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BMERDOC 08-13-2011 06:08 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
3 Attachment(s)
More pics

VA72C10 08-13-2011 06:23 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Looks like a fair amount of pitting on the roof. Are you going to smooth it with bondo or replace it with a new roof skin? As far as removing the caulk I ground it out using a wire wheel in my grinder. Not sure if there's a better/quicker/less messy ;) way though.

BMERDOC 08-13-2011 06:26 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
5 Attachment(s)
And yet more pics...

BMERDOC 08-13-2011 06:31 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
And another...


Originally Posted by VA72C10 (Post 4843403)
Looks like a fair amount of pitting. Are you going to smooth it with bondo or replace it with a new roof skin? As far as removing the caulk I ground it out using a wire wheel in my grinder. Not sure if there's a better/quicker/less messy ;) way though.

It leveled out really smooth. A skim of bondo should be added to smooth it out. It turned out a lot better than it initially looked.

Frkypunk70 08-13-2011 06:32 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Looks like a fair amount of work needs to be done. Don't let that be a buzz kill. Everything you see can be fixed and you seem like your on the right track. These trucks have a way of discouraging you, I would hate to see it happen to ya. Keep up the good work!!
Posted via Mobile Device

BMERDOC 08-13-2011 06:45 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Oops left out the last pic!!

I ain't discouraged at all!! I bought this thing for $700 thinkin that it may be so bad when I got it home that it would be worthless. But it did run and it moved under its own power so I took a chance. I don't know how much straightening I'll get done before I shoot it but you can bet I'll be sandin some white paint off to fix some off these spots! I'm hopin Alex (Dent Wizard) can smooth out alot of the dents and dings. After I do some plug weldin, more sanding and get the roof straightened out it'll be time for some maskin!
If it was Patina'd I wouldn't worry too much but this isn't, its a Rainbow Nightmare. I've driven it in this condition and had my fill of the look. I wanna get it one solid color.

EDIT!!! Dang! Left that pic out again before hittin "Submit"! oh well next time.

VA72C10 08-13-2011 07:39 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Cool. Glad the roof can be smoothed w/out too much work.

Hope dent wizard works for you. So far on my truck I've only got one dent on the passenger roof area (and the top of the gate but that'll be swapped out) It's really straight overall but rusty at the bottom like most ;)

If you want to add a picture click edit and then the go advanced button and you can add it to the post....or just post it below :D

Stricklinator 08-14-2011 02:11 AM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Subscribed; looks like a fun project. I'd kill for access to a lift like that. I am getting tired of crawling under my truck. It took me like 2 hours just to remove the rear crusty shocks/hardware and put new ones on! My back is aching now just thinking about it :waah:

Posted via Mobile Device

BMERDOC 08-16-2011 09:16 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
1 Attachment(s)
Ok guys! Heres a sneek peek. Couldn't help myself. Now that I see it I think I'm gonna two tone it. The upper half will be a different color. Not like a CST but from the upper line below the side windows and the top of the hood. What color should I do the upper half? Flat black? Bronze to match the wheels? I got a vote for silver too. No, I don't plan to leave it like this. I just wanted a solid color because the dents were to hard to see in the graphics I called "Dent Camo".

Frkypunk70 08-16-2011 10:45 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
I say throw some chia-pet stuff on the upper half and let it grow crazy:lol:. Looks good I say flat black for the upper half.
Posted via Mobile Device

VA72C10 08-16-2011 10:48 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Looking good! I vote bronze to match the wheels

BMERDOC 08-16-2011 11:33 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
2 Attachment(s)
Thanks guys! I'll post more pics when I get more coats on. The jury is still out but I'm sure the guys at work will voice an opinion too. I was able to get around both sides of the truck with 3.5 rattle cans. When I fell its enough I'll lightly wet sand to level and add at least one more coat.
One more thing...I got pulled Monday mornin for no outside mirrors! No ticket just a warning. Who needs mirrors when my neck still swivels? To appease the man and so my path is not impeeded I plan to add a drivers side outer mirror. We discussed it at work and I have come to the conclusion that Peeps or little billets won't do. So I was thinkin of several mirrors as options. Would it be sacriledge to install a Shelby bullet mirror? How about the regular Chevy musle car mirror? Any other ideas? Small chromies would be nice.

VA72C10 08-16-2011 11:55 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
If you want to see what you think about the bullet mirrors in person.....come on over...I have a set :D and chevelle rectangular...and sport.... ;)

BMERDOC 08-20-2011 07:24 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
2 Attachment(s)
Project Update!! This is before and after shots of my truck as of this afternoon. The first pic is from the day I got it. I've still got some details to do. I'm gonna add a pinstripe to split the two colors and paint the bumpers. I'm gonna lower it next. I'll start the bodywork after vacation.

