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HvyChevy 05-19-2009 03:29 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Ok, I lied. Now one more :)

Good design and good pictures

swyfor5 05-19-2009 07:22 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Awesome! That's what I'm talking about! Got to be alot more out there!

72BlazerFC 05-31-2009 10:35 AM

Re: Custom bumpers
Hey swyfor5, have you received your Bumper yet?

swyfor5 05-31-2009 01:49 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Hey 72,no I haven't got it yet. I got a e-mail on wed., the 27th, saying it had about 12 orders ahead of it. Kyle said about 5 or 6 production days to go. I got order confirmation on the 8th of April. So let's do the math. April 8 to May 31st. Looks to be 7 weeks and 4 days so far. When I was researching bumper company's I heard a lot of bad feeback about KTNMA, decided to go with them anyway. So I kinda was ready for a wait. Hoping to prove that it's a good way to go. From what they said, bumper should be here soon. I will post up any new info ASAP.

72BlazerFC 05-31-2009 02:04 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Thanks for the info. Bet you can't wait to get it. Lookin forward to seein pic's of the bumper once you get and have time to take pic's of it. Hopefully you'll get it soon.

swyfor5 05-31-2009 02:11 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Right on Bro! Will do with the pic's! Looking hard at winch selection now. Was hoping to see some other winchers with the winch mounted. So far Burt4x4 is the only one I've seen. Let's see em boy's!

72BlazerFC 05-31-2009 02:17 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Hey swy, I was just thinkin and if Burt ordered his in '99 and they had 12 orders in front of yours, ten years later, they must be makin good products to stay in business this long and still have customers. I bet your bumper will be just what you ordered. Hang in there and you'll have it before you know it. Just me thinkin positive.

swyfor5 05-31-2009 03:08 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
My thinking exactly. Thank's for thinking positive! I was not in that big of a hurry when I ordered it, so I figured I could wait for what I really wanted. Still gotta modify the frt. "horns" and such when It gets here. Can't wait!

swyfor5 06-13-2009 03:57 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
News update! Got a e-mail on the bumper friday, saying it was in the last stages of completion and shipment was pending! Also said in 3 or 4 business days I will get a e-mail with shipment info! Woohoo! Pic's coming soon!

swyfor5 06-18-2009 03:55 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
As promised, I got the e-mail today, saying the bumper had been shipped! Georgia to Michigan, can't take too long now! Pic's to follow as soon as it gets here!

swyfor5 06-22-2009 07:37 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
well, it arrived today! All I can say is don't order one of these yet! Nothing really wrong with the quality and such, but I have issues! Of course stuff always comes when "your" not home! No shipping damage, but bumper was not delivered as ordered. If you've been following this thread, you've seen the white 1st. gen k5 on KenMtnAc's website. That is the frt. bumper that I ordered, minus the turn signal and driving light holes. Personally talked to Kyle, and talked over these details,and 12 weeks later, I get the wrong bumper! Bumper would be fine if the grille guard was the right one! Looks more like a bullbar, and it is not what I ordered! Too pi**ed off to go on more now, try and post up some pic's, asap!

Burt4x4 06-23-2009 11:21 AM

Re: Custom bumpers
Damn! Sorry to hear that :devil::sumo:

Steel is easy to change so maybe you can modify it to your liking and make kyle give you a partial refund..??
Good luck!

swyfor5 06-23-2009 04:19 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Yea, been doing the e-mail thing back and forth. Told him my problem, and got back-- as ordered. Sent him another one today with more detail, so hope to know more soon. I hope I can resolve this easily, but we"ll see. Got some pic's, and I'll try and get them up soon. I hope they will make it right, so this bumper is the way I wanted it! I'll keep you guys up to date!

vtblazer 06-23-2009 04:55 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
You should be able to get what you paid for but don't expect any miracles cause at this point your now 'costing' the vendor money.

