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E.Furgal 06-24-2012 07:44 AM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by saa (Post 5450827)
Not to be too pointed, but that is not the justification for their concern of potential liability. I'm not sure where you found that information but it's not accurate.

If that were the case no pickup would be insured for cargo liability at all. Just for clarity of those who are searching for a correct policy and coverage, it's important to understand those factors correctly.

collector car insurance you can't put anything in the bed.. I was told straight from hagardy and grundy.. the same thing.. if I want to bring stuff to a swap. in my classic truck it needs a cover or a cap..

70cst 06-24-2012 08:40 AM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by E.Furgal (Post 5451493)
collector car insurance you can't put anything in the bed.. I was told straight from hagardy and grundy.. the same thing.. if I want to bring stuff to a swap. in my classic truck it needs a cover or a cap..

This is interesting.

My "Hagerty" agent said small things in the bed is not a big deal and nothing about a bed cover although I do have a Tonneau. I'm thinking it may be the agent or state which is the reason for these differences but its good to know and be sure of the guidelines.

Thanks for the info.

jocko 06-24-2012 10:55 AM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
Mr Grundy told me the same thing 70cst - While i can't use the truck as a commercial vehicle (which, Calif ironically makes me get it licensed for) I can put stuff in the bed if I want. No cover required. I don't put anything in the bed because I don't want to trash it - it's the nicest part of the truck!..., but I could.

Dunenutt 06-24-2012 11:15 AM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
Sure would be nice if we had an underwriter from either company to chime in. It seems as though there are different interpretations, depending on the agent.

chevy72blu 06-24-2012 11:50 AM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by jocko (Post 5451207)
this is such a frustrating topic. MANY would like to have their classic truck insured for what it is actually worth (not blue book) and still drive it every day. You know, like an escalade that cost a friggin fortune and is driven by 18 year olds... ??? Yet we can't seem to get what we woudl like very easily, if at all. I still do not understand.

Here's my beef: I'd be more than willing to pay MORE than what I currently pay (which is ridiculously low) for the freedom to actually USE my truck more.

But there really is no clear route for that. If you want low rates and coverage, heaven forbid, you have to fort knox protect the truck. If not, you can get liability and take your chances. Very very frustrating.

I have Grundy, and that was after a long, long search. I am happy with them. It's a stated value policy and I CAN occasionally drive it to work and take it places for more than just sitting in the fairgrounds. I even asked about driving it cross country - motels and all. They said yes. The Key, as I believe Leevon pointed out, is that the vehicle in question is not your primary mode of transportation. So, in order to insure it via classic ins, you have to have ANOTHER daily driver. I feel for the dude that is mid-20's has a nice old truck and that's his means of getting to/from work. There's almost NOTHING out there that will insure him and cover him properly in a loss. Bluebook, or liability, and thank you very much.

Oh well. Now I'm ticked off just thinkin about it.... I'd gladly pay double for my insurance, even triple (which is about what I pay for my daily driver) if I could have a policy I trust that would give me peace of mind and allow me to drive the wheels off. Aint gonna happen.

One more thing. State Farm. Never again for me. Never again. I'd be very wary of a $30K agree val or stated val policy with them. I'd ask the agent point blank "what do I get if A, B, or C happens to my truck?" and I'd record the answer and get his John Hancock on the recording... And the agent in my case was even a friend of the family. You'll note I said "was"....

This would describe me to a "T". My wife and I are sharing a car as I swap an LS1 into my 72 (my last beater car that got me through college died).

The point, of course, was to build my truck into a DD rather than buying a new truck and carrying a car payment (we just bought our first home). I saw this a much cheaper way to both get a set of wheels and enjoy driving it.

Im just blown away by the news in this thread. Doesnt really make much sense to spend all of this time and money swapping in a motor that gets great mileage if I can only drive it occasionally.... Not sure what I should do with my project now. The truck is realistically worth 12-15k running and driving, so I suppose its not as bad as some of you folks. I cant decide if I should just cross my fingers with NDAA/KBB value or buy a beater car and use that for Haggerty as my primary - which also sets my swap back by a few months.

