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imholte 05-10-2010 03:11 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
I was installing new heater hoses under the dash and somehow my antenna wire end which was disconnected from stereo touched the back end of the cigarette lighter. I see smoke and sparks and "what the ?&*% is going on?". Also there was some smoke emitting from up around the battery area (hood was up). Also truck has no electrical power, turn key and nothing.

Root around up by battery and locate a red wire that comes from the unfused ignition plug under dash to the junction box next to battery then leads to + battery plug.

Here is a picture, can anyone tell me what the "connector" round cyclindar object is in the picture. Need to replace this. Is it just a wire connector or a fuse? Or is there a fuse or something that would be better.

Thanks for the help.

imholte 05-10-2010 03:12 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
So I think I have discovered that it is a fuseable link, and the red wire being a 12g wire the link should be 16g. I will head to napa and see if I can pick one up.

imholte 05-10-2010 04:10 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Yes it is a fuseable link. Got one and installed it back to where it belongs and she starts right up.

What I learned was that whenever using a fuseable link always use a wire 4 sizes smaller...12 gauge wire - go with 16 gauge fuseable link.

imholte 05-10-2010 04:12 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Also just got my package from LMC, nothing major. Replaced the old worn out arm rests, a new turn signal lever and a new vent to replace the cracked one. Will post some pics soon.

imholte 06-07-2010 08:28 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Wow I really need to put some new pictures up, its been a while since I have updated them. Not that my pickup is much different.

If the weather holds out tomorrow I will wash and start polishing the oxidized paint off the truck.

Today I scraped all the old sealant out of the roof drip rails, and added new sealant. I thought it would take alot longer but it actually went quite quickly, a phillips screwdriver worked the best.

I can see from all the layers of metal that come together there why it must take alot of work to shave the drip rails. I tried my best to get it somewhat smooth and even, but its a little hard to do with your finger. The old stuff was starting to deteriorate so I thought I would just redo it quick to keep it sealed and rust from starting. Its not permanent but will work until I have the truck painted in 5 years.

imholte 06-26-2010 01:04 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
LMC sent me a new set of roof marker lights to replace the old broken and cracked ones that I have on my pickup now. The socket was a little hard to get out of the rubber seat but a screwdriver worked pretty good to pry it out. A little rust starting to show under the rubber mats, hopefully it does not spread too much in the next 2 years, by then I hope to start working on the rust. Here is a picture of the truck in the dark, still have a front marker light out, the turn signal part works, but not the market.


Also thinking of replacing my stock intake, have a edelbrock carb on their now, 1406, its the 600cfm with electronic choke. Anyone know of a good intake to match this one? Right now it has the adapter plate for the carb on it, not sure how much hp or mileage I am losing from that.

imholte 09-01-2010 08:12 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Every month a little more gets done.

Got my stereo installed, just a deck with 2 6x9s under the seat. I was going to cut the doors and dash to put in a components system with a sub under/behind the seat, but figured that just having music is a 10. I think spending my money on things like the engine and getting the cab sealed before winter should be my goal. http://bonsaiforlife.files.wordpress...9/img_2389.jpg

I just replaced the door seal also. I was impressed at how much sound this cancels out.

Tie rods, drag links, and window felts and seals are the next thing to tackle.

Shes not much to look at but shes mine. I get alot of comments from people wondering when I am going to buy a new rig, but I just tell them that this is my rig and she is an easy keeper. Yeah at 12mpg gas is expensive but I have no monthly payments (unless you count parts as a monthly payment)

imholte 09-18-2010 01:02 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Took a photo of my pickup while I was out pheasant hunting. http://bonsaiforlife.files.wordpress.../img_23921.jpg

imholte 09-19-2010 09:10 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Took her to Schwabs the other day to have them replace the tie rod ends and drag link ends. They said that they had recently been replaced and there is no need to change them right now. I was a little surprised to hear this cause when driving down the road it still wanders a little.

So I was expecting to spend about 500 or so on the suspension but now am planning on getting it to the exhaust shop next week. I will have to do some checking on some quotes to get the best price.

