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RuthlessSuburban88 11-09-2011 02:18 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
dam you did an awesome job on the camper! I build decks and patios for a living so i have a good appreciation for that deck, nice work! i would love to build a deck like that for a camper!:cong::metal:

fryer1979 11-09-2011 07:34 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
Wow that's cool! Thanks for sharing.

motornut 11-09-2011 08:34 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
4 Attachment(s)
thanks guys
its sure a lotta work when you start rippin
If i was to do it again i'd prob go start with a bigger trailer
level it flat and build it up from the floor in a square(of course) shape
like a house,with house type windows/doors,the none drafty kind

and after a year of using the deck,we love upgrade yet

na he's not spoiled eh....mmmmm bacon
behind me you can see i moved the corner support for the gazebo out to gain access to the shed area
next year we are gona pull it out and leave more room in front of the BBQ/shed

somebody said there were bears seen on the beach....compared to buddys paw i duno

RuthlessSuburban88 11-10-2011 12:52 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
hahaha.. that looks smaller than a bear print.. although it could be a small bear, but the shape of it definently does look like a bear print

motornut 04-30-2012 08:56 PM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
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So along comes spring and the want for a "new" trailer for camping
time to "up grade"
picked up a 2002 Prowler 29 ft
out with the old

motornut 04-30-2012 08:59 PM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
waited for the neighbours to show up and move there stuff
turns out both of us are getting newer trailers
had to use the tractor to fit the other trailer between the shed and the deck

motornut 05-08-2012 10:28 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
4 Attachment(s)
got to move our shed now...moved back over two feet
to get the neighbours trailer in
should give us a bigger BBQ spot after

we hope to get ours in the spot this week

motornut 05-08-2012 10:45 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
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finished up around dark
went to the beach ,got stuck,got pulled out

BlackChevy 05-16-2012 01:55 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
Thats the most amazing thing I've ever seen done to a trailer, you are a great carpenter and designer! It was really something how fixing a leak turned into a remodeling of the whole trailer. What did you do with your old work of art? And where did you get that wicker blade fan? I love wicker blade fans and cant find them anywhere!

motornut 05-18-2012 06:44 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
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the fan was a cheapy only wicker for one side
lol the work of art is sold,but sitting in storage till we move it
seems the jerk that did all the work didn't bolt the box to the floor lol
(I couldn't get under it in the spot)
there were bets on wether it could still be intact (or roll sideways down hill )
after pulling probs

motornut 05-18-2012 07:29 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
1 Attachment(s)
this might be my next burb
trailering special....with diesel? $3000.
i know both the original owner and current

motornut 05-18-2012 08:55 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
1 Attachment(s)
A friend is buying it for her Mom they are putting it @their cottage

motornut 06-16-2012 12:01 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus

Originally Posted by BlackChevy (Post 5383288)
Thats the most amazing thing I've ever seen done to a trailer, you are a great carpenter and designer! It was really something how fixing a leak turned into a remodeling of the whole trailer. What did you do with your old work of art? And where did you get that wicker blade fan? I love wicker blade fans and cant find them anywhere!

I was at a friends garage, seen a wicker fan and asked it it new?
No it was my grandmas(found it still in the box)
His mom wants it but they figured 20 plus years old lol
Posted via Mobile Device

PAWS 72 06-23-2012 03:52 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
1 Attachment(s)
Motornut heres my Buddy

motornut 06-23-2012 09:50 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus

Originally Posted by PAWS 72 (Post 5449936)
Motornut heres my Buddy

cute, mine loves bacon too!

PAWS 72 06-26-2012 12:57 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
Thanks. He loves DR. PEPPER about as much as I do too.Pretty country where your at.

motornut 06-26-2012 08:22 PM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus

Originally Posted by PAWS 72 (Post 5454957)
Thanks. He loves DR. PEPPER about as much as I do too.Pretty country where your at.

I think we are lucky here, you drive about an hour out from downtown, and it's country

motornut 07-26-2012 08:50 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BlackChevy (Post 5383288)
Thats the most amazing thing I've ever seen done to a trailer, you are a great carpenter and designer! It was really something how fixing a leak turned into a remodeling of the whole trailer. What did you do with your old work of art? And where did you get that wicker blade fan? I love wicker blade fans and cant find them anywhere!

seems my friend Mike didn't like the wicker
said it looks old lol yup bout 20 years
look at the yellow install manual
it was his uncle cleaning house
he showed me some of his uncles old trophys too

motornut 09-20-2012 08:07 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
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a few picks taken while getting it in place
the shed is moved back too
my friend Mikey(owns a 72 Skylark) up to help out

motornut 09-20-2012 08:32 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
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some other pics
the park owners want to remove this old BlueBird seems the PO is nowhere to be found
shame it's quite nice inside,i'm told a wrecker is gona pull it to the back,where the old trailer went

one of the planes that flys in

motornut 09-20-2012 08:45 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
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brought the fan down a little lower this year about 7-8 feet now
anybody know spiders,bout 3-4 inches these guys all over
me workin on an import lol with Buddy
party time
and Canada Day

motornut 09-20-2012 09:03 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
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I bring Buddy down to run on the beach in the morning
spotted deer in the morn on the beach
this spot came up for sale,neighbour bought it,so much for getting away
now i got a second wife up here

we had a fire ban on for quite a while
they got reports of fires on the beach ,and came by never found any,even got false calls showed up middle of the night with lights and sirens

motornut 09-20-2012 09:09 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
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after thinking out how to open the canopy and use the gazebo too
we figured extending the deck 6 feet would give room for both

motornut 09-20-2012 09:14 AM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
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there is a gate,but we keep it screwed closed when not in use

seen this beaut of a truck up there

motornut 05-07-2013 04:51 PM

Re: 76 Terry Taurus
5 Attachment(s)
spring is here and the water is real high
and so is some damage.....
seems a big branch hit/smashed out power box n tap.......
another neighbours is broken and ready to fall.......
MILs roof is filled with branches......
beach is gone.....

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