I did some digging on Grundy's site and found this:

Agreed Value policies are available for your daily drivers with Grundy Insurance's MVP policy. Yes, that's right! We agree on a predetermined value of your vehicle. In the event of a total loss, that amount is paid.
Im sure its ungodly expensive, but it doesnt look like I have any other choice.

jocko 06-24-2012 01:54 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
Hey thanks for posting the above - while I'd LIKE my current 66 to be daily driver insured, in this specific case, I'd retain the classic limited. FOr a newer 72 that I am looking at/for, I do want to drive it much more often and this MVP stuff will be a great place to start, thanks. I wonder if that came about as a result of my "plea" to them for something like this!? :lol: not... I am interested to see what you end up going with and how much it costs if you don't mind sharing.

Bill72 06-24-2012 03:43 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by 70cst (Post 5451117)
With Hagerty I can go to shows, fun drives, work once in a while...just not to be used as a DD.

If I took it to buy groceries and it gets hit or its stolen...I am covered.

If I get into a fender bender...covered etc.

I am not to pull anything and that's not an issue.

Can I haul stuff...sure but rocks and dirt are out.

I had to email pics of the truck and they said I was good to go.

These are good questions and it's a good thing to ask the questions up front.

This is what I was told also. I have Hagerty and am well pleased. They said I could drive it across the country, take vacations in it etc. I was told no towing and asked them about towing a car hauler with another classic on the trailer to shows. In about 10 minutes they came back on the phone and wished me good luck in finding the 72 C30 said that it would be allowed and notated my account accordingly. I had to point out that I owned other tow vehicles for my other towing needs. They are reasonable, understand car/truck guys and make exceptions when it makes sense. I still would always get it in writing though.

As far as a DD classic being valued correctly in case of loss, I don't think it is possible or at least affordable. I would love to be proved wrong on this.

Also, anyone who trusts Safeco is way braver than me. The truth is not in them. And that's a fact.

E.Furgal 06-24-2012 05:51 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by 70cst (Post 5451530)
This is interesting.

My "Hagerty" agent said small things in the bed is not a big deal and nothing about a bed cover although I do have a Tonneau. I'm thinking it may be the agent or state which is the reason for these differences but its good to know and be sure of the guidelines.

Thanks for the info.

I was kinda shocked..
love me a gaylord lid. but pricy

E.Furgal 06-24-2012 06:27 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by saa (Post 5452080)
Most people don't get to do this - but if you can, here's how to create a DD from a classic.

Work backwards. Start with the Classics section on NADA's value guide and research trucks that you like. The years, models, etc. Find a year and model that you want to drive, and that values well in the condition of the DD.

This means that you're NOT going to spend money on it like it's the Queen of Sheba (Sheba... is that spelled right?) Anyway, buy a solid truck that you've choosen, with comparable values that make sense, and spend in the range of the values given.

It's not that tough. I can buy a '72 Chevy to drive in more than fine shape, and likely drop in a crate engine, if need be, for what they have in values.

Then insure and drive. Save your classic truck for after work, and yes, you can still drive it everyday! AFTER work. It's covered at agreed value, yet you drive a classic truck as your DD.

Now, before you crucify me with the "not everyone can afford two trucks"; I understand. I didn't say this was everyone's solution, however, in defense of the strategy: Look at 10 signatures on this website. If you can find two out of ten, on average, that only yell out one truck's model and spec's - I'd be surprised. So most of us can swing it. If you can't today, save a bit and you will.

Just one solution to the DD issues, and there are lots more given some thought and research. I guess that marks my $.02.

will not work...
hagardy going to insure my truck.. and my 1984 fiero is my (fair weather daily) I can not insure my 86 SS because my daily is 20 years old..
one daily per lic driver and must be newer than 20 years old..
I have the paperwork to insure my truck again on counter.. as I'm taking it off liberty mutual..

70cst 06-24-2012 07:56 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
Great info all :metal:

mike1971c10 06-24-2012 08:43 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
i'd like to thank all of you for the information. I was just about to try classic insurance on my '70 cst but i's a dd. Maybe i'll just stay wit the old guy insurance ( hartford) but i'm going to ask them about the pay off in case of an accident.

jocko 06-24-2012 09:48 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
mike - might look at Grundy's MPG or whatever it's called. I was not aware of that until I read this thread, and I'm with Grundy - so I think it's a new option geared toward dd's. I'm interested in this for a different truck than my 66 I am looking at.

