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Steeveedee 10-15-2019 11:44 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
I wouldn't recommend turning the engine over using the starter until a mechanic uses a tool to turn it over by hand using the flywheel, to make sure that it turns all the way through 2 revolutions of the crankshaft. This will not eliminate the possibility of foreign objects in the cylinders, though. What a mess! And yes, get a hood lock. Man, some people. SMH

Martyt 10-16-2019 02:39 AM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
Wow, crazy— like an episode out of Cops. Good advice from the posters above. Main thing is to stay safe— a person who does what he did is erratic to say the least—protect your property to be sure but just stay safe (and protect yourself first)—free legal advice.

OldBlue70C10 10-16-2019 09:22 AM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
Like some of the others ave mentioned, your kick down cable to your transmission is definitely loose, your oil pressure line has been cut, and it looks like probably the power to the distributor. I would definitely take it to a mechanic and have it looked at before i tried to start it. It could've had sugar or sand poured down the tank, and who knows who dropped down the carb or into the cylinders. He definitely tried to screw it up for you. what an a**hole!

kwmech 10-16-2019 10:30 AM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
If you can get it towed up to me, I'll take a look at it and do some repairs. Actually may be good to get out of the area for awhile, unless some one is closer and willing to do the same

cornerstone 10-16-2019 10:35 AM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?

Originally Posted by Siedl (Post 8610169)
In regard to local law enforcement, well, the night I called the sheriff asking for assistance to remove him from the property and tell them he was trying to steal my truck....

..... the pink and the reg are in my name. :-). So, calling the police is not an option for me anymore. Sadly...

How do you guys feel about women owning awesome trucks? I can personally attest to discrimination, this encounter was just one example of many...

I think you should file a complaint in regard to the Sheriff allowing YOUR TRUCK being stolen. If I understand what you said correctly, the Sheriff told you to be quiet while he let your truck drive away, presumably because he was wanting to avoid confrontation, only to encourage you that a different law enforcement agency would do HIS job for you???!!! Now I know California does things different than the rest of the states, but please tell me I'm not understanding something here.

If that is exactly what happened I believe you have a legitimate discrimination complaint and should be compensated for the damages to your truck, and also a formal apology from the Sheriffs office. I'm no lawyer , but justice was completely overlooked it seems to me.

I think anyone who has the bug for an old chevy truck has good taste, enjoys nostalgia, quality, simplicity, and a laid back mentality... woman or man.:metal:

toolboxchev 10-16-2019 12:09 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?

Glad to see you have gotten your truck back. I would completely go through the vehicle dumping all the fluids and getting everything hooked back up.

Watch out for the vindictive ridicule to come back again, they always do.

Siedl 10-16-2019 01:43 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
Grrr I had a looong update written and it expired. Ahh will repost in a bit. But wanted to say thank you! On my way to get a lizardcam and see if I can look down in there without taking too much stuff apart. Bbs <be back soon>

cypressbog 10-16-2019 03:02 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
I sure hate reading about all the problems he caused, but be glad he's gone so you can work on getting your life back in order for your child.

jaros44sr 10-16-2019 05:24 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
I wish you luck, but not sure if sugar would show up in the gas tank, I would drop the tank, before starting

sorry for the sans penis comment, just usually its the men that are getting burnt from the women financially, but I apologize for my thinking that way

min 10-16-2019 06:09 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
Looks like the red wire you have circled goes to the battery plug on the distributor. It should have 12 volts going to it when the key is on.

