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BOSS 05-30-2005 10:32 AM

Anything i can do to help,just let me know.I am south central Missouri and have some parts and a little knowledge(not with spelling) about being broke down and getting it going again.I am just a mod but will help anyway i can.

OhioChevy 05-30-2005 10:58 AM

I'm in southern Ohio and willing to help anyone. If we can't get it running
then we can trailer it to some place safe in order to get it off the highway.

Andy....been said before by someone here but I will say it again, your'e
a good person and a fellow Buckeye. LOL


VetteVet 05-30-2005 11:28 AM

I live in south central Michigan just off I-94 and I would be happy to assist anyone in trouble. there are a few others in my area along I-94 that probably would be glad to lend a hand as well.
An idea I had is to have one or two phone numbers on the forum that would be monitored by the mods or admins that a traveler could call and then the mods or admins could access a private list that only they could see. This list would contain names and addresses and phone numbers of us volunteers, and the ones in the area of the stranded party could be notified. I am just not sure how the prime phone number would be monitered unless it belonged to an admin or maybe Josh could set up something through the server.

Liz 05-30-2005 12:01 PM

thast pretty much how its gonna work vette . there are a few who will willing have a public published phone number for ya'll to have n hold close to your heart :) anyways Josh is gettin it together n will let ya'll know ze specifics tonight

NPilot1975 05-30-2005 12:09 PM

I am in Pensacola, FL just off of I-10 and would be willing to help anyone out.

Paul72 05-30-2005 12:29 PM

Ditto here - am always willing to help and give out me # for any sort of list.

I'm heading down to Sioux Falls from St. Cloud on Saturday, just an FYI if anyone else is going, or on the way.


HuggerCST 05-30-2005 01:15 PM

I'll join the list. I saw this post last night, but she was already back on the road by then. I'm glad everything worked out ok. Being a mechanic in north central La. with several parts trucks, and just 2 miles from interstate 20, I feel like I'm being "called out" here, lol.

68haywagon 05-30-2005 01:27 PM

Put me down to cover some of NE PA. I have a two toolboxes and a bunch of parts stores near by ready and waiting for a call. I'm not a mechanic but I am mechanically inclined and could help out somewhat.


boogie67 05-30-2005 01:33 PM

phone list
Im fairly new here but I would give my # and offer to help anybody passing close by here.

Josh 05-30-2005 02:04 PM

It will be a private list, administered by Me, Liz, Mudder67, and Mac67. We will be posting the place to send your contact info to tonight, along with the phone #s to all of the list admins in a sticky on all the boards to call in case of emergency.


dtlilly 05-30-2005 02:11 PM

Thanks Josh for getting this going on a National Holiday!

Striker169 05-30-2005 02:29 PM

I like the idea and am willing to help

mooneyes 05-30-2005 02:33 PM

...i'm in....

StingRay 05-30-2005 02:38 PM

I think it's a great idea. I'm in too.

Russell 05-30-2005 03:15 PM

Rep from Alberta here :) I cannot go really far, but if you are in the Edmonton area during the winter, or Stettler area during the summer I can come and give a hand :)

67ChevyC10Stepside 05-30-2005 03:26 PM

im in too....just someone let me know where to send my info or i can post it here...i dont care who sees it lol

Mudder 05-30-2005 03:54 PM

Just talked to Jodie (Monday afternoon) and she is in Galveston waiting on their room. The burb is running great.

chickenwing 05-30-2005 04:01 PM

In in for the Sacramento area.

farmaller 05-30-2005 04:05 PM

Add me to the list from the middle of no where Central WI., If I can't help I might know someone who can or at leat get them someplace and have access to tools!

bowtie 05-30-2005 05:32 PM

I was in the first time and I'm in now. SE Saskatchewan is my zone and if need be I can travel further for soneone if they need parts.

I like the idea of the NSRA of mailing out a booklet to their members. I would join the NSRA but my 55 just isn't old enough.

LUV2XCLR8 05-30-2005 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Josh
It will be a private list, administered by Me, Liz, Mudder67, and Mac67. We will be posting
the place to send your contact info to tonight, along with the phone #s to all of the list
admins in a sticky on all the boards to call in case of emergency.



HugrOrang71 05-30-2005 08:14 PM

I'm pretty new to this forum, but I would like to be put on the list. This is a great idea. I am along the I-5 corridor in southern Oregon, but am willing to travel a little bit if needed. Have access to several parts stores, used parts, shop equipment and tools.

Let me know when you need my information

Cheesewagon 05-30-2005 09:15 PM

Hey PLEASE count me on this too! I up here in Northern Ohio just south of Toledo. I'm within two minutes of the I-80 / I-75 interchange. I have very flexable hours at the Library that I work at, and you could give out my office phoine # as well as my cell#. I always check my voice mail at work every hour. Besides I don't have a trailer but the wagon is good for towing if need be!! So Josh, or who is in charge of this please PM with whatever details you need. Tom

papawswrench 05-31-2005 02:14 PM

I think it is a great idea . I am always ready to help if I can , and have in the past . I am near Houston and in trucking , and know this part of the country well .
I just talked to Jodie and they are just now going in to the dr's office . She will let us know when she can tell us how things are going .

bagged91 05-31-2005 10:37 PM

I am ready/willing/able to help whenever possible. I live in Southern NJ. 15 minutes from the I-95 in Philadelphia/NJ Turnpike exits 2 & 3/I-295 & the A.C. Expressway. I get off work usually by 2PM too. Let me know where to send the info.

L8R - Joe

68haywagon 05-31-2005 11:05 PM

lol bagged I'll be calling you soon :lol: . My truck is right across the river.


mr402 05-31-2005 11:34 PM

Heck, put me down too. I'm within a couple of miles of I-5 in the Eugene, Springfield area. I'll be taking a vacation up to Vancouver Island this summer. Seems like this would be a chance to meet other truck people along the way. Quest like that might put a little stress on the admins though.

Man, what a great group of people!

mtdave2 06-05-2005 09:02 PM

Andy is the man. im glad you were there for her! im sure to join the travel list if we ever get it going.

tnblazerk5 06-05-2005 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Josh
It will be a private list, administered by Me, Liz, Mudder67, and Mac67. We will be posting the place to send your contact info to tonight, along with the phone #s to all of the list admins in a sticky on all the boards to call in case of emergency.


did i miss where to send the info to ? :confused:

Robert1970C20rstbukt 06-05-2005 11:20 PM

I'm in too. I can't go very far, but I'll help however I can. :metal:

Josh 06-05-2005 11:28 PM

Hey, Sorry all I got it all in place but am trying to figure out a way to semi safeguard the list administrators phone #s from unregistered, and people who jsut registered from seeing em. If you would like ot get on the list, please PM the dummy account I set up by the name of ContactList


71swb4x4 06-05-2005 11:34 PM

Josh, what info do you want exactly? I am assuming name, phone number, and city, anything else?

Longhorn Man 06-05-2005 11:41 PM

Done. :D

Mudder 06-05-2005 11:43 PM

To start and Josh may add something here. Name (real first name at least), town/state and phone numbers where u can be reached.

68w/sbc406 06-05-2005 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
Done. :D


sdkid 06-06-2005 12:03 AM

I'm in. I can't promise what I can do, but I'll do what I can. I'm in central south dakota.
30 miles north of I-90.

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