Hubscrub 06-24-2012 10:31 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
I have Grundy on my Nova, had no problems with them i can drive it any day, anytime, all the miles i want just not to work. I DON'T want to drive my classics to work anyways whats the fun in that? Pleasure driving is for them i drove my 86 Monte SS daily for a while until one day at lunch a 16 year old dropped his cell phone and rear ended me didn't hurt the car that bad tore his truck up though.:chevy:

70cst 06-24-2012 10:36 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by Hubscrub (Post 5452792)
I have Grundy on my Nova, had no problems with them i can drive it any day, anytime, all the miles i want just not to work. I DON'T want to drive my classics to work anyways whats the fun in that? Pleasure driving is for them i drove my 86 Monte SS daily for a while until one day at lunch a 16 year old dropped his cell phone and rear ended me didn't hurt the car that bad tore his truck up though.:chevy:


I DON'T want to drive my classics to work anyways whats the fun in that?
The reason is to show your classic to fellow workers. I don't think the intent is to drive your prized ride to work on a regular basis. Just a thought.

Hubscrub 06-24-2012 10:47 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by 70cst (Post 5452798)
The reason is to show your classic to fellow workers. I don't think the intent is to drive your prized ride to work on a regular basis. Just a thought.

I understand what your saying, my drive is only about 10 min. i would want to keep driving :lol:. This might sound weird but i don't like attention when driving my classics not in a stuck up way, i stop at the gas station with the fewest people etc. In my old stuff i will gladly talk to you at the cruise in, show etc. but just driving and gas stop eat stops i hope nobody sees me, i don't want attention brought to my self i always down play anything i have just in fear of feeling like i have something better than they have. I never want to act like i'm better than anyone i just want to be as humble as possible......

70cst 06-24-2012 10:57 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by Hubscrub (Post 5452831)
I understand what your saying, my drive is only about 10 min. i would want to keep driving :lol:. This might sound weird but i don't like attention when driving my classics not in a stuck up way, i stop at the gas station with the fewest people etc. In my old stuff i will gladly talk to you at the cruise in, show etc. but just driving and gas stop eat stops i hope nobody sees me, i don't want attention brought to my self i always down play anything i have just in fear of feeling like i have something better than they have. I never want to act like i'm better than anyone i just want to be as humble as possible......

Makes sense. :metal:

dracula4999 06-25-2012 09:37 AM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
I talked to an insurance company about putting liability on my 71 and was denied! They said that the truck was built too good and would do too much damage if i hit someone. But they would insure my 93 dodge one ton dually...that thing weighs twice as much as the gmc and would demolish whatever it hits. As far as full coverage goes, i have no imput as i dont need it at this time.

LEEVON 06-25-2012 05:04 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by dracula4999 (Post 5453293)
I talked to an insurance company about putting liability on my 71 and was denied! They said that the truck was built too good and would do too much damage if i hit someone. But they would insure my 93 dodge one ton dually...that thing weighs twice as much as the gmc and would demolish whatever it hits. As far as full coverage goes, i have no imput as i dont need it at this time.

Wow, what is you agent smoking? :smoke:

RINC 06-25-2012 06:41 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
My Dad an I need to look into this more. I have heard from friends that the state of Arizona changed its laws recently.

I need to keep an eye on this thread also.

LEEVON 06-25-2012 08:41 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
The problem I have with the driving to work restriction is that that IS where I go all the time...Hagerty told me that occasional pleasure cruising, if it happens to be to the office is ok. Now keep in mind the fine print strictly prohibits that. I work 6 days most weeks, if I can't cruise to my office then what's the point. And don't take their word for the fine print! Just a caution...

Legolas894 06-25-2012 09:00 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by LEEVON (Post 5454366)
The problem I have with the driving to work restriction is that that IS where I go all the time...Hagerty told me that occasional pleasure cruising, if it happens to be to the office is ok. Now keep in mind the fine print strictly prohibits that. I work 6 days most weeks, if I can't cruise to my office then what's the point. And don't take their word for the fine print! Just a caution...

Hey-Who said I was working? I was just driving by on my day off.....
I guess that would be the first thing they would ask "What happened?", "Well, I was on my way to work and ...."