Siedl 10-16-2019 07:17 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
@steeveedee no apologies necessary, I’m playing in the boys sandbox, I know that. :-). All good. As for the sheriff, yeah and it gets weirder... the night I called the sheriff for help, I can assume one of two things: 1. My ex is tagged as a high officer risk meaning he beat up a cop pretty bad in his past and that never goes away. I’m pretty remote and he was alone so backup is at least 20mins away. 2. Prefaced with I don’t play the sexist card too often but the first time I said don’t let the truck leave the property, if you do he’d rather crash it in a ditch than give it back he said “he wouldn’t let anything happen to that nice if a truck”...almost as if “you shouldn’t be driving that truck anyway...” that combined with him telling me to be quiet at least 5 times as I was protesting, screaming “no he can’t take it” each time he said just stop, save your breath let him go...Chp will get I had to stand there and watch the f’g ahole drive my truck out of here. I immediately called Chp and they informed me I had to wait three days before filing a stolen vehicle report, 3 days because the officer gave him permission to take it. I was furious!! I called his sergeant right then and there and guess what, he yelled at me for telling him his deputy wasn’t doing his job! Can you believe that?! He actually got pissed at me for complaining! 3 days go by, I file the report you’d think Chp or sheriff could go to his house and get it. Nope. He lives behind a gate and they can’t go in uninvited. So, I’m speechless and in awe. I call the sheriff himself, never got a call back. I called the deputy himself to let him know what his actions caused, never returned my call. Followed up for the next 5 days and the most response I got was being hung up on twice by the girls answering the phone. I now am convinced the sheriff’s deputy’s couldn’t save me from a paper bag.

@jimijam good answer! Lol
@BigBird attaching more photos of the distributor

He had a limited amount of time and access to the truck, from approximately 8pm-2am when I finally got the RO served. He’s very capable mechanically and very devious mentally so whatever he did he did within the engine bay. I do have a locking gas cap that hasn’t been compromised. Transmission and engine oil definitely worth dumping. I have an endoscope coming tomorrow. And I’m attaching more pics of the to help

Thank you all for being so kind and responsive. All I ever wanted was a classic truck to tool around in and learn how to work on. It’s just always been something I loved, the gratification of the whole process and ending up with something few have and many enjoy. I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d get tangled in a web like this!

Round of virtual beers 🍻 🍻 🍻 on me! And 💦 for those who don’t drink ! Much respect and admiration to you all!

weq92f 10-16-2019 07:19 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
My ex a long time ago put sugar in my tank and I've recently had one of my rides keyed really bad... nobody should every mess with anybody's vehicles. There's a special place in H3LL for them...

That said...I'm hoping with the help of this board and good vibes all around you this will soon be a distant memory and you'll be cruisin' around trouble free!


Siedl 10-16-2019 08:05 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
1 Attachment(s)
I managed one but takes too long and Cant really upload pics at home will have to wait til I’m in town with better cell reception. I know this isn’t the pic that helps at all

Siedl 10-18-2019 11:29 AM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
Ok, GOOD NEWS!!! The truck is running and no items were thrown into the carb. Yay!! All he did was disconnect the distributor and take the battery. He planted the washers to send me on a wild good chase. Karma is a butch though, his 72 nova broke down on his way home and he ended up in the ER with unrelated health issues. (Is how I had his friend investigate for me, talk to him in the hospital, and he verified all he did was the dist and batt).

Thank you all for your help and kind words and encouragement! I appreciate it more than you could know!

weq92f 10-18-2019 11:38 AM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?


67C10GS 10-18-2019 12:23 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
Best of luck in future dealings with your ridiculously inept sheriff. As a member of the department where i live it would have been impounded so neither party could have it if it was in dispute until proper ownership could be established, and the deputy wouldn't have gone on the call, remote location or not, without backup if one of the parties involved was tagged dangerous. I'm glad I don't live in cali for that reason, no one wants to do their job down there law enforcement wise, its always someone elses' problem. Those guys are part of the reason no one trusts cops anymore

cypressbog 10-18-2019 12:39 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
That's great news! Now go enjoy your truck this weekend!

jaros44sr 10-18-2019 12:55 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
funny how karma works, glad it worked out for you. post up anytime you have questions about you truck, alot of good guys on this board

68 P.O.S. 10-18-2019 02:36 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
And here's another reason people don't like cops


Originally Posted by 67C10GS (Post 8611898)
it would have been impounded

Only impounding it to make money off of people in a bad situation.

68 TT 10-18-2019 02:52 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
I'm glad you got it running again.

What about the cut oil pressure gauge hard line? Is there another oil pressure gauge in the truck other than the stock one?

If not, what is in the engine block pressure port next to the base of the distributor where that line used to connect?

If you need another lower section for the stock oil pressure gauge hard line I have a spare with the matching engine block fitting I will give you for just the cost of the flat rate shipping box.

68 P.O.S. 10-18-2019 03:57 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
I'm curious about the oil line too. Was that something else?

bill3rail 10-18-2019 08:15 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?

