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7tee 04-19-2015 06:00 PM

Re: loosing spark now

Originally Posted by primoflav (Post 7139595)
Replaced the coil i have power out of distributor to plug wires.but still wont trun over.any ideas

Just another thought, have you checked the wiring connections at the starter?

primoflav 04-19-2015 06:27 PM

Re: loosing spark now
All tight.thats where power for distributor was coming from.thats how i found the bad wire.starter runs and tirn fan.i am frustrated lol but still tryin

primoflav 04-19-2015 06:50 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Clipped wire to bat on cap and ran straight to battery and nothing.what does that mean

jjzepplin 04-19-2015 07:18 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Have you checked for spark? I have had these for a long time and never seen a coil go out. Not that it can't happen just kinda rare for me. Do you have a starter button? Hook that up to the starter and the positive to the battery from the dizzy and hit the starter button with the ignition on and see what you get.

primoflav 04-19-2015 07:25 PM

Re: loosing spark now
No starter button.when i hook jumber fro dist. To battery nothing.i did notice purple wire on starter the plastic is broken.shouldnt purple wire on starter have power when in on position.also the power wire for distr. Was connected to starter silenoid on small bolt across from purple wire reconnected there and no power does that mean selinoid is bad

jjzepplin 04-19-2015 07:49 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Purple wire is intermittent starter wire. Only has power when you try to start. It engages the starter. No power when running. Your dizzy should not be connected anywhere near the starter and should be connected to a power source of its own. NO other components should be jumped to it etc. If your engine is turning over then solenoid is fine. Only the purple wire and positive battery cable at this point should be hooked up to your starter. A main fusible link should go from your battery to the positive junction block on the fender near your battery Giving power to the trucks cab and the rest of the truck electrical.

primoflav 04-19-2015 07:51 PM

Re: loosing spark now
I kust put it ack where it came what should i use as power source than

primoflav 04-19-2015 07:57 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Actually the original wire was spliced into harness then came out and went to starter.and it was i removed fried wire and ran new on straight to where was hooked on starter.BUT I READ ON HERE IN A COMMENT COULD HOOK A JUMPER WIRE FEOM BAT ON DIST. TO THE BATTERY AND WOULD CRANK IT BUT THAT DID NOTHING AT ALL

jjzepplin 04-19-2015 08:04 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Easy there...Don't get too frustrated. We will get you running. Kinda hard with no pics and from 100's of miles away. Wish I could just come over and give you some easy help. Anyway, Your dizzy should be connected to a switched source at your fuse box. That means that it only has power when you turn the key on. Jumping the dizzy to your battery just eliminates your fuse box or any issue it may have and tells you if it has spark.

primoflav 04-19-2015 08:11 PM

Re: loosing spark now
When i jumped it did not fire up at all. my buddy said thats how you would hot wire one in old days to steal it.which leads me to believe something more may be wrong.i will try hooking to fuse box in the am.its starting to get dark.and what kind of pics would help you to help me lol.i will gladly take some in the am.there is extra spot in the fuse box that should be constant 12 when started i will try that.but the old one was to starter thats what confuses me lol.THANKS WISH I COULD BUY U A TWELVE PACK FOR YOUR HELP

jjzepplin 04-19-2015 08:21 PM

Re: loosing spark now
I appreciate the gesture and love beer! But right now we need to get you back in that truck and a hustling!
If jumping to the battery did not work there is an issue. Did you check for spark when jumped to the battery?
Pull the plugs and maybe they are fouled. if they are black then replace but make sure the dizzy is sparking! Should be a big bold spark.

