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Canadian694x4 03-07-2004 11:02 AM

Sweet Work Andy! She does look mean but I think she'd look 3 times meaner if it had the 'ol GMC grille eh :D :metal:

weasel29gm 03-07-2004 11:13 AM

Lookin' cool Andy, I'll look for a set of ralleys for ya'. I see em' all the time.

Longhorn Man 03-07-2004 01:19 PM

weasel...only if they are like real cheap. Plus don't forget I'll only ownt he thing for a little longer.
Thanks for all the compliments. I haven't decided on a flame job type as of yet...but I got some ideas rollin around upstairs.

ChevLoRay 03-07-2004 01:30 PM

John Deere Blitz Black @ $25/gallon
Had been told about this's a low-gloss paint, not primer. Was going thru an old issue of Hot Rod Mechanix and found an article about paint and body work, that specifically mentioned the "Blitz Black" paint from John Deere. It's an industrial paint, and it is cheap! It may not be $25/gallon right now, but it's the right shade of satin.

Now, I know what my truck will look like.....Sweeeeeeet!

c10crazy 03-07-2004 02:57 PM

Man that looks good in primer!. How did the bodywork turn out on the side of the bed?. You gonna run a tailgate?. I love those turbines but the rallys might look even better.:flag:

Longhorn Man 03-07-2004 03:10 PM

body work?
What's that?
I was only alloted 8 hrs to do all this, and between the manditory 2 trips to the store,I took all the time I had. (cleaning included) Tip of the not send a 17 year old to get paint/primer....they wil be sent back empty least in Ohio.
As for a tail gate, it has one on there, but I left it red for now. I have a black one here sitting in the yard, I just need to remove it's guts and repair/replace them all.

Longhorn Man 03-07-2004 03:13 PM

I did however, remove the screws from the roof and do a little body work there. (just enough to fill in the holes) Other than that, all i did was feather out the old bondo so it was a bit smoother. It has been so long since I messed with filler, that it would have probably looked worse in reality. Plus my shop isn't set up for this kind of work. The DA I had is the only body tool on the property.

67cst 03-07-2004 04:00 PM

andy that looks awesome

Blue Beard 03-07-2004 04:52 PM

Looked like OCC in the first two pics, doing little of nothing....then as the dead line approched things got done.

meathead95 03-07-2004 06:14 PM

the eastwood co sells a "bag of flames" i believe it is just stencils for the artisticly challenged

Blue_71 03-07-2004 06:51 PM

i must say, they looks a ton better.... so you got it running good enough to come get that dudes ford parts? :D

lukecp 03-07-2004 07:37 PM

Looks mean looks like a time to drop it a few inches lower :D

BTW, one of my friends has a set of 4x4 6-lug rallies he has been trying to sell me (don't fit my truck). I'm sure he would sell them to you, only problem is they are in Missouri and you are in Ohio...shipping would proably kill the deal :(

mooneyes 03-07-2004 08:32 PM

...looks great part is ...easy touch up...and it seems you never scratch your $15 primer job only your $500 paint job....

c-tenkid 03-07-2004 09:22 PM

Looks good.

How much you gonna ask for it when ya sell it.I would love to have a shortbed!I'd take good care of her.I promise.....

Palf70Step 03-07-2004 09:56 PM

Looks good ZAndy. Not like the same truck no more. So is it still a C30 SWB ???:D

Now you can work on the Longhorn with all the time you'll save not having to wax the "turd" anymore. :D :D

Longhorn Man 03-07-2004 10:27 PM

Not sure what I'll be askign for it, I know I keep getting rediculous offers locally...myabe the highest budder on e-bay.
I dunno.
Bill, I am going to sell this thing so I can afford to work on the longhorn. I'll be temporarily pimpin in an 89 town car while between trucks.

barn9 03-07-2004 10:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here ya go Andy, I touched this up a little more.

68 Suburban 03-07-2004 10:37 PM

I have a fender I just finished today that is the same color as your truck :p

Longhorn Man 03-07-2004 10:54 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hmmmm, maybe I can paint the gold that is in the wheels a blood red, and the letters on the tailgate too.
Got a couple Mr horse power stickers headed my way too. ( ) The same woman answered the phone as 6 months ago, after ordering, i flirted a little, and she offered me another catalog and free mooneyes sticker!
What can I's a gift. ;)

Slams_58 03-07-2004 11:29 PM

Tim says it look BADAZZ!!! Got any side pics of it??

Randy70C-10 03-07-2004 11:43 PM

I like it!! When did you put the Chevy grill on it?

lolife99 03-07-2004 11:46 PM

Be careful,...
Be careful running primer as a topcoat. Primer acts like a "sponge" for moisture. Any bare metal spots underneath WILL rust!. Flat black paint might be a good solution til you find time to paint it ,... or for good. At least that way it won't be rusting. Just my 2 cents,... I found out the hard way, years ago.

Longhorn Man 03-08-2004 08:19 AM

I put the chevy grill on it over a year ago. I swapped the clips from longhorn to SWB since the longhorn is a keeper and I like the GMC grill better. (Where have you been man???) I just tried a search for the thread (thread named somebody pulled a flim flam and posted on or about 23 march of last year)
I know about teh primer absorbing water. Most primers these days are not liek that though. (although honestly, i didn't look at this brand) There were very few spots that went to bare metal, and once the flames are on, it'll get hit with the buffer to knock down the coarse texture, which causes most of the absobancy. then after that, I will probably wax's a sickness really.
Shawa/tim, I have no other pics of it in black as of yet...just what you see. I do have a few more from last night of work in progress...but the lighting was so poor they were not worth posting. A true bummer since there were some good pics in there other than the light issue.

Grim Reaper 03-08-2004 05:25 PM


Originally posted by Longhorn Man
With any luck, by this time next week, it'll have some flames on it.
Now i just need to find some one local with the tallent to draw the flames, yet is willing to work for free girl scout cookies.

Here is another cool shot...had to stand on a stool on top of a work bench for this shot...the things I go through for a decent pic, only to be ruined by crappy lighting. :rolleyes:

House of Color sells a deal called "bag'o'flames". It's a kit to do flames. I think it has templets or something. Was $30 or so last time I checked.

Longhorn Man 03-09-2004 01:14 AM

Hmm, that is somethign to think about.
I've also been thinking about blood red scallops too.

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