if not a racer) and handle amazingly well.. Cheap insurance, and easy to stunt and be a hooligan on in general. I would def reccomend against getting a full-out sportbike for insurance reasons and the clip-ons are quite lame for long rides and with passengers leaning on your back... I know girls like bikes, and I know you know that too. Plus, the chances of you going down while riding anything but a sportbike are quite less... I opted to go streetfighter (MX bars, no fairings/plastic, frame savers etc). Maybe a sv650, triumph speed 4, older buell 1200, etc... I have lots of suggestions if you want more..PM me if you'd like.

Keep the truck....get more bikes... I'm done now.


69gumby 01-23-2009 09:11 PM

Re: Should I do it?
Hey sell the dirt bike and fix the problems with your truck. What's breaking down on you? You can fix a lot of things on these trucks for very little money. Or throw on some paint, if that is what the girls like. There are a lot of good points from the members here but if you listen to us or listen to your classmates it really should be what do you want. Good luck on what ever you do.

allen123 01-23-2009 10:12 PM

Re: Should I do it?
Just sold my dirtbike got $2200 out of it and theres a kid at school who said he would buy my truck for $4000 and im thinking about buying one of these

69gumby 01-23-2009 10:23 PM

Re: Should I do it?
Yea, nothing I saw had the class your truck has. New smog cars just don't get it for me. In a few years you will have an old $1000.00 car. Put your dirt bike money in your truck and in a few years you will have a $15,000 truck or more.

dave2953 01-23-2009 10:42 PM

Re: Should I do it?
I would still keep the truck. I didn't see anything there that looked worth owning. Plus, those cars are harder to work on and parts are much more expensive. At the end of the day, the decision is yours, but I think you'll be sorry if you let the truck go.

blazer72 01-23-2009 11:19 PM

Re: Should I do it?
here's a little story:

I was 14 when my father and I built a 69 chevy short step out of 3 or 4 different trucks. It was primed and looked good. My parents got divorced and my dad moved out of state. The used parts started giving out in a couple of years (harsh ND winters were a big part of it) and I couldn't do all the repairs myself (lack of tools, ability, and shop). I traded it for a pristeen newer car. I was happy for a while, but then it wore off. Eventually, all cars need work, it's whether they are worth repairing and do they have personality. I went in the military a few years later, and one leave tracked my old truck down and bought it back. I was storing it my grandparents until I could get it back to OK and some douchebags stole it in the middle of the night.

Anyhoos - I speak from similar situational experience - the novelty of the new one will wear off, along with the value (as others have stated). Just tough it out. Join auto class and do the work yourself. You'll start to take pride in it again and it will all work out.

hang in there bro.

dinotruck68 01-23-2009 11:35 PM

Re: Should I do it?
No way bro im in high school to an i can see what ur dealin with (a junior).
But think about it those trucks value just gets lower and lower as years pass.. all they are really good for is to trade in for a newer model an the cycle continues.. These o'l chevy's just get better with age the value jus keeps goin up... And the more i learn about auto body and Mechanics the more it trips me out how easy everything is to fix and make better..I would keep your truck bro these new cars an trucks just arent worth it
Sell the bike an put it all in ur motor man An take pride in ur Ride cuz that o'l truck will be there long after there lil fiberglass toys fall apart

skchevota 01-24-2009 12:23 AM

Re: Should I do it?
I say no deal as well. A 4.3 with 160k on it... You think a few alternators were bad. That v6 could be at its end as well. I say sell the dirt bike and fix up your truck. It will be worth way more in the longrun. That 01 in 5 years will be a $500 truck. I still have my 70 fron high school, and 15 years later i am glad I kept her. I also still have my 68 camaro, Keep the clasics, he new vehicals will come in time. The clasics will go up in value and some day they might be out of reach.

westbrookw 01-24-2009 01:21 AM

Re: Should I do it?
Live and learn. Those cars are up for sale so cheap because the owner knows how bad he beat that car. He is getting rid of his headache or money pit.

allen123 01-24-2009 01:28 AM

Re: Should I do it?
i dont know if my dad will let me put it all in my motor though because he wants me to buy another dirtbike and kinda dont want one

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