The plan for exhaust right now is duals out before the rear tires with an x-pipe and flowmasters or magnaflows. I had flowmasters before on my 97 and liked them, might go the magnaflow route to get a different sound, but you cant complain about flowmasters (im sure there area few that can).

There is an orange chevy for sale just down the road for just under 10k. Its a nice pickup and something that I can see mine looking like in 5 years. Here is the link for it.

Chevymaniac 09-20-2010 09:40 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
If i was you i would not get a new rig either, i just love this style of truck and i' am not going to part with mine. They will have to bury me with my truck when i die. I get so excited when i' am driving it.:gmc2:

Just keep doing a little at a time and before you know it your truck will look as sweet as the one for sale down the road from you.

imholte 09-22-2010 02:01 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Just dropped the orange bomber off at the local muffler shop for some exhaust work, or complete exhaust install from the horns back.

I talked to him about the best sizes and he recommended a 2 1/4 tube size. I told him I wanted a 2 1/2 but he said with a stock 350 that I have and even if I horse it up some, which I plan on doing, that I wont make that much of a difference in the performance. I figured he knew better than me. The pipes will be dumping out infront of the rear tires. Not sure if it will get done today or not, but I sure hope so.

This has been a long time coming but had to get the truck functioning safely with the suspension and brakes and all that jazz. I cant wait to hear what it will sound like. I asked for something that is not too loud at idle but gets a little louder when you step on it, but I also dont want too much drone in the cab when driving. Hopefully it all turns out okay

imholte 09-23-2010 04:48 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Got the pickup back from the exhaust/muffler shop. The bill wasnt too bad, $525 for full exhaust and mufflers (flowpro- same as flowmaster, not sure on the exact series but they are nice). When he was routing the pipe he said he could not make it fit right going between the leaf spring and frame so he had to go below it. I am a little worried that when I put new 4 inch lift leafs that it might hit the pipe when that side is extended. But I'm not going to worry about that till that happens.

The incab engine noise is significantly reduced. He said I had lots of leaks and I believe it. The last exhaust was a pos and was routed right next to the speedo cable so that is fried through but still work amazingly. I even think I feel a little more power. Not sure though maybe wishful thinking but it sounds great, a little throaty but already see people turning heads to see what is coming down the road. (Though I think they might be a little let down when they see my old pickup, someday it will be like new..or newer)

I took her for a drive with the dog and shot a few photos.


Here is a photo of the new exhaust. It is pretty straightforward, if I lived in a house instead of an apartment I think I would give it a go myself.
Here are a few shots of the new window seals that I put in last week. I was not able to put in the new felt for the front window channel since it was affixed to the wing window. I will have to wait to buy new wing windows to get that fixed. The new seals also help keep out the road noise.

A shot of the cab in its current condition. I just ordered a POR15 started kit to get a handle on the rust that is on the floor and rockers. Eventually I will cut it out and fix it. But for now I will just seal it and put in padding and carpet until I have saved enough to do it right.
My new cab marker lights that I put in a few months ago.
Some of the stickers that the PO put on the pickup. This one reads "Do not touch this vehicle unless you are completely nude" It should have a disclaimer that this only goes for women.
Good ole Olympia beer. Had to leave this one on cause it looks old too.
Nothing better together than your Chevy and your Dog

imholte 09-23-2010 05:10 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
I took a video of my pickup and the exhaust. Here is the link

swamp rat 09-23-2010 07:16 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Sounds good! I have 2 1/4 on my truck also.

imholte 02-05-2011 02:37 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Found out why my pickup was wondering down the road3 of the 4 bolts that hold on my steering gear were loose, hand loose. That scared me a little. So they are nice and tight now and that helps quite a bit on the wondering, though there still is a little play in the steering, thinking I might just have to replace the steering gear.

My front leafs are horrible, inverted and over speed bumps the pickup jumps bad. I have somewhat new shocks on it but that wont make much of a difference if the springs are sagging that bad. I was planning on getting a 4 inch lift so I could run 35's but I am thinking that might be just too much for me right now. Maybe in a few years. So I am going to go with a 2.5 in lift from skyjacker, with front and rear leafs, no blocks. Hopefully my current tires wont look too small with 2.5 in of lift.

