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496bb 05-06-2013 08:36 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
ok, you asked so I will say - yes, you are crazy!! My Dad bought a 69 Ram-Air GTO new, if only he had kept it. My Stepmom's Dad bought a new 69 Dodge Charger, and it's still in the family. Dad had a lil red stepside 72, sold it too and I can still remember seeing it parked at a gas station for years when I was a kid - if only I knew what happened to it. And although it's not a muscle car, it looks to be a very nice truck. There are those of us who actually do prefer or like the 3/4 ton trucks - so there's a market for it if you decided to sell, but I say keep it, you'll regret it later....

cortcomp 05-06-2013 10:22 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
I say keep the truck...also, what color code is that color? I like it!

1enick72 05-06-2013 10:50 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
I am actually a big fan of Corvairs, 65-69. Before me there are a number of great points. They are a fairly simple vehicle like a VW bug and had some leaky issues. The big problem I see is value. Your truck looks really nice and should be worth a good bit if sold where as the Corvair 140 may be nice but just a standard. A Corsa, Spyder or convertible model would be more in line I would think. As said before the Corvair interest group is pretty small so if you decided that wasn't what you wanted than you may have to sit on it for quite a while. If you like the truck but aren't a fan of how it drives I would definitely look into adding real brakes and power steering. Those 2 things are not only necessary for todays driving but make it a real pleasure. It can still look stock but be much nicer to drive.

62Vair 05-06-2013 11:49 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
I have to come out of lurk mode to comment on this. I love Corvairs, pretty much had one or two in the garage since 1982. There are large Corvair vendors on both coasts and quite a few small ones in between. Just like our trucks they can be updated. And can be made reliable. I have a 1962 Monza right now that you will never see drop of oil on it, or under it.
BUT, there is no way I would trade your Grandfathers truck for any Corvair.

thunder71 05-07-2013 06:14 AM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
Don't do it...
Posted via Mobile Device

skysoldier173rd 05-07-2013 06:48 AM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
I guarantee you will regret trading for a corvair. They're right up there with a pinto, loaded with factory defects. That's why GM dropped them. They're called the Edsel of the GM line.

glos55 05-07-2013 07:06 AM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
1 Attachment(s)
Keep the Truck! I have a Corvair in my collection that sits in the barn mainly for a conversation piece.

markeb01 05-07-2013 10:25 AM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
That is the most beautiful example I've seen in a long time. Thanks for sharing the photo.

LostMy65 05-13-2013 09:06 AM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
Posted via Mobile Device

Davemotohead 05-13-2013 11:55 AM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by markeb01 (Post 6054650)
Since this is a truck enthusiast site I imagine most of the responses will be to keep the truck. And being a family heirloom would make that an easy decision for most of us, since seller’s remorse can be so much more heartbreaking.

It wouldn’t be all that difficult to add power steering and brakes while maintaining most of the originality. And since these trucks came with automatic transmissions, that could also be converted to look stock if needed.

If you really don’t like or want the truck I’d suggest selling it for top dollar and buying whatever you truly dream of owning. Unless that ultimate dream car is a Corvair, I’d be looking for something else.

Just from personal experience I would have very little interest in owning a Corvair, regardless of condition. I used to work on them back in the 60’s and I hated the things. The crankcase leaked like a sieve and as best I remember the bolts were 1/4x20 and owners snapped them off with regularity trying to stop the leaks. My job was drilling out/extracting the broken bolts which got old real fast. Riding in one left an impression of being a very cheap car. My dad had a V6 62 Buick Special and it had the same feel, along with the first generation Tempest and Olds F85.

And they had a rather unforgiving tendency to flip over, driving straight and level down the road if the tire pressures weren’t maintained properly. Corvairs were originally designed to include a rear sway bar which the bean counters removed, saving $5.00 per car. This made them dangerously unstable (again with improper air pressure in the tires). At the time the sway bar could be purchased for $35.00 retail, but few owners understood the urgency. This was one of the highlighted issues in the Ralph Nader book “Unsafe at Any Speed”. The negative publicity led to the downfall of the Corvair, and caused the introduction of most of the GM safety improvements in the late 60’s. When these were current automobiles Ernie Kovacs (a household name/comedian back then) was killed in one, which further dropped their popularity.

The bottom line on this site for every owner is you should own what you love. Unless you’ve been an avid Corvair fan all your life, I’d suggest researching the breed before deciding this is your dream ride.

