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clemsonteg 05-18-2015 05:03 PM

Re: vintage Air POS

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck (Post 7177106)
Yes, non-air cab, however that shouldn't affect anything, that only changed the block off plate on the firewall... it looks to me like they redesigned the units, mine still uses the old school cables, (yours appears to be electronic - like the one in my 65 Mustang) and my lines aren't all "stacked" coming out of the firewall, they're stacked two heater hoses next to two a/c lines, and the obvious differences to the fan.

My kit was purchased in 2006.

Your kit is different. I went through your install post by post when I installed mine over the last few weeks. There were a few differences like the way the fan mounts. Your thread was super helpful with some of the items which stay the same like the condensor, snaking the lines through the firewall, and making sure I had the right pulleys :)

tsetsaf 05-18-2015 05:38 PM

Re: vintage Air POS
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by diceman50 (Post 7177082)
If you look at page 9 and page 11 of the install manual (figure 5, 7, and 7a) you will see that there is supposed to be a front bracket. Part # 644080. If the bracket is not there that is surely the problem.

Your unit is exactly like the one on my neighbors truck.

You are correct and that bracket is installed on my truck BUT it does not bolt to the blower at any point. It only mounts to the plastic housing.

tsetsaf 05-18-2015 05:41 PM

Re: vintage Air POS

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck (Post 7177106)
Yes, non-air cab, however that shouldn't affect anything, that only changed the block off plate on the firewall... it looks to me like they redesigned the units, mine still uses the old school cables, (yours appears to be electronic - like the one in my 65 Mustang) and my lines aren't all "stacked" coming out of the firewall, they're stacked two heater hoses next to two a/c lines, and the obvious differences to the fan.

My kit was purchased in 2006.

Yes looks completely different, yours looks better built ;).

tsetsaf 05-18-2015 05:45 PM

Re: vintage Air POS
In regard to the housing the plastic would best be described as similar to the plastic used in oil drain pans. It is thin and nearly pliable.

I appreciate the feedback folks; if it is something we missed and is our fault I will be the first to admit it here. As you can see from everything I have posted in response I am not taking this lightly and understand the significance of standing up and speaking out against a popular company in the industry.

I gave Vintage Air ample opportunity to make this right and they basically left me hanging like an AC blower...

67ChevyRedneck 05-18-2015 07:18 PM

Re: vintage Air POS

Originally Posted by tsetsaf (Post 7177189)
Yes looks completely different, yours looks better built ;).

After seeing the pics and instructions... I'd have to agree.

diceman50 05-18-2015 10:32 PM

Re: vintage Air POS
The plastic on these units is stronger than it looks and appears to be the same on all the different brands I have worked on. A friend brought me one that he had run a screw through the heater core. I took it apart to see if I could repair it and it took about an hour with a chisel, pry bar, and hammer.

You said you auto crossed the truck some. If you had any passengers maybe one of them used it to brace themselves.

serge 05-19-2015 08:24 AM

Re: vintage Air POS
Installed VA gen 5 in my 70 c-20 last fall.
I see you mention a company rep that I dealt with at first. He was of no help for me also. I'm thinking WOW! this is not good customer support and I am just getting started.
The next time I called I asked for a different rep. New rep (Wayne at ext. 202) was great and from then on everything went well. He was patient, attentive, and understood the product and our trucks. Also promptly returned calls if busy.
Probably to late but may be you can review your issues with him.
Good luck,

tsetsaf 05-19-2015 09:04 AM

Re: vintage Air POS

Originally Posted by diceman50 (Post 7177600)
The plastic on these units is stronger than it looks and appears to be the same on all the different brands I have worked on. A friend brought me one that he had run a screw through the heater core. I took it apart to see if I could repair it and it took about an hour with a chisel, pry bar, and hammer.

You said you auto crossed the truck some. If you had any passengers maybe one of them used it to brace themselves.

Nope no passengers during the 2 laps for a total of 2 minutes; in fact had to clear everything out of the bed and cab first for safety reasons. The Autocross was a little over a year ago. Looking at the other posts of earlier units I now strongly believe this is a design flaw.