Chevymaniac 02-05-2011 05:41 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Have you placed your order for the new suspension yet and are you going to install it yourself? Can't wait to see it all done.

imholte 02-05-2011 06:12 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Yes I just placed my order for a 2.5 in skyjacker lift. Not sure how long it will take to get here. Yes I plan on installing it myself, not much to it just time consuming.

Im looking forward to getting it installed and seeing how much it helps and how it looks with it.

imholte 02-22-2011 04:16 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
I ordered my lift kit through 4WheelOnline and have received 3 out of the 4 leaf springs. Apparently they just put stickers on the leaf springs and one of them must have fell off and it is now lost in the UPS system somewhere.

4WheelOnline is dealing with UPS so hopefully I get another spring in the mail soon so I can put the lift on.

FLDBRED 06-04-2011 08:38 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Nice build,any updates?

imholte 06-07-2011 10:20 AM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Not really, been spending money and time on wedding and honeymoon, then a house after that, so this build will be a while to come. But I still drive it everyday to work.

imholte 11-16-2011 08:47 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Still have not installed the lift kit yet. I have all the parts but my buddy who keeps telling me he will help me has yet to do so. So I might end up taking it to a mechanic to install it all.

Have not done too much recently with it since I got married in July. But I did get a new wiper motor installed and am working on getting the washer pump rebuilt.

I still had some problems with the steering so I finally got tired of messing with the steering box and took it in to have a new box and pump installed. I can drive with one hand now and not worry about it wandering all over the place.

I also replaced a leaky heater core over the summer so all is good with that.

Next up is getting the lift installed, u-joints, and a new intake manifold so I get rid of the spread bore to square bore adapter that is on it. I think that might help out my fuel mileage just a little. Which has been at about 12MPG the last few times I have filled it up.

I'll try to take some photos, I dont want one of those "this thread is worthless without photos" things.

Gene 11-17-2011 11:49 AM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Nice progress! I would install the lift myself, not much to it if you have decent tools. And yes more pics!!

imholte 02-02-2018 10:30 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Its been years since I have posted an update. I still have the pickup, but it has been sitting in the yard for the last few years. She still fires up when I want to drive her. My other pickup died last weekend so now I am back to driving my chevy as my main rig.

Since my last post I have installed the 2.5 in spring lift and had replaced the crappy skyjacker shocks with bilstien's and they are incredible. No more bouncing down the road.

Time for a rebuild and some new parts. Hope to post some pics soon.

imholte 06-09-2018 10:16 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Just bought a set of BFG AT 33x12.5x15's. These will be on some american racing outlaw 2's. Ill post a before and after when they arrive.

In the meantime since my last post i put in a new seat cover, steering wheel, and have a dual electric fan setup waiting to go it.

Ill get some pics and put them up.

imholte 06-10-2018 08:37 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Here are some new photos

Right now its looking kinda rough, it spent that last 2 years out in the weather since we have too much stiff in the garage. I have a cover for it when fall comes around but am thinking of something more permanent. A shop would be great but thats a dream right now. Maybe one of those metal carports you see.

Really excited about getting the rims and tires on it. I really think it will make the truck look really good.

I have everything ready for the dual electric fan install other than one part. The temp sensor for the fans I am planning on mounting in the thermostat housing/water neck, but the hole is too big and I ordered a adaptor fitting. In the future I will place the sensor in the intake manifold, but the one I have right now doesn't have that option.

Were having kiddo number 3 in few days so updates might be delayed, but overall this is my only truck right now and will be getting regular upgrades.

Long term I want to rebuild the engine or just get a GM crate and upgrade the tranny to a 4 speed over the th350.

More to come....


imholte 06-29-2018 06:36 PM

Re: 1st Timer 72 Slow Build
Got the new tires and rims delivered from 4 wheel parts yesterday. They came mounted and balanced ready to install on the truck. They are awesome and make the truck look way better than i could have imagined. I had to ask the wife if she needed anything at the store so I could take it for a test drive. Its much smoother riding and I dont feel as much of the bumps. Its a little slow to get up to speed but much quieter at 55mph. (i have the 3.07/3.08) gearing.

Here are a few photos of it.

Only problem now is it wont fit into the garage with the tires and lift so no more working on it in the garage.

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