If they messed up, by all rights, they should correct it but listen to their side before lowering both barrels. ;)

swyfor5 06-23-2009 05:55 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Oh yea, I have been very "polite' so far. I did'nt think there was any miscommunication between us when I ordered the bumper. I mean there is a picture of the bumper on THIER website. I said "this" bumper without the turn signal and driving light holes. He said yes! This grille guard looks totally different! I will stay civial, and try to work this out the right way! Hope to know more tomorrow. Try'ing to work on the pic's!

swyfor5 06-24-2009 04:21 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Well, just as I figured, no response today from KenMtn. I am trying to be patient! Gonna get pic's sent to them asap. Wifey is laughing at me, saying "I told you so"! Oh, and "you should have listened to me". LOL. That was my attempt at seeing some humer in this situation! The saga continues!

bigbadchev72 06-24-2009 08:41 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
How did you pay for it? Credit card? I would file a complait with the credit card company if so, Not getting there money or having it taken back from them should get a quick response

Burt4x4 06-25-2009 10:14 AM

Re: Custom bumpers
Tell him your webwheeling buddies are gonna start a Cyber War on KMA if he doesn't make it right with your order :sumo::metal::chevy:

Stay positive and hopefully he will man up and do the right thing :smoke:

How much work would it be to make it the way you ordered it?

swyfor5 06-25-2009 03:16 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Yea, I would think they would want to keep me happy, as not to start the war on thier reputation. It wouldnt take that much to reshape the grille guard setup. Having trouble with getting the pic's up, so I can show it! Should be able to get it done tomorrow when my daughter gets home. I'm "thinking" maybe when Kyle sees pic's of what they shipped me , He'll understand. I'm holding off calling him on the phone until the e-mail trail stops, which it may have already on his end! Sure would like to give them a "good" status! Oh, by the way boys- rally up just in case! Heh-Heh!

bigbadchev72 06-25-2009 08:42 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Did you pay with a credit card? I would not wait any longer to file a complaint. How long did it take him to respond when you contacted him the first time about building you a bumper?

swyfor5 06-26-2009 04:30 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
He was right on the spot with the reply's, until now! I took more pic's of the one I recieved, and found some more pic's on his website to use as ammo! I will post up some pic's later tonight to show you guy's what I'm dealling with here. To me it's almost a no-brainer, but here I sit with the wrong grille guard! I really don't want to stop payment on c-card, because I will keep this bumper and have it reworked myself. BUT, I should'nt have to! Did I mention it took 12 weeks to get here? Not that I was in a big hurry, but that seems like a long time to fab up a bumper from scratch! Like I said, will post up pic's later tonight.

bigbadchev72 06-27-2009 01:48 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
stopping payment on the cc dosent mean that you have to give the bumper back, Just means that If he wants his money for the wrong bumper that you paid for then he has to make things right with you. After he makes things right with you then you can call up the cc company and authorize the correct payment.

He is ignoring you now because he already has your money for something that is only partially what you wanted.

swyfor5 06-27-2009 11:21 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
3 Attachment(s)
Hey, here's the pics! You guys make the call.

bigbadchev72 06-27-2009 11:25 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Looks way different than the one you posted before, this one dosent look as "sleek" as the one on the white blazer, I would be pissed, Its not what you ordered and even more pissed that he is blowing you off and not trying to make it right

vtblazer 06-28-2009 05:37 AM

Re: Custom bumpers
If you were expecting the same as the one on the white blazer and that's what they said they were sending, and if your not 100% happy with the one you got, I'd make the argument, they sent ya the wrong bumper. ;)

swyfor5 06-28-2009 08:02 AM

Re: Custom bumpers
Right on! I sent an e-mail saying the same bumper as the white k5 on the website, and he replied yes as specified. When I talked to him personally on the phone to order it we talked about that same white k5. I sent him 3 e-mails yesterday with a bunch of pic's, so we'll see if he responds. If I don't get a e-mail response soon, I'll try and get him on the phone.

swyfor5 06-28-2009 10:28 AM

Re: Custom bumpers
1 Attachment(s)
Here's the one I ordered. And here's a pic of a prerunner/grille guard on a later model GMC off their website. Even the one on the GMC looks more like the one on the white K5. How can he say the one I recieved is as ordered? The only picture on their website of a prerunner/grille guard is on that GMC. They sent me the WRONG BUMPER!

