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Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
My truck cab had the center mount and the original frame I used had the shackle outer mounts. I reinforced the cab floor with plate steel, then drilled it to make use of the shackle mounts. When you use the S10 chassis, don't you make fixed position body mounts for the rear outer of the cab?
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
What do you mean by outer shackle mounts? This one looks like it has the center mount and then rubber pads between the frame and body.
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
1 Attachment(s)
There is some additional information here http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...d.php?t=552004
The cab shackle mount functions and looks a bit like a leaf spring shackle mount. The shackle mount was introduced in 1949? Replacing the center mount design. It bolts to the outside of the frame near the back of the cab and extends up to the cab, bolting in place. |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Monday night update. I got a little bit accomplished over the weekend. Spent a couple hours Sunday pulling the harness out of the S10 cab so I could get it out of the driveway. Need to keep Mama happy. Married guys know what I'm talking about lol.
I forgot how many screws were in the dash of these trucks. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psbl3zqgrn.jpg Working in a dealership I forgot how easy it is to pull a dash on the newer ones. 8 or 10 bolts, a couple connectors and a helper and the whole works is out. Not so much on the old ones. That's ok. I didn't have to keep track of screws so that's a plus. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...ps9xfnvyzp.jpg Bonus! Couple hours later I had a clean, unmolested harness. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psh5uwyhpc.jpg |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
With the cab stripped out it was time to haul it out back. My daughter wants an S10 when she gets her school permit. Need a 4wd though. When I was looking for this one I found alot of rusted out 4wd trucks for super cheap. I figured keep the cab and box and throw it on a cheap frame later. Wait and see.
Anyway, the good old tractor came into play again. Not near as scary as last time though. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psohahxxgl.jpg It was a little tippy at first so I added some counter weight http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psztho20pd.jpg From there it was time to start clearing cab mounts. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pstngea4ji.jpg The front four are easy. Score one side, cut the other two, fold, break, repeat. Those rear ones suck. Need to finish cleaning up the rear ones then it's time to start pulling the 47 cab. What's the easiest way to get the column out? All I remember from the last two was they were awkward but I can't remember specifics. Nick |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Small progress update. Lately my time has been limited to about 45 min in the morning after the kids get on the bus before I have to leave for work. Slow progress but I did manage to get the front clip off this week. That part couldn't have went better. The bolts from the inside to the inner fender all came right out. And all the ones inside the fender to the cab twisted off right away.
Over all it looked pretty good behind the fenders. Drivers sides a little iffy but at least it's not all rusted out. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...ps3w63h7ji.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psmii9olr5.jpg I also figured out another use for the cab lifting fixture I built. Not my design though. Someone on here posted pics of theirs but I don't remember who. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pslkvebcek.jpg Makes pulling the whole front clip way to easy. And also makes it real easy to set it in place. First look to see where I need to trim. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...ps05uztesw.jpg And where it sets as of tonight. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psupywb03e.jpg I am hoping to at least get the cab sitting in the frame this weekend. Hope for the best anyway. Nick |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Nick, your getting stuff done and that all counts, moving along good...Jim
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
I mounted a bar across the back of the cab in the "floor brace channels" and bolted it down in several places. I thought this would add some decent strength. See pics post 50 and 51: http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...64837&page=2=3 |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
More updates and pictures. Was able to get some time in this weekend on the truck. The next step was setting the cab on the new frame. As much as I hate cleaning, Now was the time to do it.
Inside was rather nasty to begin with. The seats were the first to go. The covers are done for but the frame and springs are in pretty good shape. Gonna craigs list them one of these next couple days. Any body interested shoot me a PM. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...ps8qerlyuk.jpg 68 years of crud. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psinjy4n69.jpg Two hours later I was pretty happy with what I found. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pshuqkdlsd.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psvkce4j8h.jpg The ususal surface rust but very little cancer to be found. There were a few small holes on the right side. Those are not holes at this top of the pic. Thats shiny metal that was under the insulation. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...ps9hm836vq.jpg The drivers side kick panel will have to be replaced but I new that going into this project. Kinda hard to tell from the picture but theres a couple buckles in it along with the rust. The left front fender was changed at some point and Im guessing things got a little tweaked in the wreck. Nothing major though. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pscdz2rljd.jpg |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Didnt have so good of luck on the hood though. Of course the last one had to ruin my afternoon. Not looking forward to drilling that out of the hood.
http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psasli0cwh.jpg After the hood bolt I had little patience for the steering column and took the easy route. Sawzall and about 30 seconds. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...ps2fhlbnfu.jpg From there the cab lift got used again. Thanks HUSSEY for the pics. It worked fantastic. Had to improvise a little because it still had the passenger side door on but a battery in the left rear corner and an extra floor jack for counter weight and all was good. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psdho71sip.jpg Just a little rot in the cab corners. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pswd8d3qno.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pszooit6wm.jpg Went to set the cab on the new frame and had one of those " what the heck is going, oh yea thats right" moments. It didnt fit. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pshmglub6p.jpg Someone had the bright idea to make the frame wider. Didnt see that coming lol. Not a big deal. Trim a half inch off either side and it will fit just fine. And temporarily sitting really crooked on the new chassis. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psqkgrqpdu.jpg Nick |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Nick, doing good so far...Jim
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
nice progress!
