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rsavage 12-26-2011 08:11 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
I've "finished" a couple of trucks and a couple of antique boats. I'm currently reassembling a Blazer. Truth be told, I am never truly done as I can always think of something I could do to make each a little better. I enjoy working on them and only drive them for pleasure in good weather in the spring winter and fall. The Blazer may be the last complete resto that I do as my body makes me feel I am getting a little too old to be laying underneath these things wrestling with engines and transmissions.

HeavyD 12-26-2011 11:52 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
For me it was always the cash factor..but I bought a ton of parts for my POS lime truck anyway and just hoped it would eventually fall together. Now it has been what, 5 years? and the thing is still siting in the weeds. I am so frustrated with it that I am starting to sell off some parts becuse I am sick of them sitting unused. My location also totally blows...any of the good stuff/swap meets/whatever is always 15-30 hours away, and it is hard to get the time to make it happen.

Now things have changed and the cash isn't an issue at all, but the frustration is still there. I saw the work a "guy who does it right" did in my area on a 70 c10 and was appalled. He welded in the cab corners too high so the body lines will never line up, and the poor owner is already into the thing for 11K...terrible. My lime one needs a new roof as well as ever other panel, but at that price I might as well get another truck. It has come to the point where I am seriously considering a mint bodied 69 Camaro in Phoenix for 13K and saying to heck with it. At least I could drive the thing.

Srry for the rant, I am just annoyed that it never gets done. So to answer the Q I for one have done squat but accumulate way too many parts, and no it is not even close to going.

BMERDOC 12-26-2011 12:19 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
I worked fevereshly to get mine on the road as a driver. I got it running and driveable to enjoy it. I will be collecting parts and saving cash to do a complete tear down later and minimize down time. I have seen too many projects fail in the middle of it because of lack of funds which runs into lack of enthusiasim.

bollybib 12-26-2011 01:09 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
I spent about nine months getting mine into decent running condition. After that, a project here and there. I seem to end up with more down time than expected when parts or material aren't readily available. This can be a blessing because then I don't get in a hurry and I do a better job.

jhwkns 12-26-2011 02:29 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
When you look at all of the beautiful trucks on these pages it sets the bar pretty high. The downfall of most projects that never reach completion is wanting to clear that bar. Airbags, Susp. components, Gauges, Tires and wheels, Interior, Electronics, Engine, Drivetrain, are all big ticket items, and the list goes on. These trucks can turn into an incredible money pit very fast. It's no fun being upside down on a project that you can't even drive, yet that's where so many of us find ourselves.

For some the admiration of these trucks is enough to keep them pushing forward. Others just seem to hit a wall and abandon their projects all together. There's no problem with thinking big when you have a big wallet to back it up. For those that don't have the big pocketbooks to finance their dreams failure is almost inevitable. This is especially true of those that haven't got the means of doing things themselves.

My advice to anyone starting a project that doesn't have reasonably deep pockets is to keep it simple. Have a plan and a budget. Don't be afraid to buy some tools and learn how to do things yourself. It's not necessary to spend gobs of money to have a nice truck if you do it right. The knowledge and skills that you gain by doing things yourself are priceless.

Palf70Step 12-26-2011 03:18 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?

Mine has been way too long off the road, but I am getting there.

WAAF 12-26-2011 03:38 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
bought mine in 02' drove it that summer and parked it.. was wrking to much..
the economy forced me to rethink things.. and this will be my daily driver..
no payments are nice.. even if I put half of what I was paying on my hhr.. I'm ahead..
when things gt better I'll buy another old car to be a daily.. 2 car payments are for the birds never again.. one family nice car and old car for me.. leaves more money and able to work a little less and enjoy life.. at the moment it's waiting on my health, beds on sawhorses ..

A.T. RockDriller 12-26-2011 03:41 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
This thread seems to be taking on a dark shade of failure...sadness....maybe even somethin' worse......

I understand.
There is a few things we can do to limit our exposure to failure.
Like a lot of us....between my physical situation and my limited financial resources.....I end up over-committing...