The plastic is thick I agree; not sure what else to say but what I have, it snapped as demonstrated in the photos.

Serge - Interesting feedback. Yes that guy I was dealing with was very unhelpful.

magwakeenercew2jh 05-19-2015 11:22 AM

Re: vintage Air POS
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by tsetsaf (Post 7177995)
Serge - Interesting feedback. Yes that guy I was dealing with was very unhelpful.

It's clear to me that you have two anomalies going against you in your experience in the World o' Vintage Air.

First, a bad example of a what is usually very good product. From the experience that most others have had with the goods from VA, looks like you won the booby prize.
Or, there there is a possibility that there was some small element or happening in the install that's been overlooked.

In my book, and for any sliver of a possibility of a semi-favorable end result, there's no purpose in drawing a line in the sand see who's culpable on either of those counts.
They (inappropriately) are not coming to the table. That's too bad. You won't see any way you could be complicit. That's human. Those positions in the relationship between
VA and you makes for an impasse.

I wasn't there for any of your interactions with VA's "Customer Service". There are obviously nuances that can come into play when a customer calls a company with a problem.
Particularly if, on your side, there's frustration...and on their's, a similar problem with the product has not previously existed.

But, taking it at face value...That is, with them being AH's to you...and the evidence of that is clear by their actions in that they are not "coming to the table" does nothing for
VA NOT to fix their Customer Service attitude toward a paying matter how you approached them.

Like I told my girls while they were growing up and maybe didn't want to wake up pleasantly to go to school in the morning, "Hey!" "Just because you are grumpy this morning,
don't try to have YOUR attitude ruin MY day."

They should not follow the path that all companies seem to be willing to ride on these days, making "Customer Service" two words that do not even marginally relate to one another....
They need to weed out the AH's that answer the phone. Just because a tech is a good tech does not mean he or she could or should automatically be a decent ambassador for the company.

So, you got both barrels. Sorry. This has not been my experience with VA.

I sincerely hope this is not indicative of a new approach they are taking as they respond to their success in the marketplace. They need to fix your problem.

My approach is usually different to this type of problem than most people's. Since I lost any need to display ego a long time ago, I save my powder for real things...
...not usually truck related :lol::lol:...After the first negative experience with a company representative, I simply take a "hat in the hand" method offering up communications to the
highest ear in the company with a, "Look, you're in the driver's seat"..."What can I do to have this fixed....?" Then, if they continue to display the BS American Norm of Bad Business
(BSANoBB), and I'm going to get no place good fast, the space in my head that is reserved for battle empties out and goes on to greener pastures.

For me, that's the only way I can conserve the finite amount energy I have to pull out the sword when REAL trouble starts. But, that's more than enough on that.

Thanks for sharing your issue. I hope they fix you...We all look forward to hearing the outcome.

tsetsaf 05-19-2015 12:00 PM

Re: vintage Air POS
magwakeenercew2jh Thanks for the feedback. It was a really tough call to even start this thread. I know how revered VA is in the industry and figured I would take some heat. I did reach out multiple times to VA only to get the same ho-hum response. While I understand the idea of reaching out to higher ups I do not believe that is a proper path to take; if this is how their normal CS handles issues then that is how they operate.

Overall what really irks me, and I figured it would happen but hoped it would not, and it happened on this thread too is "blame the customer". You must have kicked it, installed it wrong, used it wrong, etc, etc. If I was wrong I would not have blamed them nor expected them to step up to the plate. This blower literally just fell off while driving down the road.

For example we installed a full custom air ride setup in this truck but erred in our plumbing of the system. It resulted in failures of the airlines and eventual damage to the bags. Our fault completely and I paid for all repairs and parts and never bothered the manufacturer; that is what you get when you do something completely custom.

I get what you are saying and appreciate the response... plus quoting one of the greatest thinkers of modern times is awesome!

rcrahn 05-19-2015 07:25 PM

Re: vintage Air POS
This is getting old real fast.....

In your original post you wrote...They requested that I completely remove the entire unit and send it in. They will fix it and charge me for parts.