primoflav 04-19-2015 08:48 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Brand spankin new plugs.just bought em this morning i got the 303s.the coil was fried for sure wires were all blackened.would that burn out the module too.i called autozone to see if could test it and the two used ones a buddy had layin around.they said no problem walked the 10 blocks there and was told they couldnt test em.gonna go to napa early in am.i bought new one and no luck either.and returned it to autozone for makin me walk for nothin new on. from napa tomorrow

primoflav 04-19-2015 08:49 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Why would it work for three and half weeks hooked to starter now does not

primoflav 04-19-2015 09:38 PM

Re: loosing spark now
When i touched jumper wire to battery no spark what so ever.but battery is good according to multimeter and the radio and other stuff like wipers turn on

Chucks72Longbed 04-19-2015 10:15 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Primoflav, I'm a bit confused, I read your entire thread and early on you said it wouldn't turn over. When you turn the key, will the engine turn over/crank but just won't start? I know it's tough to try and figure it out but we'll help you. Would love to run over to you're place and help.

primoflav 04-19-2015 10:48 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Sorry.yes turns over but no fire.i reconnected the burnt power wire to where i un hooked it which wa on started i have been informed needs to go to fusebox a steady 12 volts and see what happens.but it previously worked there for three and a half weeks.damn i wish i paid more attention when step dad tried teachin me this stuff.WHY WONT THE DIST. TURN WHEN I HOOK IT STRAIGHT TO THE BATTERY IF I FIND THAT OUT I WILL SOLVE THIS PROBLEM I BELIEVE.AND THE COIL ARE BRAND SPANKING NEW AS OF THIS MORNING.....

Chucks72Longbed 04-19-2015 10:55 PM

Re: loosing spark now
You've pulled a spark plug and then put the plug wire on the loose plug and had someone cranking while you watch the plug for spark?

primoflav 04-19-2015 10:58 PM

Re: loosing spark now
Tried by myself with longest wire ran under back of the hood up by windshield near wiper. didnt see a spark at all but shocked me lol.a friend suggested tryin it lile that since was alone.

Chucks72Longbed 04-19-2015 11:12 PM

Re: loosing spark now
If it shocked you it is getting spark. To really check the plug needs to grounded on some bare metal under the hood to simulate it being screw into the engine. You could temporarily run a wire from the small terminal on the starter up by the positive post on the battery so you could hold it against the positive terminal while you are looking at the pulled spark plug and see i f you have good spark. This would be a way for you to crank it and be under the hood at the same time. You should get a pretty blue spark on the plug. If it would help to talk on the phone you can call me. 4253943415 Chuck

primoflav 04-19-2015 11:18 PM

Re: loosing spark now
I was trying to spark it off the metal wiper arm which is un son has another job interview in the am after can turn key while i run some other test.if module is bad would it not spark yet still shock me.i am reading the ignition section in lincholn techs automotive technology school book to bone up on how ignition system works.i borrowed it from a buddy.

primoflav 04-20-2015 01:21 AM

Re: loosing spark now I found this can someone tell me is this the fuse box its wired to in the second diagram and if so where in fuse and i found this in forums on here

7tee 04-20-2015 11:40 AM

Re: loosing spark now
1 Attachment(s)
On my truck a wire is run off of the "ING UNFUSED" prong to the positive side of the HEI distributor. The purple wire coming out of the fire wall goes to the starter solenoid small lug closest to the engine block. Here is a fuse box pic:

primoflav 04-20-2015 11:43 AM

Re: loosing spark now
I hooked it up there i have a steady 12.but now battery is dead from tryin to crank it lmao.story of my life the last two gonna hit up my buddy i work with and see if he can come jump me.

7tee 04-20-2015 11:56 AM

Re: loosing spark now

Originally Posted by primoflav (Post 7140663)
I hooked it up there i have a steady 12.but now battery is dead from tryin to crank it lmao.story of my life the last two gonna hit up my buddy i work with and see if he can come jump me.

Yeah I've been thinking about how long the battery was gonna hold up. Get it recharged and try it again...:chevy:

primoflav 04-20-2015 11:58 AM

Re: loosing spark now
Yes sir i really geel that its good but not good enough to pop start it and get stuck in the middle of the block hahaha

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