First of all, once we decide to enter into a major undertaking, ask yourself if you have the following:
A place to work out of the elements.
The $$$ to get through the phase of the project you're trying to complete.
The stamina and energy to stay on it to completion.
The skills to tackle the particular project....(or the right friends that'll help )

Obviously this isn't rocket surgery, but then again....It takes a real pro to turn out a complete resto or ground-up project. Even the very best end up outsourcing quite a bit of the work on their projects.
And yet we (regular Dudes that love our trucks) get the idea that we're gonna knock out a major overhaul in a few' then get frustrated when we get our a$$es kicked on it.
Hang in there......or ask for help......One or more of us probably lives fairly close and might even enjoy helpin out a bit.
Jes don't scrap it......

bigpaul 12-26-2011 07:11 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
I think I will finish my 71. I dont know when though. This is my hobby and I treat it that way. A day spent in the garage is better that the golf course. I am takeing my truck to the frame and cleaning and painting. I have buiilt 2 street rods from the frame up and both are show winners. The 46 pickup took 2 1/2 years and 39 sedan took 5 years. I do everthing myself with the attitude that I can't mess it up worse than that someone can fix it. I am not a mechanic or bodyman, but I do both to my cars and trucks. I do have a couple of friends that are mechanics when I need help. I would say to everybody just keep pluggin' along and dont try to finish by spring or fall or whatever. Enjoy the trip!
Fortunately I do have a place out of the weather (built with my childrens inheritance) and money is not an issue. Relax and enjoy the time you spend working on your rod!

shawno72 12-26-2011 07:19 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
When it comes to my truck its like a sickness, I am always working on it. There is only two things in front of my truck thats God and my family. I work on it, dream about it, plan out what to do next almost every other wakin moment of my life. Sometimes I do worry that I may loose interest but that has not happened nor do I see it happening any time soon. It's in my blood I think that's why I am glad that there is a forum like this so that when I don't currently have the funds to keep going I can read about someone else who keeps going. Great site with even greater people. Thanks for being here.

72supermike 12-26-2011 08:11 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
Great comments guys! I suppose that I started this thread out of curiosity. I'm glad that so many are keeping strong with their project. And I hope that those that are stuck can be encouraged. Had my truck running and driving and basically done 2 days ago. Just pulled the engine and am dropping in a 383 and will have it going again by the end of the week. And I get paid to do it! paid vacation is wonderful.

A.T. RockDriller 12-26-2011 10:24 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
In this day and age, we can just hope that this " Hobby/Vice " can serve as both a rewarding and satisfying use of our time and also a diversion to any of our other addictions...
A remedy for our ailments.

This forum alone can keep a feller from strayin' too far all by itself.

Thank all of you.

PanelDeland 12-26-2011 11:06 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
Mines a driven project.I drive it every spring,summer and fall and occassionally in the winter.I tear it down to do a project to it once all the parts are in my hands and I have a 1/2 again cushion of $$.That way it's never down too long.I would love to have it finished to a nice driver.I don't want a show truck I'm afraid to drive.This is my 4th and I built one of the others twice and it will be waiting for a third time when this ones done.It's a hobby and I work on it when I feel like it drive it when I want and let it set if I'm too busy or not focused enough to do it right.I have a DD so it's not like I gotta finish what I'm doing to it right now but I don't wanna listen to 'ol what's 'er name complain about it setting on jackstands.

ItsRandy 12-27-2011 12:25 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
2 Attachment(s)
I've had my truck 27 or 28 years. It became my project almost exactly 1 year ago when I took it apart (12/18/2010). At first I said "I will be done in 6 months", after 6 months I said "I will be done in 6 more months", now I say "6 more months". I really think I will make it this time.

70cst 12-27-2011 12:37 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
For me its been almost five years...

I didn't run out of funds but frustration with my builder. The Circuit Rider is 95% done with just a few items to maker her much more road worthy.

Then it will be fine tuning as far as the eye can see for we never really get done tweaking or trucks. Do we ?

Lippyp 12-27-2011 05:01 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
Mines not seen the road for six years but I am now on the way to getting her back on. Came off the road for a series of relatively minor problems (heat soaking starter, exhausts falling off and a few other odd bits) and then time/money issues were followed by twins arriving and a total lack of time and energy by the end of the day and so on. Started working on her in fits and starts and now I should soon have a garage to work in rather than outside and the aim is to get her going for the car show/cruising season this summer, still got to finish off the engine work (which mushroomed into new starter, intake, loom, electronic ignition conversion, new waterpump, electric fan replacement) and then go through the brakes including converting to power and all new lines, cylinders and hardware. Guess I'm fixing stuff now thats been caused by her sitting for so long. It will definitely happen though.

pbjsammich 12-27-2011 09:53 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
I've found a running, driving "project" is the best for me. Had several projects fail in the past due to me trying to do everything at once, becoming overwhelming and a burden to my garage space.

Now I get my projects running and tackle each "area" at a time. Classics get cool points regardless of what state they're in!!