So it's now been 2+ weeks. I'm wondering why hasn't this guy done this yet?

Think about it.

You may have a valid case. The unit was installed correctly and there really was a defect in materials. But.....and here's the but..... until you send it in for VA engineers to inspect and make a determination nothing is going to happen.

Nothing except you telling the world how lousy this vendor is...And you sit there with a broken AC system. No resolution. Nobody here on the forum is going to fix it.

The process is far from be fair VA should have a look at the unit and then you should talk.

Lastly, allow me to share a couple quick stories about a very successful small businessman I know here. They may be useful to you.

Story#1 - When some business regulations were impacting his operation he placed a call to Arnold, as in Schwarzenegger the Governor. He made his case. He got action.

Story #2 - When changes started to happen in the marketplace due to new federal business guidelines (pertaining to healthcare) my friend arranged to have a 10 minute eyeball to eyeball meeting with the President, as in Obama. He made his case and weeks later WH staff were calling back with follow-up questions. He got action.

Morale of these stories - Aim high. To get action never waste your time messing around with the minions.

Talk to the President of Vintage Air. Tell him you are sending him the unit (his signature required upon delivery) with a detailed letter explaining your situation and how you like it resolved.

SCOTI 05-19-2015 07:28 PM

Re: vintage Air POS

Originally Posted by tsetsaf (Post 7178174)
magwakeenercew2jh Thanks for the feedback. It was a really tough call to even start this thread. I know how revered VA is in the industry and figured I would take some heat. I did reach out multiple times to VA only to get the same ho-hum response. While I understand the idea of reaching out to higher ups I do not believe that is a proper path to take; if this is how their normal CS handles issues then that is how they operate.

Overall what really irks me, and I figured it would happen but hoped it would not, and it happened on this thread too is "blame the customer". You must have kicked it, installed it wrong, used it wrong, etc, etc. If I was wrong I would not have blamed them nor expected them to step up to the plate. This blower literally just fell off while driving down the road.

For example we installed a full custom air ride setup in this truck but erred in our plumbing of the system. It resulted in failures of the airlines and eventual damage to the bags. Our fault completely and I paid for all repairs and parts and never bothered the manufacturer; that is what you get when you do something completely custom.

I get what you are saying and appreciate the response... plus quoting one of the greatest thinkers of modern times is awesome!


Originally Posted by serge
Installed VA gen 5 in my 70 c-20 last fall.
I see you mention a company rep that I dealt with at first. He was of no help for me also. I'm thinking WOW! this is not good customer support and I am just getting started.
The next time I called I asked for a different rep. New rep (Wayne at ext. 202) was great and from then on everything went well. He was patient, attentive, and understood the product and our trucks. Also promptly returned calls if busy.
Probably to late but may be you can review your issues with him.
Good luck,

I would recommend this approach & see if things work differently before climbing the company ladder.

That being said, it's difficult to interpet text on a computer. What is it you seek from them to make things 'right' for you as a customer?

tsetsaf 05-20-2015 09:19 AM

Re: vintage Air POS
Thanks for the responses. Vintage Air contacted me and has taken the steps to make it right; they will be replacing the unit.

67ChevyRedneck 05-20-2015 09:28 AM

Re: vintage Air POS

I hope they take the old unit to examine it.

tsetsaf 05-20-2015 09:40 AM

Re: vintage Air POS

Originally Posted by 67ChevyRedneck (Post 7179243)
Awesome! I hope they take the old unit to examine it.

Yes that is part of the plan. There are some working theories as to the cause and they want to make sure this does not happen again. Their higher ups were very professional.

magwakeenercew2jh 05-20-2015 11:37 AM

Re: vintage Air POS
There ya go.

cleszkie 05-20-2015 02:56 PM

Re: vintage Air POS
I am glad to hear that VA stepped up. In fact, I feel that they went above and beyond by offering a complete replacement at no cost, rather than repair the old unit and charge for parts. I always got the impression that VA was a solid company, and this just confirms it. They know full well that word of mouth can help or hurt their business, especially with all the people talking on all of the automotive boards out there. A little customer service on their part goes a long way for their reputation.

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