VA72C10 08-20-2011 07:38 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Looks 100% better already!!! What color are you thinking for the bumpers? Bronze or the stainless colors you did the headlight buckets in? Or white?

BMERDOC 08-20-2011 07:45 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Thanks Johnathan! I'll do the bumpers and grill trim in the same finish as the headlight buckets. I'm happy with it for now but this is still "puttin lipstick on a pig"and only time (and money) will show real improvements.

VA72C10 08-20-2011 07:53 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!

Originally Posted by BMERDOC (Post 4855829)
Thanks Johnathan! I'll do the bumpers and grill trim in the same finish as the headlight buckets. I'm happy with it for now but this is still "puttin lipstick on a pig"and only time (and money) will show real improvements.

That'll look good! And lowering it down will make a huge improvement too!!!

It already looks like a fun cruiser now!!!

VDOG 08-20-2011 07:56 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!

Originally Posted by BMERDOC (Post 4855829)
Thanks Johnathan! I'll do the bumpers and grill trim in the same finish as the headlight buckets. I'm happy with it for now but this is still "puttin lipstick on a pig"and only time (and money) will show real improvements.

The white and black color makes it look mean. Now if you had a big block with a noisey cam, that would make it look angry and mean. Good work.

67chevy1series 08-25-2011 09:22 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
cool! any more progress?

BMERDOC 08-26-2011 06:43 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Nothing yet. Just had to run after spending a week in Myrtle beach, S.C. Now I'm waiting to see how Irene treats us. Next up is finishing off paint details and lowering it (3/5 and panhard bar) among other unsexy stuff like improving the wipers (grounds?) and getting the interior blower motor working.:cool:

Double Stack 08-28-2011 02:20 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
Great lookin truck you’ve got their! You’ve done a killer job turning her around! I’ll be keeping an eye on how you finish up.

BMERDOC 09-05-2011 06:31 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
2 Attachment(s)
Now for a little update:

I had Tuffy finish the exhaust and for $60 I think I got a great deal. I was gonna piece together an exhaust to dump in front of the passenger tire but after a few minutes at NAPA I figured I'd walk next door to Tuffy and see what it would cost. I told him what I wanted and without hesitation handed him the keys. He did a great job for $60, it such a relief to have it that quiet!! Only thing is I keep forgetting to take a picture of it to post!!
I do have a pic of our first cruise night though. It was fun and I got a lot of questions about it.
Here is a pic of the bed removed. Because all the wood is gone the bed was very noisey. I want to add a temp plywood floor but I have a chunk of 1/4" steel fighting me. Its welded to the RR of the bed, looks like someone had a bed crane mounted there. The shop torch didn't have a big enough tip to blow out the cuts so I had to quit. I'll take it to the machine shop and let them do it. I torched all the loose carrige bolts and installed two 12" wide pieces of plywood to hold the bed to the chassis. I added new carrige bolts anywhere I could, along the cross ties to tighten it up. You will notice the 2x4 under the front of the bed. I was trying to straighten the bent panel while doin other work.
I'll add the other pics tommorrow!

VA72C10 09-05-2011 07:04 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
good deal on the exhaust! Where was that cruise? And do you have extra white paint with the bed off to hit it :D

BMERDOC 09-06-2011 09:04 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
4 Attachment(s)
Work is slow so I'm keeping the truck there so I can do stuff instead of sitting around. I finally took pics of the exhaust so here are the best angles. I started feathering in old, chipped body filler. Most panels are too far gone to do any serious work to so I will work the panels as best as possible with the knowledge that ultimately they will be replaced. I feathered them in for additional filler to be added (fiber reinforced). That includes around the gutters and both rear fenders. I have included a pic of my plug welding of the "CHEVROLET" holes on the hood, another panel that is worth practicing on. I ground out the rain gutters and they are now ready to recieve new caulk. I was happy that they were not rusted out at all! I stared at the torch for a while and found that the tip was dirty and the manifolds were set wrong. I now have most of that 1/4" plate burned out. I have to use a cutting disc on the rest.

Does anyone know if I can get a reproduced cab corner starting above the gas filler hole and wrapping around the cab or will I have to find someone parting a cab?

BMERDOC 09-06-2011 09:08 PM

Re: Project Cheap Thrills!
VA72C10, I went to the Chick-fil-A cruise across from Virginia Center Commons. Its close and I can take all back roads to get there. The truck is geared like a bulldozer so I don't wanna get on the interstate. An open 55mph road would be fine but not 70mph. As far as the paint I bought Rustoleum Flat White and Satin Black so I will always have a fresh can just up the street ;)

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