ETsC10 12-27-2011 10:38 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
Perfect timing for this thread, just on the eve of our New Years resolutions.
I will join a few of you here…I needed two polls.

My project truck (HappyShark) arrived already dismantled, got parked (on jack stands) and hasn’t moved.
When I got it, I had a full time job and spent my time building a new front end and procuring new parts. $$$.
Then I lost my job. On the back burner she went. Will she ever get built? I really don’t know.

My second poll would be for my DD. Nearly 15 years ago she came as a whoa-begotten auction find with
major parts missing. Things like a transmission, interior, cooling system…you get the picture. It got hacked
together to get it on the road, drove years on a borrowed engine, etc and, through years of driving, it has
eventually gained the new, major parts of a solid, reliable truck.

Will it ever be done? Probably not. Safe and comfy? Absolutely. Attractive? Hmmm, to me it
doesn’t matter for right now. I can’t see the body from behind the steering wheel. ;)

Will I ever sell it? Never! All in all, no regrets.

Coley 12-27-2011 11:56 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
I've always been the kind that wanted a driver from day one. It's not often I have had the shop space for a project of that type.
I am always impressed by the effort and results of 'frame off' work but that just isn't least not yet.
The way I view my truck is that I want to put it into condition that might be typical of say a 3-4 year old well kept vehicle. Reliable, clean, bright, sharp, solid, tight but I'd never want it so 'finished' that I would not drive it around town and take it away for the weekend or put a couple of things in the bed if I was to go camping or similar.
I agree with the comments regarding the cost of restoration. You really have to keep an eye on this stuff these days.
All Good

special-K 12-28-2011 10:24 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
No box for completed. I have completed several. If you are talking about "current projects",that's another story.It's not over yet (I'm still alive) but my project is going nowhere and it's all due to money. It's been sitting as a lowered rolling frame with new brakes and steering since fall '06. Since then I freshened up and painted that,stripped the fenders,hood,doors,and cab,then primed them. The cab is Mastercoated on the bottom and mounted on the frame with doors installed. That's it. I never touched it this year at all. I have tackled some smaller projects on other vehicles. I'm never on a time table with my projects. They are done when they are done. I have never considered not going through with it. I voted "Started assembly,but..."

Keith Seymore 12-28-2011 11:17 AM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?

Originally Posted by A.T. RockDriller (Post 5083501)
Chevrolet Flint Assembly Line supervisor
GM Full Size Truck Engineering
1986 - 2009

I have to admit, most of our resume's may not stack up against yours, Mr Seymore.......But if I had the resources, I'd hire you to manage a couple projects for me....

Oregon would be a bit more of a commute that I'd be interested in....


Seriously though, getting it in and out of the paint booth was a biggie. That put the rest of the project in my hands and, I've been told, I'm "...driven by closure".



A.T. RockDriller 12-28-2011 05:24 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?

Originally Posted by Keith Seymore (Post 5087296)
Oregon would be a bit more of a commute that I'd be interested in....


Seriously though, getting it in and out of the paint booth was a biggie. That put the rest of the project in my hands and, I've been told, I'm "...driven by closure".



Very few bench marks are as motivating as a fresh finish.
We've all noticed the recent trend by domestic car makers to incorperate a retro twist into their new The Camaros, Chargers.....Mustangs.
Maybe you could share some " retro " truck designs that you and your associates have been rolling around in Design & Engineering.
We'd love to check that out.

Thanks K,
Driller & the rest of the Forum.

chopnchaneled 12-28-2011 05:38 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
Not really sure which box to check, got it as a complete truck but in rough shape, have up dated the drive train and suspension, done a few creature comforts to the interior. now doing one thing at a time " rockers, corners,etc. and at this point driving it all the time. after the sheetmetal thinking of a/c.

Vintage Windmills 12-28-2011 08:53 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?
Just keep plugging away and ignore the clock, it will get done when it gets done. Its as much about the journey as the finish line. Working on my 1st truck restore now but I have built or restored other machines.

A.T. RockDriller 12-28-2011 09:20 PM

Re: How many actually get their truck going again?

Originally Posted by Vintage Windmills (Post 5088127)
Just keep plugging away and ignore the clock, it will get done when it gets done. Its as much about the journey as the finish line. Working on my 1st truck restore now but I have built or restored other machines.

What a great perspective...

That could be the birth of the next " Figure Of Speach " .
Most of us would like to be able to say " I've got the Patience of a Windmill Mechanic ".

You can work on my truck any time, V.W..

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