71jimmy 06-28-2009 01:37 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
I feel for ya! Your right, you didn't get what you ordered. I like the way the bars run on the white Blazer a little better. But I guess without mounting your current bumper it's hard to tell exactly what it would look like. Good luck, hope you can resolve it to your satisfaction.

swyfor5 06-28-2009 04:03 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Went out to the barn and a friend and I held the bumper up to the k5. Looks like it will fit except for the outer tubes on the grill guard. I still have to cut off the "fangs" to get it under the grille, but other than that, it should fit. The outer tubes on the guard will partially run in front of my headlights, thier that high! What happened to "the customer is always right" motto? I had better hear something back from them tomorrow, or I'm about to go POSTAL!

swyfor5 06-29-2009 05:43 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Well, another day, another dissapointment. I did get a reponse from him, saying, "according to the order you wanted a prerunner grill guard." Said pic's I sent him "certainly" meet the definition of that as shown on the "Anatomy of a Wincher" page on thier website. He said he is completly at a loss what I got is not what I ordered! The outer tubes on this grill guard will run right in frt of my headlights! Sent him another e-mail and some pic's, we'll see. I admit there was a lack of communication somewhere, but when I said "this bumper" refering to the white k5 on the website, I assumed mine would at least look close! This grill guard setup would look alright on a different truck, but not on a first gen. Also the actual bumper was made to fit the first gen, below the grill lip, with the slight v bend to match our frt ends. I can see now, no matter what happens now, this is going to cost ME more money!

bigbadchev72 06-29-2009 07:13 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
The ball is still in your court, he is just trying to get out of it. Do you still have any emails saying "I want one like the white blazer" then its hands down not even close. He dosent know the power of a web forum and all the annoying calls that can be made from around the us tying up his phone and time answering it and everyone telling him to make it right. You can still contact the cc company and they will take back the payment until things are resolved.

You could get a quote from a local machine/fab shop to put the brushgaurd you ordered in the first place and deduct it from your original price, plus the gas and anything else you are out to fix HIS mistake. They dont have a bad rep for no reason.

swyfor5 06-29-2009 08:30 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Yea, I hear ya! I have printed and documented every e-mail transaction from day one. One of the early e-mails said "this bumper", refering to the white k5 on his website. He replied, yes, with a price quote. Now he say's "as ordered". He also quotes the prerunner/grill guard is as stated on his website. I guess my definition of "this bumper" and his definition of " this bumper", is the same only- my definition of the prerunner/grill guard is a different thing? I could see if the one I recieved was even close, but as you all can see, it's not! Too bad, He's already "quoting" his website, which is lacking in detail, to possibly protect himself legally! When I talked to him on the phone to actually order the bumper, he gave me some actual details on that white k5, so he knew what I was talking about. It sounds to me like a like of communication between fabricator and management/owner? Like, here is a pic of what it needs to look like-Duh! Let's hold off on the webwar until I try every civil means of resolving this first. But it looks like we need to get ready , cause I'm ready to show everybody what happened to me! Let's wait and see.

vtblazer 06-30-2009 06:09 AM

Re: Custom bumpers
Wouldn't take to much to transform yours into the one you want, might be the easiest means to an end from the sound of his latest e-mail.

Shame though, if this vendor would only realize the loyalty he'd gain from the 1st gen crowd by taking care of this matter without question.

His site is always coming up as having one of the best looking K5 bumpers out there (using the white blazer as an example) he should realize that if he only stood behind his products, the potential sales he could be making would more than cover any losses happening this time around. :dum: :dum: :dum:

Burt4x4 06-30-2009 09:37 AM

Re: Custom bumpers

Originally Posted by vtblazer (Post 3387780)
Wouldn't take to much to transform yours into the one you want, might be the easiest means to an end from the sound of his latest e-mail.

