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Rokcrln 08-13-2006 09:59 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
3 Attachment(s)
And the cowl. I am using my cab for test fitting.

LFD Inc.

jugernot 08-14-2006 06:18 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Looking Good. I better start collecting some donations so I can pay you when its done.........Anyone out there want to make a donation?????? Please........I mean Pretty Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the rest of you only knew my evil things Kevin and I have planned for the truck. He not only does great work, he has alot of great ideas.. I don't think his mind ever takes a break.

Thanks for the hard work, Kevin.

longnlow72 08-14-2006 12:22 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
leavin the wipers? im guessin this truck wont see rain...

Rokcrln 08-14-2006 09:08 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by longnlow72
leavin the wipers? im guessin this truck wont see rain...

Yep they are both staying and he wants working squarters as well. I think once he shows it a bit it will get the wheels driven off it.

LFD Inc.

mkundo 08-14-2006 09:32 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Kevin, That looks great. Glad to see your putting the new tools to good use.
I'll give you a call this week. I would like to drop by and see this project first hand.

Rokcrln 08-14-2006 11:03 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by mkundo
Kevin, That looks great. Glad to see your putting the new tools to good use.
I'll give you a call this week. I would like to drop by and see this project first hand.

Sounds good! Tuesday or Friday work for me. Wed/Thur or booked and done.

LFD Inc.

Longstep70 08-15-2006 12:40 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Do you have the inner roof/headliner panel out to get at the back of those roofs dings?
I have a bunch above the back windo and right along the top of the roof seam and i'm not 100% on how I'm going to get them out without access to the back of the roof panels.

Rokcrln 08-15-2006 11:42 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Longstep70
Do you have the inner roof/headliner panel out to get at the back of those roofs dings?

No I did not pull the head liner but I can not tell you how I am doing it. It is a very old family secret:lol:

I wish my floor looked this good!

LFD Inc.

Rokcrln 08-15-2006 11:46 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
2 Attachment(s)
I am starting to work on the front of the roof and the door openings now. Once all the metal work is done I will re-shoot the cab, block sand it and start any filler needed.

LFD Inc.

Rokcrln 08-19-2006 06:26 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
3 Attachment(s)
Gap time! I finished all the metal work on the roof for now so it was time to move down the way to the doors. First I spent some time getting the door to fit as well as posible. The drivers side lined up real well at the bottom of the window channel and down at the bottom body line area but the middle belly band of the doow was out about 1/8" to 3/16". Since one of the important on this truck are the body lines and panel gaps I decided to cut the door jamb loose and bring it out just a touch. Once that was done it only left a few small areas that were not out flush with the door. I need to add that the door lined up good when it came here but the last shop or a PO did the old trick of folding the edge of the door in a bit to get it to line up, so I first fixed that then went on.

Next it was time to close up the gap from 3/8" to about 3/16" so out came the Tig rod and away I went. Not only did I close up th egap but I also made sure it was out flush with the door skin before tacking it in place. Once it is all done I will be using lead to finish out this area. Here are a few pic's.

LFD inc.

jugernot 08-20-2006 04:40 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
If I have not said it already, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a really nice door gap. Thanks Kevin.

72CSTC5 08-20-2006 09:32 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Kevin, have you came out with the plans for the tip and flip for the Blazer yet? Truck project is looking good. I feel sorry for you. It looks like somebody was hitting that cab with a sack of golfballs.

Rokcrln 08-20-2006 01:49 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
To be honest with you this cab did not need half the pins used but if you have to put one on you might as well get out those little waves as well. You can ether spend the time now and get the metal that much better and use almost no filler or spend it later with many skim coats of filler. I am not real big on sanding!;) I would say that less then half of those would have taken less than 3/16" to fill but now they will take block sanding and maybe 1/16" of a skim. Time well spent in my book.

LFD Inc.

Rokcrln 08-20-2006 06:03 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
3 Attachment(s)
Here is alittle bit of todays progress. At the same time that I am fine tunning the top door gap I am also smoothing out the door Jambs. Here are some pics to start off with.

LFD Inc.

72CSTC5 08-20-2006 07:37 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Shaved the drip rail after all did you?

Rokcrln 08-20-2006 08:16 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by 72CSTC5 (Post 1786226)
Shaved the drip rail after all did you?

It came to me shaved but unfinished. I get to complete it all. Gotta love picking up after people.
Here are a few more pics from tonight. Almost their!

LFD Inc.

jugernot 08-21-2006 04:36 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
2 Attachment(s)
Kevin, I got the jump seat. When would you like me to bring it out? I'm free on Tues and Thurs.

KOOLmike 08-21-2006 06:15 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
I'll be damned. That thing is gonna be freaky when it's done.

Rokcrln 08-21-2006 07:31 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by jugernot (Post 1786664)
Kevin, I got the jump seat. When would you like me to bring it out? I'm free on Tues and Thurs.

Tues it is! I get home about 4:30!

LFD Inc.

72CSTC5 08-25-2006 06:22 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
TTT for you Kevin, any updates? I PM'd you back about the bodywork question.

red71cheyenne 08-26-2006 07:11 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Beautiful work as usual Kevin! I have a question for you though. When working the door gaps, you said you break out the tig rod. What exactly are you doing? Also was wondering if you use a mig or tig for your body work. Your welds are so nice. Thanks and keep us up on this one! Later, Jeff.

