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BR3W CITY 01-08-2015 07:17 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
damn man, I never left the lights in too....I'm lazy, and thats a great idea.

slowcpe 01-08-2015 07:34 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Yeah I didn't do that. :lol: We took it off one piece of a time. I'm sure I'd prefer your method.

elimontfort 01-08-2015 07:52 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Yeah I just couldn't pull it has one piece kinda hard when I'm working by myself. I really want to do another swap. It's kinda like getting addicted to boost. Once you felt it you only want to turbo everything afterwards.

Wasted Income 01-09-2015 09:21 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Its really not that bad, IF you have a helper to muscle it off with you. Nothing a six pack of milwaukees finest can't fix.

Pull the bumper, loosen the core support mounts, remove the radiator hoses, remove the wiring bulkhead at the firewall, remove any oil cooler or trans cooler lines, remove the cowl to get to the fender bolts, remove 8 fender bolts (2 on cowl, 2 on middle of A-pillar, 2 at bottom of A-pillar, 2 bolting inner fender to firewall), lift it off, and go to work. Makes life much easier.

elimontfort 01-09-2015 09:27 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Oh I know man. I wish I could have it just wasn't an option. I like your truck wasted! How do you like that intake?

Wasted Income 01-09-2015 09:46 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Thanks. I like it a lot.

elimontfort 01-09-2015 10:42 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
So I have a problem ive been trying to trouble shoot and Im pretty sure it in the ecm. my problem is the fans kick on at 208 like normal but they will not shut off. temp drops to about 187 and they stay on. if I leave the truck running and I pull the relays for the fan they die when I put them back in they come back on. If I shut the truck off and start it back up they stay off till the temp gets up to 208 again then they wont shut off. Each fan is wired independently with a 30 amp relay and 40 amp fuse and gets its own signal from the ECM.

elimontfort 01-09-2015 10:57 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
1 Attachment(s)
Here is how I have the fans wired up.

slotard 01-09-2015 11:06 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
What's the off temperature supposed to be on your relay? If it expects to get down to 180 or something, and can't, it won't turn off.

Wasted Income 01-09-2015 11:09 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Yea, who did the tune? I'd check to see that the "off" temp in the tune didn't get fat fingered somehow.

elimontfort 01-09-2015 11:23 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
I sent an email today asking them what the off temp is I have no clue what it was set at. I"d assume it would be around 190 ish?

Wasted Income 01-09-2015 12:15 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Yes, typically it would be in that range. They will have to look at your specific flash file to rule that out as a cause.

It should also shut off when you go WOT. I can't remember if it will do it or not with the key on and the engine off, but you can try pressing the pedal to the floor with the engine off and see if the fan cuts off. That might help rule out relay problems.

slotard 01-09-2015 12:53 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Why does it turn off at WOT?

Wasted Income 01-09-2015 02:47 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start

Originally Posted by slotard (Post 6992531)
Why does it turn off at WOT?

Ugh, you'd think it was a monday, not a friday. Sorry, I was thinking AC compressor.

However, the fans may shut off at a certain vehicle speed.

ls1nova71 01-09-2015 03:03 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
The fans are supposed to turn off at about 40mph if I remember correctly. You could put the truck up on jack stands and run it and see if they go off. But my bet is also it's in the tune.

elimontfort 01-20-2015 10:16 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
So the shop who did the tune said its set at 200. I'm gonna check and see if the ECM is actually disconnecting the ground for the fans tomorrow.

ls1nova71 01-21-2015 11:45 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start

Originally Posted by elimontfort (Post 7012411)
So the shop who did the tune said its set at 200. I'm gonna check and see if the ECM is actually disconnecting the ground for the fans tomorrow.

Is the 200, on or off temp? Since the PCM supplies ground, and the way you describe it working, you're going to find it's the PCM that's keeping them on, if your wire from the PCM was shorted to ground, it would make the fans stay on, but they would be on all the time, even with the key off. Did you try running it down the road to see if they go off at speed?

elimontfort 01-21-2015 01:09 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
They are set to turn off at 200. I getting ready to take it down the road now to see if they shut off.

elimontfort 01-21-2015 01:10 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
And I agree with you ls1 that it's the PCM keeping them on. But the tuner swears it's set at 200.

elimontfort 01-21-2015 01:35 PM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
They are not going off at speed. Took it up to 70 still on.

ls1nova71 01-22-2015 12:09 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Well I'm reasonably sure they are supposed to turn off at highway speeds. Do you have access to any kind of a scanner? Also, not sure if it will work or not, but if you unhook the temp sender it will make the PCM think it's -40*, and that should shut the fans off I would think, of course it will set a code and may force the fans on, not sure because I've never tried it, just thinking out loud. I'm still betting the off temp is set way too low, and isn't actually 200*.

BR3W CITY 01-22-2015 01:51 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
ls1nova - Mine failed fans OFF when I overuled the IAT in the process of switching to Speed Density. (solving this with a MAPT)

ls1nova71 01-22-2015 03:23 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
I was referring to the coolant temperature sensor. I wouldn't think the intake air temp sensor would affect it, thats odd.

elimontfort 01-22-2015 08:44 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
LS1 I have a scanner that's how I've been seeing my temps. It's shows live data and I can also freeze frame with it. When I get home I'll unplug the temp sensor. I'm also pulling my wiring out again and gonna triple check it.

elimontfort 01-22-2015 10:53 AM

Re: 6.0/4l80 first start
Unplugged the temp sensor still stays on. Motor stumbled but other than that nothing else.

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