96blazr 06-25-2012 09:07 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by jocko (Post 5451207)
this is such a frustrating topic. MANY would like to have their classic truck insured for what it is actually worth (not blue book) and still drive it every day. You know, like an escalade that cost a friggin fortune and is driven by 18 year olds... ??? Yet we can't seem to get what we woudl like very easily, if at all. I still do not understand.

Here's my beef: I'd be more than willing to pay MORE than what I currently pay (which is ridiculously low) for the freedom to actually USE my truck more.

But there really is no clear route for that. If you want low rates and coverage, heaven forbid, you have to fort knox protect the truck. If not, you can get liability and take your chances. Very very frustrating.

I have Grundy, and that was after a long, long search. I am happy with them. It's a stated value policy and I CAN occasionally drive it to work and take it places for more than just sitting in the fairgrounds. I even asked about driving it cross country - motels and all. They said yes. The Key, as I believe Leevon pointed out, is that the vehicle in question is not your primary mode of transportation. So, in order to insure it via classic ins, you have to have ANOTHER daily driver. I feel for the dude that is mid-20's has a nice old truck and that's his means of getting to/from work. There's almost NOTHING out there that will insure him and cover him properly in a loss. Bluebook, or liability, and thank you very much.

Oh well. Now I'm ticked off just thinkin about it.... I'd gladly pay double for my insurance, even triple (which is about what I pay for my daily driver) if I could have a policy I trust that would give me peace of mind and allow me to drive the wheels off. Aint gonna happen.

One more thing. State Farm. Never again for me. Never again. I'd be very wary of a $30K agree val or stated val policy with them. I'd ask the agent point blank "what do I get if A, B, or C happens to my truck?" and I'd record the answer and get his John Hancock on the recording... And the agent in my case was even a friend of the family. You'll note I said "was"....

OMG!! Would you like more Cheese with that Whine??:waah:

This subject comes up from time to time and it's the same old story and same old whiners. "Boo ooh, why can't I have a Hot Rod truck as my daily driver and still pay LESS than full rates and get 100% coverage?, Boo ooh".:whine:

I'm sorry but you can't have your cake and eat it too. Get a DD or Pay for the coverage of owning these trucks through NORMAL channels. Face it, it's pretty much Black and White. Accept it or get a DD then you can have your Truck.

I apologize, but Jeeeezzz, this subject needs to go away. Where's that "beat a dead horse" Smiley? :lol:

jocko 06-25-2012 09:30 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
Try to keep up.... apparently you missed the fine print - the issue is not wanting coverage while paying less than full rates. The issue is wanting to get full coverage for a nice daily driver at all, even through the normal channels you mention - which do not exist, and that is the whole point. Further, it is assumed that it would cost more than the limited driving/garage only policies. Thus the " I'd gladly pay double for my insurance, even triple..." comment.

So, if the thread is that boring or annoying, nobody is twisting your arm - stop reading it - clearly a few folks (you know, us same old whiners) are still interested.

E.Furgal 06-25-2012 09:43 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?
yes it be nice if normal insurance would cover trucks or any vehicle of age. that has a worth.. like it was a newer truck..
I'd have no issue paying the 1200.oo a year that it cost to insure my sport trac. if when hit they didn't try to say my 71 was only worth 900.oo and use it daily..
the issue is insuring for daily use.. and paying 1000.oo for full coverage , only to have them tell you that sorry we book it at 500.oo sorry..

96blazr 06-25-2012 10:30 PM

Re: classic car daily driver insurance?

Originally Posted by jocko (Post 5454501)
The issue is wanting to get full coverage for a nice daily driver at all, even through the normal channels you mention - which do not exist, and that is the whole point. Further, it is assumed that it would cost more than the limited driving/garage only policies. Thus the " I'd gladly pay double for my insurance, even triple..." comment.

"which do not exist, and that is the whole point". My point exactly Skippy. Even though you might be willing, you can not. Again, you made my point. Get a DD and deal with it, just like the rest of us. Or, don't get a DD and use your truck as your DD, pay the "agreed" value and pray you don't get hit or you hit something.


Originally Posted by jocko (Post 5454501)
So, if the thread is that boring or annoying, nobody is twisting your arm - stop reading it - clearly a few folks (you know, us same old whiners) are still interested.

No. I'll read what I'll read and comment on what I want to comment on.

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