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Update time again. Last weekend I finally got the old frame stripped down. With the cab off the box was next to come off. Would have been easy if not for some previous "repairs"
http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psy6tnj13e.jpg Managed to get it apart with out too much carnage. Running boards were next. really wish I had a torch at home. Took forever cutting the rivet heads off with an angle grinder. Wonder if it had starting issues? http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psu2vd72ox.jpg I also pulled the stock brake pedal assembly off. I figured I have to fab one up anyway, most of the work is done this way. I was rather impressed with the fact that all the bolts came right out. The line cut in it lines up with the front cab mount bolts. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...ps3gj9bow5.jpg Right now all the parts are setting on the new chassis. The front cab mount is currently sitting at 6 inches (on blocks) The front cab mount is sitting 4 inches from the oval hole to the bolt. Sitting back looking at it, I think the wheel needs to go forward a little bit yet. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psmelatawy.jpg Here comes the questions. From reading many different places it seems like the front cab mounts are in the "standard" location. Most spec 2 inches from the oval hole to the back of the cab mount with the cab mount made from 4 inch square. Unless my math really sucks thats 4 inches. The wheel looks like it needs to go forward almost an inch. I did check front alignment to make sure it was close to start. camber is around 0 and caster is about 5. Might be a little high on caster but cant see the wheel moving that far ahead if I drop it down to 3 or so. both horns are trimmed back as far as i can without cutting into the steering box mounts. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psdnpwwhq7.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pscg7dsdyl.jpg By the time I move the cab back another 3/4 inch or so to center the wheel and cut enough to have a clearance I either need to cut into the sheet metal or I cut past the steering box mounts. Is that normal? I have a plan for the cab mounts after I get it moved back. Thats the next step after I get my garage cleaned out. Have been gathering parts though. Had a Corvette come in the other day and had the exhaust replaced. Didnt want the old parts. He saw scrap. I saw a free 2 1/2 inch X-pipe that I didnt have to build or buy. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pss4m6b9ja.jpg Finally found some wheels also. I sold the original s-10 wheels to a guy in town for $100 and picked up a set of Caprice police wheels. for the same money. Seems like a good trade. They may not be what I had pictured but they match and probably wont look too bad. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pslwubjrq3.jpg Had to test fit one just to feel better. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...ps7wvynpz8.jpg Really looks like it needs to go forward in that pic. |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
And I need to resize pictures. wow...
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Following your build closely...as i'd like to do my '51 AD very similar. Can you put up some pics of how you handled the S-10 frame being too wide for the cab? I know you were going to shave off some metal from the cab....not sure if I want to take that approach. Anything you would do different if you had to do the widening over again?
Enjoying the progress, keep the pics coming! |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
looking good so far man im in the process of tearing down an 88 s10 lwb. hopefully getting my 51 moved to my sop this weekend.
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Lookin good!!! I love that we can still find 68 year old trucks with so little rust.
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
thank you for the support guys I appreciate it.
http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...pshseax7tl.jpg initially I only had to trim about a half inch off of it to make it fit. But by the time I got it blocked up to approximate ride height, I would not have had to do anything. Your results may vary depending on how high you mount your cab. As far as anything I would do different, it is pretty early on in the build but I think everything is going to work out fairly well. Time will tell. |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Great progress...you are flying!
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
looks good! remember astros came with 5x5 pattern wheels that were 15x6.5 and take a dog dish cap and trim ring
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
It feels like I'm creeping right now. Busy getting my garage cleaned out so I can work in there over the winter, trying to get the outside stuff ready for winter. October in Nebraska, anything is possible. Plus on top of that I need to find motivation to put a head on my accord. Note to other members, if your car has a timing belt, change it.....
Anyway, how much of the sheetmetal is it normal to trim? I'm at the point now where I need to get some more clearance co I can move the cab back just a little. I don't think steering clearance will be an issue, 98% certain I'm going with rack and pinion. Hopefully know more by Monday. |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
December update time. With the days getting shorter and getting colder out, progress has slowed way down. Most of the chassis work will probably have to wait until spring when it is warmer. I did get my temporary wheels and tires mounted. 205/60/15 fronts and 215/60/15 on the back. The front tires are about bald and the rear ones areseverely weather cracked but give me an general idea on size at least. The fronts look a little small to me at this point.
http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psquwrbqrg.jpg I did not get to the cab mounts yet, just seem to have one thing after another come up that was higher on the priority list. Originally I had just figured it would sit there until spring but then I got to thinking of how long it would take to wire this truck, get the interior stuff done. I had an old rear axle out of a front wheel drive car, some lumber, & a couple caster wheels. maybe about 2 hours total in all of it. got the cab lifted off on Thanksgiving night and moved in the garage. My daughter felt obligated to decorate it. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psk0eehyj7.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psko1tzxdk.jpg It is not pretty, and the garage is a mess. but it is insulated and it does have a heater. So I might actually get something accomplished this winter. I also picked up some seats at work the other day. Split-bench from a 93 Chevy pickup. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s...psrmnxh9im.jpg Initially when I sat in it I thought it would work fine. But after a minute I'm not so sure. If I sit centered in the driver's seat, the gauges and the steering column will be off to my right a little bit. I was hoping to stay with a bench seat in it so that I could at least have two of my kids in there at the same time. Not sure about the seat yet. |
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
Since when is there room in your garage for a vehicle??
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
There is plenty of room for part of a vehicle. To get the whole thing and there would be a full scale game of Tetris.
Re: It's my turn, 47 S10 build
I tried the same seat in my 48 truck. It fit, though like you said sitting in the center of the drivers seat puts you to the side of the steering wheel and gauges. Because of that I scrapped the idea and used the original seat.
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