Shame though, if this vendor would only realize the loyalty he'd gain from the 1st gen crowd by taking care of this matter without question.

His site is always coming up as having one of the best looking K5 bumpers out there (using the white blazer as an example) he should realize that if he only stood behind his products, the potential sales he could be making would more than cover any losses happening this time around. :dum: :dum: :dum:

Ya I agree with both points, the bumper can easly be modified and he SHOULD have just 'did the right thing' off the bat, instead of answering questions with questions. Shame some venders just push the product out the door with no sence of pride for customer satisfaction! Ah News FLASH = without customers there is no business :uhmk:

swyfor5 06-30-2009 08:08 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Exactly, just what I was thinking. I sent him another e-mail as soon as I got home today. I said maybe we could work something out along the lines of- he bends me 2 new outside prerunner/grill guard tubes to match those like the pic of the white k5, and I'll cut these 2 off, and weld the 2 new ones he sends me on myself! I think that might just work, to make it look closer to how I wanted it to look. That will cost me some time and labor, but might just be the best way to fix this situation! Probably have to have the entire bumper repainted afer the refab, but oh well, might be a better paint job than the one I got from him! I'm not saying the quality of this bumper was bad, I am just not happy paying $856.00, and not being able to install this bumper yet! At this point in my dealing with KenMtnAc, I am not a happy camper, and I would hold off doing any business with them till I see how this plays out! Has anybody else had any problems with them? I'll keep you guy's posted almost daily!

Burt4x4 07-01-2009 10:26 AM

Re: Custom bumpers
All I remember is it took over 7weeks to get it and when mounted to my K5 it mounted too close for my winch too fit without cutting the grill. So I had to modefy the mounting plates. At this same time I rember another K5er that bought one and he bent the winch mounting plate while winching at an angle so that is why I added two gussets to the underside of the winch mounting plate.
Good Luck DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

swyfor5 07-01-2009 03:08 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
Thank's, I think I will need it. We'll see if he answers my last e-mail. He said he would be back on 7-2-09, so that's tomorrow. I guess if he won't do anything, I 'll just do it myself. Yes, I am planning on following your example, and bracing it good, "thank's for all the good pic's" by the way. I figured there would be more KMTN bumpers out there, but so far only yours? Think maybe I'll post up a couple threads on the other forums and see if I get any feedback. Just wanna hear I'm not the only one to get screwed by this guy.

Burt4x4 07-01-2009 04:51 PM

Re: Custom bumpers
loooooooong time ago over at there were atleast two other rigs that bought from them, one of them was Steve, the owner of CK5..I think he had the rear swing out tire carrier..not first gen trucks but K5s. been too long to remember the issues with KMA...waiting for ever is all I can remeber people *****ing about. Post up the the Garage over there and ask. I think the Garage fourm is free, the rest you gotta pay..

bigbadchev72 07-01-2009 08:35 PM

Re: Custom bumpers

Originally Posted by swyfor5 (Post 3390414)
I guess if he won't do anything, I 'll just do it myself.

Please dont take this like a whooped dog, You still have options and have paid out alot of money on abumper that YOU wanted. He is basicly trying to say No this is what your getting even if you paid for something you wanted.

I would definately file a complaint with the cc company and make him refund you money for the hassle that you are gonna have to go through to make it what you wanted in the first place.

If you dont take a stand and MAKE him do the right thing, He will have no consequences and just keep doing it to the next guy and so on

vtblazer 07-02-2009 06:19 AM

Re: Custom bumpers
So just to clarify, you ordered the "customized stage 2 wincher", with the option's shown, correct?
They say it's modified for that particular customer.
(maybe that's where some of the confusion set in)

This pic is directly from their web site.
I couldn't even find a pic of the one they sent you on their site...:crazy:

At this point, I'm kinda leaning towards bigbad's angle, make the guy provide you with what you ordered. :sumo:

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