72CSTC5 08-26-2006 09:10 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
He is welding a tig rod around the door edges to close up his gaps. Finish welding solid and then bodyworking the area to make sure your gap is right.

red71cheyenne 08-26-2006 10:28 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Ok, thanks! That was what I thought, but wasn't sure. Jeff.

Rokcrln 08-26-2006 11:17 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
UUUM YEP! glad I could help:lol: No real updates I started to mount the seats and found one had a bent frame:( So I am getting ready to do a little body work just for the fun of it:crazy:

72CSTC5 Yes I got your input! Thanks, I always like to get input from different people to make sure I am on the right track. It has been a few years since I have spread mud;)

LFD Inc.

LUV2XCLR8 08-27-2006 07:42 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Very nice, Man I wish you were closer, I'd keep you busy, if I could afford you :whine:

Hart_Rod 08-27-2006 10:55 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)
If you need a little extra room, the center seat out of a 90's Dodge Dakota works real well. It's about 4 inches narrower than the Chevy seat. I was able to use the bracket from the Chevy center seat, just had to cut 4 inches out of the middle.

jugernot 09-26-2006 08:37 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
1 Attachment(s)
I just wanted to give an update. We have had a delay due to the search for seats. The other seats I bought (which look the same as these) were damaged.

On that note, those of you that are planning to purchase seats from a wrecker, be careful and do a thorough inspection of the seats. The first set I bought was involved in a heavy hit. The passenger seat back was bent to one side. Another sign is damage for stretching on the seat beats.

Anyway I spent about an hour cleaning these seats and applying some leather conditioner and they turned out nice. I may replace both leather seats bottoms. It should go nicely with the jump seat.

I'm sure Kevin will have some more fabrication updates soon. So stay tuned, project LEMON DROP continues

Rokcrln 09-27-2006 03:24 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Seats look good and strait! No up dates as of yet but that could be due to the fact that for the last week and a half I have been in Germany and now we are in Switzerland for a week. I should be back the week of the 5th. I stole some time while the wife was in the shower to check the net but hook up time is very slow where we are. I will talk to you all later!

LFD Inc.

68 short step 09-27-2006 10:20 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Rokcrln 10-15-2006 07:34 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)
Sine I got back from Germany I have beed working on the firewall and got it primmed today. Now the block sanding and then it will be ready for paint. Next the chassie will be comming over so I can get all the sheet metal lined up and modified and the bed built. Then the rest of the body work will be finished and off to paint.

LFD Inc.

red71cheyenne 10-15-2006 09:42 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Wow, now that is SMOOTH! Great looking work Kevin! What kind of primer are you using?

Rokcrln 10-15-2006 10:03 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
It is called "Extreme" somthing or other. SanLeandro paints recomended it when using PPG as a finish paint. It is a bare metal primer or can be used over filler and can be reduced for a sealer as well.

LFD Inc.

jimmydean 10-15-2006 10:11 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Removing the wire gutter thing makes a huge difference. That looks great!

gringoloco 10-15-2006 11:41 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
What are the plans for the fuse box?

jugernot 10-16-2006 04:41 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
It's getting there. It had been 6 years and soon the truck will be one piece. I can't wait to get the chassis and bed over to your shop. I can't thankyou enough for the excellent effort you have put into my truck. I'm looking forward to the day my wife, daughter and I can go for a cruise.

jugernot 10-16-2006 04:46 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by gringoloco (Post 1829583)
What are the plans for the fuse box?

Well we are going to..........Ah wait I can't divulge all of the surprises. Let just say Kevin came up with a great idea and stay tuned for the next episoded of "Project Lemon Drop"

krue 10-16-2006 05:03 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
Ahhh, a cliffhanger.:D

jugernot 10-20-2006 06:22 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
4 Attachment(s)
I ordered a few parts and will post them as they arrive. I got the first one today. It looks like it will be hours and hours of fun, or days and days of fun. I've never done any major wiring install before. I know a few others on the board have completed theirs, so I have some people to get guidance from.

I also got the gauage harness, but still have to purchase my Auto Meter Speedo and Tacho gauges, Then off to PUTTERS for assembly.

IvelDesigns 10-20-2006 10:06 PM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!
what gauges did you get and do they all have the same look to them? from the pic it looks like the numbers on the water gauge are a little bigger.

I'm going to fab a new cluster for my truck out of a glove box door, so i'd be interested in seeing some details to how you go about mounting and wiring the new gauges.

jugernot 10-21-2006 01:05 AM

Re: Project Lemon Drop: anything but stock!

Originally Posted by IvelDesigns (Post 1836055)
what gauges did you get and do they all have the same look to them? from the pic it looks like the numbers on the water gauge are a little bigger.

I'm going to fab a new cluster for my truck out of a glove box door, so i'd be interested in seeing some details to how you go about mounting and wiring the new gauges.

Yeah the numbers look a bit different, but the only other guages had a full sweep.

Putter (another member) has mounted and wired Auto Meter guages for other members. Here is the link to his work.

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