Originally Posted by Siedl (Post 8610814)
@steeveedee no apologies necessary, I’m playing in the boys sandbox, I know that. :-). All good. As for the sheriff, yeah and it gets weirder... the night I called the sheriff for help, I can assume one of two things: 1. My ex is tagged as a high officer risk meaning he beat up a cop pretty bad in his past and that never goes away. I’m pretty remote and he was alone so backup is at least 20mins away. 2. Prefaced with I don’t play the sexist card too often but the first time I said don’t let the truck leave the property, if you do he’d rather crash it in a ditch than give it back he said “he wouldn’t let anything happen to that nice if a truck”...almost as if “you shouldn’t be driving that truck anyway...” that combined with him telling me to be quiet at least 5 times as I was protesting, screaming “no he can’t take it” each time he said just stop, save your breath let him go...Chp will get I had to stand there and watch the f’g ahole drive my truck out of here. I immediately called Chp and they informed me I had to wait three days before filing a stolen vehicle report, 3 days because the officer gave him permission to take it. I was furious!! I called his sergeant right then and there and guess what, he yelled at me for telling him his deputy wasn’t doing his job! Can you believe that?! He actually got pissed at me for complaining! 3 days go by, I file the report you’d think Chp or sheriff could go to his house and get it. Nope. He lives behind a gate and they can’t go in uninvited. So, I’m speechless and in awe. I call the sheriff himself, never got a call back. I called the deputy himself to let him know what his actions caused, never returned my call. Followed up for the next 5 days and the most response I got was being hung up on twice by the girls answering the phone. I now am convinced the sheriff’s deputy’s couldn’t save me from a paper bag.

@jimijam good answer! Lol
@BigBird attaching more photos of the distributor

He had a limited amount of time and access to the truck, from approximately 8pm-2am when I finally got the RO served. He’s very capable mechanically and very devious mentally so whatever he did he did within the engine bay. I do have a locking gas cap that hasn’t been compromised. Transmission and engine oil definitely worth dumping. I have an endoscope coming tomorrow. And I’m attaching more pics of the to help

Thank you all for being so kind and responsive. All I ever wanted was a classic truck to tool around in and learn how to work on. It’s just always been something I loved, the gratification of the whole process and ending up with something few have and many enjoy. I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d get tangled in a web like this!

Round of virtual beers �� �� �� on me! And �� for those who don’t drink ! Much respect and admiration to you all!

WOW! Just Effing WOW!

I can not believe that an LEO would allow a vehicle to be stolen right in front of himself with the owner screaming No! That just blows my mind, but it is California I guess. New York is headed that route lately, and I am cringing until I can retire and GTFO. Wish I were closer to assist, but I see that you are capable of doing a lot on your own.

Glad to hear it is running, and keep going strong to show your kid or kids you can get over anything that life (or an A-Hole) can throw at you!


rechinca 10-18-2019 11:29 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?

Originally Posted by 67C10GS (Post 8611898)
Best of luck in future dealings with your ridiculously inept sheriff. As a member of the department where i live it would have been impounded so neither party could have it if it was in dispute until proper ownership could be established, and the deputy wouldn't have gone on the call, remote location or not, without backup if one of the parties involved was tagged dangerous. I'm glad I don't live in cali for that reason, no one wants to do their job down there law enforcement wise, its always someone elses' problem. Those guys are part of the reason no one trusts cops anymore

I kind of take offense to that. Worked at it 20 years in this State, way to back a brother. Don’t go being a Blue Falcon if you aren’t there/here and know your audience. As far as whose property it is depends on name on the pink slip. If in both names we can’t let either party remove it and there is no authority to impound or remove it by the LEO. Unfortunately in this state there leaves a lot to be desired in what we can and can not do in these types of cases thanks to that jack wagon named OJ.

cornerstone 10-18-2019 11:50 PM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?
I for one think LEO's have the highest risk vs. reward job in the USA. The amount of crap they take is absolutely beyond me. I used to think I would love the opportunity to have that job, now I'm so glad I didn't go down that path. I couldn't cut it... I'd be locked up quick with the amount of disrespect they have to take. God bless the police. :metal:

Willie Makeit 10-19-2019 10:24 AM

Re: Help me identify sabotage?

Originally Posted by rechinca (Post 8612213)
I kind of take offense to that.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what is wrong with the world today.

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