Ha Ha Ha,I love reading people's Mis informed opinions they read somewhere,(No Flame Intended) I have owned over 100 corvairs and have 40 at this time,I drive them constantly and they are GREAT little cars,they do not Flip over and Catch Fire Going down the Road,the oil leaks are not the crank case but the pushrod tube O rings and is easily corrected with Viton O rings, Ralph nader got sued By GM and he lost and had to print a retraction to his Statements in his book,Ralph's Book also included VW's and a Host of other cars he said were unsafe as well, the NTSB tested the car and found that it was actualy just as safe if not safer than other cars of that Era,Nader did not Kill the Car as they made it for 6 more years after His Book came out,,what did in the corvair was the Mustang sales and GM introduction of the camaro to compete with the Mustang,,AND the Up comming smog laws in the 70's and the air cooled engine would be difficult to make smog legal and run good,Corvairs were made for 10 years ,(Late 59-69) They are Great Cars! They Handel Awsome and I can out corner most newer cars in my Vairs and can get 25 MPG,once you fix a Few things they are stone cold reliable and are very much a hop in and go car, I have had 65 trucks and currently have a 72,all old chevy's are great! BUT! I still would not trade that AWSOME truck for a corvair!

Kurt L 05-13-2013 12:23 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
didn't i just read another post saying that he wasn't going to sell it bedause it was his grandpa's truck? now he wants to trade it for a corvair??????????????.

1963c-10 05-13-2013 01:35 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
I say keep the truck and add the parts to it to make it more comfortable for you....p/s, p/b, auto..etc.

ETsC10 05-13-2013 02:53 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
I think you should go for whatever vehicle you will enjoy using however...

Unless you plan on flipping a car/truck that you are driving; monetary worth is a mute point.

The family history that the truck represents belongs to your entire family and the decision should be too.

IMHO; treat it like a marriage...get engaged for a year before taking the plunge.

my 2¢

scottveazie 07-26-2013 02:45 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
I kept the truck, decided the Corvair wasn't for me. But I did find a nice Chrysler 300 2 door hard top in similar condition to my truck that I'm considering a trade for.

jchav62 07-26-2013 02:53 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
"Grandpa's 1965 Chevrolet C20 in the family since new"

I wouldn't think of getting rid of it...

19666Trucker 07-26-2013 03:42 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
i keep the truck, save up and buy the 300

61_FL_Apache 07-26-2013 04:00 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!

Originally Posted by thunder71 (Post 6056794)
Don't do it...
Posted via Mobile Device

I second that!

scottveazie 07-26-2013 04:04 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
It's either that, or I could sell, if someone couldn't live without it I'd probably let it go. Still though, it deserves to be used more. I do not have the money to turn it into more of a driver, and I can't have both.

aerotruk63 07-26-2013 04:34 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
Financially if you can, keep the truck. You can always use it to pull a Corvair home but you can't use a Corvair to pull the truck home.

19666Trucker 07-26-2013 05:03 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
I thinking you more of car guy, so if you can live with selling grandpa's truck do it, find it a good home and get what you want.

KroAutomotiveInc 07-26-2013 07:23 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
for that clean of a truck yes you're crazy! I would chance the reason its not fun to drive for you. i know i have a blast driving my truck and working on it.

gimmy 64 07-26-2013 07:54 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
some people aren't into old cars or trucks. some on here have really nice trucks with air, power windows and all of the things that a new car would almost have. but a lot of us drive OLD has to be in you!!!! if that's not you then sell the truck. if you don't like squeaks rattles hard steering and such. trade it for something newer. but if you like people asking questions about what you are driving every where you go and tell you stories about the one that there dad or grandpa used to drive.then keep it.and if you want I will trade you a 2006 Toyota tundra for it. lol

T Smith 07-26-2013 09:00 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!

Originally Posted by scottveazie (Post 6191204)
I kept the truck, decided the Corvair wasn't for me. But I did find a nice Chrysler 300 2 door hard top in similar condition to my truck that I'm considering a trade for.

What year? Love some big old Chryslers!

scottveazie 07-27-2013 07:26 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
It's a '66 Chrysler 300 2 door hardtop...pretty nice car.

50bomb 07-27-2013 11:35 PM

Re: Pondering a trade, somebody help!
Really??? A corvair??? :puke:

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