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dtkarst 05-14-2011 11:22 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
One month today!

198plus 05-15-2011 12:07 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
I've had mine for 9 years....But it's still a one owner the title has never been changed since my Grandfather bought it new ;)

Captainfab 05-15-2011 01:46 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
Technically I don't still own it since I gave it to my son several years ago, even though my name is still on the title. I got my '63 LWB in October of 1975

I'd have to do some thinking to remember just when I got some of the other members of my fleet :lol:

XtechX 05-15-2011 01:54 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
My 65 was a lawn ornament for about 5 years, but Ive been working on it every available minute possible ( I have a for the past 6 months and it will be painted soon...

old cruiser 05-15-2011 03:05 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
About 18 months been on the road since feb

66 lwb cs 05-15-2011 04:24 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
Father in law bought it new in 66 I will have it here within a month if things work out weather and transport wise.:metal:

chevytrucknut61 05-15-2011 08:59 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
I've had my 61 since 86. Fixed it up in 87, rolled it in 88. Been a ongoing project since.:metal:

ChevyTruckGuy 05-15-2011 10:07 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
My 66 since I was 22 in 1999. 12 years.

66redw/white 05-15-2011 10:17 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
bought mine almost a year ago like this
lookin alittle better nowadays

willyp 05-15-2011 10:42 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
1 Attachment(s)
Nov 08

jbgroby 05-15-2011 10:51 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
I bought my truck in Jan. 2000, been through hell and HIGH WATER, just about finished. I bet you I'll come in close to first on the longest restoration on the planet, at least it seems that way.

javadoc 05-15-2011 11:42 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
3.5yrs (fall of 2007) for my '64. I haven't driven it since last June though. Gotta get the clutch sorted out, dang it!

NCD1966 05-15-2011 11:44 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
Im 30 been driving the 66 for 15 years.
but I have alot of memories as a little kid in it with my dad.

neslie 05-15-2011 11:57 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
My mom bought it in 95. I learned how to drive on it and learned how to wrench on it. Then she gave it to me a few months ago. Now my girls are ready to ride in it.

markeb01 05-15-2011 01:58 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
Welcome to the forum!

Greg63 05-15-2011 02:04 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
I bought my '63 out of the local Autotrader, from the original owner, back in August 1982.
Still not done.

Apache63 05-15-2011 02:31 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
i bought the first truck in 2004 and restored it (frame off) and sold it end of the last year

bought the Surburban in september 2009 and sold it last week!:whine:

bought the Panel in april 2008 and still have it!!!!:metal:

and maybe i´m a new owner of an 1963 Suburban , i´ll see it in two hour´s
! we will see!!

Leadfoot Lambert 05-15-2011 09:28 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
I bought my 65 in January with my xmas bonus from my new job I started in November,I used all $200 of it to buy it!

CVA59 05-15-2011 09:30 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
1 year

61TWUK 05-15-2011 09:34 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
I bought my 61 when I was 14 years old for a big price of $1000 of yard money... it was my first car and I've owned at least 20 cars since then, 14 years later... still have it.

krayzog 05-15-2011 10:03 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
1 Attachment(s)
My Great-Grandfather bought my truck new in '61. My grandpa owned it from '63 to 2000 when it was passed down to my Dad. It was passed down to me in 2003. It's the first truck I turned wrenches on, so I've been working on it for about 25 years (still lots to do). I've owned several other 60-66 trucks, but now I'm back to the original '61.

bigtruckboi2000 05-15-2011 10:11 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
1 Attachment(s)
I was given my 65 SWB in 2005 when I came back to the states from Okinawa, Japan. It was supposed to be my uncle's 78 LWB f-150 that he promised me in 1988 but it didn't work out that way. thank goodness!!!
Attachment 747161

markeb01 05-15-2011 10:31 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?

Originally Posted by krayzog (Post 4682308)
My Great-Grandfather bought my truck new in '61. My grandpa owned it from '63 to 2000 when it was passed down to my Dad. It was passed down to me in 2003. It's the first truck I turned wrenches on, so I've been working on it for about 25 years (still lots to do). I've owned several other 60-66 trucks, but now I'm back to the original '61.

Welcome to the forum. Please post more pictures when you can. That's a great looking truck. It's nice to see one with so much family history.

Mad Rods 05-15-2011 11:30 PM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
My truck has been in my family for 25+ years. My dad officially gave it to me Christmas of 09'. He said " might as well you already cut the hell out of it!!" :lol::lol:I have claimed it to be mine since I was 7yrs old though. Cruised it in high school every once in a while also.

boat 05-16-2011 12:16 AM

Re: How long have you owned your truck?
Got my 63 in the summer of 85 when i was 17

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